public function __invoke(ValidationContext $context)
     return [Node::FIELD => function (Field $fieldAST) use($context) {
         $fieldDef = $context->getFieldDef();
         if (!$fieldDef) {
             return Visitor::skipNode();
         $errors = [];
         $argASTs = $fieldAST->arguments ?: [];
         $argASTMap = Utils::keyMap($argASTs, function (Argument $arg) {
             return $arg->name->value;
         foreach ($fieldDef->args as $argDef) {
             $argAST = isset($argASTMap[$argDef->name]) ? $argASTMap[$argDef->name] : null;
             if (!$argAST && $argDef->getType() instanceof NonNull) {
                 $errors[] = new Error(Messages::missingArgMessage($fieldAST->name->value, $argDef->name, $argDef->getType()), [$fieldAST]);
         $argDefMap = Utils::keyMap($fieldDef->args, function ($def) {
             return $def->name;
         foreach ($argASTs as $argAST) {
             $argDef = $argDefMap[$argAST->name->value];
             if ($argDef && !DocumentValidator::isValidLiteralValue($argAST->value, $argDef->getType())) {
                 $errors[] = new Error(Messages::badValueMessage($argAST->name->value, $argDef->getType(), Printer::doPrint($argAST->value)), [$argAST->value]);
         return !empty($errors) ? $errors : null;
 public function __invoke(ValidationContext $context)
     return [Node::ARGUMENT => function (Argument $argAST) use($context) {
         $argDef = $context->getArgument();
         if ($argDef && !DocumentValidator::isValidLiteralValue($argAST->value, $argDef->getType())) {
             return new Error(self::badValueMessage($argAST->name->value, $argDef->getType(), Printer::doPrint($argAST->value)), [$argAST->value]);
Esempio n. 3
 public static function doPrint($ast)
     return Visitor::visit($ast, array('leave' => array(Node::NAME => function ($node) {
         return $node->value . '';
     }, Node::VARIABLE => function ($node) {
         return '$' . $node->name;
     }, Node::DOCUMENT => function (Document $node) {
         return self::join($node->definitions, "\n\n") . "\n";
     }, Node::OPERATION_DEFINITION => function (OperationDefinition $node) {
         $op = $node->operation;
         $name = $node->name;
         $defs = Printer::manyList('(', $node->variableDefinitions, ', ', ')');
         $directives = self::join($node->directives, ' ');
         $selectionSet = $node->selectionSet;
         return !$name ? $selectionSet : self::join([$op, self::join([$name, $defs]), $directives, $selectionSet], ' ');
     }, Node::VARIABLE_DEFINITION => function (VariableDefinition $node) {
         return self::join([$node->variable . ': ' . $node->type, $node->defaultValue], ' = ');
     }, Node::SELECTION_SET => function (SelectionSet $node) {
         return self::blockList($node->selections, ",\n");
     }, Node::FIELD => function (Field $node) {
         $r11 = self::join([$node->alias, $node->name], ': ');
         $r1 = self::join([$r11, self::manyList('(', $node->arguments, ', ', ')')]);
         $r2 = self::join($node->directives, ' ');
         return self::join([$r1, $r2, $node->selectionSet], ' ');
     }, Node::ARGUMENT => function (Argument $node) {
         return $node->name . ': ' . $node->value;
     }, Node::FRAGMENT_SPREAD => function (FragmentSpread $node) {
         return self::join(['...' . $node->name, self::join($node->directives, '')], ' ');
     }, Node::INLINE_FRAGMENT => function (InlineFragment $node) {
         return self::join(['... on', $node->typeCondition, self::join($node->directives, ' '), $node->selectionSet], ' ');
     }, Node::FRAGMENT_DEFINITION => function (FragmentDefinition $node) {
         return self::join(['fragment', $node->name, 'on', $node->typeCondition, self::join($node->directives, ' '), $node->selectionSet], ' ');
     }, Node::INT => function (IntValue $node) {
         return $node->value;
     }, Node::FLOAT => function (FloatValue $node) {
         return $node->value;
     }, Node::STRING => function (StringValue $node) {
         return json_encode($node->value);
     }, Node::BOOLEAN => function (BooleanValue $node) {
         return $node->value ? 'true' : 'false';
     }, Node::ENUM => function (EnumValue $node) {
         return $node->value;
     }, Node::ARR => function (ArrayValue $node) {
         return '[' . self::join($node->values, ', ') . ']';
     }, Node::OBJECT => function (ObjectValue $node) {
         return '{' . self::join($node->fields, ', ') . '}';
     }, Node::OBJECT_FIELD => function (ObjectField $node) {
         return $node->name . ': ' . $node->value;
     }, Node::DIRECTIVE => function (Directive $node) {
         return self::join(['@' . $node->name, $node->value], ': ');
     }, Node::LIST_TYPE => function (ListType $node) {
         return '[' . $node->type . ']';
     }, Node::NON_NULL_TYPE => function (NonNullType $node) {
         return $node->type . '!';
 public function __invoke(ValidationContext $context)
     return [NodeKind::VARIABLE_DEFINITION => function (VariableDefinitionNode $node) use($context) {
         $type = Utils\TypeInfo::typeFromAST($context->getSchema(), $node->type);
         // If the variable type is not an input type, return an error.
         if ($type && !Type::isInputType($type)) {
             $variableName = $node->variable->name->value;
             $context->reportError(new Error(self::nonInputTypeOnVarMessage($variableName, Printer::doPrint($node->type)), [$node->type]));
 public function __invoke(ValidationContext $context)
     return [Node::VARIABLE_DEFINITION => function (VariableDefinition $node) use($context) {
         $typeName = $this->getTypeASTName($node->type);
         $type = $context->getSchema()->getType($typeName);
         if (!$type instanceof InputType) {
             $variableName = $node->variable->name->value;
             return new Error(Messages::nonInputTypeOnVarMessage($variableName, Printer::doPrint($node->type)), [$node->type]);
Esempio n. 6
 public function __invoke(ValidationContext $context)
     return [Node::ARGUMENT => function (Argument $argAST) use($context) {
         $argDef = $context->getArgument();
         if ($argDef) {
             $errors = DocumentValidator::isValidLiteralValue($argDef->getType(), $argAST->value);
             if (!empty($errors)) {
                 $context->reportError(new Error(self::badValueMessage($argAST->name->value, $argDef->getType(), Printer::doPrint($argAST->value), $errors), [$argAST->value]));
         return Visitor::skipNode();
 public function __invoke(ValidationContext $context)
     return [Node::INLINE_FRAGMENT => function (InlineFragment $node) use($context) {
         $type = $context->getType();
         if ($node->typeCondition && $type && !Type::isCompositeType($type)) {
             $context->reportError(new Error(static::inlineFragmentOnNonCompositeErrorMessage($type), [$node->typeCondition]));
     }, Node::FRAGMENT_DEFINITION => function (FragmentDefinition $node) use($context) {
         $type = $context->getType();
         if ($type && !Type::isCompositeType($type)) {
             $context->reportError(new Error(static::fragmentOnNonCompositeErrorMessage($node->name->value, Printer::doPrint($node->typeCondition)), [$node->typeCondition]));
Esempio n. 8
    public function testPrintsKitchenSink()
        $kitchenSink = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/kitchen-sink.graphql');
        $ast = Parser::parse($kitchenSink);
        $printed = Printer::doPrint($ast);
        $expected = <<<'EOT'
query queryName($foo: ComplexType, $site: Site = MOBILE) {
  whoever123is: node(id: [123, 456]) {
    ... on User @defer {
      field2 {
        alias: field1(first: 10, after: $foo) @if: $foo {

mutation likeStory {
  like(story: 123) @defer {
    story {

fragment frag on Friend {
  foo(size: $size, bar: $b, obj: {key: "value"})

  unnamed(truthy: true, falsey: false),

        $this->assertEquals($expected, $printed);
 public function __invoke(ValidationContext $context)
     return [Node::VARIABLE_DEFINITION => function (VariableDefinition $varDefAST) use($context) {
         $name = $varDefAST->variable->name->value;
         $defaultValue = $varDefAST->defaultValue;
         $type = $context->getInputType();
         if ($type instanceof NonNull && $defaultValue) {
             $context->reportError(new Error(static::defaultForNonNullArgMessage($name, $type, $type->getWrappedType()), [$defaultValue]));
         if ($type && $defaultValue) {
             $errors = DocumentValidator::isValidLiteralValue($type, $defaultValue);
             if (!empty($errors)) {
                 $context->reportError(new Error(static::badValueForDefaultArgMessage($name, $type, Printer::doPrint($defaultValue), $errors), [$defaultValue]));
         return Visitor::skipNode();
     }, Node::SELECTION_SET => function () {
         return Visitor::skipNode();
     }, Node::FRAGMENT_DEFINITION => function () {
         return Visitor::skipNode();
Esempio n. 10
  * Utility for validators which determines if a value literal AST is valid given
  * an input type.
  * Note that this only validates literal values, variables are assumed to
  * provide values of the correct type.
  * @return array
 public static function isValidLiteralValue(Type $type, $valueNode)
     // A value must be provided if the type is non-null.
     if ($type instanceof NonNull) {
         if (!$valueNode || $valueNode instanceof NullValueNode) {
             return ['Expected "' . Utils::printSafe($type) . '", found null.'];
         return static::isValidLiteralValue($type->getWrappedType(), $valueNode);
     if (!$valueNode || $valueNode instanceof NullValueNode) {
         return [];
     // This function only tests literals, and assumes variables will provide
     // values of the correct type.
     if ($valueNode instanceof VariableNode) {
         return [];
     // Lists accept a non-list value as a list of one.
     if ($type instanceof ListOfType) {
         $itemType = $type->getWrappedType();
         if ($valueNode instanceof ListValueNode) {
             $errors = [];
             foreach ($valueNode->values as $index => $itemNode) {
                 $tmp = static::isValidLiteralValue($itemType, $itemNode);
                 if ($tmp) {
                     $errors = array_merge($errors, Utils::map($tmp, function ($error) use($index) {
                         return "In element #{$index}: {$error}";
             return $errors;
         } else {
             return static::isValidLiteralValue($itemType, $valueNode);
     // Input objects check each defined field and look for undefined fields.
     if ($type instanceof InputObjectType) {
         if ($valueNode->kind !== NodeKind::OBJECT) {
             return ["Expected \"{$type->name}\", found not an object."];
         $fields = $type->getFields();
         $errors = [];
         // Ensure every provided field is defined.
         $fieldNodes = $valueNode->fields;
         foreach ($fieldNodes as $providedFieldNode) {
             if (empty($fields[$providedFieldNode->name->value])) {
                 $errors[] = "In field \"{$providedFieldNode->name->value}\": Unknown field.";
         // Ensure every defined field is valid.
         $fieldNodeMap = Utils::keyMap($fieldNodes, function ($fieldNode) {
             return $fieldNode->name->value;
         foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $field) {
             $result = static::isValidLiteralValue($field->getType(), isset($fieldNodeMap[$fieldName]) ? $fieldNodeMap[$fieldName]->value : null);
             if ($result) {
                 $errors = array_merge($errors, Utils::map($result, function ($error) use($fieldName) {
                     return "In field \"{$fieldName}\": {$error}";
         return $errors;
     if ($type instanceof LeafType) {
         // Scalar/Enum input checks to ensure the type can parse the value to
         // a non-null value.
         $parseResult = $type->parseLiteral($valueNode);
         if (null === $parseResult) {
             $printed = Printer::doPrint($valueNode);
             return ["Expected type \"{$type->name}\", found {$printed}."];
         return [];
     throw new InvariantViolation('Must be input type');
Esempio n. 11
  * Given a variable definition, and any value of input, return a value which
  * adheres to the variable definition, or throw an error.
 private static function getVariableValue(Schema $schema, VariableDefinition $definitionAST, $input)
     $type = Utils\TypeInfo::typeFromAST($schema, $definitionAST->type);
     $variable = $definitionAST->variable;
     if (!$type || !Type::isInputType($type)) {
         $printed = Printer::doPrint($definitionAST->type);
         throw new Error("Variable \"\${$variable->name->value}\" expected value of type " . "\"{$printed}\" which cannot be used as an input type.", [$definitionAST]);
     if (self::isValidValue($input, $type)) {
         if (null === $input) {
             $defaultValue = $definitionAST->defaultValue;
             if ($defaultValue) {
                 return self::valueFromAST($defaultValue, $type);
         return self::coerceValue($type, $input);
     throw new Error("Variable \${$definitionAST->variable->name->value} expected value of type " . Printer::doPrint($definitionAST->type) . " but got: " . json_encode($input) . '.', [$definitionAST]);
Esempio n. 12
  * Prepares an object map of argument values given a list of argument
  * definitions and list of argument AST nodes.
  * @param FieldDefinition|Directive $def
  * @param FieldNode|\GraphQL\Language\AST\DirectiveNode $node
  * @param $variableValues
  * @return array
  * @throws Error
 public static function getArgumentValues($def, $node, $variableValues)
     $argDefs = $def->args;
     $argNodes = $node->arguments;
     if (!$argDefs || null === $argNodes) {
         return [];
     $coercedValues = [];
     $undefined = Utils::undefined();
     /** @var ArgumentNode[] $argNodeMap */
     $argNodeMap = $argNodes ? Utils::keyMap($argNodes, function (ArgumentNode $arg) {
         return $arg->name->value;
     }) : [];
     foreach ($argDefs as $argDef) {
         $name = $argDef->name;
         $argType = $argDef->getType();
         $argumentNode = isset($argNodeMap[$name]) ? $argNodeMap[$name] : null;
         if (!$argumentNode) {
             if ($argDef->defaultValueExists()) {
                 $coercedValues[$name] = $argDef->defaultValue;
             } else {
                 if ($argType instanceof NonNull) {
                     throw new Error('Argument "' . $name . '" of required type ' . '"' . Utils::printSafe($argType) . '" was not provided.', [$node]);
         } else {
             if ($argumentNode->value instanceof VariableNode) {
                 $variableName = $argumentNode->value->name->value;
                 if ($variableValues && array_key_exists($variableName, $variableValues)) {
                     // Note: this does not check that this variable value is correct.
                     // This assumes that this query has been validated and the variable
                     // usage here is of the correct type.
                     $coercedValues[$name] = $variableValues[$variableName];
                 } else {
                     if ($argDef->defaultValueExists()) {
                         $coercedValues[$name] = $argDef->defaultValue;
                     } else {
                         if ($argType instanceof NonNull) {
                             throw new Error('Argument "' . $name . '" of required type "' . Utils::printSafe($argType) . '" was ' . 'provided the variable "$' . $variableName . '" which was not provided ' . 'a runtime value.', [$argumentNode->value]);
             } else {
                 $valueNode = $argumentNode->value;
                 $coercedValue = Utils\AST::valueFromAST($valueNode, $argType, $variableValues);
                 if ($coercedValue === $undefined) {
                     $errors = DocumentValidator::isValidLiteralValue($argType, $valueNode);
                     $message = !empty($errors) ? "\n" . implode("\n", $errors) : '';
                     throw new Error('Argument "' . $name . '" got invalid value ' . Printer::doPrint($valueNode) . '.' . $message, [$argumentNode->value]);
                 $coercedValues[$name] = $coercedValue;
     return $coercedValues;
Esempio n. 13
 public static function _inputValue()
     if (!isset(self::$map['__InputValue'])) {
         self::$map['__InputValue'] = new ObjectType(['name' => '__InputValue', 'description' => 'Arguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an ' . 'InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type ' . 'and optionally a default value.', 'fields' => function () {
             return ['name' => ['type' => Type::nonNull(Type::string())], 'description' => ['type' => Type::string()], 'type' => ['type' => Type::nonNull(self::_type()), 'resolve' => function ($value) {
                 return method_exists($value, 'getType') ? $value->getType() : $value->type;
             }], 'defaultValue' => ['type' => Type::string(), 'resolve' => function ($inputValue) {
                 return $inputValue->defaultValue === null ? null : Printer::doPrint(AST::astFromValue($inputValue->defaultValue, $inputValue->getType()));
     return self::$map['__InputValue'];
Esempio n. 14
     * @it prints kitchen sink
    public function testPrintsKitchenSink()
        $kitchenSink = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/kitchen-sink.graphql');
        $ast = Parser::parse($kitchenSink);
        $printed = Printer::doPrint($ast);
        $expected = <<<'EOT'
query queryName($foo: ComplexType, $site: Site = MOBILE) {
  whoever123is: node(id: [123, 456]) {
    ... on User @defer {
      field2 {
        alias: field1(first: 10, after: $foo) @include(if: $foo) {
    ... @skip(unless: $foo) {
    ... {

mutation likeStory {
  like(story: 123) @defer {
    story {

subscription StoryLikeSubscription($input: StoryLikeSubscribeInput) {
  storyLikeSubscribe(input: $input) {
    story {
      likers {
      likeSentence {

fragment frag on Friend {
  foo(size: $size, bar: $b, obj: {key: "value"})

  unnamed(truthy: true, falsey: false)

        $this->assertEquals($expected, $printed);
Esempio n. 15
  * Given a variable definition, and any value of input, return a value which
  * adheres to the variable definition, or throw an error.
 private static function getVariableValue(Schema $schema, VariableDefinition $definitionAST, $input)
     $type = Utils\TypeInfo::typeFromAST($schema, $definitionAST->type);
     if (!$type) {
         return null;
     if (self::isValidValue($type, $input)) {
         if (null === $input) {
             $defaultValue = $definitionAST->defaultValue;
             if ($defaultValue) {
                 return self::coerceValueAST($type, $defaultValue);
         return self::coerceValue($type, $input);
     throw new Error("Variable \${$definitionAST->variable->name->value} expected value of type " . Printer::doPrint($definitionAST->type) . " but got: " . json_encode($input) . '.', [$definitionAST]);
Esempio n. 16
    public function testPrintsKitchenSink()
        $kitchenSink = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/schema-kitchen-sink.graphql');
        $ast = Parser::parse($kitchenSink);
        $printed = Printer::doPrint($ast);
        $expected = 'schema {
  query: QueryType
  mutation: MutationType

type Foo implements Bar {
  one: Type
  two(argument: InputType!): Type
  three(argument: InputType, other: String): Int
  four(argument: String = "string"): String
  five(argument: [String] = ["string", "string"]): String
  six(argument: InputType = {key: "value"}): Type

type AnnotatedObject @onObject(arg: "value") {
  annotatedField(arg: Type = "default" @onArg): Type @onField

interface Bar {
  one: Type
  four(argument: String = "string"): String

interface AnnotatedInterface @onInterface {
  annotatedField(arg: Type @onArg): Type @onField

union Feed = Story | Article | Advert

union AnnotatedUnion @onUnion = A | B

scalar CustomScalar

scalar AnnotatedScalar @onScalar

enum Site {

enum AnnotatedEnum @onEnum {

input InputType {
  key: String!
  answer: Int = 42

input AnnotatedInput @onInputObjectType {
  annotatedField: Type @onField

extend type Foo {
  seven(argument: [String]): Type

extend type Foo @onType {}

type NoFields {}

directive @skip(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT

directive @include(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $printed);
Esempio n. 17
  * @it maintains type info during edit
 public function testMaintainsTypeInfoDuringEdit()
     $visited = [];
     $typeInfo = new TypeInfo(TestCase::getDefaultSchema());
     $ast = Parser::parse('{ human(id: 4) { name, pets }, alien }');
     $editedAst = Visitor::visit($ast, Visitor::visitWithTypeInfo($typeInfo, ['enter' => function ($node) use($typeInfo, &$visited) {
         $parentType = $typeInfo->getParentType();
         $type = $typeInfo->getType();
         $inputType = $typeInfo->getInputType();
         $visited[] = ['enter', $node->kind, $node->kind === 'Name' ? $node->value : null, $parentType ? (string) $parentType : null, $type ? (string) $type : null, $inputType ? (string) $inputType : null];
         // Make a query valid by adding missing selection sets.
         if ($node->kind === 'Field' && !$node->selectionSet && Type::isCompositeType(Type::getNamedType($type))) {
             return new FieldNode(['alias' => $node->alias, 'name' => $node->name, 'arguments' => $node->arguments, 'directives' => $node->directives, 'selectionSet' => new SelectionSetNode(['kind' => 'SelectionSet', 'selections' => [new FieldNode(['name' => new NameNode(['value' => '__typename'])])]])]);
     }, 'leave' => function ($node) use($typeInfo, &$visited) {
         $parentType = $typeInfo->getParentType();
         $type = $typeInfo->getType();
         $inputType = $typeInfo->getInputType();
         $visited[] = ['leave', $node->kind, $node->kind === 'Name' ? $node->value : null, $parentType ? (string) $parentType : null, $type ? (string) $type : null, $inputType ? (string) $inputType : null];
     $this->assertEquals(Printer::doPrint(Parser::parse('{ human(id: 4) { name, pets }, alien }')), Printer::doPrint($ast));
     $this->assertEquals(Printer::doPrint(Parser::parse('{ human(id: 4) { name, pets { __typename } }, alien { __typename } }')), Printer::doPrint($editedAst));
     $this->assertEquals([['enter', 'Document', null, null, null, null], ['enter', 'OperationDefinition', null, null, 'QueryRoot', null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null, 'QueryRoot', 'QueryRoot', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'human', 'QueryRoot', 'Human', null], ['leave', 'Name', 'human', 'QueryRoot', 'Human', null], ['enter', 'Argument', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['enter', 'Name', 'id', 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['leave', 'Name', 'id', 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['enter', 'IntValue', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['leave', 'IntValue', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['leave', 'Argument', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Human', 'Human', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'Human', 'String', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Human', 'String', null], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Human', 'String', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'Human', 'String', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'Human', '[Pet]', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'pets', 'Human', '[Pet]', null], ['leave', 'Name', 'pets', 'Human', '[Pet]', null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Pet', '[Pet]', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'Pet', 'String!', null], ['enter', 'Name', '__typename', 'Pet', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'Name', '__typename', 'Pet', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'Pet', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Pet', '[Pet]', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'Human', '[Pet]', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Human', 'Human', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Alien', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'alien', 'QueryRoot', 'Alien', null], ['leave', 'Name', 'alien', 'QueryRoot', 'Alien', null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Alien', 'Alien', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'Alien', 'String!', null], ['enter', 'Name', '__typename', 'Alien', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'Name', '__typename', 'Alien', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'Alien', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Alien', 'Alien', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Alien', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null, 'QueryRoot', 'QueryRoot', null], ['leave', 'OperationDefinition', null, null, 'QueryRoot', null], ['leave', 'Document', null, null, null, null]], $visited);
 private function sameValue($value1, $value2)
     return !$value1 && !$value2 || Printer::doPrint($value1) === Printer::doPrint($value2);
Esempio n. 19
  * Given a variable definition, and any value of input, return a value which
  * adheres to the variable definition, or throw an error.
 private static function getVariableValue(Schema $schema, VariableDefinition $definitionAST, $input)
     $type = Utils\TypeInfo::typeFromAST($schema, $definitionAST->type);
     $variable = $definitionAST->variable;
     if (!$type || !Type::isInputType($type)) {
         $printed = Printer::doPrint($definitionAST->type);
         throw new Error("Variable \"\${$variable->name->value}\" expected value of type " . "\"{$printed}\" which cannot be used as an input type.", [$definitionAST]);
     $inputType = $type;
     $errors = self::isValidPHPValue($input, $inputType);
     if (empty($errors)) {
         if (null === $input) {
             $defaultValue = $definitionAST->defaultValue;
             if ($defaultValue) {
                 return Utils\AST::valueFromAST($defaultValue, $inputType);
         return self::coerceValue($inputType, $input);
     if (null === $input) {
         $printed = Printer::doPrint($definitionAST->type);
         throw new Error("Variable \"\${$variable->name->value}\" of required type " . "\"{$printed}\" was not provided.", [$definitionAST]);
     $message = $errors ? "\n" . implode("\n", $errors) : '';
     $val = json_encode($input);
     throw new Error("Variable \"\${$variable->name->value}\" got invalid value " . "{$val}.{$message}", [$definitionAST]);