function xml() { global $gp_menu; header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8'); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; echo '<urlset xmlns="">'; foreach ($gp_menu as $key => $info) { $title = \gp\tool::IndexToTitle($key); if (isset($info['level'])) { echo "\n"; echo '<url>'; echo '<loc>'; echo isset($info['url']) ? $info['url'] : 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . \gp\tool::GetUrl($title); echo '</loc>'; echo '</url>'; } } echo '</urlset>'; die; }
/** * Include the content of a page or gadget as specified in $data * @param array $data * @param string The included content */ static function IncludeContent($data) { global $langmessage, $gp_index; if (isset($data['index'])) { $requested = \gp\tool::IndexToTitle($data['index']); } else { $requested = $data['content']; } if (empty($requested)) { return '<p>' . $langmessage['File Include'] . '</p>'; } if (self::$title == $requested) { if (\gp\tool::LoggedIn()) { msg('Infinite loop detected: ' . htmlspecialchars($requested)); } return; } if (isset($data['include_type'])) { $type = $data['include_type']; } else { $type = \gp\tool::SpecialOrAdmin($requested); } switch ($type) { case 'gadget': return self::IncludeGadget($requested); case 'special': return self::IncludeSpecial($requested); default: return self::IncludePage($requested); } }
/** * Start the link attributes array * */ protected function MenuAttributesA() { global $gp_titles; $attributes = array('href' => '', 'attr' => '', 'value' => '', 'title' => '', 'class' => array()); //external if (isset($this->curr_info['url'])) { if (empty($this->curr_info['title_attr'])) { $this->curr_info['title_attr'] = strip_tags($this->curr_info['label']); } $attributes['href'] = $this->curr_info['url']; $attributes['value'] = $this->curr_info['label']; $attributes['title'] = $this->curr_info['title_attr']; if (isset($this->curr_info['new_win'])) { $attributes['target'] = '_blank'; } //internal link } else { $title = \gp\tool::IndexToTitle($this->curr_key); $attributes['href'] = \gp\tool::GetUrl($title); $attributes['value'] = \gp\tool::GetLabel($title); $attributes['title'] = \gp\tool::GetBrowserTitle($title); //get valid rel attr if (!empty($gp_titles[$this->curr_key]['rel'])) { $rel = explode(',', $gp_titles[$this->curr_key]['rel']); $attributes['rel'] = array_intersect(array('alternate', 'author', 'bookmark', 'help', 'icon', 'license', 'next', 'nofollow', 'noreferrer', 'prefetch', 'prev', 'search', 'stylesheet', 'tag'), $rel); } } return $attributes; }
/** * Save the posted page as the homepage * */ public function HomepageSave() { global $langmessage, $config, $gp_index, $gp_titles; $homepage = $_POST['homepage']; $homepage_key = false; if (isset($gp_index[$homepage])) { $homepage_key = $gp_index[$homepage]; } else { foreach ($gp_titles as $index => $title) { if ($title['label'] === $homepage) { $homepage_key = $index; break; } } if (!$homepage_key) { msg($langmessage['OOPS']); return; } } $config['homepath_key'] = $homepage_key; $config['homepath'] = \gp\tool::IndexToTitle($config['homepath_key']); if (!\gp\admin\Tools::SaveConfig(true)) { return; } //update the display ob_start(); $this->HomepageDisplay(); $content = ob_get_clean(); $this->page->ajaxReplace[] = array('inner', '.homepage_setting', $content); }
/** * Display form in popup for renaming page given by $index * */ public static function RenameForm() { global $langmessage, $page, $gp_index, $gp_titles, $config; $index = $_REQUEST['index']; if (!isset($gp_titles[$index])) { msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Invalid Request)'); return; } $action = \gp\tool::GetUrl($page->requested); $label = \gp\tool::GetLabelIndex($index); $title = \gp\tool::IndexToTitle($index); $title_info = $gp_titles[$index]; $title_info += array('browser_title' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'description' => '', 'rel' => ''); if (empty($_REQUEST['new_title'])) { $new_title = \gp\tool::LabelSpecialChars($label); } else { $new_title = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['new_title']); } $new_title = str_replace('_', ' ', $new_title); ob_start(); echo '<div class="inline_box">'; echo '<form action="' . $action . '" method="post" id="gp_rename_form">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="title" id="old_title" value="' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" id="gp_space_char" value="' . htmlspecialchars($config['space_char']) . '" />'; echo '<h2>' . $langmessage['rename/details'] . '</h2>'; echo '<table class="bordered full_width" id="gp_rename_table">'; echo '<thead>'; echo '<tr><th colspan="2">'; echo $langmessage['options']; echo '</th></tr>'; echo '</thead>'; echo '<tbody>'; //label self::FormLabel('label'); echo '<input type="text" class="title_label gpinput" name="new_label" maxlength="100" size="50" value="' . $new_title . '" />'; echo '</td></tr>'; //slug (title) $attr = ''; $class = 'new_title'; if ($title == \gp\admin\Tools::LabelToSlug($label)) { $attr = 'disabled="disabled" '; $class .= ' sync_label'; } self::FormLabel('Slug/URL'); echo '<input type="text" class="' . $class . ' gpinput" name="new_title" maxlength="100" size="50" value="' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '" ' . $attr . '/>'; self::ToggleSync($attr); echo '</td></tr>'; //browser title defaults to label $attr = ''; $class = 'browser_title'; $browser_title = $title_info['browser_title']; self::FormLabel('browser_title', $title_info['browser_title']); if (empty($title_info['browser_title'])) { $browser_title = htmlspecialchars($label); $attr = 'disabled="disabled" '; $class .= ' sync_label'; } echo '<input type="text" class="' . $class . ' gpinput" size="50" name="browser_title" value="' . $browser_title . '" ' . $attr . '/>'; self::ToggleSync($attr); echo '</td></tr>'; //meta keywords self::FormLabel('keywords', $title_info['keywords']); echo '<input type="text" class="gpinput" size="50" name="keywords" value="' . $title_info['keywords'] . '" />'; echo '</td></tr>'; //meta description self::FormLabel('description', $title_info['description']); $count_label = sprintf($langmessage['_characters'], '<span>' . strlen($title_info['description']) . '</span>'); echo '<span class="show_character_count gptextarea">'; echo '<textarea rows="2" cols="50" name="description">' . $title_info['description'] . '</textarea>'; echo '<span class="character_count">' . $count_label . '</span>'; echo '</span>'; echo '</td></tr>'; //robots self::FormLabel('robots', $title_info['rel']); echo '<label>'; $checked = strpos($title_info['rel'], 'nofollow') !== false ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="nofollow" value="nofollow" ' . $checked . '/> '; echo ' Nofollow '; echo '</label>'; echo '<label>'; $checked = strpos($title_info['rel'], 'noindex') !== false ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="noindex" value="noindex" ' . $checked . '/> '; echo ' Noindex'; echo '</label>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</tbody>'; echo '</table>'; //redirection echo '<p id="gp_rename_redirect" class="nodisplay">'; echo '<label>'; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="add_redirect" value="add" /> '; echo sprintf($langmessage['Auto Redirect'], '"' . $title . '"'); echo '</label>'; echo '</p>'; echo '<p>'; if (self::$hidden_rows) { echo ' <a data-cmd="showmore" >+ ' . $langmessage['more_options'] . '</a>'; } echo '</p>'; echo '<p>'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="RenameFile"/> '; echo '<input type="submit" name="" value="' . $langmessage['save_changes'] . '...' . '" class="gpsubmit" data-cmd="gppost"/>'; echo '<input type="button" class="admin_box_close gpcancel" name="" value="' . $langmessage['cancel'] . '" />'; echo '</p>'; echo '</form>'; echo '</div>'; $content = ob_get_clean(); $page->ajaxReplace = array(); $array = array(); $array[0] = 'admin_box_data'; $array[1] = ''; $array[2] = $content; $page->ajaxReplace[] = $array; //call renameprep function after admin_box $array = array(); $array[0] = 'renameprep'; $array[1] = ''; $array[2] = ''; $page->ajaxReplace[] = $array; }
/** * Add an addon's special links to the configuration * */ public function AddToConfig_Special($Special_Links) { global $gp_index, $gp_titles, $gp_menu, $langmessage; $lower_links = array_change_key_case($Special_Links, CASE_LOWER); //purge links no longer defined ... similar to PurgeExisting() foreach ($gp_index as $linkName => $index) { $linkInfo = $gp_titles[$index]; if (!isset($linkInfo['addon'])) { continue; } if ($linkInfo['addon'] !== $this->config_key) { continue; } if (isset($lower_links[$index])) { continue; } unset($gp_index[$linkName]); unset($gp_titles[$index]); if (isset($gp_menu[$index])) { unset($gp_menu[$index]); } } //prepare a list with all titles converted to lower case $lower_titles = array_keys($gp_index); $lower_titles = array_combine($lower_titles, $lower_titles); $lower_titles = array_change_key_case($lower_titles, CASE_LOWER); //add new links ... similar to AddToConfig() foreach ($Special_Links as $new_title => $linkInfo) { $index = strtolower($new_title); $title = \gp\tool::IndexToTitle($index); //if the title already exists, see if we need to update it if ($title) { $add_link = $this->CanAddLink($gp_titles[$index]); if (!$add_link) { $this->message(sprintf($langmessage['addon_key_defined'], ' <em>Special_Link: ' . $new_title . '</em>')); continue; } //this will overwrite things like label which are at times editable by users //$AddTo[$new_title] = $linkInfo + $AddTo[$new_title]; // if it doesn't exist, just add it } else { // we don't need the Special_ prefix, but we don't want duplicates $temp = $new_title = substr($new_title, 8); $temp_lower = $new_lower = strtolower($new_title); $i = 1; while (isset($lower_titles[$new_lower])) { $new_lower = $temp_lower . '_' . $i; $new_title = $temp . '_' . $i; $i++; } $gp_index[$new_title] = $index; $gp_titles[$index] = $linkInfo; } $this->UpdateLinkInfo($gp_titles[$index], $linkInfo); } }
/** * Show a menu entry if it's an internal page * */ public function ShowLevel_Title($menu_key, $menu_value, $layout_info) { $title = \gp\tool::IndexToTitle($menu_key); $data = $this->GetReplaceData($title, $layout_info, $menu_key, $menu_value); $label = \gp\tool::GetLabel($title); \gp\admin\Menu\Tools::MenuLink($data); echo \gp\tool::LabelSpecialChars($label); echo '</a>'; }
/** * Make sure the homepage has a value * */ public static function ResetHomepage() { global $config, $gp_menu, $gp_titles; if (!isset($gp_titles[$config['homepath_key']])) { $config['homepath_key'] = key($gp_menu); $config['homepath'] = \gp\tool::IndexToTitle($config['homepath_key']); } }
/** * Display current layout, list of available layouts and list of titles affected by the layout setting for $title * */ public function SelectLayout($url, $query_string) { global $gp_titles, $gpLayouts, $langmessage, $config, $gp_index; $index = $_REQUEST['index']; $title = \gp\tool::IndexToTitle($index); if (!$title) { echo $langmessage['OOPS']; return; } $this->title = $title; $Inherit_Info = \gp\admin\Menu\Tools::Inheritance_Info(); $curr_layout = \gp\admin\Menu\Tools::CurrentLayout($index); $curr_info = $gpLayouts[$curr_layout]; echo '<div class="inline_box">'; echo '<h3>'; echo $langmessage['current_layout'] . ': '; echo '<span class="layout_color_id" style="background-color:' . $curr_info['color'] . ';" title="' . $curr_info['color'] . '"></span> '; echo str_replace('_', ' ', $curr_info['label']); echo '</h3>'; if (!empty($gp_titles[$index]['gpLayout'])) { echo '<p>'; if (isset($Inherit_Info[$index]['parent_layout'])) { $parent_layout = $Inherit_Info[$index]['parent_layout']; } else { $parent_layout = $config['gpLayout']; } $parent_info = $gpLayouts[$parent_layout]; echo $langmessage['restore'] . ': '; $span = '<span class="layout_color_id" style="background-color:' . $parent_info['color'] . ';" title="' . $parent_info['color'] . '"></span> '; echo \gp\tool::Link($url, $span . $parent_info['label'], $query_string . 'cmd=restorelayout&index=' . urlencode($index), array('data-cmd' => 'postlink', 'title' => $langmessage['restore']), 'restore'); echo '</p>'; } echo '<table class="bordered full_width">'; echo '<tr><th>'; echo $langmessage['available_layouts']; echo '</th><th>'; echo $langmessage['theme']; echo '</th></tr>'; if (count($gpLayouts) < 2) { echo '<tr><td colspan="2">'; echo $langmessage['Empty']; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin_Theme_Content', $langmessage['new_layout']); echo '</div>'; return; } foreach ($gpLayouts as $layout => $info) { if ($layout == $curr_layout) { continue; } echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<span class="layout_color_id" style="background-color:' . $info['color'] . ';" title="' . $info['color'] . '">'; echo '</span> '; if ($layout != $curr_layout) { echo \gp\tool::Link($url, $info['label'], $query_string . 'cmd=uselayout&index=' . urlencode($index) . '&layout=' . urlencode($layout), array('data-cmd' => 'postlink'), 'use_' . $layout); } echo '</td><td>'; echo $info['theme']; echo '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; //show affected pages $affected = self::GetAffectedFiles($index); echo '<br/>'; echo '<table class="bordered full_width">'; echo '<tr><th>' . $langmessage['affected_files'] . '</th></tr></table>'; echo '<p class="sm">' . $langmessage['about_layout_change'] . '</p>'; echo '<p class="admin_note" style="width:35em">'; $label = \gp\tool::GetLabelIndex($index, false); echo \gp\tool::LabelSpecialChars($label); $i = 0; foreach ($affected as $affected_label) { $i++; echo ', ' . $affected_label; } echo '</p>'; echo '<p>'; echo ' <input type="submit" value="' . $langmessage['cancel'] . '" class="admin_box_close gpcancel" /> '; echo '</p>'; echo '<p class="admin_note">'; echo '<b>' . $langmessage['see_also'] . '</b> '; echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin_Theme_Content', $langmessage['layouts']); echo '</p>'; echo '</div>'; }
/** * Display a list of all the titles using the current layout * */ public function ShowTitles() { global $langmessage; //affected titles $titles_count = $this->TitlesCount($this->curr_layout); echo '<h2>' . $langmessage['titles_using_layout']; echo ': ' . $titles_count; echo '</h2>'; if ($titles_count > 0) { echo '<ul class="titles_using">'; foreach ($this->LayoutArray as $index => $layout_comparison) { if ($this->curr_layout == $layout_comparison) { $title = \gp\tool::IndexToTitle($index); if (empty($title)) { continue; //may be external link } echo "\n<li>"; $label = \gp\tool::GetLabel($title); $label = \gp\tool::LabelSpecialChars($label); echo \gp\tool::Link($title, $label); echo '</li>'; } } echo '</ul>'; echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; } }