  * @param \Protobuf\Compiler\Entity             $entity
  * @param \google\protobuf\FieldDescriptorProto $field
  * @return string[]
 protected function generateRequiredFieldException(Entity $entity, FieldDescriptorProto $field)
     $name = $field->getName();
     $label = $field->getLabel();
     $tag = $field->getNumber();
     $isRequired = $label === Label::LABEL_REQUIRED();
     if (!$isRequired) {
         return [];
     $class = $entity->getNamespacedName();
     $format = 'Field "%s#%s" (tag %s) is required but has no value.';
     $message = var_export(sprintf($format, $class, $name, $tag), true);
     $body[] = 'if ($this->' . $name . ' === null) {';
     $body[] = '    throw new \\UnexpectedValueException(' . $message . ');';
     $body[] = '}';
     $body[] = null;
     return $body;
  * @param \Protobuf\Compiler\Entity            $entity
  * @param google\protobuf\FieldDescriptorProto $field
  * @return \Zend\Code\Generator\GeneratorInterface
 protected function generateSetterMethod(Entity $entity, FieldDescriptorProto $field)
     $body = [];
     $fieldName = $field->getName();
     $fieldType = $field->getType();
     $fieldLabel = $field->getLabel();
     $typeHint = $this->getTypeHint($field);
     if ($fieldType === Type::TYPE_BYTES() && $fieldLabel !== Label::LABEL_REPEATED()) {
         $body[] = 'if ($value !== null && ! $value instanceof \\Protobuf\\Stream) {';
         $body[] = '    $value = \\Protobuf\\Stream::wrap($value);';
         $body[] = '}';
         $body[] = null;
         $typeHint = null;
     $body[] = '$this->' . $fieldName . ' = $value;';
     $methodName = $this->getAccessorName('set', $field);
     $method = MethodGenerator::fromArray(['name' => $methodName, 'body' => implode(PHP_EOL, $body), 'parameters' => [['name' => 'value', 'type' => $typeHint]], 'docblock' => ['shortDescription' => "Set '{$fieldName}' value", 'tags' => [['name' => 'param', 'description' => $this->getDocBlockType($field) . ' $value']]]]);
     if ($fieldLabel !== Label::LABEL_REQUIRED()) {
     return $method;
Esempio n. 3
 public static function isPacked(\google\protobuf\FieldDescriptorProto $field)
     return self::LABEL_REPEATED == $field->getLabel() && $field->getOptions()->getPacked();
  * @param \Protobuf\Compiler\Entity             $entity
  * @param \google\protobuf\FieldDescriptorProto $field
  * @return string[]
 public function generateFieldWriteStatement(Entity $entity, FieldDescriptorProto $field)
     $body = [];
     $name = $field->getName();
     $type = $field->getType();
     $rule = $field->getLabel();
     $tag = $field->getNumber();
     $options = $field->getOptions();
     $variable = $this->targetVar ?: '$this->' . $name;
     $isPack = $options ? $options->getPacked() : false;
     $wire = $isPack ? WireFormat::WIRE_LENGTH : WireFormat::getWireType($type->value(), null);
     $key = WireFormat::getFieldKey($tag, $wire);
     if ($rule === Label::LABEL_REPEATED() && $isPack) {
         $itemValSttm = $type === Type::TYPE_ENUM() ? '$val->value()' : '$val';
         $body[] = '$innerSize   = 0;';
         $body[] = '$calculator  = $sizeContext->getSizeCalculator();';
         $body[] = null;
         $body[] = 'foreach (' . $variable . ' as $val) {';
         $body[] = '    $innerSize += ' . $this->generateValueSizeStatement($type->value(), $itemValSttm) . ';';
         $body[] = '}';
         $body[] = null;
         $body[] = '$writer->writeVarint($stream, ' . $key . ');';
         $body[] = '$writer->writeVarint($stream, $innerSize);';
         $body[] = null;
         $body[] = 'foreach (' . $variable . ' as $val) {';
         $body[] = '    ' . $this->generateWriteScalarStatement($type->value(), $itemValSttm) . ';';
         $body[] = '}';
         return $body;
     if ($type === Type::TYPE_MESSAGE() && $rule === Label::LABEL_REPEATED()) {
         $body[] = 'foreach (' . $variable . ' as $val) {';
         $body[] = '    $writer->writeVarint($stream, ' . $key . ');';
         $body[] = '    $writer->writeVarint($stream, $val->serializedSize($sizeContext));';
         $body[] = '    $val->writeTo($context);';
         $body[] = '}';
         return $body;
     if ($type === Type::TYPE_ENUM() && $rule === LABEL::LABEL_REPEATED()) {
         $body[] = 'foreach (' . $variable . ' as $val) {';
         $body[] = '    $writer->writeVarint($stream, ' . $key . ');';
         $body[] = '    ' . $this->generateWriteScalarStatement($type->value(), '$val->value()') . ';';
         $body[] = '}';
         return $body;
     if ($rule === Label::LABEL_REPEATED()) {
         $body[] = 'foreach (' . $variable . ' as $val) {';
         $body[] = '    $writer->writeVarint($stream, ' . $key . ');';
         $body[] = '    ' . $this->generateWriteScalarStatement($type->value(), '$val') . ';';
         $body[] = '}';
         return $body;
     if ($type === Type::TYPE_ENUM()) {
         $body[] = sprintf('$writer->writeVarint($stream, %s);', $key);
         $body[] = $this->generateWriteScalarStatement($type->value(), $variable . '->value()') . ';';
         return $body;
     if ($type !== Type::TYPE_MESSAGE()) {
         $body[] = sprintf('$writer->writeVarint($stream, %s);', $key);
         $body[] = $this->generateWriteScalarStatement($type->value(), $variable) . ';';
         return $body;
     $body[] = '$writer->writeVarint($stream, ' . $key . ');';
     $body[] = '$writer->writeVarint($stream, ' . $variable . '->serializedSize($sizeContext));';
     $body[] = $variable . '->writeTo($context);';
     return $body;
 protected function generatePublicField(proto\FieldDescriptorProto $field, $ns, $indent)
     $cmt = $this->compiler->getComment($ns . '.' . $field->getNumber(), "{$indent} * ");
     if ($cmt) {
         $cmt = "\n" . $cmt . "\n{$indent} *";
     if ($field->getLabel() === Protobuf::RULE_REPEATED) {
         $s[] = "/** {$cmt} @var " . $this->getJavaDocType($field) . "[] " . ($cmt ? "\n{$indent}" : '') . " */";
         $s[] = 'public $' . $field->getName() . " = array();";
     } else {
         $s[] = "/** {$cmt} @var " . $this->getJavaDocType($field) . ($cmt ? "\n{$indent}" : '') . " */";
         $default = 'null';
         if ($field->hasDefaultValue()) {
             switch ($field->getType()) {
                 case Protobuf::TYPE_BOOL:
                     $bool = filter_var($field->getDefaultValue(), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
                     $default = $bool ? 'true' : 'false';
                 case Protobuf::TYPE_STRING:
                     $default = '"' . addcslashes($field->getDefaultValue(), '"\\') . '"';
                 case Protobuf::TYPE_ENUM:
                     $default = '\\' . $this->normalizeNS($field->getTypeName()) . '::' . $field->getDefaultValue();
                     // Numbers
                     $default = $field->getDefaultValue();
         $s[] = 'public $' . $field->getName() . ' = ' . $default . ';';
     $s[] = "";
     return $indent . implode(PHP_EOL . $indent, $s);
  * @param \Protobuf\Compiler\Entity             $entity
  * @param \google\protobuf\FieldDescriptorProto $field
  * @return string[]
 public function generateFieldReadStatement(Entity $entity, FieldDescriptorProto $field)
     $body = [];
     $reference = null;
     $type = $field->getType();
     $name = $field->getName();
     $rule = $field->getLabel();
     $tag = $field->getNumber();
     $options = $field->getOptions();
     $isPack = $options ? $options->getPacked() : false;
     $variable = $this->targetVar ?: '$this->' . $name;
     $breakSttm = $this->getBreakStatement($variable);
     if ($field->hasTypeName()) {
         $typeName = $field->getTypeName();
         $typeEntity = $this->getEntity($typeName);
         $reference = $typeEntity->getNamespacedName();
     if (!$isPack) {
         $body[] = sprintf('\\Protobuf\\WireFormat::assertWireType($wire, %s);', $type->value());
         $body[] = null;
     if ($rule === Label::LABEL_REPEATED() && $isPack) {
         $readSttm = $type === Type::TYPE_ENUM() ? $reference . '::valueOf(' . $this->generateReadScalarStatement($type->value()) . ')' : $this->generateReadScalarStatement($type->value());
         $body[] = '$innerSize  = $reader->readVarint($stream);';
         $body[] = '$innerLimit = $stream->tell() + $innerSize;';
         $body[] = null;
         $body[] = 'if (' . $variable . ' === null) {';
         $body[] = '    ' . $variable . ' = new ' . $this->getCollectionClassName($field) . '();';
         $body[] = '}';
         $body[] = null;
         $body[] = 'while ($stream->tell() < $innerLimit) {';
         $body[] = '    ' . $variable . '->add(' . $readSttm . ');';
         $body[] = '}';
         $body[] = null;
         $body[] = $breakSttm;
         return $body;
     if ($type === Type::TYPE_MESSAGE() && $rule === Label::LABEL_REPEATED()) {
         $body[] = '$innerSize    = $reader->readVarint($stream);';
         $body[] = '$innerMessage = new ' . $reference . '();';
         $body[] = null;
         $body[] = 'if (' . $variable . ' === null) {';
         $body[] = '    ' . $variable . ' = new \\Protobuf\\MessageCollection();';
         $body[] = '}';
         $body[] = null;
         $body[] = $variable . '->add($innerMessage);';
         $body[] = null;
         $body[] = '$context->setLength($innerSize);';
         $body[] = '$innerMessage->readFrom($context);';
         $body[] = '$context->setLength($length);';
         $body[] = null;
         $body[] = $breakSttm;
         return $body;
     if ($type === Type::TYPE_ENUM() && $rule === LABEL::LABEL_REPEATED()) {
         $body[] = 'if (' . $variable . ' === null) {';
         $body[] = '    ' . $variable . ' = new ' . $this->getCollectionClassName($field) . '();';
         $body[] = '}';
         $body[] = null;
         $body[] = $variable . '->add(' . $reference . '::valueOf(' . $this->generateReadScalarStatement($type->value()) . '));';
         $body[] = null;
         $body[] = $breakSttm;
         return $body;
     if ($type === Type::TYPE_MESSAGE()) {
         $body[] = '$innerSize    = $reader->readVarint($stream);';
         $body[] = '$innerMessage = new ' . $reference . '();';
         $body[] = null;
         $body[] = $variable . ' = $innerMessage;';
         $body[] = null;
         $body[] = '$context->setLength($innerSize);';
         $body[] = '$innerMessage->readFrom($context);';
         $body[] = '$context->setLength($length);';
         $body[] = null;
         $body[] = $breakSttm;
         return $body;
     if ($type === Type::TYPE_ENUM()) {
         $body[] = $variable . ' = ' . $reference . '::valueOf(' . $this->generateReadScalarStatement($type->value()) . ');';
         $body[] = null;
         $body[] = $breakSttm;
         return $body;
     if ($rule !== LABEL::LABEL_REPEATED()) {
         $body[] = $variable . ' = ' . $this->generateReadScalarStatement($type->value()) . ';';
         $body[] = null;
         $body[] = $breakSttm;
         return $body;
     $body[] = 'if (' . $variable . ' === null) {';
     $body[] = '    ' . $variable . ' = new ' . $this->getCollectionClassName($field) . '();';
     $body[] = '}';
     $body[] = null;
     $body[] = $variable . '->add(' . $this->generateReadScalarStatement($type->value()) . ');';
     $body[] = null;
     $body[] = $breakSttm;
     return $body;
  * Obtain the rule for the given field (repeated, optional, required).
  * @param \google\protobuf\FieldDescriptorProto $field
  * @return string
 protected function getFieldLabelName(FieldDescriptorProto $field)
     $label = $field->getLabel()->value();
     $name = Field::getLabelName($label);
     return $name ?: 'unknown';
Esempio n. 8
 public function generateField(proto\FieldDescriptorProto $field)
     $reference = 'null';
     if ($field->hasTypeName()) {
         $reference = $field->getTypeName();
         if (substr($reference, 0, 1) !== '.') {
             throw new \RuntimeException('Only fully qualified names are supported: ' . $reference);
         $reference = "'" . $this->normalizeNS($reference) . "'";
     $default = 'null';
     if ($field->hasDefaultValue()) {
         switch ($field->getType()) {
             case Protobuf::TYPE_BOOL:
                 $default = $field->getDefaultValue() ? 'true' : 'false';
             case Protobuf::TYPE_STRING:
                 $default = '"' . addcslashes($field->getDefaultValue(), '"\\') . '"';
             case Protobuf::TYPE_ENUM:
                 $default = $this->normalizeNS($field->getTypeName()) . '.' . $field->getDefaultValue();
                 // Numbers
                 $default = $field->getDefaultValue();
     $data = array("'" . $field->getName() . "'", $field->getLabel(), $field->getType(), $reference, $default, '{}');
     return '[' . implode(', ', $data) . ']';
  * @param \google\protobuf\FieldDescriptorProto $field
  * @return string[]
 protected function generateFieldBody(FieldDescriptorProto $field)
     $lines = [];
     $name = $field->getName();
     $number = $field->getNumber();
     $typeName = $field->getTypeName();
     $extendee = $field->getExtendee();
     $type = $field->getType()->name();
     $label = $field->getLabel()->name();
     $default = $this->getDefaultFieldValue($field);
     $values = ['number' => var_export($number, true), 'name' => var_export($name, true), 'type' => '\\google\\protobuf\\FieldDescriptorProto\\Type::' . $type . '()', 'label' => '\\google\\protobuf\\FieldDescriptorProto\\Label::' . $label . '()'];
     if ($extendee) {
         $values['extendee'] = var_export($extendee, true);
     if ($typeName) {
         $values['type_name'] = var_export($typeName, true);
     if ($field->hasDefaultValue()) {
         $values['default_value'] = $default;
     $lines[] = '\\google\\protobuf\\FieldDescriptorProto::fromArray([';
     $lines = array_merge($lines, $this->generateArrayLines($values));
     $lines[] = ']),';
     return $lines;