Esempio n. 1
 public static function inlinescripts()
     $t = \GO::config()->get_setting('login_screen_text_enabled');
     if (!empty($t)) {
         $login_screen_text = \GO::config()->get_setting('login_screen_text');
         $login_screen_text_title = \GO::config()->get_setting('login_screen_text_title');
         echo 'GO.mainLayout.on("login", function(mainLayout){mainLayout.msg("' . \GO\Base\Util\String::escape_javascript($login_screen_text_title) . '", "' . \GO\Base\Util\String::escape_javascript($login_screen_text) . '", 3600, 400);});';
Esempio n. 2

$GO_SCRIPTS_JS .= 'GO.addressbook.lang.defaultSalutationExpression="' . \GO\Base\Util\String::escape_javascript(\GO::t('defaultSalutation', 'addressbook')) . '";';
$export_acl_id = \GO::config()->get_setting('go_addressbook_export', 0);
if (!$export_acl_id) {
    $acl = new \GO\Base\Model\Acl();
    $acl->description = 'addressbook_export';
    $export_acl_id = $acl->id;
    \GO::config()->save_setting('go_addressbook_export', $acl->id, 0);
$GO_SCRIPTS_JS .= 'GO.addressbook.export_acl_id="' . $export_acl_id . '";';
$acl_level = \GO\Base\Model\Acl::getUserPermissionLevel($export_acl_id, \GO::user()->id);
$GO_SCRIPTS_JS .= 'GO.addressbook.exportPermission="' . ($acl_level ? 1 : 0) . '";';
if (\GO::modules()->customfields) {
    $GO_SCRIPTS_JS .= '

		name: "' . \GO\Addressbook\Model\Contact::model()->localizedName . '",
		panels: []
	};' . "\n";
    $stmt = \GO\Users\Model\CfSettingTab::model()->getSettingTabs();
    while ($category = $stmt->fetch()) {
        $fields = array();
        $fstmt = $category->fields();
        while ($field = $fstmt->fetch()) {
            $fields[] = $field->toJsonArray();
        // Makes global, client-side, editable form panels for every customfield category
        $GO_SCRIPTS_JS .= "\n\n" . 'GO.customfields.settingsPanels.panels.push({xtype : "customformpanel", itemId:"cf-panel-' . $category->id . '", category_id: ' . $category->id . ', title : "' . htmlspecialchars($category->name, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '", customfields : ' . json_encode($fields) . '});' . "\n";
Esempio n. 3
 public function actionView($params)
     //		Do not close session writing because SMIME stores the password in the session
     //		GO::session()->closeWriting();
     $params['no_max_body_size'] = !empty($params['no_max_body_size']) && $params['no_max_body_size'] !== 'false' ? true : false;
     $account = Account::model()->findByPk($params['account_id']);
     if (!$account) {
         throw new \GO\Base\Exception\NotFound();
     $imapMessage = \GO\Email\Model\ImapMessage::model()->findByUid($account, $params['mailbox'], $params['uid']);
     if (!$imapMessage) {
         throw new \GO\Base\Exception\NotFound();
     //workaround for gmail. It doesn't flag messages as seen automatically.
     //		if (!$imapMessage->seen && stripos($account->host, 'gmail') !== false)
     //			$imapMessage->getImapConnection()->set_message_flag(array($imapMessage->uid), "\Seen");
     if (!empty($params['create_temporary_attachments'])) {
     $plaintext = !empty($params['plaintext']);
     $response = $imapMessage->toOutputArray(!$plaintext, false, $params['no_max_body_size']);
     $response['uid'] = intval($params['uid']);
     $response['mailbox'] = $params['mailbox'];
     $response['account_id'] = intval($params['account_id']);
     $response['do_not_mark_as_read'] = $account->do_not_mark_as_read;
     if (!$plaintext) {
         if ($params['mailbox'] != $account->sent && $params['mailbox'] != $account->drafts) {
             $response = $this->_blockImages($params, $response);
             $response = $this->_checkXSS($params, $response);
         //Don't do these special actions in the special folders
         if ($params['mailbox'] != $account->sent && $params['mailbox'] != $account->trash && $params['mailbox'] != $account->drafts) {
             $linkedModels = $this->_handleAutoLinkTag($imapMessage, $response);
             $response = $this->_handleInvitations($imapMessage, $params, $response);
             $linkedModels = $this->_handleAutoContactLinkFromSender($imapMessage, $linkedModels);
             // Process found autolink tags
             if (count($linkedModels) > 0) {
                 $linkedItems = '';
                 foreach ($linkedModels as $linkedModel) {
                     $searchModel = \GO\Base\Model\SearchCacheRecord::model()->findByPk(array('model_id' => $linkedModel->pk, 'model_type_id' => $linkedModel->modelTypeId()), false, true);
                     if ($searchModel) {
                         $linkedItems .= ', <span class="em-autolink-link" onclick="GO.linkHandlers[\'' . \GO\Base\Util\String::escape_javascript($linkedModel->className()) . '\'].call(this, ' . $linkedModel->id . ');">' . $searchModel->name . ' (' . $linkedModel->localizedName . ')</span>';
                 $linkedItems = trim($linkedItems, ' ,');
                 $response['htmlbody'] = '<div class="em-autolink-message">' . sprintf(GO::t('autolinked', 'email'), $linkedItems) . '</div>' . $response['htmlbody'];
     $response['isInSpamFolder'] = $this->_getSpamMoveMailboxName($params['uid'], $params['mailbox'], $account->id);
     $response = $this->_getContactInfo($imapMessage, $params, $response);
     $this->fireEvent('view', array(&$this, &$response, $imapMessage, $account, $params));
     $response['success'] = true;
     return $response;
Esempio n. 4
                                auto_list_rooms: true,
                                //auto_subscribe: true,
                                debug: false,
                                hide_muc_server: true,
                                i18n: locales["' . GO::language()->getLanguage() . '"], // Refer to ./locale/locales.js to see which locales are supported
                                show_controlbox_by_default: true,
                                xhr_user_search: false,
								jid: "' . GO::user()->username . '",
								password: "******",
                                //fullname: "' . GO::user()->name . '"
								allow_registration: false

		var name ="");
		name.value="conference.' . \GO\Chat\ChatModule::getXmppHost() . '";
		var nick ="");
		nick.value="' . \GO\Base\Util\String::escape_javascript(GO::user()->name) . '";


Esempio n. 5
				GO.customfields.types["' . String::escape_javascript($model->extendsModel()) . '"]={
					name: "' . \GO::getModel($model->extendsModel())->localizedName . '",
					panels: []
				};' . "\n";
                $stmt = \GO\Customfields\Model\Category::model()->findByModel($model->extendsModel());
                while ($category = $stmt->fetch()) {
                    $fields = array();
                    $fstmt = $category->fields();
                    while ($field = $fstmt->fetch()) {
                        $fields[] = $field->toJsonArray();
                    // Makes global, client-side, editable form panels for every customfield category
                    if ($category->checkPermissionLevel(\GO\Base\Model\Acl::WRITE_PERMISSION)) {
                        $GO_SCRIPTS_JS .= "\n\n" . 'GO.customfields.types["' . String::escape_javascript($model->extendsModel()) . '"].panels.push({xtype : "customformpanel", itemId:"cf-panel-' . $category->id . '", category_id: ' . $category->id . ', title : "' . htmlspecialchars($category->name, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '", customfields : ' . json_encode($fields) . '});' . "\n";
                     * Registers customfield column information in a global, client-side object, ordered by model.
                     * Also, this loop ensures that every customfield data being used has such information
                     * described in a global, client-side object, ordered by customfield id.
                    foreach ($fields as $field) {
                        $align = $field['datatype'] == 'GO\\Customfields\\Customfieldtype\\Number' || $field['datatype'] == 'GO\\Customfields\\Customfieldtype\\Date' || $field['datatype'] == 'GO\\Customfields\\Customfieldtype\\Datetime' ? 'right' : 'left';
                        $exclude_from_grid = $field['exclude_from_grid'] || $field['datatype'] == 'GO\\Customfields\\Customfieldtype\\Heading' ? 'true' : 'false';
                        $GO_SCRIPTS_JS .= 'GO.customfields.columns["' . String::escape_javascript($model->extendsModel()) . '"].push({' . 'header: "' . \GO\Base\Util\String::escape_javascript($field['name']) . '",' . 'dataIndex: "' . $field['dataname'] . '" ,' . 'datatype:"' . \GO\Base\Util\String::escape_javascript($field['datatype']) . '", ' . 'align:"' . $align . '", ' . 'sortable:true,' . 'id: "' . $field['dataname'] . '",' . 'customfield_id: "' . $field['id'] . '",' . 'nesting_level: "' . $field['nesting_level'] . '",' . 'exclude_from_grid: "' . $exclude_from_grid . '",' . 'hidden:true});' . "\n" . 'GO.customfields.columnMap["' . $field['dataname'] . '"]=GO.customfields.columns["' . String::escape_javascript($model->extendsModel()) . '"][GO.customfields.columns["' . String::escape_javascript($model->extendsModel()) . '"].length-1];' . "\n";
Esempio n. 6

$findParams = \GO\Base\Db\FindParams::newInstance()->criteria(\GO\Base\Db\FindCriteria::newInstance()->addCondition('behave_as_module', 1));
$stmt = \GO\Bookmarks\Model\Bookmark::model()->find($findParams);
while ($bookmark = $stmt->fetch()) {
    if (strlen($bookmark->name) > 30) {
        $name = substr($bookmark->name, 0, 28) . '..';
    } else {
        $name = $bookmark->name;
    $GO_SCRIPTS_JS .= 'GO.moduleManager.addModule(\'bookmarks-id-' . $bookmark->id . '\', GO.panel.IFrameComponent, {title : \'' . \GO\Base\Util\String::escape_javascript($name) . '\', url : \'' . \GO\Base\Util\String::escape_javascript($bookmark->content) . '\',iconCls: \'go-tab-icon-bookmarks\'});';
// Load the bookmark categories for the start menu
$categoryFindParams = \GO\Base\Db\FindParams::newInstance()->criteria(\GO\Base\Db\FindCriteria::newInstance()->addCondition('show_in_startmenu', 1));
$categoryStmt = \GO\Bookmarks\Model\Category::model()->find($categoryFindParams);
while ($category = $categoryStmt->fetch()) {
    if (strlen($category->name) > 30) {
        $categoryName = substr($category->name, 0, 28) . '..';
    } else {
        $categoryName = $category->name;
    $bookmarks = $category->bookmarks;
    while ($bookmark = $bookmarks->fetch()) {
        if (strlen($bookmark->name) > 30) {
            $name = substr($bookmark->name, 0, 28) . '..';
        } else {
            $name = $bookmark->name;
        $GO_SCRIPTS_JS .= 'GO.moduleManager.addModule(\'bookmarks-id-' . $bookmark->id . '\', GO.panel.IFrameComponent, {title : \'' . \GO\Base\Util\String::escape_javascript($name) . '\', url : \'' . \GO\Base\Util\String::escape_javascript($bookmark->content) . '\',iconCls: \'go-tab-icon-bookmarks\'},{title:\'' . \GO\Base\Util\String::escape_javascript($categoryName) . '\',iconCls: \'go-menu-icon-bookmarks\'});';