public function createAdmin() { $this->view = false; /* * email * first name * last name * country * city * password * password repeat */ createUser: $this->cadre("create administrator user"); $email_is_valid = false; do { $rl = new Hoa\Console\Readline\Readline(); $email = $rl->readLine('Your email [will be used as login] : '); if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $this->displayResult("This email considered as valid !", "KO"); } else { $this->displayResult("This email considered as valid !", "OK"); $domain = explode('@', $email)[1]; if (checkdnsrr($domain, 'MX')) { $this->displayResult("This MX records exists !", "OK"); $email_is_valid = true; } else { $this->displayResult("This MX records exists !", "KO"); } } } while ($email_is_valid === false); //first name $firstname = $rl->readLine('Your firstname : '); //last name $lastname = $rl->readLine('Your lastname : '); //country $sql = "SELECT libelle FROM geolocalisation_country where libelle != '' ORDER BY libelle"; $DB = $this->di['db']->sql(DB_DEFAULT); $res = $DB->sql_query($sql); $country = []; while ($ob = $DB->sql_fetch_object($res)) { $country[] = $ob->libelle; } do { $rl = new Hoa\Console\Readline\Readline(); $rl->setAutocompleter(new Hoa\Console\Readline\Autocompleter\Word($country)); $country2 = $rl->readLine('Your country [First letter in upper case, then tab for help] : '); $sql = "select id from geolocalisation_country where libelle = '" . $DB->sql_real_escape_string($country2) . "'"; $res = $DB->sql_query($sql); if ($DB->sql_num_rows($res) == 1) { $ob = $DB->sql_fetch_object($res); $id_country = $ob->id; $this->displayResult("Country found in database !", "OK"); } else { $this->displayResult("Country found in database !", "KO"); } } while ($DB->sql_num_rows($res) != 1); //city $sql = "SELECT libelle FROM geolocalisation_city where id_geolocalisation_country = '" . $id_country . "' ORDER BY libelle"; $DB = $this->di['db']->sql(DB_DEFAULT); $res = $DB->sql_query($sql); $city = []; while ($ob = $DB->sql_fetch_object($res)) { $city[] = $ob->libelle; } do { $rl = new Hoa\Console\Readline\Readline(); $rl->setAutocompleter(new Hoa\Console\Readline\Autocompleter\Word($city)); $city2 = $rl->readLine('Your city [First letter in upper case, then tab for help] : '); $sql = "select id from geolocalisation_city where libelle = '" . $DB->sql_real_escape_string($city2) . "'"; $res = $DB->sql_query($sql); if ($DB->sql_num_rows($res) == 1) { $ob = $DB->sql_fetch_object($res); $id_city = $ob->id; $this->displayResult("City found in database !", "OK"); } else { $this->displayResult("City found in database !", "KO"); } } while ($DB->sql_num_rows($res) != 1); //password $rl = new Hoa\Console\Readline\Password(); $good = false; do { $pwd = $rl->readLine('Password : '******'Password (repeat) : '); if (!empty($pwd) && $pwd === $pwd2) { $good = true; $this->displayResult("The passwords must be the same & not empty", "OK"); } else { $this->displayResult("The passwords must be the same & not empty", "KO"); } } while ($good !== true); $ip = trim(@file_get_contents("")); if (empty($ip) || !filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { $ip = ""; } $data['user_main']['is_valid'] = 1; $data['user_main']['email'] = $email; $data['user_main']['login'] = $email; $data['user_main']['password'] = \Glial\Auth\Auth::hashPassword($email, $pwd); //to set uppercase to composed name like 'Jean-Louis' $firstname = str_replace("-", " - ", $firstname); $firstname = mb_convert_case($firstname, MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8"); $data['user_main']['firstname'] = str_replace(" - ", "-", $firstname); $data['user_main']['name'] = mb_convert_case($lastname, MB_CASE_UPPER, "UTF-8"); $data['user_main']['ip'] = $ip; $data['user_main']['date_created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $data['user_main']['id_group'] = 4; // 4 = super admin $data['user_main']['id_geolocalisation_country'] = $id_country; $data['user_main']['id_geolocalisation_city'] = $id_city; $data['user_main']['id_client'] = 1; $id_user = $DB->sql_save($data); if ($id_user) { $this->displayResult("Admin account successfully created", "OK"); } else { print_r($data); $error = $DB->sql_error(); print_r($error); $this->displayResult("Admin account successfully created", "KO"); goto createUser; } echo Color::getColoredString("\nAdministrator successfully created !\n", "green"); $ip_list = shell_exec('ifconfig -a | grep "inet ad" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 1'); $ips = explode("\n", $ip_list); foreach ($ips as $ip) { if (empty($ip)) { continue; } echo "You can connect to the application on this url : " . Color::getColoredString("http://" . $ip . WWW_ROOT, "yellow") . "\n"; } echo "You can connect to the application on this url : " . Color::getColoredString("http://" . gethostname() . WWW_ROOT, "yellow") . "\n"; }
$params = array(); for ($i = 3; $i < $_SERVER["argc"]; $i++) { $params[] = $_SERVER["argv"][$i]; } $_SYSTEM['param'] = $params; } //cli_set_process_title("glial-" . $_SYSTEM['controller'] . "-" . $_SYSTEM['action']." (".$name.")"); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('usage : gial <controlleur> <action> [params]'); } define('LINK', WWW_ROOT . "en" . "/"); } else { //mode with apache define('LINK', WWW_ROOT . I18n::Get() . "/"); if (AUTH_ACTIVE) { $auth = new Auth(); $auth->setInstance($_DB->sql(DB_DEFAULT), "user_main", array("login", "password")); $auth->setFctToHashCookie(function ($password) { return password_hash($password . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT); }); $auth->authenticate(false); FactoryController::addDi("auth", $auth); } ENVIRONEMENT ? $_DEBUG->save("User connexion") : ""; $_SYSTEM['controller'] = \Glial\Utility\Inflector::camelize($url['controller']); $_SYSTEM['action'] = $url['action']; $_SYSTEM['param'] = $url['param']; $acl = new Acl(CONFIG . "acl.config.ini"); FactoryController::addDi("acl", $acl); $js = new Javascript(); FactoryController::addDi("js", $js);