public static function fileContent($url) { $ext = new Extensions(); $header_http = new ResponseHttpFoundation(); $file = Tmpfile::getThemeConfig('themes_folder') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $url; $file = Filter::systemPath($file); $path = Filter::realpath($file); if (!$path) { $header_http->setContent("<html><body><center><h1>Ops! file not exists :(</h1></center></body></html>"); $header_http->setStatusCode(ResponseHttpFoundation::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); $header_http->headers->set('Content-Type', "text/html"); $header_http->send(); return false; } //Defined Content-type of file $ctype = $ext->ctype("." . $ext->check($path, true)); $header_http->setContent(file_get_contents($path)); $header_http->setStatusCode(ResponseHttpFoundation::HTTP_OK); $header_http->headers->set('Content-Type', $ctype); $header_http->send(); }
public static function file(&$file, $extension = false) { $exts = new Extensions(); $obj = new static(); if (is_string($file)) { $is_ext = $exts->check($file); if (!$is_ext and $extension) { $file = "{$file}.{$extension}"; } $obj->hasError($file, $is_ext, $extension); } elseif (is_array($file)) { foreach ($file as $key => $val) { $is_ext = $exts->check($val); if (is_string($val) and !$is_ext and $extension) { $file[$key] = "{$val}.{$extension}"; } $obj->hasError("{$val}", $is_ext, $extension); } } else { throw new ErrorRuntime("Value for \$file is invalid."); } }
/** * * @param string $folder * @return array Files of the folder defined on variable $folder */ public static function fileAll($folder) { $DS = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $open_folder = glob("{$folder}{$DS}*"); $exts = new Extensions(); foreach ($open_folder as $key => $val) { $exp = explode($DS, $val); if (!$exts->check(end($exp))) { unset($open_folder[$key]); } } return $open_folder; }