Esempio n. 1
  * Render the chart options and returns the javascript that
  * represents them
  * @return string The javascript code
 public function renderOptions()
     return HighchartOptionRenderer::render($this->_options);
Esempio n. 2

use Ghunti\HighchartsPHP\Highchart;
use Ghunti\HighchartsPHP\HighchartJsExpr;
use Ghunti\HighchartsPHP\HighchartOption;
use Ghunti\HighchartsPHP\HighchartOptionRenderer;
$chart = new Highchart();
$backgroundOptions = new HighchartOption();
$backgroundOptions->radialGradient = array('cx' => 0.5, 'cy' => -0.4, 'r' => 1.9);
$backgroundOptions->stops = array(array(0.5, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)'), array(0.5, 'rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.2)'));
$chart->chart = array('type' => 'gauge', 'plotBackgroundColor' => null, 'plotBackgroundImage' => null, 'plotBorderWidth' => 0, 'plotShadow' => false, 'height' => 200);
$chart->credits->enabled = false;
$chart->title->text = 'The Highcharts clock';
$chart->pane->background = array(new stdClass(), array('backgroundColor' => new HighchartJsExpr('Highcharts.svg ? ' . HighchartOptionRenderer::render($backgroundOptions) . ' : null')));
$chart->yAxis = array('labels' => array('distance' => -20), 'min' => 0, 'max' => 12, 'lineWidth' => 0, 'showFirstLabel' => false, 'minorTickInterval' => 'auto', 'minorTickWidth' => 1, 'minorTickLength' => 5, 'minorTickPosition' => 'inside', 'minorGridLineWidth' => 0, 'minorTickColor' => '#666', 'tickInterval' => 1, 'tickWidth' => 2, 'tickPosition' => 'inside', 'tickLength' => 10, 'tickColor' => '#666', 'title' => array('text' => 'Powered by<br/>Highcharts', 'style' => array('color' => '#BBB', 'fontWeight' => 'normal', 'fontSize' => '8px', 'lineHeight' => '10px'), 'y' => 10));
$chart->tooltip->formatter = new HighchartJsExpr('function () { return this.series.chart.tooltipText; }');
$chart->series[] = array('data' => array(array('id' => 'hour', 'y' => new HighchartJsExpr('now.hours'), 'dial' => array('radius' => '60%', 'baseWidth' => 4, 'baseLength' => '95%', 'rearLength' => 0)), array('id' => 'minute', 'y' => new HighchartJsExpr('now.minutes'), 'dial' => array('baseLength' => '95%', 'rearLength' => 0)), array('id' => 'second', 'y' => new HighchartJsExpr('now.seconds'), 'dial' => array('radius' => '100%', 'baseWidth' => 1, 'rearLength' => '20%'))), 'animation' => false, 'dataLabels' => array('enabled' => false));

        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <div id="container"></div>
        <script type="text/javascript">