Esempio n. 1
 case 'u2':
     $install = new Install();
     if (!defined('GALETTE_THEME_DIR')) {
     $title = _T("Database access and permissions");
     /** FIXME: when tables already exists and DROP not allowed at this time
         the showed error is about CREATE, whenever CREATE is allowed */
     //We delete the table if exists, no error at this time
     $results = $zdb->grantCheck(substr($step, 0, 1));
     $result = array();
     $error = false;
     //test returned values
     if ($results['create'] instanceof Exception) {
         $result[] = array('message' => _T("CREATE operation not allowed"), 'debug' => $results['create']->getMessage(), 'image' => $install->getValidationImage(false));
         $error = true;
     } elseif ($results['create'] != '') {
         $result[] = array('message' => _T("CREATE operation allowed"), 'image' => $install->getValidationImage(true));
     if ($results['insert'] instanceof Exception) {
         $result[] = array('message' => _T("INSERT operation not allowed"), 'debug' => $results['insert']->getMessage(), 'image' => $install->getValidationImage(false));
         $error = true;
     } elseif ($results['insert'] != '') {
         $result[] = array('message' => _T("INSERT operation allowed"), 'image' => $install->getValidationImage(true));
     if ($results['update'] instanceof Exception) {
         $result[] = array('message' => _T("UPDATE operation not allowed"), 'debug' => $results['update']->getMessage(), 'image' => $install->getValidationImage(false));
         $error = true;
     } elseif ($results['update'] != '') {
         $result[] = array('message' => _T("UPDATE operation allowed"), 'image' => $install->getValidationImage(true));