Tap::ok(Transaction::rollback(), 'rolled back the transaction at the global level');
Tap::ok($rs = $dbmain->execute("select id from {$table}"), 'selected all rows from the table');
$ct = $rs->affected();
Tap::is($ct, 2, '2 rows in the table, new rows rolled back');
$rs = $conn1->execute("select id from {$table}");
Tap::is($rs, FALSE, 'after rolling back, new queries fail on rolled back db object');
$dbmain->execute("drop table {$table}");
$db = $newconn();
$raw = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../sample/i_can_eat_glass.txt');
$lines = explode("\n", $raw);
$lines = array_slice($lines, 0, 10) + array_slice($lines, 100, 10) + array_slice($lines, 200, 10) + array_slice($lines, 200, 10);
$raw = implode("\n", $lines);
foreach ($lines as $i => $line) {
    //$lines[ $i ] = $line = mb_convert_encoding($line, 'UTF-8', 'auto');
    $db->execute('INSERT INTO t1utf8 (`i`, `line`) VALUES (%i, %s)', $i, $line);
$rs = $db->execute('SELECT * FROM t1utf8');
$readlines = array();
while ($row = $rs->fetch()) {
    $readlines[$row['i']] = $row['line'];
Tap::cmp_ok($readlines, '===', $lines, 'inserted all the rows and read them back, worked as expected');
//Tap::debug( $readlines );
$rs = $db->execute('SELECT %s AS `d`', $raw);
$row = $rs->fetch();
Tap::cmp_ok($row['d'], '===', $raw, 'passed a huge chunk of utf-8 data to db and asked for it back. got what I sent.');
//Tap::debug( $row['d'] );
$e = NULL;
try {
    $listing = $souk->buy($listing->id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $e = $e->getMessage();
Tap::is($e, 'bid only', 'when buying bid-only, fails');
$listing = $souk->bid($listing->id, 1);
Tap::is($listing->bid, 1, 'bid works fine, tho');
$listing = Souk($app, $seller_id)->auction(array('bid' => 0, 'reserve' => 5, 'item_id' => $item_id));
$listing = Souk($app, $buyer_id)->bid($listing->id, 5);
Tap::is($listing->bid, 5, 'without enable_proxy, bid is set, not stepped');
$listing = Souk($app)->close($listing->id);
Tap::is($listing->buyer, 0, 'when reserve isnt met, bidder doesnt win listing');
Tap::is($listing->closed, 1, 'even tho reserve wasnt met, closing still ends the bidding.');
Time::offset(86400 * 30);
$id = 0;
$ct = 0;
while ($listings = Souk($app)->pending(0, 5, $id)) {
    foreach ($listings as $id) {
        //Tap::debug('pending: ' . $id );
Tap::cmp_ok($ct, '>=', 1, "found at least 1 item in pending: {$ct} found");
//print "\n\n";
Tap::is(print_r($res, TRUE), print_r($expected, TRUE), 'search sort by low_price returns results sorted by price from low to high');
$res = array();
foreach (souk($app)->fetch(souk($app)->search(array('sort' => 'high_price', 'item_id' => $item_id, 'seller' => $seller_id))) as $id => $listing) {
    $res[] = $listing->price;
$expected = $res;
rsort($expected, SORT_NUMERIC);
Tap::is(print_r($res, TRUE), print_r($expected, TRUE), 'search sort by high_price returns results sorted by price from high to low');
$res = array();
foreach (souk($app)->fetch(souk($app)->search(array('sort' => 'expires_soon_delay', 'item_id' => $item_id, 'seller' => $seller_id))) as $id => $listing) {
    $res[] = $listing->expires;
$expected = $res;
sort($expected, SORT_NUMERIC);
Tap::is($res, $expected, 'search sort by expired_soon_delay sorted by expires');
Tap::cmp_ok(min($res), '>', Time::now() + 500, 'all of the results expire after now by more than 500 secs');
$res = array();
foreach (souk($app)->fetch(souk($app)->search(array('item_id' => $item_id, 'seller' => $seller_id, 'floor' => 4, 'ceiling' => 6))) as $id => $listing) {
    $res[$listing->price] = TRUE;
$res = array_keys($res);
Tap::is($res, array(4, 5, 6), 'setting floor and ceiling limits the result set to prices in the correct range');
$search = souk($app)->search(array('item_id' => $item_id, 'seller' => $seller_id, 'closed' => 0));
$id = array_shift($search);
$ids = souk($app)->search(array('item_id' => $item_id, 'seller' => $seller_id, 'closed' => 0));
Tap::ok(!in_array($id, $ids, TRUE), 'after closing an item, it no longer appears in the list of unclosed items');
$res = souk($app)->fetch(souk($app)->search(array('item_id' => $item_id, 'seller' => $seller_id, 'closed' => 0, 'only' => 'bid')));
$bidonly = TRUE;
foreach ($res as $listing) {
Tap::is($stockpile->set($item_id, $total), $total, 'When calling set with the same set of serials, no items created or subtracted');
$new = $total->grab(array(lastElement($total->serials())));
Tap::is($stockpile->set($item_id, $new), $new, 'When removing  a serial, everything matches up');
Tap::is($stockpile->set($item_id, $total), $total, 'When adding back a serial, everything matches up');
$user_id1 = uniqueUserID();
$user_id2 = uniqueUserID();
$item_id = uniqueNumber(1, 10000000);
$stockpile1 = stockpile($app, $user_id1);
$stockpile2 = stockpile($app, $user_id2);
$start = microtime(TRUE);
$total1 = $stockpile1->add($item_id);
$total2 = $stockpile2->add($item_id);
$elapsed = microtime(TRUE) - $start;
Tap::cmp_ok($elapsed, '<', 1, 'two users adding the same item doesnt create deadlock. took ' . number_format($elapsed, 2) . ' seconds');
$user_id = uniqueUserID();
$item_id = uniqueNumber(1, 10000000);
$stockpile = stockpile($app, $user_id);
$q = $stockpile->quantity(2);
$q->set($stockpile->newId(), array('event' => 'summer2010'));
$q->set($stockpile->newId(), array('event' => 'fall2010'));
$total = $stockpile->add($item_id, $q);
$total = $stockpile->subtract($item_id, 3);
Tap::is(quantify($total), 1, 'after adding a tally of 2 and 2 serials for a total of 4, then subtracting 3, my total is now 1');
$user_id = uniqueUserID();
$item_id = uniqueNumber(1, 10000000);
$stockpile = stockpile($app, $user_id);
$stockpile->add($item_id, 3);
$total = $stockpile->convert($item_id, 2);
Tap::is($total->tally(), 1, 'After adding 3 quantity items and then converting 2 into serials, the tally is 1');
Esempio n. 5

use Gaia\Test\Tap;
use Gaia\NewId;
$app = 'test';
$new = new NewId\DB($db, $app = 'test');
$res = $new->testInit();
$id = $new->id();
Tap::ok(ctype_digit($id), 'id returned is a string of digits');
$ids = $new->ids(10);
Tap::ok(is_array($ids) && count($ids) == 10, 'ids returned a list of 10 items when I asked for 10');
$status = TRUE;
foreach ($ids as $id) {
    if (!ctype_digit($id)) {
        $status = FALSE;
Tap::ok($status, 'all of the ids are digits');
$id1 = $new->id();
$id2 = $new->id();
Tap::cmp_ok($id1, '<', $id2, 'an id generated a second later is larger than the first one');
Tap::is($cache->set($k, $v = '0'), TRUE, 'setting a key to zero returns true');
Tap::cmp_ok($cache->get($k), '===', $v, 'after setting the key to 0, get returns zero value');
Tap::cmp_ok($cache->get(array($k)), '===', array($k => $v), 'multi-get returns the key with zero value');
Tap::ok($cache->set($k, 1, $ttl = 3600 * 24 * 30), 'setting with a huge timeout');
Tap::cmp_ok(strval($cache->get($k)), '===', '1', 'get returns correct value');
$incr = 1000000;
Tap::ok($cache->increment($k, $incr), 'incrementing with a large number');
Tap::cmp_ok(strval($cache->get($k)), '===', strval($incr + 1), 'get returns correct value');
Tap::ok($cache->decrement($k, $incr), 'decrementing with a large number');
Tap::cmp_ok(intval($cache->get($k)), '===', 1, 'get returns correct value');
$huge_number = 9.223372036854776E+18;
if (!is_int($huge_number)) {
    $huge_number = 2147483646;
Tap::Debug("testing with {$huge_number}");
Tap::ok($cache->set($k, $v = $huge_number), 'setting a huge number');
Tap::cmp_ok(strval($cache->get($k)), '===', strval($v), 'get returns correct value');
$v = $v + 1;
Tap::cmp_ok(strval($cache->increment($k, 1)), '===', strval($v), 'increment a huge number by 1');
Tap::cmp_ok(strval($cache->get($k)), '===', strval($v), 'get returns correct value');
$cache->set($k, $v);
$v = $v - 1;
Tap::cmp_ok(strval($cache->decrement($k, 1)), '===', strval($v), 'decrement a huge number by 1');
Tap::cmp_ok(strval($cache->get($k)), '===', strval($v), 'get returns correct value');
$k = 'gaia/cache/test/' . microtime(TRUE) . '/' . mt_rand(1, 10000);
$v = '我能吞下玻璃而不傷身體';
Tap::ok($cache->set($k, $v), 'setting a string with utf-8 chars in it');
Tap::cmp_ok(strval($cache->get($k)), '===', $v, 'get returns correct value');
Tap::ok($cache->delete($k), 'deleting the key');
Tap::cmp_ok($cache->get($k), '===', NULL, 'after deleting, get returns NULL');