Esempio n. 1
  * Class constructor
  * Setup Memcache(d)
  * @return	void
 public function __construct()
     // Try to load memcached server info from the config file.
     $defaults = $this->_config['default'];
     $this->_config = Config::get('cache')->memcached;
     if (class_exists('Memcached', FALSE)) {
         $this->_memcached = new Memcached();
     } elseif (class_exists('Memcache', FALSE)) {
         $this->_memcached = new Memcache();
     } else {
         Logger::logError('Cache: Failed to create Memcache(d) object; extension not loaded?');
     foreach ($this->_config as $cache_server) {
         isset($cache_server['hostname']) or $cache_server['hostname'] = $defaults['host'];
         isset($cache_server['port']) or $cache_server['port'] = $defaults['port'];
         isset($cache_server['weight']) or $cache_server['weight'] = $defaults['weight'];
         if ($this->_memcached instanceof Memcache) {
             // Third parameter is persistance and defaults to TRUE.
             $this->_memcached->addServer($cache_server['hostname'], $cache_server['port'], TRUE, $cache_server['weight']);
         } elseif ($this->_memcached instanceof Memcached) {
             $this->_memcached->addServer($cache_server['hostname'], $cache_server['port'], $cache_server['weight']);
Esempio n. 2
  * Load a helper.
  * Supply the name and the helper will be loaded from the supplied directory,
  * or from one of the helperPaths (which you can add).
  * @param string        $helperName Name of the helper
  * @param string|null   $directory  Directory to load the helper from, will ignore $helperPaths
  * @return bool                     Whether the helper was succesfully loaded (true if yes)
 public function load($helperName, $directory = null)
     // First determine the name of the helper
     $helperName = strtolower(str_replace(array('_helper', '.php'), '', $helperName) . '_helper');
     // Determine what directories should be checked
     $directories = is_null($directory) ? $this->helperPaths : array($directory);
     // Check it is already loaded
     if (isset($this->helpers[$helperName])) {
         Logger::log("Helper '" . $helperName . "' is already loaded. Skipping");
         return false;
     // First check if there is an 'extension' class
     $extendedHelper = Config::get('main')->application_prefix . $helperName;
     $extendedHelperLoaded = false;
     foreach ($directories as $helperPath) {
         $file = $helperPath . DS . $extendedHelper . '.php';
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             $extendedHelperLoaded = true;
             $extendedHelperFile = $file;
     // If an extension is loaded there needs to be a base helper
     if ($extendedHelperLoaded) {
         $baseHelper = Core::$coreDir . DS . 'Helpers' . DS . $helperName . '.php';
         if (!file_exists($baseHelper)) {
             throw new HelperException("Could not load helper. Base Helper not found while Extension loaded", 1);
         // Fire the associated event
         $event = Events::fireEvent('helperLoadEvent', $helperName, $baseHelper, $extendedHelper, $extendedHelperFile);
         if ($event->isCancelled()) {
             Logger::log("Not loading helper. Aborted by event");
             return false;
         include_once $event->extendedHelperFile;
         include_once $event->helperFile;
         $this->helpers[$event->helperName] = true;
         Logger::log("Loading base helper '" . $event->helperName . "' and extended helper '" . $event->extendedHelperName . "'");
         return true;
     // If no extension exists, try loading a regular helper
     foreach ($directories as $helperPath) {
         $file = $helperPath . DS . $helperName . '.php';
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             // Fire the associated event
             $event = Events::fireEvent('helperLoadEvent', $helperName, $file);
             if ($event->isCancelled()) {
                 Logger::log("Not loading helper. Aborted by event");
                 return false;
             include_once $event->helperFile;
             $this->helpers[$event->helperName] = true;
             Logger::log("Loading helper '" . $event->helperName . "'");
             return true;
     throw new HelperException("Could not load helper. Helper not found.", 1);
Esempio n. 3
  * Load driver
  * Separate load_driver call to support explicit driver load by library or user
  * @param	string	Driver name (w/o parent prefix)
  * @return	object	Child class
 public function load_driver($child)
     // Get the subclass prefix
     $prefix = Config::get('main')->application_prefix;
     if (!isset($this->lib_name)) {
         // Get library name without any prefix
         $this->lib_name = str_replace(array('FW_', $prefix), '{prefix}', get_class($this));
     // Sanitize the library name
     $clean_class = str_replace(array('Application\\Library\\', 'FuzeWorks\\Library\\', '{prefix}'), '', $this->lib_name);
     // The child will be prefixed with the parent lib
     $child_name = $this->lib_name . '_' . $child;
     // See if requested child is a valid driver
     if (!in_array($child, $this->valid_drivers)) {
         // The requested driver isn't valid!
         $msg = 'Invalid driver requested: ' . $child_name;
         throw new LibraryException($msg, 1);
     // Get package paths and filename case variations to search
     $paths = Factory::getInstance()->libraries->getLibraryPaths();
     // Is there an extension?
     $class_name = str_replace('{prefix}', $prefix, $child_name);
     $found = class_exists($class_name, FALSE);
     if (!$found) {
         // Check for subclass file
         foreach ($paths as $path) {
             // Does the file exist?
             $file = $path . DS . $clean_class . DS . 'drivers' . DS . $prefix . $clean_class . '_' . $child . '.php';
             if (file_exists($file)) {
                 // Yes - require base class from BASEPATH
                 $basepath = Core::$coreDir . DS . 'Libraries' . DS . $clean_class . DS . 'drivers' . DS . $clean_class . '_' . $child . '.php';
                 if (!file_exists($basepath)) {
                     $msg = 'Unable to load the requested class: FW_' . $child_name;
                     throw new LibraryException($msg, 1);
                 // Include both sources and mark found
                 include_once $basepath;
                 include_once $file;
                 $found = TRUE;
     // Do we need to search for the class?
     if (!$found) {
         // Use standard class name
         $class_name = str_replace('{prefix}', 'FW_', $child_name);
         if (!class_exists($class_name, FALSE)) {
             // Check package paths
             foreach ($paths as $path) {
                 // Does the file exist?
                 $file = $path . DS . $clean_class . DS . 'drivers' . DS . $clean_class . '_' . $child . '.php';
                 if (file_exists($file)) {
                     // Include source
                     include_once $file;
     // Did we finally find the class?
     if (!class_exists($class_name, FALSE)) {
         if (class_exists($child_name, FALSE)) {
             $class_name = $child_name;
         } else {
             $msg = 'Unable to load the requested driver: ' . $class_name;
             throw new LibraryException($msg, 1);
     // Instantiate, decorate and add child
     $obj = new $class_name();
     $this->{$child} = $obj;
     return $this->{$child};
Esempio n. 4
  * Initiates the Logger.
  * Registers the error and exception handler, when required to do so by configuration
 public function __construct()
     // Register the error handler, Untestable
     // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
     if (Config::get('error')->error_reporting == true && self::$useTracy === false) {
         set_error_handler(array('\\FuzeWorks\\Logger', 'errorHandler'), E_ALL);
         set_Exception_handler(array('\\FuzeWorks\\Logger', 'exceptionHandler'));
     // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
     self::$debug = ENVIRONMENT === 'DEVELOPMENT';
     self::$log_to_file = Config::get('error')->log_to_file;
     self::$logger_template = Config::get('error')->logger_template;
     self::newLevel('Logger Initiated');
     if (self::$useTracy) {
Esempio n. 5
  * Class constructor
  * Setup Redis
  * Loads Redis config file if present. Will halt execution
  * if a Redis connection can't be established.
  * @return	void
  * @see		Redis::connect()
 public function __construct()
     if (!$this->is_supported()) {
         Logger::logError('Cache: Failed to create Redis object; extension not loaded?');
     $config = array_merge(self::$_default_config, Config::get('cache')->redis);
     $this->_redis = new Redis();
     try {
         if ($config['socket_type'] === 'unix') {
             $success = $this->_redis->connect($config['socket']);
         } else {
             $success = $this->_redis->connect($config['host'], $config['port'], $config['timeout']);
         if (!$success) {
             Logger::logError('Cache: Redis connection failed. Check your configuration.');
         if (isset($config['password']) && !$this->_redis->auth($config['password'])) {
             Logger::logError('Cache: Redis authentication failed.');
     } catch (RedisException $e) {
         Logger::logError('Cache: Redis connection refused (' . $e->getMessage() . ')');
     // Initialize the index of serialized values.
     $serialized = $this->_redis->sMembers('_ci_redis_serialized');
     empty($serialized) or $this->_serialized = array_flip($serialized);
Esempio n. 6
  * Retrieve a language file and return the language array
  * @param string $langfile
  * @param string $idiom
  * @param boolean $add_suffix
  * @param string $alt_path
  * @return type
  * @throws LanguageException
 public static function get($langfile, $idiom = '', $add_suffix = TRUE, $alt_path = '')
     // First we determine the file that should be loaded
     $langfile = str_replace('.php', '', $langfile);
     if ($add_suffix === TRUE) {
         $langfile = preg_replace('/_lang$/', '', $langfile) . '_lang';
     $langfile .= '.php';
     // Then we determine the idiom
     if (empty($idiom) or !preg_match('/^[a-z_-]+$/i', $idiom)) {
         $config = Config::get('main');
         $idiom = empty($config->language) ? 'english' : $config->language;
     // Is it already loaded? Return the entire language array
     if (isset(self::$is_loaded[$langfile]) && self::$is_loaded[$langfile] === $idiom) {
         return self::$language;
     // Prepare the language variable
     $lang = array();
     // Load the base file, so any others found can override it
     $basepath = Core::$coreDir . DS . 'Language' . DS . $idiom . DS . $langfile;
     if (($found = file_exists($basepath)) === TRUE) {
         $lang = array_merge($lang, (array) (include $basepath));
     // Do we have an alternative path to look in?
     if ($alt_path !== '') {
         $alt_path .= 'Language' . DS . $idiom . DS . $langfile;
         if (file_exists($alt_path)) {
             $lang = array_merge($lang, (array) (include $alt_path));
             $found = TRUE;
     } else {
         foreach (self::$languagePaths as $languagePath) {
             $languagePath .= DS . $idiom . DS . $langfile;
             if ($basepath !== $languagePath && file_exists($languagePath)) {
                 $lang = array_merge($lang, (array) (include $languagePath));
                 $found = TRUE;
     // If nothing is found, kill it
     if ($found !== TRUE) {
         throw new LanguageException('Unable to load the requested language file: language/' . $idiom . '/' . $langfile, 1);
     // If only empty content is found, return the language array
     if (empty($lang)) {
         Logger::logError('Language file contains no data: language/' . $idiom . '/' . $langfile);
         return self::$language;
     // Save the data and return it
     self::$is_loaded[$langfile] = $idiom;
     self::$language = array_merge(self::$language, $lang);
     Logger::log('Language file loaded: language/' . $idiom . '/' . $langfile);
     return self::$language;
Esempio n. 7
  * Retrieve a template file using a string and a directory.
  * What template file gets loaded depends on the template engine that is being used.
  * PHP for example uses .php files. Providing this function with 'home/dashboard' will load the home/view.dashboard.php file.
  * You can also provide no particular engine, and the manager will decide what template to load.
  * Remember that doing so will result in a LayoutException when multiple compatible files are found.
  * @param string $file      File to load
  * @param string $directory Directory to load it from
  * @return string The output of the template
  * @throws LayoutException On error
 public static function get($file, $directory = null)
     $directory = is_null($directory) ? self::$directory : $directory;
     Logger::newLevel("Loading template file '" . $file . "' in '" . $directory . "'");
     // First load the template engines
     // First retrieve the filepath
     if (is_null(self::$current_engine)) {
         self::setFileFromString($file, $directory, array_keys(self::$file_extensions));
     } else {
         self::setFileFromString($file, $directory, self::$current_engine->getFileExtensions());
     // Then assign some basic variables for the template
     self::$assigned_variables['wwwDir'] = Config::get('main')->base_url;
     self::$assigned_variables['siteURL'] = Config::get('main')->base_url;
     self::$assigned_variables['serverName'] = Config::get('main')->server_name;
     self::$assigned_variables['adminMail'] = Config::get('main')->administrator_mail;
     self::$assigned_variables['contact'] = Config::get('contact')->toArray();
     // Select an engine if one is not already selected
     if (is_null(self::$current_engine)) {
         self::$current_engine = self::getEngineFromExtension(self::getExtensionFromFile(self::$file));
     // And run an Event to see what other parts have to say about it
     $event = Events::fireEvent('layoutLoadViewEvent', self::$file, self::$directory, self::$current_engine, self::$assigned_variables);
     // The event has been cancelled
     if ($event->isCancelled()) {
         return false;
     // And refetch the data from the event
     self::$current_engine = $event->engine;
     self::$assigned_variables = $event->assigned_variables;
     // And finally run it
     if (file_exists($event->file)) {
         return self::$current_engine->get($event->file, self::$assigned_variables);
     throw new LayoutException('The requested file was not found', 1);
Esempio n. 8
  * Class constructor
  * @return	void
 public function __construct()
     $this->config = Config::get('routing');
     // Determine the base_url
     if (empty(Config::get('main')->base_url)) {
         if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) {
             if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'], ':') !== FALSE) {
                 $server_addr = '[' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . ']';
             } else {
                 $server_addr = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
             $base_url = (Core::isHttps() ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $server_addr . substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 0, strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])));
         } else {
             $base_url = 'http://localhost/';
         Config::get('main')->base_url = $base_url;
     // If query strings are enabled, we don't need to parse any segments.
     // However, they don't make sense under CLI.
     if (Core::isCli() or $this->config->enable_query_strings !== TRUE) {
         $this->_permitted_uri_chars = $this->config->permitted_uri_chars;
         // If it's a CLI request, ignore the configuration
         if (Core::isCli()) {
             $uri = $this->_parse_argv();
         } else {
             $protocol = $this->config->uri_protocol;
             empty($protocol) && ($protocol = 'REQUEST_URI');
             switch ($protocol) {
                 case 'AUTO':
                     // For BC purposes only
                 // For BC purposes only
                 case 'REQUEST_URI':
                     $uri = $this->_parse_request_uri();
                 case 'QUERY_STRING':
                     $uri = $this->_parse_query_string();
                 case 'PATH_INFO':
                     $uri = isset($_SERVER[$protocol]) ? $_SERVER[$protocol] : $this->_parse_request_uri();
Esempio n. 9
  * CSRF Set Cookie
  * @codeCoverageIgnore
  * @return	Security
 public function csrf_set_cookie()
     $expire = time() + $this->_csrf_expire;
     $cfg = Config::get('main');
     $secure_cookie = (bool) $cfg->cookie_secure;
     if ($secure_cookie && !is_https()) {
         return $this;
     setcookie($this->_csrf_cookie_name, $this->_csrf_hash, $expire, $cfg->cookie_path, $cfg->cookie_domain, $secure_cookie, $cfg->cookie_httponly);
     Logger::log('CSRF cookie sent');
     return $this;
Esempio n. 10
  * Mime Types
  * @param	string
  * @return	string
 protected function _mime_types($ext = '')
     $ext = strtolower($ext);
     $mimes = Config::get('mimes')->toArray();
     if (isset($mimes[$ext])) {
         return is_array($mimes[$ext]) ? current($mimes[$ext]) : $mimes[$ext];
     return 'application/x-unknown-content-type';
Esempio n. 11
  * Core Library Loader
  * Loads, instantiates and returns a core library.
  * @param	string	$class			Classname
  * @param   string 	$subdir 		Sub directory in which the final class can be found
  * @param	array	$params			Optional parameters to pass to the library class constructor
  * @param	array	$directory 		Optional list of directories where the library can be found. Overrides default list
  * @param   bool 	$newInstance 	Whether to return a new instance of the library or the same one
  * @return	object
  * @throws 	LibraryException
 protected function loadCoreLibrary($class, $subdir, array $parameters = null, array $directories, $newInstance = false)
     // First check if the input is correct
     if (!is_array($directories)) {
         throw new LibraryException("Could not load module. \$directory variable was not an array", 1);
     // Retrieve the subclass prefix
     $corePrefix = '\\FuzeWorks\\Library\\FW_';
     $appPrefix = '\\Application\\Library\\' . Config::get('main')->application_prefix;
     $prefix = $corePrefix;
     // Perform a check to see if the library is already loaded
     if (class_exists($prefix . $class, false)) {
         // Then check if an application extension also exists
         if (class_exists($appPrefix . $class, false)) {
             $prefix = $appPrefix;
         if (!isset($this->libraries[$prefix . $class])) {
             return $this->initLibrary($prefix . $class, $parameters);
         // If required to do so, return the existing instance or load a new one
         if ($newInstance) {
             $this->factory->logger->log("Library '" . $prefix . $class . "' already loaded. Returning existing instance");
             return $this->libraries[$prefix . $class];
         $this->factory->logger->log("Library '" . $prefix . $class . "' already loaded. Returning new instance");
         return $this->initLibrary($prefix . $class, $parameters);
     // Remove the core directory from the checklist
     if (in_array(Core::$coreDir . DS . 'Libraries', $directories)) {
     // First check the directories for the core library (the FW_ class)
     foreach ($directories as $directory) {
         $file = $directory . DS . $subdir . $class . '.php';
         // Load if it exists
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             // First base; if an app library is found with FW_, load that one. There can be no extensions
             include_once $file;
             if (class_exists($prefix . $class, false)) {
                 return $this->initLibrary($prefix . $class, $parameters);
             } else {
                 // Otherwise log a message
                 $this->factory->logger->logWarning("File " . $file . " exists but does not declare {$prefix}{$class}");
     // Second base; if no base class is found in the app folder, load it from the core folder
     include_once Core::$coreDir . DS . 'Libraries' . DS . $subdir . $class . '.php';
     // Now let's check for extensions
     $subclass = $this->factory->config->getConfig('main')->application_prefix . $class;
     foreach ($directories as $directory) {
         $file = $directory . DS . $subdir . $subclass . '.php';
         // Load if it exists
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             include_once $file;
             if (class_exists($appPrefix . $class, false)) {
                 return $this->initLibrary($appPrefix . $class, $parameters);
             } else {
                 $this->factory->logger->logWarning("File " . $file . " exists but does not declare {$prefix}{$class}");
     // Third and last base; just load the FW_ core class
     if (class_exists('\\FuzeWorks\\Library\\FW_' . $class, false)) {
         return $this->initLibrary('\\FuzeWorks\\Library\\FW_' . $class, $parameters);
     throw new LibraryException("Could not load library. File " . 'Core' . DS . 'Libraries' . DS . $subdir . $class . '.php' . " exists but does not declare \\FuzeWorks\\Library\\FW_{$class}", 1);
Esempio n. 12
  * Class constructor
  * @param	array	$params	Configuration parameters
  * @return	void
 public function __construct(array $params = array())
     Logger::newLevel('Initializing Encryption Library');
     $this->_drivers = array('mcrypt' => defined('MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM'), 'openssl' => Core::isPHP('5.3.3') && extension_loaded('openssl'));
     if (!$this->_drivers['mcrypt'] && !$this->_drivers['openssl']) {
         throw new LibraryException('Encryption: Unable to find an available encryption driver.', 1);
     isset(self::$func_override) or self::$func_override = extension_loaded('mbstring') && ini_get('mbstring.func_override');
     if (!isset($this->_key) && self::strlen($key = Config::get('encryption')->encryption_key) > 0) {
         $this->_key = $key;
     Logger::log('Encryption Class Initialized');
Esempio n. 13
  * Initializes the core.
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function init()
     // Set the CWD for usage in the shutdown function
     self::$cwd = getcwd();
     // Set the core dir for when the loading of classes is required
     self::$coreDir = dirname(__DIR__);
     // If the environment is not yet defined, use production settings
     if (!defined('ENVIRONMENT')) {
         define('ENVIRONMENT', 'PRODUCTION');
     // Defines the time the framework starts. Used for timing functions in the framework
     if (!defined('STARTTIME')) {
         define('STARTTIME', microtime(true));
         define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     // Load basics
     register_shutdown_function(array('\\FuzeWorks\\Core', 'shutdown'));
     // Load core functionality
     new Factory();
     // Load the config file of the FuzeWorks core
     $config = Config::get('core');
     // Disable events if requested to do so
     if (!$config->enable_events) {
     // Build all the registers for correct operation, if modules are enabled
     if ($config->enable_modules) {
         Modules::buildRegister($config->registry_caching, $config->registry_caching_method, $config->registry_caching_time);
     // And fire the coreStartEvent
     $event = Events::fireEvent('coreStartEvent');
     if ($event->isCancelled()) {
         return true;
     // And initialize multiple classes