public function init() { parent::init(); $this->emptyText = Html::t('templete', 'noData'); $this->summary = Html::t('templete', 'summary'); $this->getView()->registerCssFile('/css/listStyle.css'); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function init() { if (!in_array($this->layout, ['default', 'horizontal', 'inline'])) { throw new InvalidConfigException('Invalid layout type: ' . $this->layout); } if ($this->layout !== 'default') { Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'form-' . $this->layout); } // BootstrapAsset::register($this->view); parent::init(); }
/** * Returns the JS options for the field. * @return array the JS options */ protected function getClientOptions() { $attribute = Html::getAttributeName($this->attribute); if (!in_array($attribute, $this->model->activeAttributes(), true)) { return []; } $enableClientValidation = $this->enableClientValidation || $this->enableClientValidation === null && $this->form->enableClientValidation; $enableAjaxValidation = $this->enableAjaxValidation || $this->enableAjaxValidation === null && $this->form->enableAjaxValidation; if ($enableClientValidation) { $validators = []; foreach ($this->model->getActiveValidators($attribute) as $validator) { /* @var $validator \yii\validators\Validator */ $js = $validator->clientValidateAttribute($this->model, $attribute, $this->form->getView()); if ($validator->enableClientValidation && $js != '') { if ($validator->whenClient !== null) { $js = "if (({$validator->whenClient})(attribute, value)) { {$js} }"; } $validators[] = $js; } } } if (!$enableAjaxValidation && (!$enableClientValidation || empty($validators))) { return []; } $options = []; $inputID = Html::getInputId($this->model, $this->attribute); $options['id'] = $inputID; $options['name'] = $this->attribute; $options['container'] = isset($this->selectors['container']) ? $this->selectors['container'] : ".field-{$inputID}"; $options['input'] = isset($this->selectors['input']) ? $this->selectors['input'] : "#{$inputID}"; if (isset($this->selectors['error'])) { $options['error'] = $this->selectors['error']; } elseif (isset($this->errorOptions['class'])) { $options['error'] = '.' . implode('.', preg_split('/\\s+/', $this->errorOptions['class'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)); } else { $options['error'] = isset($this->errorOptions['tag']) ? $this->errorOptions['tag'] : 'span'; } $options['encodeError'] = !isset($this->errorOptions['encode']) || $this->errorOptions['encode']; if ($enableAjaxValidation) { $options['enableAjaxValidation'] = true; } foreach (['validateOnChange', 'validateOnBlur', 'validateOnType', 'validationDelay'] as $name) { $options[$name] = $this->{$name} === null ? $this->form->{$name} : $this->{$name}; } if (!empty($validators)) { $options['validate'] = new JsExpression("function (attribute, value, messages, deferred, \$form) {" . implode('', $validators) . '}'); } // only get the options that are different from the default ones (set in yii.activeForm.js) return array_diff_assoc($options, ['validateOnChange' => true, 'validateOnBlur' => true, 'validateOnType' => false, 'validationDelay' => 500, 'encodeError' => true, 'error' => '.help-block']); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function run() { if (!$this->requiresPjax()) { echo Html::endTag('div'); $this->registerClientScript(); return; } $view = $this->getView(); $view->endBody(); // Do not re-send css files as it may override the css files that were loaded after them. // This is a temporary fix for // It should be removed once pjax supports loading only missing css files $view->cssFiles = null; $view->endPage(true); $content = ob_get_clean(); // only need the content enclosed within this widget $response = Yii::$app->getResponse(); $response->clearOutputBuffers(); $response->setStatusCode(200); $response->format = Response::FORMAT_HTML; $response->content = $content; $response->send(); Yii::$app->end(); }
/** * Run this widget. * This method registers necessary javascript and renders the needed HTML code. */ public function run() { $ret = '<span class="ui-autocomplete-span">'; // list($name,$id)=$this->resolveNameID(); // $name = Html::getAttributeName($this->attribute); $name = Html::getInputName($this->model, $this->attribute); $id = 'autocomplete-' . $this->attribute . '-' . self::$counter++; $defOptions = array('id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'autocomplete' => 'off'); $defClientOptions = array('minLength' => 1, 'delay' => 500, 'autoFocus' => false); $this->options = array_merge($defOptions, $this->options); $this->clientOptions = array_merge($defClientOptions, $this->clientOptions); if ($this->keyValue === true) { $inputValue = isset($this->options['value']) ? $this->options['value'] : null; $value = Html::getAttributeValue($this->model, $this->attribute); $hiddenId = $this->options['id'] . '-value'; $ret .= Html::hiddenInput($name, $value, ['id' => $hiddenId]); if (empty($this->clientEvents['select'])) { $this->clientEvents['select'] = <<<Eof function(event,ui){ \t\$(this).parents(".ui-autocomplete-span").children("input[type='hidden']").val(; } Eof; } if (empty($this->clientEvents['change'])) { $this->clientEvents['change'] = <<<Eof function(event,ui){ \tif(ui.item === null) \t\t\$(this).parents(".ui-autocomplete-span").children("input[type='hidden']").val(''); } Eof; } $name2 = 'query[' . $this->model->formName() . '][' . $this->attribute . ']'; $ret .= Html::textInput($name2, $inputValue, $this->options); } else { if ($this->hasModel()) { // \THtml::dump($this->options); $ret .= Html::activeTextInput($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->options); } else { $ret .= Html::textInput($name, $this->value, $this->options); } } if ($this->readOnly === TRUE) { $ret .= '</span>'; return $ret; } if ($this->sourceUrl !== null) { $url = $this->sourceUrl; $field = isset($this->clientOptions['searchField']) ? $this->clientOptions['searchField'] : $this->attribute; if (is_string($url)) { $url = array($url, 'field' => $field); } elseif (is_array($url)) { $url['field'] = $field; } $this->clientOptions['source'] = Url::to($url); } else { $this->clientOptions['source'] = $this->source; } $this->clientOptions['isOpened'] = false; if (empty($this->clientEvents['open'])) { $this->clientEvents['open'] = <<<Eof function(event,ui){ \t\$(this).autocomplete( "option", "isOpened",true ); } Eof; } if (empty($this->clientEvents['close'])) { $this->clientEvents['close'] = <<<Eof function(event,ui){ \t\$(this).autocomplete( "option", "isOpened",false ); } Eof; } if ($this->showDropdown === true) { $ret .= '<span class="dropdown"><i class="iconfont small-btn"></i></span>'; $js = <<<Eof \$(".ui-autocomplete-span .dropdown").on('click',function(event){ \tvar obj=\$(this).prev(); \tvar isOpened = obj.autocomplete( "option", "isOpened" ); \tif( isOpened ){ \t\tobj.autocomplete( "close"); \t}else{ \t\tif( obj.attr("readonly")==="readonly" )return; \t\tvar minLength = obj.autocomplete( "option", "minLength" ); \t\tobj.autocomplete( "option", "minLength", 0 ); \t\tobj.autocomplete("search",""); \t\tobj.autocomplete( "option", "minLength", minLength ); \t} }); Eof; $this->getView()->registerJs($js); // Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerScript(__CLASS__,$js); } $ret .= '</span>'; // $clientOptions= Json::encode($this->clientOptions); // $clientOptions=CJavaScript::encode($this->clientOptions); // $this->registerJs(__CLASS__.'#'.$id,"jQuery('#{$id}').autocomplete($clientOptions);"); $this->registerWidget('autocomplete'); return $ret; }