public function finish() { foreach ($this->partList as $key => $partName) { $f = new File(Path::combine($this->getDirectoryName(), $partName)); $f->rename(str_replace($this->getPrefix(), '', $f->getPath())); $this->partList[$key] = $f->getName(); } if ($this->isCurrentPartNotEmpty()) { $this->addFooter(); $this->rename(str_replace($this->getPrefix(), '', $this->getPath())); } }
/** * Updates cache usage statistics. * Each of parameters is added to appropriate existing stats. * * @param int $hit * @param int $miss * @param int $quota * @param int $posts * @param float $files * @return void */ public function writeStatistic($hit = 0, $miss = 0, $quota = 0, $posts = 0, $files = 0.0) { $fileValues = $this->readStatistic(); if ($fileValues) { $newValues = array(intval($fileValues["HITS"]) + $hit, intval($fileValues["MISSES"]) + $miss, intval($fileValues["QUOTA"]) + $quota, intval($fileValues["POSTS"]) + $posts, $files === false ? 0 : doubleval($fileValues["FILE_SIZE"]) + doubleval($files)); $this->statFile->putContents(implode(",", $newValues)); } }
function renderExceptionMessage(\Exception $exception, $debug = false) { if ($debug) { echo ExceptionHandlerFormatter::format($exception, true); } else { $p = Main\IO\Path::convertRelativeToAbsolute("/error.php"); if (Main\IO\File::isFileExists($p)) { include $p; } else { $context = Main\Application::getInstance(); if ($context) { echo Main\Localization\Loc::getMessage("eho_render_exception_message"); } else { echo "A error occurred during execution of this script. You can turn on extended error reporting in .settings.php file."; } } } }
private function reindexFile($siteId, $rootPath, $path, $maxFileSize = 0) { $pathAbs = IO\Path::combine($rootPath, $path); if (!UrlRewriter::checkPath($pathAbs)) { return 0; } $file = new IO\File($pathAbs); if ($maxFileSize > 0 && $file->getFileSize() > $maxFileSize * 1024) { return 0; } $fileSrc = $file->getContents(); if (!$fileSrc || $fileSrc == "") { return 0; } $arComponents = \PHPParser::parseScript($fileSrc); for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($arComponents); $i < $cnt; $i++) { Component\ParametersTable::add(array('SITE_ID' => $siteId, 'COMPONENT_NAME' => $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["COMPONENT_NAME"], 'TEMPLATE_NAME' => $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["TEMPLATE_NAME"], 'REAL_PATH' => $path, 'SEF_MODE' => $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]["SEF_MODE"] == "Y" ? Component\ParametersTable::SEF_MODE : Component\ParametersTable::NOT_SEF_MODE, 'SEF_FOLDER' => $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]["SEF_MODE"] == "Y" ? $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]["SEF_FOLDER"] : null, 'START_CHAR' => $arComponents[$i]["START"], 'END_CHAR' => $arComponents[$i]["END"], 'PARAMETERS' => serialize($arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]))); if ($arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]["SEF_MODE"] == "Y") { $arFields = array("CONDITION" => "#^" . $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]["SEF_FOLDER"] . "#", "RULE" => "", "ID" => $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["COMPONENT_NAME"], "PATH" => $path, "SORT" => self::DEFAULT_SORT); UrlRewriter::add($siteId, $arFields); } } return true; }
protected function sendToEventHandler(array $handler, Event $event) { try { $result = true; $event->addDebugInfo($handler); if (isset($handler["TO_MODULE_ID"]) && !empty($handler["TO_MODULE_ID"]) && $handler["TO_MODULE_ID"] != 'main') { $result = Loader::includeModule($handler["TO_MODULE_ID"]); } elseif (isset($handler["TO_PATH"]) && !empty($handler["TO_PATH"])) { $path = ltrim($handler["TO_PATH"], "/"); if (($path = Loader::getLocal($path)) !== false) { $result = (include_once $path); } } elseif (isset($handler["FULL_PATH"]) && !empty($handler["FULL_PATH"]) && IO\File::isFileExists($handler["FULL_PATH"])) { $result = (include_once $handler["FULL_PATH"]); } $event->addDebugInfo($result); if (isset($handler["TO_METHOD_ARG"]) && is_array($handler["TO_METHOD_ARG"]) && !empty($handler["TO_METHOD_ARG"])) { $args = $handler["TO_METHOD_ARG"]; } else { $args = array(); } if ($handler["VERSION"] > 1) { $args[] = $event; } else { $args = array_merge($args, array_values($event->getParameters())); } $callback = null; if (isset($handler["CALLBACK"])) { $callback = $handler["CALLBACK"]; } elseif (!empty($handler["TO_CLASS"]) && !empty($handler["TO_METHOD"]) && class_exists($handler["TO_CLASS"])) { $callback = array($handler["TO_CLASS"], $handler["TO_METHOD"]); } if ($callback != null) { $result = call_user_func_array($callback, $args); } if ($result != null && !$result instanceof EventResult) { $result = new EventResult(EventResult::UNDEFINED, $result, $handler["TO_MODULE_ID"]); } $event->addDebugInfo($result); if ($result != null) { $event->addResult($result); } } catch (\Exception $ex) { if ($event->isDebugOn()) { $event->addException($ex); } else { throw $ex; } } }
function seoSitemapGetFilesData($PID, $arSitemap, $arCurrentDir, $sitemapFile) { global $NS; $arDirList = array(); if($arCurrentDir['ACTIVE'] == SitemapRuntimeTable::ACTIVE) { $list = \CSeoUtils::getDirStructure( $arSitemap['SETTINGS']['logical'] == 'Y', $arSitemap['SITE_ID'], $arCurrentDir['ITEM_PATH'] ); foreach($list as $dir) { $dirKey = "/".ltrim($dir['DATA']['ABS_PATH'], "/"); if($dir['TYPE'] == 'F') { if(!isset($arSitemap['SETTINGS']['FILE'][$dirKey]) || $arSitemap['SETTINGS']['FILE'][$dirKey] == 'Y') { if(preg_match($arSitemap['SETTINGS']['FILE_MASK_REGEXP'], $dir['FILE'])) { $f = new IO\File($dir['DATA']['PATH'], $arSitemap['SITE_ID']); $sitemapFile->addFileEntry($f); $NS['files_count']++; } } } else { if(!isset($arSitemap['SETTINGS']['DIR'][$dirKey]) || $arSitemap['SETTINGS']['DIR'][$dirKey] == 'Y') { $arDirList[] = $dirKey; } } } } else { $len = strlen($arCurrentDir['ITEM_PATH']); if(!empty($arSitemap['SETTINGS']['DIR'])) { foreach($arSitemap['SETTINGS']['DIR'] as $dirKey => $checked) { if($checked == 'Y') { if(strncmp($arCurrentDir['ITEM_PATH'], $dirKey, $len) === 0) { $arDirList[] = $dirKey; } } } } if(!empty($arSitemap['SETTINGS']['FILE'])) { foreach($arSitemap['SETTINGS']['FILE'] as $dirKey => $checked) { if($checked == 'Y') { if(strncmp($arCurrentDir['ITEM_PATH'], $dirKey, $len) === 0) { $fileName = IO\Path::combine( SiteTable::getDocumentRoot($arSitemap['SITE_ID']), $dirKey ); if(!is_dir($fileName)) { $f = new IO\File($fileName, $arSitemap['SITE_ID']); if($f->isExists() && !$f->isSystem() && preg_match($arSitemap['SETTINGS']['FILE_MASK_REGEXP'], $f->getName()) ) { $sitemapFile->addFileEntry($f); $NS['files_count']++; } } } } } } } if(count($arDirList) > 0) { foreach($arDirList as $dirKey) { $arRuntimeData = array( 'PID' => $PID, 'ITEM_PATH' => $dirKey, 'PROCESSED' => SitemapRuntimeTable::UNPROCESSED, 'ACTIVE' => SitemapRuntimeTable::ACTIVE, 'ITEM_TYPE' => SitemapRuntimeTable::ITEM_TYPE_DIR, ); SitemapRuntimeTable::add($arRuntimeData); } } SitemapRuntimeTable::update($arCurrentDir['ID'], array( 'PROCESSED' => SitemapRuntimeTable::PROCESSED )); }
public function __construct($siteId) { $this->siteId = $siteId; $this->documentRoot = SiteTable::getDocumentRoot($this->siteId); parent::__construct(IO\Path::combine($this->documentRoot, self::ROBOTS_FILE_NAME)); }
protected function getFileUrl(File $f) { static $arIndexNames; if (!is_array($arIndexNames)) { $arIndexNames = GetDirIndexArray(); } if (substr($this->path, 0, strlen($this->documentRoot)) === $this->documentRoot) { $path = '/' . substr($f->getPath(), strlen($this->documentRoot)); } $path = Path::convertLogicalToUri($path); $path = in_array($f->getName(), $arIndexNames) ? str_replace('/' . $f->getName(), '/', $path) : $path; return '/' . ltrim($path, '/'); }
/** * Downloads and saves a file. * * @param string $url URI to download * @param string $filePath Absolute file path * @return bool */ public function download($url, $filePath) { $dir = IO\Path::getDirectory($filePath); IO\Directory::createDirectory($dir); $file = new IO\File($filePath); $handler = $file->open("w+"); if ($handler !== false) { $this->setOutputStream($handler); $res = $this->query(self::HTTP_GET, $url); fclose($handler); return $res; } return false; }