Esempio n. 1
File: Cache.php Progetto: fraym/core
  * if cacheing is active and a cached file is availible it outputs the cache and exits the script
  * @return void
 public function load()
     // gets the current uri - example: /folder/folder2
     $filename = $this->getCacheName();
     // create the cache filename
     $cacheFilename = self::DIR_PAGES . $filename . '.cache.php';
     $cacheFilenamePhpData = self::DIR_PAGES . $filename . '.cache.config.php';
     $menuItemTranslation = false;
     $domain = false;
     $httpStatusCode = 200;
     $executedBlocks = [];
     if (defined('GLOBAL_CACHING_ENABLED') && GLOBAL_CACHING_ENABLED && !$this->request->isXmlHttpRequest() && !$this->request->isPost() && $this->user->isAdmin() === false && is_file($cacheFilename) && is_file($cacheFilenamePhpData)) {
         include $cacheFilenamePhpData;
         if ($menuItemTranslation) {
             $menuItemTranslation = json_decode($menuItemTranslation);
             if (is_object($menuItemTranslation)) {
                 if ($this->request->isXmlHttpRequest() === false && $this->route->isHttps() === false && $menuItemTranslation->menuItem->https === true) {
                     $this->route->redirectToUrl('https://' . $this->route->getRequestRoute());
                 if ($this->isCachingActive($menuItemTranslation->menuItem)) {
                     // display the cached file to the client
                     $contents = file_get_contents($cacheFilename);
                     $content = $this->blockParser->parse($contents, 'outputFilter');
                     echo $this->core->includeScript($content);
Esempio n. 2
  * Save the block configuration received by the client.
  * @return bool
 public function saveBlockConfig()
     $blockConfigGP = $this->request->getGPAsObject();
     $validate = $this->validation->setData($blockConfigGP);
     $validate->addRule('id', 'numeric')->addRule('menuId', 'numeric')->addRule('contentId', 'notEmpty');
     $block = false;
     $menuItemTranslation = null;
     if (($result = $validate->check()) === true) {
         $extension = $this->db->getRepository('\\Fraym\\Block\\Entity\\BlockExtension')->findOneById($blockConfigGP->id);
         $menu = $this->db->getRepository('\\Fraym\\Menu\\Entity\\MenuItem')->findOneById($blockConfigGP->menuId);
         $menuItemTranslation = $this->db->getRepository('\\Fraym\\Menu\\Entity\\MenuItemTranslation')->findOneById($blockConfigGP->menuTranslationId);
         if (isset($blockConfigGP->currentBlockId)) {
             $block = $this->db->getRepository('\\Fraym\\Block\\Entity\\Block')->findOneById($blockConfigGP->currentBlockId);
         if ($extension) {
             if ($block) {
                 $newBlock = new BlockXML();
             } else {
                 $newBlock = new BlockXML();
             if (isset($blockConfigGP->excludedDevices)) {
             if (isset($blockConfigGP->permissions)) {
             if (!empty($blockConfigGP->startDate)) {
                 $date = new \DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($blockConfigGP->startDate)));
             if (!empty($blockConfigGP->endDate)) {
                 $date = new \DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($blockConfigGP->endDate)));
             if ($blockConfigGP->template == 'custom') {
             } elseif (empty($blockConfigGP->template)) {
             } else {
             $saveMethod = $extension->saveMethod;
             $instance = $this->serviceLocator->get($extension->class);
             if (empty($block)) {
                 $block = new \Fraym\Block\Entity\Block();
             $blockCount = count($this->db->getRepository('\\Fraym\\Block\\Entity\\Block')->findByContentId($blockConfigGP->contentId));
             $block->contentId = $blockConfigGP->contentId;
             $block->position = $block->position ? $block->position : $blockCount;
             $block->menuItem = isset($blockConfigGP->menu) && $blockConfigGP->menu == '1' ? null : $menu;
             $block->site = $menu->site;
             $block->menuItemTranslation = $blockConfigGP->menuTranslation === 'current' ? $menuItemTranslation : null;
             $block->extension = $extension;
              * Set configuration for the block output
              * Extension event callback
             if (method_exists($instance, $saveMethod)) {
                 $newBlock = $instance->{$saveMethod}($block->id, $newBlock);
             $blockConfig = $this->blockParser->getBlockConfig((string) $newBlock);
             $block->config = $blockConfig;
              * Save block in history
             if (isset($blockConfigGP->currentBlockId)) {
                 $this->block->saveHistory($block, 'edited');
             } else {
                 $this->block->saveHistory($block, 'added');
             $data = $this->prepareBlockOutput($block);
             $this->response->sendAsJson(array('data' => $data, 'blockId' => $block->id));
     $this->response->sendAsJson(array('error' => $result));
Esempio n. 3
  * @param $menuItemTranslation
  * @return bool
 private function setupPage($menuItemTranslation)
     try {
         $this->currentMenuItemTranslation = $menuItemTranslation;
         $this->currentMenuItem = $menuItemTranslation->menuItem;
         $pageTitle = ((string) $menuItemTranslation->pageTitle === '' ? $menuItemTranslation->title : $menuItemTranslation->pageTitle) . ' | ' . $menuItemTranslation->menuItem->site->name;
         $this->template->setKeywords(explode(',', $menuItemTranslation->keywords));
         setlocale(LC_ALL, $this->locale->getLocale()->locale);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 4
  * @return array|bool
 protected function initConfigurations()
     $gp = $this->request->getGPAsObject();
     $errors = [];
      * create default language
     $locale = new \Fraym\Locale\Entity\Locale();
     switch ($gp->locale) {
         case 'german':
             $locale->name = 'German';
             $locale->locale = 'de_DE';
             $locale->country = 'Germany';
             $locale->default = true;
         case 'french':
             $locale->name = 'French';
             $locale->locale = 'fr_FR';
             $locale->country = 'France';
             $locale->default = true;
         case 'swedish':
             $locale->name = 'swedish';
             $locale->locale = 'sv_SE';
             $locale->country = 'Sweden';
             $locale->default = true;
         case 'spanish':
             $locale->name = 'Spanish';
             $locale->locale = 'es_ES';
             $locale->country = 'Spain';
             $locale->default = true;
             // english
             $locale->name = 'English';
             $locale->locale = 'en_US';
             $locale->country = 'USA';
             $locale->default = true;
      * create site
     $site = new \Fraym\Site\Entity\Site();
     $site->name = $gp->site->name;
     $site->caching = true;
     $site->active = true;
      * create domain for site
     $domain = new \Fraym\Site\Entity\Domain();
     $domain->site = $site;
     $domain->address = $gp->site->url;
     $adminGroup = new \Fraym\User\Entity\Group();
     $adminGroup->name = $this->translation->autoTranslation('Administrator', 'en', $this->locale->getLocale()->locale);
     $adminGroup->identifier = 'Administrator';
     $adminUser = new \Fraym\User\Entity\User();
     $adminUser->updateEntity($gp->user, false);
     if (strlen($gp->user->password) < 8) {
         $errors[] = 'Password is too short.';
     } elseif ($gp->user->password === $gp->user->password_repeat) {
         $adminUser->password = $gp->user->password;
     } else {
         $errors[] = 'Passwords do not match.';
     if (count($errors) === 0) {
          * Register extensions, default theme...
          * Set menuitem template -> default theme
          * Login admin user
         return true;
     return $errors;
Esempio n. 5
File: Route.php Progetto: fraym/core
  * @param $menuItemTranslation
  * @return bool
  * @throws \Exception
 protected function setupPage($menuItemTranslation)
     try {
         $this->currentMenuItemTranslation = $menuItemTranslation;
         $this->currentMenuItem = $menuItemTranslation->menuItem;
         if ($this->request->isXmlHttpRequest() || $this->user->isAdmin()) {
             $localeId = $this->request->gp('locale_id');
             if ($localeId && is_numeric($localeId)) {
             } else {
         } else {
         $pageTitle = (string) $menuItemTranslation->pageTitle === '' ? $menuItemTranslation->title : $menuItemTranslation->pageTitle;
         $pageTitle = str_replace('[SITE_NAME]', $menuItemTranslation->menuItem->site->name, $pageTitle);
         $this->template->setKeywords(explode(',', $menuItemTranslation->keywords));
         setlocale(LC_ALL, $this->locale->getLocale()->locale);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new \Exception('Error setup page: ' . $e->getMessage());
     return true;