Esempio n. 1
 public function testHtml()
     $list = array('' => '', '<script>' => ';script&gt;', '<script>alert(\'1\')</script>' => ';script&gt;alert(&#039;1&#039;)&lt;/script&gt;', '<script>alert("1")</script>' => ';script&gt;alert(&quot;1&quot;)&lt;/script&gt;', '">' => ';&gt;');
     foreach ($list as $input => $check) {
         $this->assertEquals(Utils::html($input), $check);
Esempio n. 2
  * Get view value
  * @return string
 public function _getViewValue()
     $v = \FormHandler\Utils::html($this->getValue());
     if ($this->getEnableViewModeLink() && trim($v) != '') {
         $this->setViewModeLink('mailto:' . $v);
     return parent::_getViewValue();
Esempio n. 3
  * FormHandler::_getForm()
  * Private: get the form
  * @return string: the generated form
  * @author Teye Heimans
  * @author Marien den Besten
 private function getForm($iDisplayPage = null)
     //process page
     // is no specific page requested, then get the "current" page
     $iDisplayPage = is_null($iDisplayPage) ? $this->pageCurrent : $iDisplayPage;
     // make sure that the requested page cannot be negative
     $iDisplayPage = $iDisplayPage <= 0 ? 1 : $iDisplayPage;
     // set the tab indexes for the fields...
     while (list($index, $field) = each($this->tabIndexes)) {
         // check if the field exists in the form ?
         if ($this->fieldExists($field)) {
             // set the tab index
         } else {
             trigger_error('Error, try to set the tabindex of an unknown field "' . $field . '"!', E_USER_NOTICE);
     // set the focus to the first (tab index) field if no focus is set yet
     // and are there tab indexes set ?
     if (is_null($this->focus) && is_null($this->focusBuffer) && sizeof($this->tabIndexes) > 0) {
         // set the focus to the element with the lowest positive tab index
         while (list($key, $field) = each($this->tabIndexes)) {
             if ($key >= 0 && $this->setFocus($field)) {
     // no focus set yet. Set the focus to the first field
     if (is_null($this->focus) && is_null($this->focusBuffer)) {
         // is it a object (only fields + buttons are objects)
         $ft = array_keys($this->fields);
         foreach ($ft as $name) {
             if (!is_null($this->getField($name)) && method_exists($this->getField($name), 'getViewMode') && $this->getField($name)->getViewMode() === false && $this->setFocus($name)) {
     // initialize the used vars
     $hidden = '';
     $form = '';
     $buffer = array();
     $repeat = true;
     $page = 1;
     $fields_displayed = array();
     // start a new mask loader
     $mask = new MaskLoader();
     // set the seach values
     $mask->setSearch(array('/%field%/', '/%error%/', '/%title%/', '/%seperator%/', '/%name%/', '/%error_id%/', '/%value%/', '/%help%/', '/%field_wrapper%/'));
     // walk trought the fields array
     foreach ($this->fields as $id => $field) {
         list($title, $obj) = $field;
         if ($title == '__PAGE__') {
         if ($title == '__HIDDEN__') {
             $hidden .= $obj->getField() . "\n";
             $hidden .= $obj->getErrorMessage() . "\n";
             $fields_displayed[] = $id;
         if ($title == '__MASK__') {
             // new mask to set
             if (!isset($this->mask) || is_null($this->mask) || $page == $iDisplayPage) {
                 list($this->mask, $repeat) = $obj;
         if ($title == '__HTML__' || $title == '__LINE__') {
             // but only if the html or line is on this page!
             if ($page == $iDisplayPage) {
                 $form .= $obj;
         if ($title == '__FIELDSET__') {
             // begin new fieldset
             if ($page == $iDisplayPage) {
                 array_unshift($obj, $form);
                 array_push($buffer, $obj);
                 $form = '';
         if ($title == '__FIELDSET-END__') {
             // end new fieldset
             if ($page == $iDisplayPage) {
                 if (sizeof($buffer) > 0) {
                     $d = array_pop($buffer);
                     $form = $d[0] . str_replace(array('%name%', '%caption%', '%content%', '%extra%'), array($d[1], $d[2], $form, $d[3]), Configuration::get('fieldset_mask'));
                 } else {
                     trigger_error('Fieldset is closed while there is not an open fieldset!');
         // the fields are not displayed in this page..
         // set them as hidden fields in the form
         if ($page != $iDisplayPage) {
             // put the data of the field in a hidden field
             // buttons are just ignored
             if ($title != '__BUTTON__') {
                 // create a new hidden field to set the field's value in
                 $value = $obj->getValue();
                 $h = new Field\Hidden($this, $id);
                 $hidden .= $h->getField() . "\n";
         // the field is on the current page of the form
         //create array to know which fields are displayed
         //used for linked fields
         $fields_displayed[] = $id;
         // set the mask which should be filled
         // buttons don't have a title :-)
         if ($title == '__BUTTON__') {
             $title = '';
         //From this point, we are collecting the data to fill the mask.
         // Get the field or button value
         // can we get a field ?
         if (is_object($obj) && method_exists($obj, 'getField')) {
             $fld = $obj->getField();
         } elseif (is_object($obj) && method_exists($obj, 'getButton')) {
             $fld = $obj->getButton();
         } else {
             $fld = '';
         // escape dangerous characters
         $fld = str_replace('%', '____FH-percent____', $fld);
         // get possible error message
         $error = '';
         if ($this->displayErrors && is_object($obj) && method_exists($obj, 'getErrorState') && $obj->getErrorState() && method_exists($obj, 'getErrorMessage') && $obj->getErrorMessage() != '') {
             $error = $obj->getErrorMessage();
         // save the error messages
         // (when the user wants to use his own error displayer)
         $this->errors[$id] = $error;
          * Get the value for of the field
         $value = '';
         if (is_object($obj) && method_exists($obj, 'getValue')) {
             if (is_array($obj->getValue())) {
                 $value = '__FH_JSON__' . json_encode($obj->getValue());
             } else {
                 $value = $obj->getValue();
         //process help
         $is_view = method_exists($obj, 'getViewMode') && $obj->getViewMode();
         $help = !$this->isViewMode() && !$is_view ? $this->processHelp($id) : '';
         // give the field a class error added 25-08-2009 in order to give the field the error mask
         if ($this->isPosted() == true && $error != '') {
             $fld = $this->parseErrorFieldStyle($fld);
         // now, put all the replace values into an array
         $replace = array($fld, $error, !empty($title) ? $title : "", !strlen($title) ? '' : ':', !empty($id) ? $id : '', !empty($id) ? 'error_' . $id : '', $value, $help, $id . '_field');
         // fill the mask
         $html = $mask->fill($replace);
         // added 07-01-2009 in order to specify which element should get the error class
         if ($this->isPosted() == true && $error != '') {
             $html = $this->parseErrorStyle($html);
         } else {
             $html = str_replace('%error_style%', '', $html);
         // is the mask filled ?
         if ($html) {
             // add it the the form HTML
             $form .= str_replace('____FH-percent____', '%', $html);
             // if we don't have to repeat the current mask, use the original
             if (!$repeat) {
                 $this->mask = Configuration::get('default_row_mask');
             } elseif (is_numeric($repeat)) {
     //there are linked select fields to create javascript
     if (count($this->attachSelect) > 0) {
         //set variables
         $groups = array();
         $group_parents = array();
         $item_parents = array();
         //loop through all linked fields
         foreach ($this->attachSelect as $fld => $fields) {
             //loop through all chained fields
             foreach ($fields as $chained) {
                 //when both fields are in viewmode exclude from attaching
                 if ($this->fieldExists($chained) && $this->isFieldViewMode($chained)) {
                 //find parent for this field
                 $check = $fld;
                 //do not go deeper than 500 iterations
                 for ($i = 1; $i <= 500; $i++) {
                     if (!array_key_exists($check, $group_parents)) {
                     $check = $group_parents[$check];
                 //add to lookup table
                 $group_parents[$chained] = $check;
                 //when no group is available, create on
                 if (!array_key_exists($check, $groups)) {
                     $groups[$check] = array();
                 //only add to group if not added before
                 if (!in_array($chained, $groups[$check])) {
                     $groups[$check][] = $chained;
                 $item_parents[$chained . '_' . $check] = $fld;
                 //convert master into chained field
                 if (array_key_exists($chained, $groups)) {
                     foreach ($groups[$chained] as $old) {
                         //only add to the group if not already existing
                         if (!in_array($old, $groups[$check])) {
                             //add to existing parent
                             $groups[$check][] = $old;
                         //change parent lookup
                         $group_parents[$old] = $check;
                         $item_parents[$old . '_' . $check] = $chained;
                         unset($item_parents[$old . '_' . $chained]);
                     //remove old
         $new_js = '';
         //attach loaders
         foreach ($this->attachSelect as $field_from => $fields) {
             $extras = array();
             $checked_fields = array();
             $already_processed = array();
             foreach ($fields as $field_to) {
                 //don't include field when field is in view mode
                 if (substr($field_to, 0, 1) != '#' && ($this->isFieldViewMode($field_to) || array_search($field_to, $fields_displayed) === false)) {
                 //field can be used
                 $checked_fields[] = $field_to;
                 $extraCheck = $this->fieldLinks[$field_from . '_' . $field_to]['extra'];
                 $extraList = !is_array($extraCheck) ? array() : $extraCheck;
                 //process extra's
                 foreach ($extraList as $extra) {
                     if (in_array($extra, $already_processed)) {
                     // is this argument a field? Then load the value
                     if ($this->fieldExists($extra) == true) {
                         $extra_value = "'+ FormHandler.getValue(\$('" . $this->getFieldHtmlLocator($extra) . "')) +'";
                         if ($this->isFieldViewMode($extra)) {
                             //when in viewmode the value is not present in the form
                             $extra_value = urlencode($this->getValue($extra));
                         $extras[] = $extra . '=' . $extra_value;
                     } else {
                         // just load the extra argument, it's a js string
                         $extras[] = $extra;
                     $already_processed[] = $extra;
             if (count($checked_fields) == 0) {
             $function_name = str_replace('-', '_', $field_from);
             $field = $this->getField($field_from);
             $field_class = get_class($this->fields[$field_from][1]);
             $view_mode = $field instanceof Field\Hidden || $this->isFieldViewMode($field_from);
             //determine value
             $from_value = "FormHandler.getValue(\$('" . $this->getFieldHtmlLocator($field_from) . "'),true)";
             if ($view_mode) {
                 $from_value = json_encode($this->getValue($field_from));
                 if (is_array($this->getValue($field_from))) {
                     $from_value = "'__FH_JSON__" . $from_value . "'";
             $new_js .= 'var field_' . $function_name . ' = $(\'' . $this->getFieldHtmlLocator($field_from) . '\');' . "\n";
             if (!$view_mode) {
                 $new_js .= "field_" . $function_name;
                 $new_js .= ".on('" . $this->getFieldTrigger($field_from) . "',function(event,values)\n";
                 if ($field instanceof Field\Text || $field instanceof Field\Email || $field instanceof Field\Number) {
                     //on text fields we want a delay to prevent server load
                     $new_js .= "{\n";
                     $new_js .= "clearTimeout(\$.data(this, 'timer'));\n";
                     $new_js .= "    if(event.keyCode == 13) search_" . $function_name . "(values);\n";
                     $new_js .= "    else \$(this).data('timer', setTimeout(function() { " . "search_" . $function_name . "(values); },500));\n";
                     $new_js .= "});\n";
                     $new_js .= "function search_" . $function_name . "(values)\n";
             } else {
                 $new_js .= "function load_" . $function_name . "(values)\n";
             $protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' ? 'https' : 'http';
             //build request url
             $request_url = Utils::buildRequestUrl($protocol, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
             $new_js .= "{\n";
             $new_js .= "    FormHandler.load(\n";
             $new_js .= "        '" . $request_url . "',\n";
             $new_js .= "        " . $from_value . ",\n";
             $new_js .= "        " . json_encode($checked_fields) . ",\n";
             $new_js .= "        '" . implode('&', $extras) . "',\n";
             $new_js .= "        values,\n";
             $new_js .= "        field_" . $function_name . ",\n";
             $new_js .= "        " . json_encode($this->getFormName()) . ",\n";
             $new_js .= "        " . json_encode($field_from) . "\n";
             $new_js .= "    );\n";
             $new_js .= "}";
             if (!$view_mode && !$field instanceof Field\Text && !$field instanceof Field\Email && !$field instanceof Field\Number) {
                 $new_js .= ");";
             $new_js .= "\n";
         //call loaders
         foreach ($groups as $parent => $childs) {
             if (array_search($parent, $fields_displayed) === false) {
             $values = array("fh_initial" => 1);
             foreach ($childs as $child) {
                 $values[$child] = $this->getValue($child);
             if (!$this->isFieldViewMode($parent) && !get_class($this->fields[$parent][1]) instanceof Field\Hidden) {
                 $trigger = $this->getFieldTrigger($parent);
                 $trigger = explode(' ', $trigger);
                 $new_js .= "\$('" . $this->getFieldHtmlLocator($parent) . "')";
                 $new_js .= ".triggerHandler('" . $trigger[0] . "'," . json_encode($values) . ");\n";
             } else {
                 $new_js .= "load_" . str_replace('-', '_', $parent) . "(" . json_encode($values) . ");\n";
         $this->_setJS($new_js, false, false);
     // add the page number to the forms HTML
     if ($this->pageCounter > 1) {
         $h = new Field\Hidden($this, $this->name . '_page');
         $hidden .= $h->getField() . "\n";
     // get a possible half filled mask and add it to the html
     $form .= str_replace('____FH-percent____', '%', $mask->fill(null));
     // delete the mask loader
     // set the javascript needed for setting the focus
     if ((!empty($this->focus) || !empty($this->focusBuffer)) && $this->focus !== false) {
         $focus = !empty($this->focus) ? $this->focus : $this->focusBuffer;
         $this->_setJS("var elem = \$('#" . $this->getField($focus)->getFocus() . "') \n" . "if(elem.length != 0 &&':hidden') == false) { elem.focus(); }\n", 0, 0);
     if ($this->rememberFormPosition === true) {
         $this->_setJS("if(\$('#" . $this->name . "_position').val() != 0) setTimeout(function()" . "{ \$(document).scrollTop(\$('#" . $this->name . "_position').val()); },200);\n", false, false);
         $this->_setJS("\$('#" . $this->name . "').on('submit',function()" . "{ \$('#" . $this->name . "_position').val(\$(document).scrollTop()); });\n", false, false);
     if (count($this->fieldsHidden) != 0) {
         foreach (array_keys($this->fieldsHidden) as $field) {
             $this->setCss('#' . $field . '_field {display:none;}');
     //get defined CSS
     $css_defined = $this->getCssCode();
     $css = trim($css_defined) != '' ? "<style>\n" . $css_defined . "</style>\n" : '';
     // NOTE!!
     // You can remove the line "This form is generated by FormHandler" with the config!!
     // Just use FormHandler::configuration::set('expose', false); before using any FormHandler object
     $sHeader = "<!--\n" . "  This form is automaticly being generated by FormHandler v4.\n" . "  See for more info:\n" . "  This credit MUST stay intact for use\n" . "-->\n" . $css . $this->getJavascriptCode(true) . '<form data-fh="true" id="' . $this->name . '" method="post" action="' . \FormHandler\Utils::html($this->action) . '"' . ($this->encoding === self::ENCODING_MULTIPART ? ' enctype="multipart/form-data"' : '') . (!empty($this->extra) ? " " . $this->extra : "") . ">\n" . '<ins>' . "\n" . $hidden . '</ins>';
     $sFooter = (Configuration::get('expose') ? "<p><span style='font-family:tahoma;font-size:10px;color:#B5B5B5;font-weight:normal;'>" . 'This form is generated by </span><a href="" >' . '<span style="font-family:Tahoma;font-size:10px;color:#B5B5B5;">' . '<strong>FormHandler</strong></span></a></p>' : '') . "</form>\n" . "<!--\n" . "  This form is automaticly being generated by FormHandler v4.\n" . "  See for more info:\n" . "-->" . $this->getJavascriptCode(false);
     $search = array('%header%', '%footer%');
     $replace = array($sHeader, $sFooter);
     $new_form = str_replace($search, $replace, $form, $num_replaced);
     if ($num_replaced === 2) {
         return $new_form;
     } else {
         return $sHeader . $form . $sFooter;
Esempio n. 4
  * Return the HTML of the field
  * @return string The html
  * @author Teye Heimans
 public function getField()
     // view mode enabled ?
     if ($this->getViewMode()) {
         // get the view value..
         return $this->_getViewValue();
     // get the selected and unselected values
     $current = !is_array($this->getValue()) ? array($this->getValue()) : $this->getValue();
     $aSelected = array();
     $aUnselected = array();
     foreach ($this->getOptions() as $iIndex => $sValue) {
         $sKey = !$this->getUseArrayKeyAsValue() ? $sValue : $iIndex;
         if (in_array($sKey, $current)) {
             $aSelected[$iIndex] = $sValue;
         } else {
             $aUnselected[$iIndex] = $sValue;
     // add the double click event
     $this->field_on->extra .= " ondblclick=\"changeValue('" . $this->name . "', false)\"";
     $this->field_off->extra .= " ondblclick=\"changeValue('" . $this->name . "', true)\"";
     $mask = !empty($this->vertical_mode) && $this->vertical_mode ? \FormHandler\Configuration::get('listfield_vertical_mask') : \FormHandler\Configuration::get('listfield_horizontal_mask');
     return $this->field_values->getField() . "\n" . str_replace(array('%onlabel%', '%offlabel%', '%onfield%', '%offfield%', '%name%', '%ontitle%', '%offtitle%'), array($this->field_on_title, $this->field_off_title, $this->field_on->getField(), $this->field_off->getField(), $this->name, sprintf(\FormHandler\Language::get(34), \FormHandler\Utils::html(strip_tags($this->field_off_title))), sprintf(\FormHandler\Language::get(34), \FormHandler\Utils::html(strip_tags($this->field_on_title)))), $mask) . (isset($this->extra_after) ? $this->extra_after : '');
Esempio n. 5
  * Field::_getViewValue()
  * Return the value of the field
  * @return string the value of the field in HTML
  * @author Teye Heimans
  * @author Marien den Besten
 public function _getViewValue()
     // get the value for the field
     $val = $this->getValue();
     // are there multiple options?
     if (!is_null($this->options) && $this->getUseArrayKeyAsValue() === true) {
         $array = !is_array($val) ? array($val) : $val;
         $tmp = array();
         // save the labels instead of the index keys as view value
         foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
             if (array_key_exists($value, $this->options)) {
                 $tmp[$value] = \FormHandler\Utils::html($this->options[$value]);
         $val = $tmp;
     $processed = !is_array($val) ? array(\FormHandler\Utils::html($val)) : $val;
     $enable_link = false;
     if (is_array($this->view_link)) {
         $link = $this->view_link[0];
         $target = $this->view_link[1] !== false ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
         $enable_link = true;
     $result = '';
     // is there only one item?
     if (count($processed) == 1) {
         $result = current($processed);
         $key = $this->getUseArrayKeyAsValue() ? key($processed) : $result;
         if ($enable_link) {
             $link = str_replace('{$value}', $key, $link);
             $result = '<a href="' . $link . '"' . $target . '>' . nl2br($result) . '</a>';
     } elseif (count($processed) != 0) {
         // make a list of the selected items
         $result = "\n\t<ul>\n";
         foreach ($processed as $key => $value) {
             if ($enable_link) {
                 $tmp = str_replace('{$value}', $key, $link);
                 $value = '<a href="' . $tmp . '"' . $target . '>' . $value . '</a>';
             $result .= "\t\t<li>" . nl2br($value) . "</li>\n";
         $result .= "\t</ul>\n";
     if (trim($result) == '') {
         $result = '-';
     return $result;
Esempio n. 6
  * @dataProvider dataProviderTestHtml
 public function testHtml($input, $expected)
     $this->assertEquals($expected, Utils::html($input));
Esempio n. 7
  * Return the HTML of the field
  * @return string the html of the field
  * @author Marien den Besten
 public function getField()
     // view mode enabled ?
     if ($this->getViewMode()) {
         // get the view value..
         return $this->_getViewValue();
     $current_value = $this->getValue();
     if (is_null($current_value)) {
         $this->button_edit->setExtra('style="display:none;"', true);
         $value = '';
     } else {
         $value = $this->form_object->truncateString($current_value->getFilename());
         $this->button_upload->setExtra('style="display:none;"', true);
         $this->setExtra('style="display:none;"', true);
     $status = '<span id="' . $this->name . '_status" class="upload" data-no-upload="No file chosen">' . \FormHandler\Utils::html($value) . '</span>';
     $return = $this->token->getField() . $this->filename->getField() . $this->state->getField() . $this->button_edit->getButton() . $this->button_upload->getButton() . $status;
     //process accept
     if (count($this->accept) !== 0) {
         $this->setExtra('accept="' . implode(', ', $this->accept) . '"', true);
     $dropzone_start = '';
     $dropzone_stop = '';
     if ($this->getDropZoneEnabled()) {
         $dropzone_start = '<span' . ' id="' . $this->name . '_dropzone"' . ' data-drop-here="' . \FormHandler\Utils::html($this->drop_zone_language['drop_file']) . '"' . ' data-too-large="' . \FormHandler\Utils::html($this->drop_zone_language['too_large']) . '"' . ' class="FH_dropzone">';
         $dropzone_stop = '</span>';
     //return the field
     return $dropzone_start . $return . sprintf('<input type="file" name="%s" id="%1$s" %s' . \FormHandler\Configuration::get('xhtml_close') . '>%s', $this->name, (isset($this->tab_index) ? 'tabindex="' . $this->tab_index . '" ' : '') . (isset($this->extra) ? $this->extra . ' ' : '') . ($this->getDisabled() && !$this->getDisabledInExtra() ? 'disabled="disabled" ' : ''), isset($this->extra_after) ? $this->extra_after : '') . $dropzone_stop;