Esempio n. 1
  * Remove the files and directories created for this test.
 public function tearDown()
     if ($this->fs->exists($this->root)) {
Esempio n. 2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $destroy_prs = array();
     $pull_request = $this->getConfigParameter('pull_request');
     $pr_directories = $this->getConfigParameter('pr_directories');
     // Get deployed PR's based on directories in $pr_directories and compare
     // that to the PR's open on GitHub.
     if ($input->getOption('closed')) {
         $deployed_prs = array();
         $finder = new Finder();
         // @TODO need to ensure that prefix is alphanumeric ONLY.
         $pattern = '/^' . $pull_request['prefix'] . '\\-([0-9]+)/';
         $iterator = $finder->directories()->name($pattern)->depth(0)->in($pr_directories);
         foreach ($iterator as $directory) {
             preg_match($pattern, $directory->getFilename(), $matches);
             $deployed_prs[] = $matches[1];
         if (!empty($deployed_prs)) {
             $github = $this->getGithub();
             $open_prs = array();
             $paginator = new Github\ResultPager($github);
             $prs = $paginator->fetchAll($github->api('pr'), 'all', array($this->getConfigParameter('organization'), $this->getConfigParameter('repository'), array('state' => 'open')));
             foreach ($prs as $pr) {
                 $open_prs[] = $pr['number'];
             // PR's to destroy are deployed PR's that are not open.
             $destroy_prs = array_diff($deployed_prs, $open_prs);
     } else {
         $pr_number = $input->getArgument('pull-request');
         if (!is_numeric($pr_number)) {
             throw new \Exception("PR must be a number.");
         $destroy_prs[] = $pr_number;
     if (!empty($destroy_prs)) {
         $fs = new Filesystem();
         $site_dir = $input->getOption('site-dir');
         foreach ($destroy_prs as $destroy_pr) {
             // @TODO get this path from a central place.
             $pr_path = rtrim($pr_directories, '/') . "/{$pull_request['prefix']}-{$destroy_pr}.{$pull_request['domain']}";
             if ($fs->exists($pr_path)) {
                 // Drop the database.
                 // @TODO set/get database name in central place, and use in DrupalSettings.
                 $database = $pull_request['prefix'] . '_' . $destroy_pr;
                 $process = new Process("drush sqlq 'DROP database {$database}'", $pr_path . "/docroot/sites/" . $site_dir);
                 // Remove the PR's web root.
                 // @TODO destroy memcache bins.
                 $output->writeln("<info>Successfully destroyed PR #{$destroy_pr}</info>");
     } else {
         $output->writeln("<info>No PR's to destroy.</info>");
Esempio n. 3
  * Remove the files and directories created for this test.
 public function tearDown()
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     if ($fs->exists($this->root)) {
Esempio n. 4
  * Remove the files and directories created for this test.
 public function tearDown()
     if ($this->fs->exists($this->file)) {