public static function validateDeleteApprovalRequest(Request $request)
     // REQUIRED client_id
     $clientId = $request->getUrl()->getQueryParameter('client_id');
     if (is_null($clientId)) {
         throw new BadRequestException('missing client_id');
     if (false === InputValidation::clientId($clientId)) {
         throw new BadRequestException('invalid client_id');
     // REQUIRED response_type
     $responseType = $request->getUrl()->getQueryParameter('response_type');
     if (is_null($responseType)) {
         throw new BadRequestException('missing response_type');
     if (false === InputValidation::responseType($responseType)) {
         throw new BadRequestException('invalid response_type');
     // REQUIRED scope
     $scope = $request->getUrl()->getQueryParameter('scope');
     if (is_null($scope)) {
         throw new BadRequestException('missing scope');
     if (false === InputValidation::scope($scope)) {
         throw new BadRequestException('invalid scope');
     return array('client_id' => $clientId, 'response_type' => $responseType, 'scope' => $scope);
 public function __construct(Request $request)
 public function __construct(ClientData $clientData, Request $request, $redirectUri, array $urlParams)
     $clientType = $clientData->getType();
     $urlParams['state'] = $request->getUrl()->getQueryParameter('state');
     // remove empty parameters
     foreach ($urlParams as $key => $value) {
         if (empty($value)) {
     if ('token' === $clientType) {
         $separator = '#';
     } else {
         $separator = false === strpos($redirectUri, '?') ? '?' : '&';
     parent::__construct(sprintf('%s%s%s', $redirectUri, $separator, http_build_query($urlParams)), 302);
 public function execute(Request $request, array $routeConfig)
     // only relevant if the request comes from a browser
     if (false === mb_strpos($request->getHeader('Accept'), 'text/html')) {
     // these methods do not require CSRF protection as they are not
     // supposed to have side effects on the server
     $safeMethods = ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS'];
     if (!in_array($request->getMethod(), $safeMethods)) {
         $referrer = $request->getHeader('HTTP_REFERER');
         $rootUrl = $request->getUrl()->getRootUrl();
         if (null === $referrer) {
             throw new BadRequestException('HTTP_REFERER header missing');
         if (0 !== mb_strpos($referrer, $rootUrl)) {
             throw new BadRequestException('HTTP_REFERER has unexpected value');
 public function getTokenIntrospection(Request $request, $tokenValue)
     if (null === $tokenValue) {
         throw new BadRequestException('invalid_token', 'the token parameter is missing');
     // FIXME: validate token format
     $accessToken = $this->db->getAccessToken($tokenValue);
     if (false === $accessToken) {
         // token does not exist
         $tokenInfo = array('active' => false);
     } elseif ($this->io->getTime() > $accessToken['issue_time'] + $accessToken['expires_in']) {
         // token expired
         $tokenInfo = array('active' => false);
     } else {
         // token exists and did not expire
         $tokenInfo = array('active' => true, 'exp' => intval($accessToken['issue_time'] + $accessToken['expires_in']), 'iat' => intval($accessToken['issue_time']), 'scope' => $accessToken['scope'], 'iss' => $request->getUrl()->getHost(), 'client_id' => $accessToken['client_id'], 'sub' => $accessToken['resource_owner_id'], 'user_id' => $accessToken['resource_owner_id'], 'token_type' => 'bearer');
         // as long as we have no RS registration we cannot set the audience...
         // $tokenInfo['aud'] => 'foo';
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     $response->setHeaders(array('Cache-Control' => 'no-store', 'Pragma' => 'no-cache'));
     return $response;
Esempio n. 6
 if (0 === strpos($dbDsn, 'sqlite:')) {
     // sqlite
     if (!file_exists(substr($dbDsn, 7))) {
         // sqlite file does not exist
         $initDb = true;
 $db = new PDO($dbDsn, $configReader->v('Db', 'username', false), $configReader->v('Db', 'password', false));
 // only enable templateCache when in production mode
 if ('development' !== $serverMode) {
     $templateCache = $configReader->v('templateCache', false, sprintf('%s/data/tpl', dirname(__DIR__)));
 } else {
     $templateCache = null;
 $templateManager = new TwigTemplateManager(array(dirname(__DIR__) . '/views', dirname(__DIR__) . '/config/views'), $templateCache);
 $templateManager->setDefault(array('rootFolder' => $request->getUrl()->getRoot(), 'serverMode' => $serverMode));
 $md = new MetadataStorage($db);
 $approvalStorage = new PdoApprovalStorage($db);
 $authorizationCodeStorage = new PdoAuthorizationCodeStorage($db);
 $accessTokenStorage = new PdoAccessTokenStorage($db);
 if ($initDb) {
 $remoteStorage = new RemoteStorage($md, $document);
 $session = new Session('php-remote-storage', array('secure' => 'development' !== $serverMode));
 $userAuth = new FormAuthentication(function ($userId) use($configReader) {
     $userList = $configReader->v('Users');
     if (null === $userList || !array_key_exists($userId, $userList)) {
 public function deleteDocument(Request $request, TokenInfo $tokenInfo)
     $path = new Path($request->getUrl()->getPathInfo());
     if ($path->getUserId() !== $tokenInfo->getUserId()) {
         throw new ForbiddenException('path does not match authorized subject');
     if (!$this->hasWriteScope($tokenInfo->getScope(), $path->getModuleName())) {
         throw new ForbiddenException('path does not match authorized scope');
     // need to get the version before the delete
     $documentVersion = $this->remoteStorage->getVersion($path);
     $ifMatch = $this->stripQuotes($request->getHeader('If-Match'));
     // if document does not exist, and we have If-Match header set we should
     // return a 412 instead of a 404
     if (null !== $ifMatch && !in_array($documentVersion, $ifMatch)) {
         throw new PreconditionFailedException('version mismatch');
     if (null === $documentVersion) {
         throw new NotFoundException(sprintf('document "%s" not found', $path->getPath()));
     $ifMatch = $this->stripQuotes($request->getHeader('If-Match'));
     if (null !== $ifMatch && !in_array($documentVersion, $ifMatch)) {
         throw new PreconditionFailedException('version mismatch');
     $x = $this->remoteStorage->deleteDocument($path, $ifMatch);
     $rsr = new Response();
     $rsr->setHeader('ETag', '"' . $documentVersion . '"');
     return $rsr;
 public function postAuthorization(Request $request, UserInfoInterface $userInfo)
     $authorizeRequest = new AuthorizeRequest($request);
     $clientId = $authorizeRequest->getClientId();
     $responseType = $authorizeRequest->getResponseType();
     $redirectUri = $authorizeRequest->getRedirectUri();
     $scope = $authorizeRequest->getScope();
     $state = $authorizeRequest->getState();
     $clientData = $this->storage->getClient($clientId);
     if (false === $clientData) {
         throw new BadRequestException('client not registered');
     // if no redirect_uri is part of the query parameter, use the one from
     // the client registration
     if (null === $redirectUri) {
         $redirectUri = $clientData->getRedirectUri();
     if ('approve' !== $request->getPostParameter('approval')) {
         return new ClientResponse($clientData, $request, $redirectUri, array('error' => 'access_denied', 'error_description' => 'not authorized by resource owner'));
     $this->addApproval($clientData, $userInfo->getUserId(), $scope);
     // redirect to self
     return new RedirectResponse($request->getUrl()->toString(), 302);
 public function deleteApproval(Request $request, UserInfoInterface $userInfo)
     $id = $request->getUrl()->getQueryParameter('id');
     $this->db->deleteApproval($id, $userInfo->getUserId());
     return new RedirectResponse($request->getUrl()->getRootUrl() . 'approvals.php', 302);
Esempio n. 10
 private function runService(Request $request)
     // support method override when _METHOD is set in a form POST
     if ('POST' === $request->getMethod()) {
         $methodOverride = $request->getPostParameter('_METHOD');
         if (null !== $methodOverride) {
     foreach ($this->routes as $route) {
         if (false !== ($availableRouteCallbackParameters = $route->isMatch($request->getMethod(), $request->getUrl()->getPathInfo()))) {
             return $this->executeCallback($request, $route, $availableRouteCallbackParameters);
     // figure out all supported methods by all routes
     $supportedMethods = [];
     foreach ($this->routes as $route) {
         $routeMethods = $route->getMethods();
         foreach ($routeMethods as $method) {
             if (!in_array($method, $supportedMethods)) {
                 $supportedMethods[] = $method;
     // requested method supported, document is just not available
     if (in_array($request->getMethod(), $supportedMethods)) {
         throw new NotFoundException('url not found', $request->getUrl()->getRoot() . mb_substr($request->getUrl()->getPathInfo(), 1));
     // requested method net supported...
     throw new MethodNotAllowedException($request->getMethod(), $supportedMethods);