Esempio n. 1
 function &execute()
     $V21ffce5b = $this->_getCommandParams();
     if (count($this->_findCriteria) || $this->_recordId) {
         $V21ffce5b['-find'] = true;
     } else {
         $V21ffce5b['-findall'] = true;
     if ($this->_recordId) {
         $V21ffce5b['-recid'] = $this->_recordId;
     if ($this->Vf951bdce) {
         $V21ffce5b['-lop'] = $this->Vf951bdce;
     foreach ($this->_findCriteria as $Vd1148ee8 => $Ve9de89b0) {
         $V21ffce5b[$Vd1148ee8] = $Ve9de89b0;
     $V0f635d0e = $this->_fm->_execute($V21ffce5b);
     if (FileMaker::isError($V0f635d0e)) {
         return $V0f635d0e;
     return $this->_getResult($V0f635d0e);
 function &execute()
     $V21ffce5b = $this->_getCommandParams();
     $V21ffce5b['-findany'] = true;
     $V0f635d0e = $this->_fm->_execute($V21ffce5b);
     if (FileMaker::isError($V0f635d0e)) {
         return $V0f635d0e;
     return $this->_getResult($V0f635d0e);
 function &execute()
     if (empty($this->_recordId)) {
         $Vcb5e100e = new FileMaker_Error($this->_fm, 'Duplicate commands require a record id.');
         return $Vcb5e100e;
     $V21ffce5b = $this->_getCommandParams();
     $V21ffce5b['-dup'] = true;
     $V21ffce5b['-recid'] = $this->_recordId;
     $V0f635d0e = $this->_fm->_execute($V21ffce5b);
     if (FileMaker::isError($V0f635d0e)) {
         return $V0f635d0e;
     return $this->_getResult($V0f635d0e);
 function &execute()
     $V090cbceb = null;
     $V8ac10dab = 0;
     $V31c3c8cf = 0;
     $V40677621 = 1;
     $Ve2942a04 = 1;
     $V21ffce5b = $this->_getCommandParams();
     $V31c3c8cf = count($this->Vad2bfd5a);
     foreach ($this->Vad2bfd5a as $V70a17ffa => $V9a7aa128) {
         $V15c46c6e = $V9a7aa128->_impl->_findCriteria;
         $V8ac10dab = count($V15c46c6e);
         $V090cbceb = $V090cbceb . '(';
         $V4111477f = 0;
         foreach ($V15c46c6e as $Vd1148ee8 => $Ve9de89b0) {
             $V21ffce5b['-q' . $Ve2942a04] = $Vd1148ee8;
             $V21ffce5b['-q' . $Ve2942a04 . '.' . "value"] = $Ve9de89b0;
             $V090cbceb = $V090cbceb . 'q' . $Ve2942a04;
             if ($V4111477f < $V8ac10dab) {
                 $V090cbceb = $V090cbceb . ',';
         $V090cbceb = $V090cbceb . ")";
         if ($V40677621 <= $V31c3c8cf) {
             $V4b22ce92 = $this->Vad2bfd5a[$V40677621];
             if ($V4b22ce92->_impl->_omit == true) {
                 $V090cbceb = $V090cbceb . ';!';
             } else {
                 $V090cbceb = $V090cbceb . ';';
     $V21ffce5b['-query'] = $V090cbceb;
     $V21ffce5b['-findquery'] = true;
     $V0f635d0e = $this->_fm->_execute($V21ffce5b);
     if (FileMaker::isError($V0f635d0e)) {
         return $V0f635d0e;
     return $this->_getResult($V0f635d0e);
Esempio n. 5
  * Returns the string representation of $this->code in the language 
  * currently  set for PHP error messages in FileMaker Server Admin 
  * Console.
  * You should call getMessage() in most cases, if you are not sure whether
  * the error is a FileMaker Web Publishing Engine error with an error code.
  * @return string Error description.
 function getErrorString()
     // Default to English.
     $lang = basename($this->_fm->getProperty('locale'));
     if (!$lang) {
         $lang = 'en';
     static $strings = array();
     if (empty($strings[$lang])) {
         if (!@(include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Error/' . $lang . '.php')) {
             include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Error/en.php';
         $strings[$lang] = $__FM_ERRORS;
     if (isset($strings[$lang][$this->getCode()])) {
         return $strings[$lang][$this->getCode()];
     return $strings[$lang][-1];
Esempio n. 6
 function setFieldFromTimestamp($V972bf3f0, $Vd7e6d55b, $V6d786dc7 = 0)
     $Vc6140495 =& $this->_fm->getLayout($this->_layout);
     if (FileMaker::isError($Vc6140495)) {
         return $Vc6140495;
     $V06e3d36f = $Vc6140495->getField($V972bf3f0);
     if (FileMaker::isError($V06e3d36f)) {
         return $V06e3d36f;
     switch ($V06e3d36f->getResult()) {
         case 'date':
             return $this->setField($V972bf3f0, date('m/d/Y', $Vd7e6d55b), $V6d786dc7);
         case 'time':
             return $this->setField($V972bf3f0, date('H:i:s', $Vd7e6d55b), $V6d786dc7);
         case 'timestamp':
             return $this->setField($V972bf3f0, date('m/d/Y H:i:s', $Vd7e6d55b), $V6d786dc7);
     return new FileMaker_Error($this->_fm, 'Only time, date, and timestamp fields can be set to the value of a timestamp.');
 function parse($V0f635d0e)
     if (empty($V0f635d0e)) {
         return new FileMaker_Error($this->_fm, 'Did not receive an XML document from the server.');
     $this->V5431b8d4 = xml_parser_create('UTF-8');
     xml_set_object($this->V5431b8d4, $this);
     xml_parser_set_option($this->V5431b8d4, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false);
     xml_parser_set_option($this->V5431b8d4, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, 'UTF-8');
     xml_set_element_handler($this->V5431b8d4, '_start', '_end');
     xml_set_character_data_handler($this->V5431b8d4, '_cdata');
     if (!@xml_parse($this->V5431b8d4, $V0f635d0e)) {
         return new FileMaker_Error($this->_fm, sprintf('XML error: %s at line %d', xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->V5431b8d4)), xml_get_current_line_number($this->V5431b8d4)));
     if (!empty($this->Vcb5e100e)) {
         return new FileMaker_Error($this->_fm, null, $this->Vcb5e100e);
     if (version_compare($this->Vf5bf48aa['version'], FileMaker::getMinServerVersion(), '<')) {
         return new FileMaker_Error($this->_fm, 'This API requires at least version ' . FileMaker::getMinServerVersion() . ' of FileMaker Server to run (detected ' . $this->Vf5bf48aa['version'] . ').');
     $this->V6de51026 = true;
     return true;
 function getStyleType()
     $Vb4a88417 = $this->_layout->loadExtendedInfo();
     if (FileMaker::isError($Vb4a88417)) {
         return $Vb4a88417;
     return $this->_styleType;
 function listLayouts()
     $V0f635d0e = $this->_execute(array('-db' => $this->getProperty('database'), '-layoutnames' => true));
     if (FileMaker::isError($V0f635d0e)) {
         return $V0f635d0e;
     $V3643b863 = new FileMaker_Parser_FMResultSet($this);
     $Vb4a88417 = $V3643b863->parse($V0f635d0e);
     if (FileMaker::isError($Vb4a88417)) {
         return $Vb4a88417;
     $V34d59fda = array();
     foreach ($V3643b863->V6e52c40b as $V0b2c082c) {
         $V34d59fda[] = $V0b2c082c['fields']['LAYOUT_NAME'][0];
     return $V34d59fda;
Esempio n. 10
 function getRelatedRecordById($V97f7e518, $Va6ec9c02)
     $Vaca007a7 = $this->getRelatedSet($V97f7e518);
     if (FileMaker::IsError($Vaca007a7)) {
         $Vcb5e100e = new FileMaker_Error($this->_fm, 'Related set "' . $Vaca007a7 . '" not present.');
         return $Vcb5e100e;
     } else {
         foreach ($Vaca007a7 as $V1b7d5726) {
             if ($V1b7d5726->getRecordId() == $Va6ec9c02) {
                 return $V1b7d5726;
         $Vcb5e100e = new FileMaker_Error($this->_fm, 'Record not present.');
         return $Vcb5e100e;
Esempio n. 11
 function loadExtendedInfo($Vd33e904c = null)
     if (!$this->_extended) {
         if ($Vd33e904c != null) {
             $V0f635d0e = $this->_fm->_execute(array('-db' => $this->_fm->getProperty('database'), '-lay' => $this->getName(), '-recid' => $Vd33e904c, '-view' => null), 'FMPXMLLAYOUT');
         } else {
             $V0f635d0e = $this->_fm->_execute(array('-db' => $this->_fm->getProperty('database'), '-lay' => $this->getName(), '-view' => null), 'FMPXMLLAYOUT');
         $V3643b863 = new FileMaker_Parser_FMPXMLLAYOUT($this->_fm);
         $Vb4a88417 = $V3643b863->parse($V0f635d0e);
         if (FileMaker::isError($Vb4a88417)) {
             return $Vb4a88417;
         $this->_extended = true;
     return $this->_extended;
 function &_getResult($V0f635d0e)
     $V3643b863 = new FileMaker_Parser_FMResultSet($this->_fm);
     $Vb4a88417 = $V3643b863->parse($V0f635d0e);
     if (FileMaker::isError($Vb4a88417)) {
         return $Vb4a88417;
     $Vd1fc8eaf = new FileMaker_Result($this->_fm);
     $Vb4a88417 = $V3643b863->setResult($Vd1fc8eaf, $this->V0b9a204c);
     if (FileMaker::isError($Vb4a88417)) {
         return $Vb4a88417;
     return $Vd1fc8eaf;