public function testGetSlice()
     $offset = 20;
     $limit = 10;
     $nbResults = 123;
     $query = new Query();
     $query->criterion = $this->getMock('eZ\\Publish\\API\\Repository\\Values\\Content\\Query\\CriterionInterface');
     $query->sortClauses = $this->getMockBuilder('eZ\\Publish\\API\\Repository\\Values\\Content\\Query\\SortClause')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMockForAbstractClass();
     // Injected query is being cloned to modify offset/limit,
     // so we need to do the same here for our assertions.
     $searchQuery = clone $query;
     $searchQuery->offset = $offset;
     $searchQuery->limit = $limit;
     $hits = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $limit; ++$i) {
         $content = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('eZ\\Publish\\API\\Repository\\Values\\Content\\Content');
         $hits[] = new SearchHit(array('valueObject' => $content));
     $finalResult = $this->getExpectedFinalResultFromHits($hits);
     $searchResult = new SearchResult(array('searchHits' => $hits, 'totalCount' => $nbResults));
     $adapter = $this->getAdapter($query, $this->searchService);
     $this->assertSame($finalResult, $adapter->getSlice($offset, $limit));
     $this->assertSame($nbResults, $adapter->getNbResults());
  * Returns an slice of the results.
  * @param integer $offset The offset.
  * @param integer $length The length.
  * @return array|\Iterator|\IteratorAggregate The slice.
 function getSlice( $offset, $length )
     $query = clone $this->query;
     $query->limit = $length;
     $query->offset = $offset;
     $searchResult = $this->searchService->findLocations( $query );
     return $this->extractObjectsFromSearchResult( $searchResult );
  * Returns image items for a gallery, as Content objects.
  * @param mixed $galleryLocationId
  * @return \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Content[]
 public function getGalleryItems($galleryLocationId)
     $result = $this->searchService->findContent($this->generateGalleryItemsQuery($galleryLocationId));
     $contentObjects = [];
     foreach ($result->searchHits as $hit) {
         $contentObjects[] = $hit->valueObject;
     return $contentObjects;
  * Renders top menu with child items.
  * @param string $template
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
 public function getChildNodesAction($template)
     $locationSearchResults = $this->searchService->findLocations($this->menuQueryType->getQuery());
     $menuItems = [];
     foreach ($locationSearchResults->searchHits as $hit) {
         $menuItems[] = $hit->valueObject;
     return $this->templating->renderResponse($template, ['menuItems' => $menuItems], new Response());
Esempio n. 5
 public function findNodes(LocationQuery $query)
     $searchResult = $this->searchService->findLocations($query, ['languages' => $this->prioritizedLanguages, 'useAlwaysAvailable' => $this->useAlwaysAvailable]);
     foreach ($searchResult->searchHits as $searchHit) {
         /** @var \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Location $location */
         $location = $searchHit->valueObject;
         $searchHit->valueObject = $this->domainObjectMapper->mapNode($location, $this->contentService->loadContent($location->contentInfo->id, [$searchHit->matchedTranslation], $location->contentInfo->currentVersionNo), $searchHit->matchedTranslation);
     return $searchResult;
  * Returns a slice of the results, as SearchHit objects.
  * @param integer $offset The offset.
  * @param integer $length The length.
  * @return \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Search\SearchHit[]
 public function getSlice($offset, $length)
     $query = clone $this->query;
     $query->offset = $offset;
     $query->limit = $length;
     $searchResult = $this->searchService->findLocations($query);
     if (!isset($this->nbResults)) {
         $this->nbResults = $searchResult->totalCount;
     return $searchResult->searchHits;
  * Renders top menu with child items.
  * @param string $template
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
 public function getChildNodesAction($template)
     $query = new LocationQuery();
     $query->query = $this->menuCriteria->generateChildCriterion($this->locationService->loadLocation($this->topMenuLocationId), $this->configResolver->getParameter('languages'));
     $query->sortClauses = [new SortClause\Location\Priority(LocationQuery::SORT_ASC)];
     $query->performCount = false;
     $content = $this->searchService->findLocations($query);
     $menuItems = [];
     foreach ($content->searchHits as $hit) {
         $menuItems[] = $hit->valueObject;
     return $this->templating->renderResponse($template, ['menuItems' => $menuItems], new Response());
  * Returns a slice of the results, as SearchHit objects.
  * @param int $offset The offset.
  * @param int $length The length.
  * @return \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Search\SearchHit[]
 public function getSlice($offset, $length)
     $query = clone $this->query;
     $query->offset = $offset;
     $query->limit = $length;
     $query->performCount = false;
     $searchResult = $this->searchService->findContent($query);
     // Set count for further use if returned by search engine despite !performCount (Solr, ES)
     if (!isset($this->nbResults) && isset($searchResult->totalCount)) {
         $this->nbResults = $searchResult->totalCount;
     return $searchResult->searchHits;
Esempio n. 9
     * Returns all places contained in a place_list that are located between the range defined in
     * the default configuration. A sort clause array can be provided in order to sort the results.
     * @param int|string $locationId
     * @param float $latitude
     * @param float $longitude
     * @param string|string[] $contentTypes to be retrieved
     * @param int $maxDist Maximum distance for the search in km
     * @param array $sortClauses
     * @param string|string[] $languages to be retrieved
     * @return \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Content[]
    public function getPlaceListSorted( $locationId, $latitude, $longitude, $contentTypes, $maxDist = null, $sortClauses = array(), $languages = array() )
        $location = $this->locationService->loadLocation( $locationId );

        if ( $maxDist === null )
            $maxDist = $this->placeListMaxDist;

        $query = new Query();
        $query->filter = new Criterion\LogicalAnd(
                new Criterion\ContentTypeIdentifier( $contentTypes ),
                new Criterion\Subtree( $location->pathString ),
                new Criterion\LanguageCode( $languages ),
                new Criterion\MapLocationDistance(
        $query->sortClauses = $sortClauses;

        $searchResults = $this->searchService->findContent( $query );

        return $this->searchHelper->buildListFromSearchResult( $searchResults );
Esempio n. 10
  * Queries the repository for menu items, as locations filtered on the list in TopIdentifierList in menu.ini
  * @param int|string $rootLocationId Root location for menu items. Only two levels below this one are searched
  * @return SearchHit[]
 private function getMenuItems($rootLocationId)
     $rootLocation = $this->locationService->loadLocation($rootLocationId);
     $query = new LocationQuery();
     $query->query = new Criterion\LogicalAnd(array(new Criterion\ContentTypeIdentifier($this->getTopMenuContentTypeIdentifierList()), new Criterion\Visibility(Criterion\Visibility::VISIBLE), new Criterion\Location\Depth(Criterion\Operator::BETWEEN, array($rootLocation->depth + 1, $rootLocation->depth + 2)), new Criterion\Subtree($rootLocation->pathString), new Criterion\LanguageCode($this->configResolver->getParameter('languages'))));
     $query->sortClauses = array(new Query\SortClause\Location\Path());
     return $this->searchService->findLocations($query)->searchHits;
 public function viewContentTypeAction($contentTypeId, $languageCode = null)
     $languageCode = $languageCode ?: $this->prioritizedLanguages[0];
     $contentType = $this->contentTypeService->loadContentType($contentTypeId);
     $countQuery = new Query(['filter' => new Query\Criterion\ContentTypeId($contentTypeId), 'limit' => 0]);
     $contentCount = $this->searchService->findContent($countQuery, [], false)->totalCount;
     $deleteForm = $this->createForm(new ContentTypeDeleteType(), ['contentTypeId' => $contentTypeId]);
     return $this->render('eZPlatformUIBundle:ContentType:view_content_type.html.twig', ['language_code' => $languageCode, 'content_type' => $contentType, 'content_count' => $contentCount, 'modifier' => $this->userService->loadUser($contentType->modifierId), 'delete_form' => $deleteForm->createView(), 'can_edit' => $this->isGranted(new Attribute('class', 'update')), 'can_delete' => $this->isGranted(new Attribute('class', 'delete')) && !$this->contentTypeService->isContentTypeUsed($contentType)]);
Esempio n. 12
  * Search User Groups with given name.
  * @param string $name name of User Group to search for
  * @param string $parentLocationId (optional) parent location id to search in
  * @return search results
 public function searchUserGroups($name, $parentLocationId = null)
     $criterionArray = array(new Criterion\Subtree(self::USERGROUP_ROOT_SUBTREE), new Criterion\ContentTypeIdentifier(self::USERGROUP_CONTENT_IDENTIFIER), new Criterion\Field('name', Criterion\Operator::EQ, $name));
     if ($parentLocationId) {
         $criterionArray[] = new Criterion\ParentLocationId($parentLocationId);
     $query = new Query();
     $query->filter = new Criterion\LogicalAnd($criterionArray);
     $result = $this->searchService->findContent($query, array(), false);
     return $result->searchHits;
Esempio n. 13
  * Returns array of child content objects from given $locationId.
  * @param int $locationId
  * @param int $limit
  * @return array
 private function fetchItems($locationId, $limit)
     $languages = $this->configResolver->getParameter('languages');
     $query = new Query();
     $location = $this->locationService->loadLocation($locationId);
     $query->query = $this->childrenCriteria->generateChildCriterion($location, $languages);
     $query->performCount = false;
     $query->limit = $limit;
     $query->sortClauses = [new SortClause\DatePublished(Query::SORT_DESC)];
     $results = $this->searchService->findContent($query);
     $items = [];
     foreach ($results->searchHits as $item) {
         $items[] = $item->valueObject;
     return $items;
Esempio n. 14
  * Displays blog post content with random selected blog posts.
  * @param \eZ\Publish\Core\MVC\Symfony\View\ContentView $view
  * @return \eZ\Publish\Core\MVC\Symfony\View\ContentView
 public function showBlogPostAction(ContentView $view)
     $languages = $this->configResolver->getParameter('languages');
     $location = $this->locationService->loadLocation($view->getLocation()->parentLocationId);
     $query = new Query();
     $query->query = $this->childrenCriteria->generateChildCriterion($location, $languages);
     $query->performCount = false;
     $query->sortClauses = [new SortClause\DatePublished(Query::SORT_DESC)];
     $results = $this->searchService->findContent($query);
     $randomPosts = [];
     foreach ($results->searchHits as $item) {
         $randomPosts[] = $item->valueObject;
     $view->addParameters(['location' => $location, 'content' => $this->contentService->loadContentByContentInfo($view->getLocation()->getContentInfo()), 'randomPosts' => array_slice($randomPosts, 0, $this->randomPostsLimit, true)]);
     return $view;
Esempio n. 15
  * Finds Locations for the given query.
  * @throws \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException if query is not valid
  * @param \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\LocationQuery $query
  * @param array $fieldFilters - a map of filters for the returned fields.
  *        Currently supports: <code>array("languages" => array(<language1>,..), "useAlwaysAvailable" => bool)</code>
  *                            useAlwaysAvailable defaults to true to avoid exceptions on missing translations
  * @param bool $filterOnUserPermissions if true only the objects which is the user allowed to read are returned.
  * @return \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Search\SearchResult
 public function findLocations(LocationQuery $query, array $fieldFilters = array(), $filterOnUserPermissions = true)
     return $this->service->findLocations($query, $fieldFilters, $filterOnUserPermissions);
  * Fetches a subtree for a given location object.
  * @param mixed $locationObj
  * @param array $params
  * @return array
 private function fetchSubtree($locationObj, array $params = array())
     $criterion = array();
     // ToDo: ignore visibility
     $criterion[] = new Criterion\Visibility(Criterion\Visibility::VISIBLE);
     $locationList = array();
     // List fetch direct children
     $paramDepth = 1;
     if (isset($params['depth'])) {
         $paramDepth = (int) $params['depth'];
     // list fetch use parentNodeId for faster fetch
     if ($paramDepth <= 1) {
         $depth = $locationObj->depth + $paramDepth;
         $criterion[] = new Criterion\ParentLocationId($locationObj->id);
     } else {
         $depth = $locationObj->depth + $paramDepth;
         $criterion[] = new Criterion\Subtree($locationObj->pathString);
         $criterion[] = new Criterion\Location\Depth(Criterion\Operator::GT, $locationObj->depth);
         $criterion[] = new Criterion\Location\Depth(Criterion\Operator::LTE, $depth);
     // main_node_only => true => only include mainlocatione
     if (isset($params['main_location_only'])) {
         // true, 1, '1'
         if ((int) $params['main_location_only'] === 1) {
             // only include mainLocations
             $criterion[] = new Criterion\Location\IsMainLocation(Criterion\Location\IsMainLocation::MAIN);
     if (isset($params['include']) && is_array($params['include']) && count($params['include']) > 0) {
         $criterion[] = new Criterion\ContentTypeIdentifier($params['include']);
         // TODO get ID for Identifier and use this for search so we save a subrequest and its lots faster
         //            if ( in_array( 'article', $params['include'] ) )
         //            {
         //                $criterion[] = new Criterion\ContentTypeId( array( 16 ) );
         //            }
         //            else
         //            {
         //                $criterion[] = new Criterion\ContentTypeIdentifier( $params['include'] );
         //            }
     // ToDo: role and rights, visibility, date, object states criterion
     $offset = 0;
     if (isset($params['offset']) && $params['offset'] > 0) {
         $offset = $params['offset'];
     $limit = null;
     if (isset($params['limit']) && $params['limit'] > 0) {
         $limit = $params['limit'];
     $sortClauses = array();
     if (isset($params['sortby']) && is_array($params['sortby']) && count($params['sortby']) > 0) {
         foreach ($params['sortby'] as $sortKey => $sortArray) {
             // deprecated, for backwards compability (sort by content meta / attribute)
             if (is_array($sortArray) === false) {
                 $newSortClause = $this->generateSortClauseFromString($sortKey, $sortArray);
                 if ($newSortClause !== false) {
                     $sortClauses[] = $newSortClause;
             // 2 array items means sorts by content meta / attribute
             if (is_array($sortArray) && count($sortArray) == 2) {
                 $newSortClause = $this->generateSortClauseFromString($sortArray['0'], $sortArray['1']);
                 if ($newSortClause !== false) {
                     $sortClauses[] = $newSortClause;
             // 4 array items means sorts by content field
             if (is_array($sortArray) && count($sortArray) == 4) {
                 $sortOrder = 'ascending';
                 if ($sortArray['2'] == 'DESC' || $sortArray['2'] == 'descending') {
                     $sortOrder = 'descending';
                 //                    $lang = $this->getPrioritizedLanguages();
                 $sortClauses[] = new SortClause\Field($sortArray['0'], $sortArray['1'], $sortOrder, $sortArray['3']);
     } else {
         // default sort by parent object sort clause
         $sortClauses[] = $this->generateSortClauseFromId($locationObj->sortField, $locationObj->sortOrder);
     /* vendor/ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel/eZ/Publish/API/Repository/Values/Content/Query/Criterion/Operator.php
        abstract class Operator
            const EQ = "=";
            const GT = ">";
            const GTE = ">=";
            const LT = "<";
            const LTE = "<=";
            const IN = "in";
            const BETWEEN = "between";
            const LIKE = "like";
            const CONTAINS = "contains";
     if (isset($params['filter_relations']) && is_array($params['filter_relations']) && count($params['filter_relations']) > 0) {
         foreach ($params['filter_relations'] as $fieldCriterion) {
             // todo check valid syntax
             if (is_array($fieldCriterion) && count($fieldCriterion == 3)) {
                 $criterion[] = new Criterion\FieldRelation($fieldCriterion['0'], $fieldCriterion['1'], $fieldCriterion['2']);
     if (isset($params['filter_fields']) && is_array($params['filter_fields']) && count($params['filter_fields']) > 0) {
         foreach ($params['filter_fields'] as $fieldCriterion) {
             // todo check valid syntax
             if (is_array($fieldCriterion) && count($fieldCriterion == 3)) {
                 // Attention! criterion field must set to be searchable
                 $criterion[] = new Criterion\Field($fieldCriterion['0'], $fieldCriterion['1'], $fieldCriterion['2']);
     if (isset($params['language']) && is_array($params['language']) && count($params['language']) > 0) {
         // ToDo: combine with and, always available?
         $criterion[] = new Criterion\LanguageCode($params['language']);
     } else {
         // only include languages which are defined in siteaccess config  system default|siteaccess languages
         // if more than on a correct bitmask is build to include all object where one of the language is set
         $criterion[] = new Criterion\LanguageCode($this->getPrioritizedLanguages());
     $querySearch = new LocationQuery(array('offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit));
     $querySearch->criterion = new Criterion\LogicalAnd($criterion);
     $querySearch->sortClauses = $sortClauses;
     $searchResult = $this->searchService->findLocations($querySearch);
     $searchCount = false;
     // only if count parameter is set return count
     // in newer ez version > 5.4 and in 5.3.5 the count is optional so you can
     // save 1 sql query
     if (isset($params['count']) && $params['count'] === true) {
         // use count from searchResult => the fastest way :-)
         $searchCount = $searchResult->totalCount;
     foreach ($searchResult->searchHits as $searchItem) {
         $childLocationId = $searchItem->valueObject->id;
         if (isset($params['datamap']) && $params['datamap'] === true) {
             $childContentId = $searchItem->valueObject->contentInfo->id;
             $locationList[] = $this->contentService->loadContent($childContentId);
         } else {
             $locationList[] = $searchItem->valueObject;
     return array('searchResult' => $locationList, 'searchCount' => $searchCount);
  * Check if children locations are/are not ivisible.
  * @param \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\SearchService $searchService
  * @param int $parentLocationId parent location Id
  * @param bool $expected expected value of {invisible} property in subtree
 private function assertSubtreeInvisibleProperty(SearchService $searchService, $parentLocationId, $expected)
     $criterion = new Criterion\ParentLocationId($parentLocationId);
     $query = new LocationQuery(array('filter' => $criterion));
     $result = $searchService->findLocations($query);
     foreach ($result->searchHits as $searchHit) {
         $this->assertEquals($expected, $searchHit->valueObject->invisible, sprintf('Location %s is not hidden', $searchHit->valueObject->id));
         // Perform recursive check for children locations
         $this->assertSubtreeInvisibleProperty($searchService, $searchHit->valueObject->id, $expected);