Esempio n. 1
    $rows = $dbStatement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
    $linkCount = count($rows);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $linkCount; $i++) {
        $row = $rows[$i];
        $var1 = "linkID" . $i;
        $var2 = "targetEpisodeID" . $i;
        $var3 = "isBackLink" . $i;
        $var4 = "option" . $i;
        $var5 = "backlink" . $i;
        ${$var1} = $row[0];
        ${$var2} = $row[1];
        ${$var3} = $row[2];
        // if we are previewing or saving, read the option description from the form,
        // otherwise read it from the database
        ${$var4} = $command == "EditPreview" || $command == "EditSave" ? Util::getStringParam($_POST, $var4) : $row[3];
        // if we are previewing or saving, read the backlinked episode from the form,
        // otherwise read it from the database
        ${$var5} = $command == "EditPreview" || $command == "EditSave" ? Util::getIntParamDefault($_POST, $var5, 0) : ${$var2};
} else {
    $linkCount = $maxLinks;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $linkCount; $i++) {
        $var1 = "linkID" . $i;
        $var2 = "targetEpisodeID" . $i;
        $var3 = "isBackLink" . $i;
        $var4 = "option" . $i;
        $var5 = "backlink" . $i;
        ${$var1} = 0;
        ${$var2} = 0;
        ${$var3} = "N";
Esempio n. 2
                $command = "";
            } else {
                $oldPermissionLevel = $row[0];
                $oldLoginName = $row[1];
                $oldUserName = $row[2];
if ($command == "editUserSave") {
    $newLoginName = Util::getStringParam($_POST, "newLoginName");
    $newUserName = Util::getStringParam($_POST, "newUserName");
    $newPermissionLevel = Util::getIntParam($_POST, "newPermissionLevel");
    $setNewPassword = Util::getIntParamDefault($_POST, "setNewPassword", 0);
    $newPassword1 = Util::getStringParam($_POST, "newPassword1");
    $newPassword2 = Util::getStringParam($_POST, "newPassword2");
    if (empty($newLoginName)) {
        $message .= "You must enter the login name.<BR>";
    if (empty($newUserName)) {
        $message .= "You must enter the user name.<BR>";
    if (strlen($newLoginName) > 255) {
        $message .= "The login name cannot exceed 255 characters.<BR>";
    if (strlen($newUserName) > 255) {
        $message .= "The user name cannot exceed 255 characters.<BR>";
    if ($setNewPassword == 1) {
        if (empty($newPassword1) && empty($newPassword2)) {
            $message .= "You must enter a password when setting a new password.<BR>";
Esempio n. 3
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
For information about Extend-A-Story and its authors, please visit the website:
require __DIR__ . "/include/Extend-A-Story.php";
use Extend_A_Story\HardStoryException;
use Extend_A_Story\Util;
Util::getSessionAndUserIDs($sessionID, $userID);
$storyName = Util::getStringValue("StoryName");
$siteName = Util::getStringValue("SiteName");
$storyHome = Util::getStringValue("StoryHome");
$siteHome = Util::getStringValue("SiteHome");
$method = Util::getStringParam($_POST, "method");
$text = Util::getStringParamDefault($_POST, "text", "");
$days = Util::getIntParamDefault($_POST, "days", 0);
$text = "%" . $text . "%";
$queryPart1 = "SELECT EpisodeID, " . "Title, " . "AuthorName " . "FROM Episode " . "WHERE ";
$queryPart2 = "AND ( Status = 2 OR Status = 3 ) " . "ORDER BY EpisodeID";
if ($method == "title") {
    $dbStatement = Util::getDbConnection()->prepare($queryPart1 . "Title LIKE :text " . $queryPart2);
    $dbStatement->bindParam(":text", $text, PDO::PARAM_STR);
} else {
    if ($method == "text") {
        $dbStatement = Util::getDbConnection()->prepare($queryPart1 . "Text LIKE :text " . $queryPart2);
        $dbStatement->bindParam(":text", $text, PDO::PARAM_STR);
    } else {
        if ($method == "author") {
Esempio n. 4
    $lockDate = date("n/j/Y g:i:s A");
    $dbStatement = Util::getDbConnection()->prepare("UPDATE Episode " . "SET EditorSessionID = :sessionID, " . "LockDate        = :lockDate " . "WHERE EpisodeID = :episode");
    $dbStatement->bindParam(":sessionID", $sessionID, PDO::PARAM_INT);
    $dbStatement->bindParam(":lockDate", $lockDate, PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $dbStatement->bindParam(":episode", $episode, PDO::PARAM_INT);
    if ($dbStatement->rowCount() != 1) {
        throw new HardStoryException("Unable to update the lock on the episode.");
$message = "";
$linkDescription = "";
$linkEpisode = 0;
if ($command == "AddLinkSave") {
    $linkDescription = Util::getStringParam($_POST, "description");
    $linkEpisode = Util::getIntParamDefault($_POST, "linkedEpisode", 0);
    if (empty($linkDescription)) {
        $message .= "You must enter the link description.<BR>";
    if (strlen($linkDescription) > 255) {
        $message .= "The link description cannot be longer then 255 characters.<BR>";
    if (Util::maximumWordLength($linkDescription) > 30) {
        $message .= "The link description cannot contain a word with more than 30 characters.<BR>";
    if ($linkEpisode != 0) {
        if ($linkEpisode == $episode) {
            $message .= "The link cannot link back to the same episode you are editing.<BR>";
        $dbStatement = Util::getDbConnection()->prepare("SELECT COUNT( * ) " . "FROM Link " . "WHERE SourceEpisodeID = :episode " . "AND TargetEpisodeID = :linkEpisode");