  * This function takes in objects of class gpsPoint where both latitude and
  * longitude are already set and calculates distance in metres between them
  * @param \exercises\gps\entities\gpsPoint $gpsPoint1
  * @param \exercises\gps\entities\gpsPoint $gpsPoint2
  * @return float , distance rounded to metres
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function getDistanceBetweenTwoPoints(gpsPoint $gpsPoint1, gpsPoint $gpsPoint2)
     $latitudePointA = deg2rad($gpsPoint1->getLatitude());
     $longitudePointA = deg2rad($gpsPoint1->getLongitude());
     $latitudePointB = deg2rad($gpsPoint2->getLatitude());
     $longitudePointB = deg2rad($gpsPoint2->getLongitude());
     $longitudeDelta = $longitudePointA - $longitudePointB;
     $haversineFormula = atan2(sqrt(pow(cos($latitudePointB) * sin($longitudeDelta), 2) + pow(cos($latitudePointA) * sin($latitudePointB) - sin($latitudePointA) * cos($latitudePointB) * cos($longitudeDelta), 2)), sin($latitudePointA) * sin($latitudePointB) + cos($latitudePointA) * cos($latitudePointB) * cos($longitudeDelta));
     $arcDistanceInMetres = $haversineFormula * self::radiusOfEarthInMetres;
     return round($arcDistanceInMetres);
  * Uses the customers returned array from getCustomerDataFromJSONFile. The method
  * checks each customer against the gpsPointA and allowed distance to filter out
  * customers living within a specified distance.
  * @return array
  * @throws \Exception
 public function getCustomersWithinASpecifiedDistanceFromPointA()
     if ($this->gpsPointA == NULL) {
         throw new \Exception("Please set the coordinates of Point A first.");
     } elseif ($this->distance == NULL) {
         throw new \Exception("Please enter the distance first.");
     $customers = $this->getCustomerDataFromJSONFile();
     $filteredCustomers = array();
     foreach ($customers as $key => $customer) {
         $gpsPointB = new gpsPoint();
         $calculatedDistanceBetweenPointBAndA = distanceBetweenTwoGPSPoints::getDistanceBetweenTwoPoints($this->gpsPointA, $gpsPointB);
         if ($calculatedDistanceBetweenPointBAndA <= $this->distance) {
             $filteredCustomers[$key]['name'] = $customer['name'];
             $filteredCustomers[$key]['distance'] = $calculatedDistanceBetweenPointBAndA;
     return $filteredCustomers;