public function __destruct() { $this->log->log('Closed jobQueue'); unlink($this->pipefile); fclose($this->jobQueueLog); parent::__destruct(); }
public function __construct($gremlin, $config, $subTask = self::IS_NOT_SUBTASK) { $this->gremlin = $gremlin; $this->config = $config; $this->is_subtask = $subTask; assert(defined('static::CONCURENCE'), get_class($this) . " is missing CONCURENCE\n"); if (static::CONCURENCE !== self::ANYTIME && $subTask === self::IS_NOT_SUBTASK) { if (self::$semaphore === null) { if (static::CONCURENCE === self::QUEUE) { Tasks::$semaphorePort = 7610; } elseif (static::CONCURENCE === self::SERVER) { Tasks::$semaphorePort = 7611; } elseif (static::CONCURENCE === self::DUMP) { Tasks::$semaphorePort = 7612; } else { Tasks::$semaphorePort = 7613; } if ($socket = @stream_socket_server("udp://" . Tasks::$semaphorePort, $errno, $errstr, STREAM_SERVER_BIND)) { Tasks::$semaphore = $socket; } else { throw new AnotherProcessIsRunning(); } } } if ($this->enabledLog) { $a = get_class($this); $task = strtolower(substr($a, strrpos($a, '\\') + 1)); $this->log = new Log($task, $this->config->projects_root . '/projects/' . $this->config->project); } if ($this->config->project != 'default' && file_exists($this->config->projects_root . '/projects/' . $this->config->project)) { $this->datastore = new Datastore($this->config); } if (!file_exists($this->config->projects_root . '/projects/')) { mkdir($this->config->projects_root . '/projects/', 0700); } if (!file_exists($this->config->projects_root . '/projects/.exakat/')) { mkdir($this->config->projects_root . '/projects/.exakat/', 0700); } $this->exakatDir = $this->config->projects_root . '/projects/.exakat/'; }
public function __construct($gremlin, $config, $subtask = Tasks::IS_NOT_SUBTASK) { $this->enabledLog = false; parent::__construct($gremlin, $config, $subtask); }
public function __construct($gremlin, $config, $subtask = Tasks::IS_NOT_SUBTASK) { parent::__construct($gremlin, $config, $subtask); $this->php = new Phpexec(); if (!$this->php->isValid()) { throw new InvalidPHPBinary($this->php->getVersion()); } self::$PROP_OPTIONS = array('alternative' => self::$PROP_ALTERNATIVE, 'reference' => self::$PROP_REFERENCE, 'heredoc' => self::$PROP_HEREDOC, 'delimiter' => self::$PROP_DELIMITER, 'noDelimiter' => self::$PROP_NODELIMITER, 'variadic' => self::$PROP_VARIADIC, 'count' => self::$PROP_COUNT, 'fullnspath' => self::$PROP_FNSNAME, 'absolute' => self::$PROP_ABSOLUTE, 'alias' => self::$PROP_ALIAS, 'origin' => self::$PROP_ORIGIN, 'encoding' => self::$PROP_ENCODING, 'intval' => self::$PROP_INTVAL, 'strval' => self::$PROP_STRVAL, 'enclosing' => self::$PROP_ENCLOSING, 'args_max' => self::$PROP_ARGS_MAX, 'args_min' => self::$PROP_ARGS_MIN, 'bracket' => self::$PROP_BRACKET, 'close_tag' => self::$PROP_CLOSETAG); $this->php->getTokens(); Precedence::preloadConstants($this->php->getActualVersion()); $this->precedence = new Precedence(); }
private function restartNeo4j() { display('Cleaning with restart'); $this->config = $this->config; // preserve data/dbms/auth to preserve authentication if (file_exists($this->config->neo4j_folder . '/data/dbms/auth')) { $sshLoad = 'mv data/dbms/auth ../auth; rm -rf data; mkdir -p data/dbms; mv ../auth data/dbms/auth; mkdir -p data/log; mkdir -p data/scripts '; } else { $sshLoad = 'rm -rf data; mkdir -p data; mkdir -p data/log; mkdir -p data/scripts '; } // if exists, we kill the process once if (file_exists($this->config->neo4j_folder . '/data/')) { shell_exec('kill -9 $(cat ' . $this->config->neo4j_folder . '/data/ 2>>/dev/null; '); } shell_exec('cd ' . $this->config->neo4j_folder . '; ' . $sshLoad); if (!file_exists($this->config->neo4j_folder . '/conf/')) { print "No conf folder in {$this->config->neo4j_folder}\n"; } elseif (!file_exists($this->config->neo4j_folder . '/conf/')) { print "No file in {$this->config->neo4j_folder}/conf/\n"; } else { $neo4j_config = file_get_contents($this->config->neo4j_folder . '/conf/'); if (preg_match('/org.neo4j.server.webserver.port *= *(\\d+)/m', $neo4j_config, $r)) { if ($r[1] != $this->config->neo4j_port) { print "Warning : Exakat's port and Neo4j's port are not the same ({$r['1']} / {$this->config->neo4j_port})\n"; } } } // checking that the server has indeed restarted if (Tasks::$semaphore !== null) { fclose(Tasks::$semaphore); $this->doRestart(); Tasks::$semaphore = @stream_socket_server("udp://" . Tasks::$semaphorePort, $errno, $errstr, STREAM_SERVER_BIND); } else { $this->doRestart(); } display('Database cleaned with restart'); try { $res = $this->gremlin->serverInfo(); display('Restarted Neo4j cleanly'); } catch (Exception $e) { display('Didn\'t restart neo4j cleanly'); } $this->gremlin->query("g.addV('delete', true)"); }