Esempio n. 1
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
     $SC1 = new SyntaxonCore();
     // ...
Esempio n. 2
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
     $syntaxon0 = new SyntaxonCore();
     $syntaxon0->setSyntaxonName('Prairies (habitat)');
     $syntaxon0->setCommonName('Prairies (habitat nom commun)');
     $syntaxon1 = new SyntaxonCore();
     $syntaxon1->setSyntaxonName('Agrostio - Arrhenatheretea');
     $syntaxon1->setSyntaxonAuthor('Br. Bl. 1900');
     $syntaxon2 = new SyntaxonCore();
     $syntaxon2->setSyntaxonAuthor('Br. Bl. 1901');
     $syntaxon2->setCommonName('Prairies etalia');
     $syntaxon3 = new SyntaxonCore();
     $syntaxon3->setSyntaxonAuthor('Br. Bl. 1902');
     $syntaxon4 = new SyntaxonCore();
     $syntaxon4->setSyntaxonAuthor('Br. Bl. 1903');
     $syntaxon4->setCommonName('Prairies etalia');
Esempio n. 3
  * Import the baseveg core data (csv file from baseveg)
  * @Security("has_role('ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN')")
 public function importCoreAction(Request $request)
     // retrieves ioHelpers service
     $ioHelpers = $this->get('eveg_app.io_helpers');
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     // Creates the form...
     $form = $this->createFormBuilder()->add('importFile', 'file')->add('onlyLog', 'checkbox', array('data' => true, 'label' => "Ne pas importer les données, simuler l'importation et afficher le log", 'required' => false))->getForm();
     // ... and then hydrates it
     // Only log ?
     $onlyLog = $form->get('onlyLog')->getData();
     // Logs
     $logIsUpToDate = (string) "";
     // log for data already up to date
     $logToUpdate = (string) "";
     // data to update
     $logToCreate = (string) "";
     // data to create in db
     $logToRemove = (string) "";
     // data to remove in db
     $countIsUpToDate = 0;
     // counter for data already up to date
     $countToUpdate = 0;
     // -- data to update
     $countToCreate = 0;
     // -- data to create in db
     $countToRemove = 0;
     // -- data to remove in db
     // Job routine
     if ($form->isValid()) {
         $batchSize = 100;
         // $entity will be flushed and detached each $batchSize time (prevent memory overload)
         $i = 0;
         // just an incremental
         $cycle = 0;
         // counts the number of batch cycles
         // Recovers the uploaded file
         $file = $form->get('importFile')->getData();
         $mimeType = $file->getMimeType();
         $clientOriginaFilelName = $file->getClientOriginalName();
         $clientOriginaFilelNameWhitoutExtension = basename($file->getClientOriginalName(), '.csv');
         $clientOriginalFileExtension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
         // File type verification
         if ($mimeType !== 'text/csv' && FALSE == preg_match('/\\.csv/i', $clientOriginaFilelName)) {
             throw new HttpException(400, "The file must be a csv (the file MIME type should be 'text/csv' or the file name should contains '.csv').");
         // Variables
         $dateTime = new \DateTime('now');
         $day = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
         $hour = $dateTime->format('H-i-s');
         // Moves the uploaded file
         $importFileName = $clientOriginaFilelNameWhitoutExtension . '_' . $day . '_' . $hour . '.' . $clientOriginalFileExtension;
         $dir = __DIR__ . '/../../../../web/uploads/import/core';
         $file->move($dir, $importFileName);
         // Variables
         $import = $ioHelpers->csv_to_array($dir . '/' . $importFileName, ';');
         // push the csv data into an array
         $importKeys = array_column($import, 'fixedCode');
         // get the id values
         $importKeys = array_map('intval', $importKeys);
         // make sure that $importKeys contains integer data
         $batchSize = 100;
         // $entity will be flushed and detached each $batchSize time (prevent memory overload)
         $i = 0;
         // just an incremental
         $cycle = 0;
         // counts the number of batch cycles
         // Retrieves all syntaxonCore entities
         $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
         $entities = $em->getRepository('evegAppBundle:SyntaxonCore')->findAll();
         // Detach useless entities :
         // 		By default, Doctrine persist linked entities even if they're empty.
         // 		We only keep SyntaxonCore entities in the Doctrine's unit of work
         foreach ($em->getUnitOfWork()->getIdentityMap() as $key_unit => $persistedUnit) {
             foreach ($persistedUnit as $key_element => $persistedElement) {
                 $elementClass = get_class($persistedElement);
                 if ($elementClass !== "eveg\\AppBundle\\Entity\\SyntaxonCore") {
         // Push SCore fixed codes (==id) into array
         $dbKeys = array();
         foreach ($entities as $key => $entity) {
             array_push($dbKeys, $entity->getFixedCode());
         // Parse import data and detach SyntaxonCore entities already up to date
         foreach ($import as $key => $importedEntity) {
             $idToRetrieve = array_search($importedEntity['fixedCode'], $dbKeys);
             // Syntaxon already exists in db
             if ($idToRetrieve !== FALSE) {
                 // Find differences
                 $diffFixedCode = false;
                 $diffCatminatCode = false;
                 $diffLevel = false;
                 $diffSyntaxonName = false;
                 $diffSyntaxonAuthor = false;
                 $diffCommonName = false;
                 $diffCommonNameEn = false;
                 if ($entities[$idToRetrieve]->getFixedCode() != $importedEntity['fixedCode']) {
                     $diffFixedCode = true;
                 if ($entities[$idToRetrieve]->getCatminatCode() != $importedEntity['catminatCode']) {
                     $diffCatminatCode = true;
                 if ($entities[$idToRetrieve]->getLevel() != $importedEntity['level']) {
                     $diffLevel = true;
                 if ($entities[$idToRetrieve]->getSyntaxonName() != $importedEntity['syntaxonName']) {
                     $diffSyntaxonName = true;
                 if ($entities[$idToRetrieve]->getSyntaxonAuthor() != $importedEntity['syntaxonAuthor']) {
                     $diffSyntaxonAuthor = true;
                 if ($entities[$idToRetrieve]->getCommonName() != $importedEntity['commonNameFr']) {
                     $diffCommonName = true;
                 if ($entities[$idToRetrieve]->getCommonNameEn() != $importedEntity['commonNameEn']) {
                     $diffCommonNameEn = true;
                 // If there is no difference between csv file and db
                 // then we detach the entity
                 if (!$diffFixedCode && !$diffCatminatCode && !$diffLevel && !$diffSyntaxonName && !$diffSyntaxonAuthor && !$diffCommonName && !$diffCommonNameEn) {
                     // Log : no difference for this entity, nothing to deal with doctrine
                     /*$logIsUpToDate .= "<table class='table element'>
                     		<tr class='header'>
                     			<td class='title'>Syntaxon</td>
                     				<table class='table'>
                     					<tr><td><b>db  :</b> (".$entities[$idToRetrieve]->getFixedCode().")(".$entities[$idToRetrieve]->getCatminatCode().") ".$entities[$idToRetrieve]->getSyntaxonName()." ".$entities[$idToRetrieve]->getSyntaxonAuthor()."</td></tr>
                     					<tr><td><b>csv  :</b> (".$importedEntity['fixedCode'].") (".$importedEntity['catminatCode'].") ".$importedEntity['syntaxonName']." ".$importedEntity['syntaxonAuthor']."</td></tr>
                     // Delete item from csv file and from entity manager
         // Push entities into array
         $dbKeys = array();
         foreach ($entities as $key => $entity) {
             array_push($dbKeys, $entity->getFixedCode());
         // Check data before import
         foreach ($import as $key => $importedEntity) {
             // Does the entity already exists (compare both id) ?
             $idToRetrieve = array_search($importedEntity['fixedCode'], $dbKeys);
             // Yes, it already exists
             if ($idToRetrieve !== FALSE) {
                 // Find differences
                 $diffFixedCode = false;
                 $diffCatminatCode = false;
                 $diffLevel = false;
                 $diffSyntaxonName = false;
                 $diffSyntaxonAuthor = false;
                 $diffCommonName = false;
                 $diffCommonNameEn = false;
                 if ($entities[$idToRetrieve]->getFixedCode() != $import[$key]['fixedCode']) {
                     $diffFixedCode = true;
                 if ($entities[$idToRetrieve]->getCatminatCode() != $import[$key]['catminatCode']) {
                     $diffCatminatCode = true;
                 if ($entities[$idToRetrieve]->getLevel() != $import[$key]['level']) {
                     $diffLevel = true;
                 if ($entities[$idToRetrieve]->getSyntaxonName() != $import[$key]['syntaxonName']) {
                     $diffSyntaxonName = true;
                 if ($entities[$idToRetrieve]->getSyntaxonAuthor() != $import[$key]['syntaxonAuthor']) {
                     $diffSyntaxonAuthor = true;
                 if ($entities[$idToRetrieve]->getCommonName() != $import[$key]['commonNameFr']) {
                     $diffCommonName = true;
                 if ($entities[$idToRetrieve]->getCommonNameEn() != $import[$key]['commonNameEn']) {
                     $diffCommonNameEn = true;
                 // There is no difference (redundant)
                 if (!$diffFixedCode && !$diffCatminatCode && !$diffLevel && !$diffSyntaxonName && !$diffSyntaxonAuthor && !$diffCommonName && !$diffCommonNameEn) {
                     // Log : no difference for this entity, nothing to deal with doctrine
                     // There is, at less, one difference
                 } else {
                     $logToUpdate .= "<table class='table element'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr class='header'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='title'>Syntaxon</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<table class='table'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr><td><b>db  :</b> (" . $entities[$idToRetrieve]->getFixedCode() . ")(" . $entities[$idToRetrieve]->getCatminatCode() . ") " . $entities[$idToRetrieve]->getSyntaxonName() . " " . $entities[$idToRetrieve]->getSyntaxonAuthor() . "</td></tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr><td><b>csv  :</b> (" . $importedEntity['fixedCode'] . ") (" . $importedEntity['catminatCode'] . ") " . $importedEntity['syntaxonName'] . " " . $importedEntity['syntaxonAuthor'] . "</td></tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</table>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
                     // update entity
                     if ($diffCatminatCode) {
                         $logToUpdate .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('catminat code', $entities[$idToRetrieve]->getCatminatCode(), $importedEntity['catminatCode']);
                     if ($diffLevel) {
                         $logToUpdate .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('level', $entities[$idToRetrieve]->getLevel(), $importedEntity['level']);
                     if ($diffSyntaxonName) {
                         $logToUpdate .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('syntaxon name', $entities[$idToRetrieve]->getSyntaxonName(), $importedEntity['syntaxonName']);
                     if ($diffSyntaxonAuthor) {
                         $logToUpdate .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('syntaxon author', $entities[$idToRetrieve]->getSyntaxonAuthor(), $importedEntity['syntaxonAuthor']);
                     if ($diffCommonName) {
                         $logToUpdate .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('common name (fr)', $entities[$idToRetrieve]->getCommonName(), $importedEntity['commonNameFr']);
                     if ($diffCommonNameEn) {
                         $logToUpdate .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('common name (en)', $entities[$idToRetrieve]->getCommonNameEn(), $importedEntity['commonNameEn']);
                     $logToUpdate .= '</table>';
                 // No (have to create a new entity)
             } else {
                 // create new entity
                 $newSyntaxonCore = new SyntaxonCore();
                 // Log entity to create
                 $logToCreate .= "<table class='table element'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr class='header'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='title'>Syntaxon</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<table class='table'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr><td><b>db  :</b> null</td></tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr><td><b>csv  :</b> (" . $importedEntity['fixedCode'] . ") (" . $importedEntity['catminatCode'] . ") " . $importedEntity['syntaxonName'] . " " . $importedEntity['syntaxonAuthor'] . "</td></tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</table>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
                 $logToCreate .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('id', 'null', $importedEntity['id']);
                 $logToCreate .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('catminat code', 'null', $importedEntity['catminatCode']);
                 $logToCreate .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('level', 'null', $importedEntity['level']);
                 $logToCreate .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('syntaxon name', 'null', $importedEntity['syntaxonName']);
                 $logToCreate .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('syntaxon author', 'null', $importedEntity['syntaxonAuthor']);
                 $logToCreate .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('common name (fr)', 'null', $importedEntity['commonNameFr']);
                 $logToCreate .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('common name (en)', 'null', $importedEntity['commonNameEn']);
                 $logToCreate .= "</table>";
             // Flush and detach entities each $batchSize time
             if ($i % $batchSize === 0) {
                 // Force setId :
                 if (isset($newSyntaxonCore)) {
                     $metadata = $em->getClassMetaData(get_class($newSyntaxonCore));
                 // Flush & detach entities already flushed
                 if (!$onlyLog) {
                 // Before detaching $batchsize entities, check if we've got enought
                 if (count($entities) - $i > $batchSize) {
                     for ($j = 0; $j <= $batchSize; $j++) {
                         $em->detach($entities[$cycle * $batchSize + $j]);
         // for each imported entity loop
         // Entity to be removed
         foreach ($dbKeys as $dbKey => $dbId) {
             $idToRetrieve = array_search($dbId, $importKeys);
             if ($idToRetrieve != FALSE) {
                 // There is an occurence
             } else {
                 // No occurence : syntaxon id to remove
                 $logToRemove .= "<table class='table element'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr class='header'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='title'>Syntaxon</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<table class='table'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr><td><b>db  :</b> (" . $entities[$dbKey]->getFixedCode() . ") (" . $entities[$dbKey]->getCatminatCode() . ") " . $entities[$dbKey]->getSyntaxonName() . " " . $entities[$dbKey]->getSyntaxonAuthor() . "</td></tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr><td><b>csv  :</b> null</td></tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</table>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
                 $logToRemove .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('id', $entities[$dbKey]->getFixedCode(), 'null');
                 $logToRemove .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('catminat code', $entities[$dbKey]->getCatminatCode(), 'null');
                 $logToRemove .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('level', $entities[$dbKey]->getLevel(), 'null');
                 $logToRemove .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('syntaxon name', $entities[$dbKey]->getSyntaxonName(), 'null');
                 $logToRemove .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('syntaxon author', $entities[$dbKey]->getSyntaxonAuthor(), 'null');
                 $logToRemove .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('common name (fr)', $entities[$dbKey]->getCommonName(), 'null');
                 $logToRemove .= $ioHelpers->getTableFragment('common name (en)', $entities[$dbKey]->getCommonNameEn(), 'null');
         $logToRemove .= "</table>";
         // Flush the last entities (the last batch cycle may not be full)
         // Force setId :
         if (isset($newSyntaxonCore)) {
             $metadata = $em->getClassMetaData(get_class($newSyntaxonCore));
         // Update last update param
         if (!$onlyLog) {
             $lastUp = $em->getRepository('evegAppBundle:Infos')->findAll()[0];
             $lastUp->setLastUpdate(new \Datetime('now'));
         // Flush & clear EM
         if (!$onlyLog) {
         // Flash messages
         if (!$onlyLog) {
             $this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add('success', $countToUpdate . ' données ont été mises à jour et ' . $countToCreate . ' ont été créées.');
         } else {
             $this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add('success', "Simulation d'import pour " . count($importKeys) . " données.");
         // Save logs files
         $path = __DIR__ . '/../../../../web/uploads/import/logs/';
         $countToUpdate > 0 ? $fileNameLogToUpdate = 'bvCore_toUpdate_' . $day . '_' . $hour . '.html' : ($fileNameLogToUpdate = null);
         $countIsUpToDate > 0 ? $fileNameLogIsUpToDate = 'bvCore_isUpToDate_' . $day . '_' . $hour . '.html' : ($fileNameLogIsUpToDate = null);
         $countToCreate > 0 ? $fileNameLogToCreate = 'bvCore_toCreate_' . $day . '_' . $hour . '.html' : ($fileNameLogToCreate = null);
         $countToRemove > 0 ? $fileNameLogToRemove = 'bvCore_toRemove_' . $day . '_' . $hour . '.html' : ($fileNameLogToRemove = null);
         if (!file_exists($path)) {
             mkdir($path, 0777, true);
         if ($countToUpdate > 0) {
             $outputLogToUpdate = $ioHelpers->getHtmlBase('Import Core (to update) ' . $day . ' ' . $hour, $logToUpdate, $onlyLog);
             file_put_contents($path . $fileNameLogToUpdate, $outputLogToUpdate);
         if ($countIsUpToDate > 0) {
             $outputLogIsUpToDate = $ioHelpers->getHtmlBase('Import Core (is up to date) ' . $day . ' ' . $hour, $logIsUpToDate, $onlyLog);
             file_put_contents($path . $fileNameLogIsUpToDate, $outputLogIsUpToDate);
         if ($countToCreate > 0) {
             $outputLogToCreate = $ioHelpers->getHtmlBase('Import Core (to create) ' . $day . ' ' . $hour, $logToCreate, $onlyLog);
             file_put_contents($path . $fileNameLogToCreate, $outputLogToCreate);
         if ($countToRemove > 0) {
             $outputLogToRemove = $ioHelpers->getHtmlBase('Import Core (to remove) ' . $day . ' ' . $hour, $logToRemove, $onlyLog);
             file_put_contents($path . $fileNameLogToRemove, $outputLogToRemove);
         // Logs into database
         $currentUser = $this->getUser();
         $log_isUpToDate = new ImportLog();
         $log_toUpdate = new ImportLog();
         $log_toCreate = new ImportLog();
         $log_toRemove = new ImportLog();
         $log_isUpToDate->setReference('core')->setState('up to date')->setDate($dateTime)->setUser($currentUser->getUserName())->setCount($countIsUpToDate)->setSimulation($onlyLog)->setLogFilename($fileNameLogIsUpToDate)->setImportFilename($importFileName)->setImportClientOriginalFilename($clientOriginaFilelName);
         $log_toUpdate->setReference('core')->setState('to update')->setDate($dateTime)->setUser($currentUser->getUserName())->setCount($countToUpdate)->setSimulation($onlyLog)->setLogFilename($fileNameLogToUpdate)->setImportFilename($importFileName)->setImportClientOriginalFilename($clientOriginaFilelName);
         $log_toCreate->setReference('core')->setState('to create')->setDate($dateTime)->setUser($currentUser->getUserName())->setCount($countToCreate)->setSimulation($onlyLog)->setLogFilename($fileNameLogToCreate)->setImportFilename($importFileName)->setImportClientOriginalFilename($clientOriginaFilelName);
         $log_toRemove->setReference('core')->setState('to remove')->setDate($dateTime)->setUser($currentUser->getUserName())->setCount($countToRemove)->setSimulation($onlyLog)->setLogFilename($fileNameLogToRemove)->setImportFilename($importFileName)->setImportClientOriginalFilename($clientOriginaFilelName);
     // end form is valid
     return $this->render('evegAppBundle:Admin:importCore.html.twig', array('form' => $form->createView(), 'countIsUpToDate' => $countIsUpToDate, 'countToUpdate' => $countToUpdate, 'countToCreate' => $countToCreate, 'countToRemove' => $countToRemove, 'onlyLog' => $onlyLog, 'fileLogToUpdate' => isset($fileNameLogToUpdate) ? $fileNameLogToUpdate : null, 'fileLogIsUpToDate' => isset($fileNameLogIsUpToDate) ? $fileNameLogIsUpToDate : null, 'fileLogToCreate' => isset($fileNameLogToCreate) ? $fileNameLogToCreate : null, 'fileLogToRemove' => isset($fileNameLogToRemove) ? $fileNameLogToRemove : null));