public function newAction() { $new_threshold = strtotime('-2 weeks'); $song_adapters = Song::getExternalAdapters(); $new_songs_raw = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT s, ex_eqbeats, ex_btunes, ex_pfm FROM Entity\\Song s LEFT JOIN s.external_eqbeats AS ex_eqbeats LEFT JOIN s.external_bronytunes AS ex_btunes LEFT JOIN s.external_ponyfm AS ex_pfm WHERE (ex_eqbeats.created >= :threshold OR ex_btunes.created >= :threshold OR ex_pfm.created >= :threshold)')->setParameter('threshold', $new_threshold)->getArrayResult(); $new_songs = array(); foreach ($new_songs_raw as $song) { $timestamps = array(); foreach ($song_adapters as $adapter_key => $adapter_class) { $local_key = 'external_' . $adapter_key; if (!empty($song[$local_key])) { $timestamps[] = $song[$local_key]['created']; } } $song['created'] = max($timestamps); $song['filename'] = $song['artist'] . ' - ' . $song['title']; $new_songs[] = $song; } $new_songs = Utilities::irsort($new_songs, 'created'); $this->view->new_songs = $new_songs; }
public function indexAction() { $id = $this->getParam('id'); if (empty($id)) { $this->redirectHome(); } $record = Song::find($id); if (!$record instanceof Song) { throw new \DF\Exception\DisplayOnly('Song not found!'); } $song_info = array(); $song_info['record'] = $record; // Get external provider information. $song_info['external'] = $record->getExternal(); // Get album art and lyrics from all providers. $adapters = Song::getExternalAdapters(); $external_fields = array('lyrics', 'purchase_url', 'description'); foreach ($external_fields as $field_name) { $song_info[$field_name] = NULL; foreach ($adapters as $adapter_name => $adapter_class) { if (!empty($song_info['external'][$adapter_name][$field_name])) { $song_info[$field_name] = $song_info['external'][$adapter_name][$field_name]; break; } } } $song_info['image_url'] = $record->image_url; if (!$song_info['image_url']) { $song_info['image_url'] = \DF\Url::content('images/song_generic.png'); } $song_info['description'] = $this->_cleanUpText($song_info['description']); $song_info['lyrics'] = $this->_cleanUpText($song_info['lyrics']); // Get most recent playback information. $history_raw = $this->em->createQuery(' SELECT sh, st FROM Entity\\SongHistory sh JOIN sh.station st WHERE sh.song_id = :song_id AND st.category IN (:categories) AND sh.timestamp >= :threshold ORDER BY sh.timestamp DESC')->setParameter('song_id', $record->id)->setParameter('categories', array('audio', 'video'))->setParameter('threshold', strtotime('-1 week'))->getArrayResult(); $history = array(); $last_row = NULL; foreach ($history_raw as $i => $row) { if ($last_row && $row['station_id'] == $last_row['station_id']) { $timestamp_diff = abs($row['timestamp'] - $last_row['timestamp']); if ($timestamp_diff < 60) { continue; } } $history[] = $row; $last_row = $row; } $song_info['recent_history'] = $history; // Get requestable locations. $song_info['request_on'] = $this->em->createQuery(' SELECT sm, st FROM Entity\\StationMedia sm JOIN sm.station st WHERE sm.song_id = :song_id GROUP BY sm.station_id')->setParameter('song_id', $record->id)->getArrayResult(); $this->view->song = $song_info; }