protected function subscribe()
     $this->setBuilder($b = new JSONCustomBuilder());
     try {
         if (!isset($_POST['email'])) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('ERR_NO_EMAIL');
         $email = $_POST['email'];
         if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('ERR_BAD_EMAIL');
         //firstly searching for user with this email in users list
         if ($uid = $this->dbh->getScalar('user_users', 'u_id', ['u_name' => $email])) {
             $this->dbh->modify('INSERT INTO mail_subscriptions2users (u_id, subscription_id) SELECT %s as me_id, subscription_id FROM mail_subscriptions WHERE subscription_is_active and subscription_is_default', $uid);
         } else {
             if ($this->dbh->getScalar('mail_email_subscribers', 'COUNT(*)', ['me_name' => $email])) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException('ERR_MAIL_EXISTS');
             $meID = $this->dbh->modify(QAL::INSERT, 'mail_email_subscribers', ['me_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'me_name' => $email]);
             $this->dbh->modify('INSERT INTO mail_email2subscriptions (me_id, subscription_id) SELECT %s as me_id, subscription_id FROM mail_subscriptions WHERE subscription_is_active and subscription_is_default', $meID);
         $b->setProperties(['result' => true, 'message' => $this->translate('MSG_SUBSCRIBED')]);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $b->setProperties(['result' => false, 'message' => $this->translate($e->getMessage())]);
Esempio n. 2
 protected function clear()
     $this->dbh->modify(QAL::DELETE, $this->getTableName());
     $b = new JSONCustomBuilder();
     $b->setProperty('result', true)->setProperty('mode', 'clear');
Esempio n. 3
  * Save quick upload.
  * @throws \Exception
  * @throws SystemException
 protected function savequickupload()
     $transactionStarted = $this->dbh->beginTransaction();
     try {
         $upl_id = isset($_POST['upl_id']) ? intval($_POST['upl_id']) : false;
         $result = $this->dbh->modify(QAL::INSERT, $this->getTableName(), [$this->getParam('pk') => $this->getParam('linkedID'), 'session_id' => session_id(), 'upl_id' => $upl_id]);
         if ($result && ($langTable = $this->dbh->getTranslationTablename($this->getTableName()))) {
             // todo: вставка языковых данных
             $lang_columns = $this->dbh->getColumnsInfo($langTable);
             $fields = [$this->getPK() => $result];
             foreach ($lang_columns as $colName => $colProps) {
                 if (empty($colProps['index']) or $colProps['index'] != 'PRI') {
                     $fields[$colName] = '';
             $langs = E()->getLanguage()->getLanguages();
             foreach ($langs as $lang_id => $lang_data) {
                 $this->dbh->modify(QAL::INSERT, $langTable, array_merge($fields, ['lang_id' => $lang_id]));
         $transactionStarted = !$this->dbh->commit();
         $b = new JSONCustomBuilder();
         $b->setProperties(['data' => is_int($result) ? $result : false, 'result' => true, 'mode' => is_int($result) ? 'insert' : 'update']);
     } catch (SystemException $e) {
         if ($transactionStarted) {
         throw $e;
  * Revert this template to the initial template.
  * @throws SystemException 'ERR_CONTENT_NOT_REVERTED'
 protected function revertTemplate()
     $content = $this->dbh->getScalar('SELECT  smap_content as content FROM share_sitemap WHERE smap_id = %s', $this->document->getID());
     if (dirname($content) == '.' || !file_exists('templates/content/' . basename($content))) {
         throw new SystemException('ERR_CONTENT_NOT_REVERTED', SystemException::ERR_CRITICAL, $content);
     $this->dbh->modify(QAL::UPDATE, 'share_sitemap', array('smap_content' => basename($content), 'smap_content_xml' => QAL::EMPTY_STRING), array('smap_content' => $content));
     $b = new JSONCustomBuilder();
     $b->setProperties(array('result' => true, 'mode' => 'none'));
Esempio n. 5
  * Save data in directory.
  * @throws SystemException 'ERR_NO_DATA'
  * @throws SystemException 'ERR_BAD_PID'
 protected function saveDir()
     $transactionStarted = $this->dbh->beginTransaction();
     try {
         if (!isset($_POST[$this->getTableName()]) || !isset($_POST[$this->getTableName()][$this->getPK()]) || !isset($_POST[$this->getTableName()]['upl_title']) || !isset($_POST[$this->getTableName()]['upl_pid'])) {
             throw new SystemException('ERR_NO_DATA');
         $data = $_POST[$this->getTableName()];
         if (!$data['upl_pid']) {
             throw new SystemException('ERR_BAD_PID');
         // получаем instance IFileRepository
         $repository = $this->repoinfo->getRepositoryInstanceById($data['upl_pid']);
         $mode = empty($data[$this->getPK()]) ? QAL::INSERT : QAL::UPDATE;
         if ($mode == QAL::INSERT) {
             $parentPath = $this->dbh->getScalar($this->getTableName(), ['upl_path'], ['upl_id' => $data['upl_pid']]);
             if (!$parentPath) {
                 throw new SystemException('ERR_BAD_PID');
             $data['upl_name'] = $data['upl_filename'] = Translit::asURLSegment($data['upl_title']);
             $data['upl_mime_type'] = 'unknown/mime-type';
             $data['upl_internal_type'] = FileRepoInfo::META_TYPE_FOLDER;
             $data['upl_childs_count'] = 0;
             $data['upl_publication_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $data['upl_path'] = $parentPath . (substr($parentPath, -1) != '/' ? '/' : '') . $data['upl_filename'];
             $where = false;
         } else {
             $where = ['upl_id' => $data['upl_id']];
             /*$currentUplPath = simplifyDBResult($this->dbh->select($this->getTableName(), array('upl_path'), array('upl_id' => $data['upl_id'])), 'upl_path', true);
               $data['upl_name'] = $data['upl_filename'] = Translit::asURLSegment($data['upl_title']);
               if($currentUplPath != $data['upl_path']){
                   rename($currentUplPath, $data['upl_path']);
         $result = $this->dbh->modify($mode, $this->getTableName(), $data, $where);
         $transactionStarted = !$this->dbh->commit();
         $uplID = is_int($result) ? $result : (int) $_POST[$this->getTableName()][$this->getPK()];
         $args = [$uplID, date('Y-m-d H:i:s')];
         $this->dbh->call('proc_update_dir_date', $args);
         $b = new JSONCustomBuilder();
         $b->setProperties(['data' => $uplID, 'result' => true, 'mode' => is_int($result) ? 'insert' : 'update']);
     } catch (SystemException $e) {
         if ($transactionStarted) {
         throw $e;
Esempio n. 6
  * Approve comment.
  * @throws \Exception 'Add comment can auth user only'
 protected function approve()
     if (!$this->document->user->isAuthenticated()) {
         throw new \Exception('Add comment can auth user only');
     list($commentId) = $this->getStateParams();
     $tabIndex = intval($_POST['tab_index']);
     $currTableName = $this->commentTables[$tabIndex];
     $result = $this->dbh->modify('UPDATE', $currTableName, ['comment_approved' => 1], ['comment_id' => $commentId]);
     $b = new JSONCustomBuilder();
     $b->setProperties(['result' => $commentId]);
  * Publish material.
 protected function publish()
     list($id) = $this->getStateParams();
     $this->dbh->modify('UPDATE ' . $this->getTableName() . ' SET ' . $this->publishFieldName . ' = NOT ' . $this->publishFieldName . ' WHERE ' . $this->getPK() . ' = %s', $id);
     $b = new JSONCustomBuilder();
     $b->setProperties(array('result' => true));
Esempio n. 8
  * @copydoc LinkingEditor::changeOrder
 protected function changeOrder($direction)
     if (!$this->getOrderColumn()) {
         //Если не задана колонка для пользовательской сортировки то на выход
         throw new SystemException('ERR_NO_ORDER_COLUMN', SystemException::ERR_DEVELOPER);
     $currentID = $this->getStateParams();
     list($currentID) = $currentID;
     //Определяем order_num текущей страницы
     $currentOrderNum = $this->dbh->getScalar('SELECT ' . $this->getOrderColumn() . ' ' . 'FROM ' . $this->getTableName() . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->getPK() . ' = %s', $currentID);
     $orderDirection = $direction == Grid::DIR_DOWN ? QAL::ASC : QAL::DESC;
     $baseFilter = $this->getFilter();
     if (!empty($baseFilter)) {
         $baseFilter = ' AND ' . str_replace('WHERE', '', $this->dbh->buildWhereCondition($this->getFilter()));
     } else {
         $baseFilter = ' AND smap_id = ' . $this->document->getID() . ' ';
     //Определяем идентификатор записи которая находится рядом с текущей
     $request = 'SELECT ' . $this->getPK() . ' as neighborID, ' . $this->getOrderColumn() . ' as neighborOrderNum ' . 'FROM ' . $this->getTableName() . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $this->getOrderColumn() . ' ' . $direction . ' ' . $currentOrderNum . ' ' . $baseFilter . 'ORDER BY ' . $this->getOrderColumn() . ' ' . $orderDirection . ' Limit 1';
     $data = convertDBResult($this->dbh->select($request), 'neighborID');
     if ($data) {
         $this->dbh->modify(QAL::UPDATE, $this->getTableName(), array($this->getOrderColumn() => $neighborOrderNum), array($this->getPK() => $currentID));
         $this->dbh->modify(QAL::UPDATE, $this->getTableName(), array($this->getOrderColumn() => $currentOrderNum), array($this->getPK() => $neighborID));
     $b = new JSONCustomBuilder();
     $b->setProperties(array('result' => true, 'dir' => $direction));
Esempio n. 9
  * @copydoc Grid::changeOrder
 protected function changeOrder($direction)
     $id = $this->getStateParams();
     list($id) = $id;
     if (!$this->recordExists($id)) {
         throw new SystemException('ERR_404', SystemException::ERR_404);
     $order = $this->getOrder();
     if ($direction == Grid::DIR_UP) {
         $order[key($order)] = $order[key($order)] == QAL::ASC ? QAL::DESC : QAL::ASC;
     $PID = $this->dbh->getScalar($this->getTableName(), ['smap_pid'], ['smap_id' => $id]);
     if (!is_null($PID)) {
         $PID = ' = ' . $PID;
     } else {
         $PID = 'IS NULL';
     $orderFieldName = key($order);
     $request = sprintf('SELECT %s, %s
             FROM %s
             WHERE %s %s= (
             SELECT %s
             FROM %s
             WHERE %s = %s )
             AND smap_pid %s
             LIMIT 2 ', $this->getPK(), $orderFieldName, $this->getTableName(), $orderFieldName, $direction, $orderFieldName, $this->getTableName(), $this->getPK(), $id, $PID, $this->dbh->buildOrderCondition($order));
     $result = $this->dbh->select($request);
     if (!$result || sizeof($result) < 2) {
         throw new SystemException('ERR_CANT_MOVE', SystemException::ERR_NOTICE);
     $result = convertDBResult($result, $this->getPK(), true);
      * @todo Тут нужно что то пооптимальней придумать для того чтобы осуществить операцию переноса значений между двумя элементами массива
      *  $a = $b;
      *  $b =$a;
     $keys = array_keys($result);
     $data = [];
     $c = $result[current($keys)];
     $data[current($keys)] = $result[next($keys)];
     $data[current($keys)] = $c;
     foreach ($data as $id2 => $value) {
         $order = $value['smap_order_num'];
         $this->dbh->modify(QAL::UPDATE, $this->getTableName(), [$orderFieldName => $order], [$this->getPK() => $id2]);
         if ($id2 != $id) {
             $result = $id2;
     $b = new JSONCustomBuilder();
     $b->setProperties(['result' => true, 'dir' => $direction, 'nodeID' => $result]);