setPostFilter() public method

Sets post_filter argument for the query. The filter is applied after the query has executed.
public setPostFilter ( Elastica\Query\AbstractQuery $filter )
$filter Elastica\Query\AbstractQuery
Esempio n. 1
  * @group functional
 public function testIndicesQuery()
     $docs = array(new Document(1, array('color' => 'blue')), new Document(2, array('color' => 'green')), new Document(3, array('color' => 'blue')), new Document(4, array('color' => 'yellow')));
     $index1 = $this->_createIndex();
     $index2 = $this->_createIndex();
     $boolQuery = new Query\BoolQuery();
     $boolQuery->addMustNot(new Term(array('color' => 'blue')));
     $indicesQuery = new Indices($boolQuery, array($index1->getName()));
     $boolQuery = new Query\BoolQuery();
     $boolQuery->addMustNot(new Term(array('color' => 'yellow')));
     $query = new Query();
     // search over the alias
     $index = $this->_getClient()->getIndex('indices_query');
     $results = $index->search($query);
     // ensure that the proper docs have been filtered out for each index
     $this->assertEquals(5, $results->count());
     foreach ($results->getResults() as $result) {
         $data = $result->getData();
         $color = $data['color'];
         if ($result->getIndex() === $index1->getName()) {
             $this->assertNotEquals('blue', $color);
         } else {
             $this->assertNotEquals('yellow', $color);
Esempio n. 2
  * @group functional
 public function testGeoPoint()
     $index = $this->_createIndex();
     $type = $index->getType('test');
     // Set mapping
     $type->setMapping(array('location' => array('type' => 'geo_point')));
     // Add doc 1
     $doc1 = new Document(1, array('name' => 'ruflin'));
     $doc1->addGeoPoint('location', 17, 19);
     // Add doc 2
     $doc2 = new Document(2, array('name' => 'ruflin'));
     $doc2->addGeoPoint('location', 30, 40);
     // Only one point should be in polygon
     $query = new Query();
     $points = array(array(16, 16), array(16, 20), array(20, 20), array(20, 16), array(16, 16));
     $geoFilter = new GeoPolygon('location', $points);
     $query = new Query(new MatchAll());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $type->search($query)->count());
     // Both points should be inside
     $query = new Query();
     $points = array(array(16, 16), array(16, 40), array(40, 40), array(40, 16), array(16, 16));
     $geoFilter = new GeoPolygon('location', $points);
     $query = new Query(new MatchAll());
     $this->assertEquals(2, $type->search($query)->count());
Esempio n. 3
  * @group functional
 public function testGeoPoint()
     $index = $this->_createIndex();
     $type = $index->getType('test');
     // Set mapping
     $type->setMapping(array('point' => array('type' => 'geo_point')));
     // Add doc 1
     $doc1 = new Document(1, array('name' => 'ruflin'));
     $doc1->addGeoPoint('point', 17, 19);
     // Add doc 2
     $doc2 = new Document(2, array('name' => 'ruflin'));
     $doc2->addGeoPoint('point', 30, 40);
     // Only one point should be in radius
     $geoQuery = new GeoDistance('point', array('lat' => 30, 'lon' => 40), '1km');
     $query = new Query(new MatchAll());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $type->search($query)->count());
     // Both points should be inside
     $query = new Query();
     $geoQuery = new GeoDistance('point', array('lat' => 30, 'lon' => 40), '40000km');
     $query = new Query(new MatchAll());
     $this->assertEquals(2, $type->search($query)->count());
Esempio n. 4
  * @group functional
 public function testLookup()
     $index = $this->_createIndex();
     $type1 = $index->getType('musicians');
     $type2 = $index->getType('bands');
     //index some test data
     $type1->addDocuments(array(new Document(1, array('name' => 'robert', 'lastName' => 'plant')), new Document(2, array('name' => 'jimmy', 'lastName' => 'page')), new Document(3, array('name' => 'john paul', 'lastName' => 'jones')), new Document(4, array('name' => 'john', 'lastName' => 'bonham')), new Document(5, array('name' => 'jimi', 'lastName' => 'hendrix'))));
     $type2->addDocument(new Document('led zeppelin', array('members' => array('plant', 'page', 'jones', 'bonham'))));
     //use the terms lookup feature to query for some data
     $termsFilter = new Terms();
     $termsFilter->setLookup('lastName', $type2, 'led zeppelin', 'members', null);
     $query = new Query();
     $results = $index->search($query);
     $this->assertEquals($results->count(), 4, 'Terms lookup with null index');
     $termsFilter->setLookup('lastName', $type2, 'led zeppelin', 'members', $index);
     $results = $index->search($query);
     $this->assertEquals($results->count(), 4, 'Terms lookup with index as object');
     //Query with index given as string
     $termsFilter->setLookup('lastName', $type2, 'led zeppelin', 'members', $index->getName());
     $results = $index->search($query);
     $this->assertEquals($results->count(), 4, 'Terms lookup with index as string');
     //Query with array of options
     $termsFilter->setLookup('lastName', $type2, 'led zeppelin', 'members', array('index' => $index));
     $results = $index->search($query);
     $this->assertEquals($results->count(), 4, 'Terms lookup with options array');
Esempio n. 5
  * @group functional
 public function testQuery()
     $query = new Query();
     $match = new Match();
     $match->setField('make', 'ford');
     $filter = new Term();
     $filter->setTerm('color', 'green');
     $results = $this->_getTestIndex()->search($query);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $results->getTotalHits());
 public function __construct(Index $index, Query $query, LoggerInterface $logger = null)
     //Optimise the query by just getting back the ids and types
     $query->setFields(array('_id', '_type'));
     //If we are in live reading mode, only return published documents
     if (\Versioned::get_reading_mode() == \Versioned::DEFAULT_MODE) {
         $publishedFilter = new Query\BoolQuery();
         $publishedFilter->addMust(new Query\Term([Searchable::$published_field => 'true']));
     $this->index = $index;
     $this->query = $query;
     $this->logger = $logger;
Esempio n. 7
  * @depends testAddDocument
  * @dataProvider providerTransport
 public function testRandomRead(array $config, $transport)
     $type = $this->getType($config);
     $times = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->_max; $i++) {
         $test = rand(1, $this->_max);
         $query = new Query();
         $query->setQuery(new MatchAllQuery());
         $query->setPostFilter(new TermFilter(array('test' => $test)));
         $result = $type->search($query);
         $times[] = $result->getResponse()->getQueryTime();
     self::logResults('random read', $transport, $times);
  * @param array $fullRequest
 protected function search(array $fullRequest)
     $query = new El\Query($fullRequest);
     $usedFilters = $this->addFilters();
     if ($usedFilters !== false) {
     $resultSet = $this->connection->getIndex()->search($query);
     $this->totalHits = $resultSet->getTotalHits();
     if (intval($this->totalHits) <= intval($this->currentPage * $this->perPage)) {
         $this->view->assign('endingAtItem', intval($this->totalHits));
     } else {
         $this->view->assign('endingAtItem', $this->currentPage * $this->perPage);
     $this->view->assignMultiple(['results' => $resultSet->getResults(), 'pagesToLinkTo' => $this->getPages(), 'currentPage' => $this->currentPage, 'prev' => $this->currentPage - 1, 'next' => $this->currentPage < ceil($this->totalHits / $this->perPage) ? $this->currentPage + 1 : 0, 'totalResults' => $this->totalHits, 'startingAtItem' => $this->currentPage * $this->perPage - ($this->perPage - 1), 'aggregations' => $resultSet->getAggregations(), 'context' => $this->context]);
Esempio n. 9
 public function testBoolFilter()
     $index = $this->_createIndex('bool_filter_test');
     $type = $index->getType('book');
     //index some test data
     $type->addDocument(new \Elastica\Document(1, array('author' => 'Michael Shermer', 'title' => 'The Believing Brain', 'publisher' => 'Robinson')));
     $type->addDocument(new \Elastica\Document(2, array('author' => 'Jared Diamond', 'title' => 'Guns, Germs and Steel', 'publisher' => 'Vintage')));
     $type->addDocument(new \Elastica\Document(3, array('author' => 'Jared Diamond', 'title' => 'Collapse', 'publisher' => 'Penguin')));
     $type->addDocument(new \Elastica\Document(4, array('author' => 'Richard Dawkins', 'title' => 'The Selfish Gene', 'publisher' => 'OUP Oxford')));
     $type->addDocument(new \Elastica\Document(5, array('author' => 'Anthony Burges', 'title' => 'A Clockwork Orange', 'publisher' => 'Penguin')));
     //use the terms lookup feature to query for some data
     //build query
     //  should
     //      author = jared
     //      author = richard
     //  must_not
     //      publisher = penguin
     //construct the query
     $query = new Query();
     $mainBoolFilter = new Bool();
     $shouldFilter = new Bool();
     $authorFilter1 = new Term();
     $authorFilter1->setTerm('author', 'jared');
     $authorFilter2 = new Term();
     $authorFilter2->setTerm('author', 'richard');
     $shouldFilter->addShould(array($authorFilter1, $authorFilter2));
     $mustNotFilter = new Bool();
     $publisherFilter = new Term();
     $publisherFilter->setTerm('publisher', 'penguin');
     $mainBoolFilter->addMust(array($shouldFilter, $mustNotFilter));
     //execute the query
     $results = $index->search($query);
     //check the number of results
     $this->assertEquals($results->count(), 2, 'Bool filter with child Bool filters: number of results check');
     //count compare the id's
     $ids = array();
     /** @var \Elastica\Result $result **/
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         $ids[] = $result->getId();
     $this->assertEquals($ids, array("2", "4"), 'Bool filter with child Bool filters: result ID check');
Esempio n. 10
 public function testIndicesFilter()
     $filter = new Indices(new BoolNot(new Term(array("color" => "blue"))), array($this->_index1->getName()));
     $filter->setNoMatchFilter(new BoolNot(new Term(array("color" => "yellow"))));
     $query = new Query();
     // search over the alias
     $index = $this->_getClient()->getIndex("indices_filter");
     $results = $index->search($query);
     // ensure that the proper docs have been filtered out for each index
     $this->assertEquals(5, $results->count());
     foreach ($results->getResults() as $result) {
         $data = $result->getData();
         $color = $data["color"];
         if ($result->getIndex() == $this->_index1->getName()) {
             $this->assertNotEquals("blue", $color);
         } else {
             $this->assertNotEquals("yellow", $color);
Esempio n. 11
  * @inheritdoc
 public function findPaginatedByQueryAndCategory(\string $queryString = null, \string $category = null, \int $priceFrom = null, \int $priceTo = null, \bool $availability = null)
     $queryObject = new Query();
     $filter = new BoolAnd();
     if ($queryString) {
         $query = new Match('_all', ['query' => $queryString, 'operator' => 'AND']);
     } else {
         $query = new Query\MatchAll();
     if ($availability !== null) {
         $filter->addFilter(new Term(['availability' => $availability]));
     $range = [];
     if ($priceFrom) {
         $range['gte'] = $priceFrom;
     if ($priceTo) {
         $range['lte'] = $priceTo;
     if ($range) {
         $filter->addFilter(new Range('price', $range));
     if ($category) {
         $term = new Term(['' => $category]);
     $terms = new Terms('categories');
     if ($filter->getFilters()) {
         $filtered = new Query\Filtered($query, $filter);
     } else {
     $queryObject->setSort(['updated' => 'desc']);
     return $this->findPaginated($queryObject);
  * @group functional
 public function testFilter()
     $index = $this->_createIndex();
     $type = $index->getType('test');
     $mapping = new Mapping($type, array('pin' => array('type' => 'geo_point', 'geohash' => true, 'geohash_prefix' => true)));
     $type->addDocument(new Document(1, array('pin' => '9q8yyzm0zpw8')));
     $type->addDocument(new Document(2, array('pin' => '9mudgb0yued0')));
     $filter = new GeohashCell('pin', array('lat' => 32.828326, 'lon' => -117.255854));
     $query = new Query();
     $results = $type->search($query);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $results->count());
     //test precision parameter
     $filter = new GeohashCell('pin', '9', 1);
     $query = new Query();
     $results = $type->search($query);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $results->count());
Esempio n. 13
File: Logs.php Progetto: bd808/SAL
  * Search for logs
  * @param array $params Search parameters:
  *   - project: Project to find logs for
  *   - query: Elasticsearch simple query string
  *   - items: Number of results to return per page
  *   - page: Page of results to return (0-index)
  * @return ResultSet
 public function search(array $params = [])
     $params = array_merge(['project' => 'production', 'query' => null, 'items' => 20, 'page' => 0, 'date' => null], $params);
     $filters = new BoolQuery();
     if ($params['query'] !== null) {
         $filters->addMust(new SimpleQueryString($params['query'], ['message', 'nick']));
     if ($params['date'] !== null) {
         $filters->addMust(new Range('@timestamp', ['lte' => "{$params['date']}||/d"]));
     $query = new Query($filters);
     $query->setPostFilter(new Term(['project' => $params['project']]));
     $query->setFrom($params['page'] * $params['items'])->setSize($params['items'])->setFields(self::$DEFAULT_FIELDS)->setSort(['@timestamp' => ['order' => 'desc']]);
     return $this->doSearch($query);
Esempio n. 14
  * @param null $facets
  * @param $configuration
  * @param $taxon
  * @param null $types
  * @return mixed
 public function compileElasticaTaxonQuery($facets = null, $configuration, $taxon, $types = null)
     $elasticaQuery = new Query();
     $boolFilter = new BoolFilter();
     if (!empty($types)) {
         foreach ($types as $type) {
             $typeFilter = new Type($type);
     if ($channel = $this->channelContext->getChannel()) {
         $channelFilter = new FilterTerms();
         $channelFilter->setTerms('channels', [(string) $channel]);
     $query = new Filtered();
     $taxonFromRequestFilter = new FilterTerms();
     $taxonFromRequestFilter->setTerms('taxons', [$taxon]);
     return $this->compileElasticsearchQuery($elasticaQuery, $facets, $configuration);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function get(array $data, array $keys, $namespace)
     if (!$this->hasNamespace($namespace)) {
         return array();
     // Build the query
     $query = new Query();
     // Add hash term
     $term = new Term();
     $term->setTerm('hash', $this->getHash($data, $keys));
     $esResults = $this->index->getType($namespace)->search($query)->getResults();
     $results = array();
     foreach ($esResults as $esResult) {
         $results[] = $esResult->getData();
     return $results;
Esempio n. 16
  * @group functional
 public function testMoreLikeThisApi()
     $client = $this->_getClient(array('persistent' => false));
     $index = $client->getIndex('elastica_test');
     $index->create(array('index' => array('number_of_shards' => 1, 'number_of_replicas' => 0)), true);
     $type = new Type($index, 'mlt_test');
     $type->addDocuments(array(new Document(1, array('visible' => true, 'name' => 'bruce wayne batman')), new Document(2, array('visible' => true, 'name' => 'bruce wayne')), new Document(3, array('visible' => false, 'name' => 'bruce wayne')), new Document(4, array('visible' => true, 'name' => 'batman')), new Document(5, array('visible' => false, 'name' => 'batman')), new Document(6, array('visible' => true, 'name' => 'superman')), new Document(7, array('visible' => true, 'name' => 'spiderman'))));
     $document = $type->getDocument(1);
     // Return all similar
     $resultSet = $type->moreLikeThis($document, array('min_term_freq' => '1', 'min_doc_freq' => '1'));
     $this->assertEquals(4, $resultSet->count());
     // Return just the visible similar
     $query = new Query();
     $filterTerm = new Term();
     $filterTerm->setTerm('visible', true);
     $resultSet = $type->moreLikeThis($document, array('min_term_freq' => '1', 'min_doc_freq' => '1'), $query);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $resultSet->count());
Esempio n. 17
  * @param string $term
  * @param string $value
  * @param int    $size
  * @return \Elastica\ResultSet
 public function termQuery($term, $value, $size = 30)
     $_agg = new Aggregation();
     $_facet = $_agg->date_histogram('occurred_on', '@timestamp', ElkIntervals::DAY);
     //        $_facet = new DateHistogram('occurred_on');
     //        $_facet->setField('@timestamp');
     //        $_facet->setInterval('day');
     $_query = new Query();
     //	Filter for term
     $_filter = new Prefix($term, $value);
     $_and = new Bool();
     $_results = $this->_doSearch($_query);
     return $_results;
Esempio n. 18
  * @group unit
 public function testLegacySetPostFilterToArrayCast()
     $query = new Query();
     $postFilter = new \Elastica\Filter\Terms();
     $postFilter->setTerms('key', array('term'));
     $postFilter->setTerms('another key', array('another term'));
     $anotherQuery = new Query();
     $this->assertEquals($query->toArray(), $anotherQuery->toArray());
Esempio n. 19
  * @param $searchClosed
  * @return \Elastica\ResultSet
  * @throws Exception
 public function doSearch($searchClosed)
     $this->connection = new ElasticSearchConnection();
     $this->whereClause = new Query\QueryString();
     $this->utility = new Util();
     if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
         $this->currentPage = intval($_GET['page']);
     $this->fieldMapping = $this->configurationManager->getConfiguration(ConfigurationManager::CONFIGURATION_TYPE_SETTINGS, 'WMDB.Forger.SearchTermMapping');
     $elasticaQuery = new Query();
     if ($searchClosed === 'true') {
     } else {
         $boolSearch = new Query\Bool();
         $boolSearch->addMustNot(['term' => ['' => 'Closed']]);
         $boolSearch->addMustNot(['term' => ['' => 'Rejected']]);
         $boolSearch->addMustNot(['term' => ['' => 'Resolved']]);
     $elasticaQuery->setFrom($this->currentPage * $this->perPage - $this->perPage);
     $usedFilters = $this->addFilters();
     if ($usedFilters !== false) {
     $elasticaResultSet = $this->connection->getIndex()->search($elasticaQuery);
     $results = $elasticaResultSet->getResults();
     $maxScore = $elasticaResultSet->getMaxScore();
     $aggs = $elasticaResultSet->getAggregations();
     $this->totalHits = $elasticaResultSet->getTotalHits();
     $out = array('pagesToLinkTo' => $this->getPages(), 'currentPage' => $this->currentPage, 'prev' => $this->currentPage - 1, 'next' => $this->currentPage < ceil($this->totalHits / $this->perPage) ? $this->currentPage + 1 : 0, 'totalResults' => $this->totalHits, 'startingAtItem' => $this->currentPage * $this->perPage - ($this->perPage - 1), 'endingAtItem' => $this->currentPage * $this->perPage, 'results' => $results, 'maxScore' => $maxScore, 'aggs' => $aggs);
     if (intval($this->totalHits) <= intval($out['endingAtItem'])) {
         $out['endingAtItem'] = intval($this->totalHits);
     return $out;