Esempio n. 1
$full_total = 0;
$bill_total = 0;
$full_quantity = 0;
$bill_quantity = 0;
$x_kind = null;
$x_status = null;
echo '<table>';
//echo '<caption>Work order items captoin</caption>';
echo '<tr><th colspan="3">Quantity</th><th>Kind</th><th>Name</th><th>Rate</th><th>Tax</th><th>Subtotal</th></tr>';
// @todo Need to track Invoice Totals
foreach ($this->WorkOrderItemList as $woi) {
    // Header Row
    if ($x_kind != $woi['kind'] || $x_status != $woi['status']) {
        //drawSummaryRow($bill_quantity, $bill_total);
        if ($woi['invoice_id']) {
            $text = Radix::link("/invoice/view/{$woi['invoice_id']}", "Invoice #{$woi['invoice_id']}");
        } else {
            $text = $woi['status'] . ' ' . $woi['kind'] . ' Items';
        // echo "<tr><th colspan='6'>". $text . '</th></tr>';
        $bill_total = 0;
        $bill_quantity = 0;
    $name = html((isset($woi['date']) ? date('m/d/y ', strtotime($woi['date'])) . '&nbsp;' : null) . $woi['name']);
    echo '<tr class="rero">';
    echo '<td>' . Form::checkbox('woi_id[]', $woi['id'], array('checked' => 'checked')) . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . Form::text('woi_q_' . $woi['id'], $woi['a_quantity'], array('style' => 'width:3em')) . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . Form::text('woi_status_' . $woi['id'], $woi['status']) . '</td>';
    echo '<td class="c">' . $woi['kind'] . '</td>';
    //echo '<td><strong>' . $this->link('/workorder.item/view/' . $woi->id,$name) . '</strong></td>';
    echo '<td>' . $name . '</td>';
Esempio n. 2
 echo '<tr class="rero ' . strtolower($item['status']) . ' ' . strtolower($item['kind']) . '">';
 // Star
 echo '<td>' . star($item['star']) . '</td>';
 // ID
 echo '<td><a href="' . Radix::link('/workorder/view?w=' . $item['id']) . '">#' . $item['id'] . '</td>';
 // Printable Link
 if (in_array('print', $cols)) {
     echo '<td><a href="' . Radix::link('/workorder/pdf?w=' . $item['id']) . '">' . img('/tango/22x22/devices/printer.png', 'Get PDF') . '</a></td>';
 if (in_array('date', $cols) && isset($item['date'])) {
     echo '<td class="c">' . ImperiumView::niceDate($item['date']) . '</td>';
 echo '<td>' . $item['kind'] . '/' . $item['status'] . '</td>';
 if (isset($item['contact_name'])) {
     if (in_array('contact', $cols)) {
         echo '<td><a href="' . Radix::link('/contact/view?c=' . $item['contact_id']) . '">' . $item['contact_name'] . '</td>';
 if (in_array('note', $cols)) {
     echo '<td>';
     $x = min(max(strpos($item['note'], "\n"), 32), 64);
     echo trim(substr($item['note'], 0, $x));
     echo '</td>';
 if (in_array('open_amount', $cols)) {
     echo '<td class="bill" title="Open Amount">' . number_format($item['open_amount'], 2) . '</td>';
 if (in_array('bill_amount', $cols)) {
     echo '<td class="bill" title="Bill Amount">(' . number_format($item['bill_amount'], 2) . ')</td>';
 echo '</tr>';
Esempio n. 3
echo Radix::block('file-list', $this->ContactFileList);
// Work Orders
echo '<h2><a href="' . Radix::link('/workorder/new?c=' . $this->Contact['id']) . '"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> Work Orders</a></h2>';
if ($this->WorkOrderList) {
    echo Radix::block('workorder-list', array('list' => $this->WorkOrderList));
// Invoices
echo '<h2><a href="' . Radix::link('/invoice/new?c=' . $this->Contact['id']) . '"><i class="fa fa-list"></i> Invoices</a></h2>';
if ($this->InvoiceList) {
    echo Radix::block('invoice-list', array('list' => $this->InvoiceList));
// History
$x = array('ajax' => true, 'list' => $this->Contact->getHistory());
echo Radix::block('diff-list', $x);

<script type='text/javascript'>
    source: "<?php 
echo Radix::link('/account/ajax?a=account');
    change: function(event, ui) { 
        if (ui.item) {
Esempio n. 4
// View Results
$runbal = $this->openBalance;
$cr_sum = 0;
$dr_sum = 0;
echo '<table style="width:100%;">';
echo '<tr><th>Date</th><th>Account/Note</th><th>Entry #</th><th>Link</th><th>Debit</th><th>Credit</th><th>Balance</th></tr>';
echo '<tr class="rero">';
echo '<td class="c">-Open-</td><td colspan="5">Opening Balance</td>';
echo '<td class="b r">' . number_format($this->openBalance, 2) . '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
foreach ($this->LedgerEntryList as $le) {
    //$date = AppHelper::dateNice($le['date']);
    //$link = '/accounts/journal/entry/'.$le['account_journal_id'];
    $link = '/account/transaction?' . http_build_query(array('id' => $le['account_journal_id'], 'r' => '/account/ledger?' . http_build_query(array('id' => $this->Account['id']))));
    echo '<tr class="rero">';
    echo '<td class="c"><a href="' . Radix::link($link) . '">' . $le['date'] . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . $le['account_name'] . '/' . $le['note'] . '</td>';
    echo sprintf('<td class="c">#%s%s</td>', $le['kind'], $le['account_journal_id']);
    // Object Link
    if (!empty($le['link_to'])) {
        echo sprintf('<td class="c">%s:%d</td>', $le['link_to'], $le['link_id']);
    } else {
        echo '<td></td>';
    // Debit or Credit
    if ($le['amount'] > 0) {
        echo '<td></td><td class="r">' . number_format($le['amount'], 2) . '</td>';
    } else {
        echo "<td class='r'>" . number_format(abs($le['amount']), 2) . '</td><td></td>';
    // Amount
Esempio n. 5
 if ($x_kind != $woi['kind'] || $x_status != $woi['status']) {
     drawSummaryRow($e_size, $e_cost, $a_size, $a_cost);
     // The method of tying WOI => IVI is incorrect
     //  We should tie IVI => WOI, so that here we'd look for IVI where workorder_item_id = ?
     //if ($woi->invoice_id) {
     //    $text = $this->link("/invoice/view?i={$woi->invoice_id}","Invoice #{$woi->invoice_id}");
     //} else {
     $text = $woi['status'] . ' ' . $woi['kind'] . ' Items';
     echo '<tr><th colspan="6">' . $text . '</th></tr>';
     // Reset Counters
     $a_cost = $e_cost = 0;
     $a_size = $e_size = 0;
 // $name = (isset($woi->date) ? date('m/d/y ',strtotime($woi->date)) : null) . $woi->name;
 $link = '<a class="ajax-edit" data-name="woi-edit" href="' . Radix::link('/workorder/item?id=' . $woi['id']) . '">%s</a>';
 echo '<tr class="rero">';
 // Date
 echo '<td>';
 if (!empty($woi['date'])) {
     $html = null;
     $time = strtotime($woi['date']);
     $span = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $time;
     $html .= '<span title="' . strftime('%a %Y-%m-%d', $time) . ' (' . floor($span / 86400) . ' days ago)">';
     if ($span >= 31104000) {
         // 360 days
         $html .= strftime('%a %m/%d/%y', $time);
     } else {
         $html .= strftime('%a %m/%d', $time);
     $html .= '</span>';
Esempio n. 6
        // $this->_s->EmailComposeMessage->body.= "\n\nSincerely,\n";
        // $this->_s->EmailComposeMessage->body.= '  ' . $this->_c->Company->name . "\n\n";
        // $this->_s->EmailComposeMessage->body.= 'PS: The linked files are in Adobe PDF format. You must have Acrobat Reader (or other compatible software) installed to view these documents.';
        // $this->_s->ReturnTo = sprintf('/workorder/view/id/%d?sent=true',$wo->id);
        $this->_s->ReturnGood = sprintf('/workorder/view?w=%d?sent=good', $wo->id);
        $this->_s->ReturnFail = sprintf('/workorder/view?w=%d?sent=fail', $wo->id);
    case 'save':
        $list = array('contact_id', 'date', 'kind', 'base_rate', 'base_unit', 'requester', 'note');
        foreach ($list as $x) {
            $wo[$x] = trim($_POST[$x]);
        if ($id) {
            Session::flash('info', "Work Order #{$id} saved");
        } else {
            $id = $wo['id'];
            Session::flash('info', "Work Order #{$id} created");
        Radix::redirect('/workorder/view?w=' . $id);
    case 'void':
        $sql = 'UPDATE workorder_item SET status = ? WHERE workorder_id = ? AND status = ?';
        SQL::query($sql, array('Void', $wo->id, 'Pending'));
        $wo['status'] = 'Void';
        Session::flash('info', "Work Order #{$wo->id} voided");
Esempio n. 7

	Work Order Create Action
	Create a new Work Order
namespace Edoceo\Imperium;

use Edoceo\Radix;
$_ENV['title'] = array('Invoice', 'Create');
$this->Invoice = new Invoice(null);
if (!empty($_GET['c'])) {
    $c = new Contact(intval($_GET['c']));
    if (!empty($c['id'])) {
        $this->Invoice['contact_id'] = $c['id'];
        $this->Contact = $c;
        $this->ContactList = $this->Contact->getContactList();
Radix::$path = '/invoice/view';
Esempio n. 8
        //echo "$('#ch$id').fancybox({'height':'20%'});\n"; // ,'titleShow':false,'width':'60%'});\n";
        //echo "});</script>\n";
        //echo '<div id="' . sprintf('phone-%x',$id) . '" style="display:none;font-size:28pt;">';
        //echo $buf . '<br>' . $f;
        //echo '</div>';
        // $buf.= $this->link('/'.$this->data->id,$phone_img);
    case ContactChannel::EMAIL:
        //$email_img = img('/silk/1.3/email_edit.png','Edit Email');
        //$image = img('/silk/1.3/email_go.png','Email');
        echo '<span class="grow-huge">';
        echo '<a href="' . Radix::link('/email/compose?to=' . $data['data']) . '">';
        echo html($data['data']);
        echo '</a>';
        echo '</span>';
        // if (!empty($data['id'])) {
        //     $i = img('/silk/1.3/email_edit.png','Edit Email');
        //     $html.= '<a href="' . $edit_link . '">';
        //     $html.= $i;
        //     $html.= '</a>';
        // }
        // $i = img('/silk/1.3/email_edit.png','Edit Email');
        echo '<a href="' . Radix::link('/contact/channel?id=' . $data['id']) . '">';
        echo html($data['data']);
        echo '</a>';
// echo trim("$icon $name $link");
// echo $html;
Esempio n. 9

    @todo Link this Account to A Customer
namespace Edoceo\Imperium;

use Edoceo\Radix;
use Edoceo\Radix\DB\SQL;
use Edoceo\Radix\HTML\Form;
$this->Account = new Account($_GET['id']);
// $this->form('Account',array('action'=>$this->appurl.'/account/save','method'=>'post'));
echo '<form action="' . Radix::link('/account/save') . '" method="post">';
echo '<table>';
echo "<tr><td class='l'>Kind:</td><td colspan='2'>" . Form::select('kind', $this->Account['kind'], $this->AccountKindList) . "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td class='l'>Code &amp; Name:</td><td>" . Form::text('code', $this->Account['code'], array('size' => 6)) . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . Form::text('name', $this->Account['name']) . '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
// Note
// echo "<tr><td class='b r'>Note:</td><td colspan='2'>" . $this->formText('note',$this->Account->note,array('size'=>40)) . "</td></tr>";
// Parent Account
$list = array(0 => '- None -');
$list[0] = '- None -';
foreach ($this->AccountList as $item) {
    if (!empty($item['parent_id'])) {
    $list[$item['id']] = $item['full_name'];
echo "<tr><td class='b r'>Parent:</td><td colspan='2'>" . Form::select('parent_id', $this->Account['parent_id'], $list) . '</td></tr>';
Esempio n. 10

	Create a new Contact
namespace Edoceo\Imperium;

use Edoceo\Radix;
$_ENV['title'] = array('Contact', 'Create');
$this->Contact = new Contact(null);
if (!empty($_GET['parent'])) {
    $c = new Contact(intval($_GET['parent']));
    if (!empty($c['id'])) {
        $this->Contact['parent_id'] = $c['id'];
Radix::$path = '/contact/view';
Esempio n. 11

namespace Edoceo\Imperium;

use Edoceo\Radix;
use Edoceo\Radix\Session;
Esempio n. 12

	Work Order Create Action
	Create a new Work Order
namespace Edoceo\Imperium;

use Edoceo\Radix;
$_ENV['title'] = array('WorkOrder', 'Create');
$this->WorkOrder = new WorkOrder(null);
if (!empty($_GET['c'])) {
    $c = new Contact(intval($_GET['c']));
    if (!empty($c['id'])) {
        $this->WorkOrder['contact_id'] = $c['id'];
        $this->Contact = $c;
        if (!empty($c->contact)) {
            $this->WorkOrder['requester'] = $c['contact'];
        // @todo Should be getSubContacts()
        $this->ContactList = $this->Contact->getContactList();
        // $this->view->ContactAddressList = $db->fetchPairs("select id,address from contact_address where contact_id={$id}");
Radix::$path = '/workorder/view';
Esempio n. 13
// Output
// $page_link = $this->paginationControl($this->Page,'All','../elements/page-control.phtml');
// echo $page_link;
// First Character Index
// @todo Would be cool to highlight
//$a = empty($_GET['a']) ? null : $_GET['a'];
$opts = array('page' => 1, 'sort' => $this->Sort);
$list = array();
if (!empty($this->Char)) {
    $opts['char'] = null;
    $list[] = '<a href="?' . http_build_query($opts) . '">ALL</a>';
if ($this->Char == '#') {
    $list[] = '<span class="hi">&nbsp;#&nbsp;</span>';
} else {
    $opts['char'] = '#';
    $list[] = '<a href="?' . http_build_query($opts) . '">&nbsp;#&nbsp;</a>';
// Alphabet Link
for ($i = 65; $i <= 90; $i++) {
    $opts['char'] = chr($i);
    if ($opts['char'] == $this->Char) {
        $list[] = '<span class="hi">&nbsp;' . $opts['char'] . '&nbsp;</span>';
    } else {
        $list[] = '<a href="?' . http_build_query($opts) . '">&nbsp;' . chr($i) . '&nbsp;</a>';
    //$this->link('/contact?' . http_build_query($opts),'&nbsp;' . chr($i) . '&nbsp;') . '&nbsp;';
echo '<div class="jump_list">' . implode(' ', $list) . '</div>';
echo Radix::block('contact-list', array('list' => $this->ContactList));
echo $page_link;
Esempio n. 14
    return 0;
if (count($data['list']) == 0) {
    return 0;
echo '<div id="note-list">';
$i = 0;
foreach ($data['list'] as $item) {
    // $item = new Base_Note($x);
    if (empty($item['name'])) {
        $item['name'] = '- Untitled -';
    $date = date('m/d/y', strtotime($item['cts']));
    $link = Radix::link('/note/view?id=' . $item['id']);
    echo '<p>';
    switch ($item['kind']) {
        case 'Conversation':
            echo '<i class="fa fa-file-text"></i> ';
        case 'Note':
            echo '<i class="fa fa-file-text-o"></i> ';
    echo star($item['star']);
    // echo '<td class="b"><a onclick="$(\'#note-edit\').load(\'' . $link . '\'); return false;" href="' . $link . '">' .$item->name . '</a></td>';
    echo '<a class="fancybox fancybox.ajax" href="' . $link . '">' . $item['name'] . '</a>';
    // echo '<td style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; width: 80%;">' . substr($item->data,0,32). '</td>';
    // echo "<td class='c'>" . AppHelper::dateNice($date)  . "</td>";
    echo '</p>';
Esempio n. 15
	A Form for creating or editing a Contact Channel
namespace Edoceo\Imperium;

use Edoceo\Radix;
use Edoceo\Radix\HTML\Form;
echo '<form method="post">';
echo '<div>';
// echo Form::hidden('id', $this->ContactChannel['id']);
echo Form::hidden('contact_id', $this->ContactChannel['contact_id']);
echo '</div>';
echo '<table>';
echo "<tr><td class='b r'>Kind:</td><td>" . Form::select('kind', $this->ContactChannel['kind'], ContactChannel::$kind_list) . '</td></tr>';
echo "<tr><td class='b r'>Name:</td><td>" . Form::text('name', $this->ContactChannel['name']) . '</td></tr>';
echo "<tr><td class='b r'>Data:</td><td>" . Form::text('data', $this->ContactChannel['data']) . '</td></tr>';
// echo "<tr><td class='b r'>Primary:</td><td>". Form::formCheckbox('primary')."</td></tr>";
echo '</table>';
echo '<div class="bf">';
// echo '<button class="exec" name="a" value="apply">Apply</button>';
echo '<button class="exec" name="a" value="save">Save</button>';
if (empty($this->ContactChannel['id'])) {
    echo '<button class="warn" name="a" value="cancel">Cancel</button>';
} else {
    echo '<button class="fail" name="a" value="delete">Delete</button>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</form>';
// History
$args = array('list' => $this->ContactChannel->getHistory());
echo Radix::block('diff-list', $args);
Esempio n. 16
        // 	$this->_redirect('/account/transaction?id=' . $aje->id);
        // }
        if ('save-copy' == $_POST['a']) {
            // $_SESSION['account-transaction'] = $aje;
            // $_SESSION['account-transaction-list' = array();
            // ] = $ale;
            // // $_SESSION['new-transaction'] = $aje;
        // Redirect Back
        $ret = '/account/ledger';
        if (!empty($_SESSION['return-path'])) {
            $ret = $_SESSION['return-path'];
if ($id) {
    $this->AccountJournalEntry = new AccountJournalEntry($id);
    //$this->_d->fetchRow("select * from account_journal where id = $id");
    //$sql = $this->_d->select();
    //$sql->where('account_journal_id = ?', $id);
    // $sql = $this->_d->select();
    // $sql->from(array('al'=>'account_ledger'));
    // $sql->join(array('a'=>'account'),'al.account_id =',array('a.full_name as account_name'));
    // $sql->where('al.account_journal_id = ?', $id);
    // //$sql->order(array('al.amount asc','a.full_code'));
Esempio n. 17
use Edoceo\Radix;
echo '<table>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<th>Name</th>';
echo '<th>Phone</th>';
echo '<th>Email</th>';
echo '</tr>';
foreach ($data['list'] as $item) {
    echo '<tr class="rero ' . $item['kind'] . '">';
    // Show Contact, if none show Name
    echo '<td>';
    echo '<a href="' . Radix::link('/contact/view?c=' . $item['id']) . '">';
    switch (strtolower($item['kind'])) {
        case 'company':
            echo '<i class="fa fa-building"></i> ';
        case 'vendor':
            echo '<i class="fa fa-truck"></i> ';
        case 'person':
            echo '<i class="fa fa-user"></i> ';
    echo html($item['name']);
    echo '</a>';
    echo '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . Radix::block('stub-channel', array('kind' => ContactChannel::PHONE, 'data' => $item['phone'])) . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . Radix::block('stub-channel', array('kind' => ContactChannel::EMAIL, 'data' => $item['email'])) . '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
Esempio n. 18
use Edoceo\Radix;
use Edoceo\Radix\Session;
use Edoceo\Radix\DB\SQL;
$sql = 'SELECT id, name, cts FROM base_note';
// $this->_d->select();
$sql .= ' WHERE link IS NULL OR link = \'\'';
$sql .= ' ORDER BY name';
// $sql->from('base_note',array('id','name','cts'));
// $sql->where('link is null');
// $sql->order(array('name'));
$res = SQL::fetch_all($sql);
// $page = Zend_Paginator::factory($sql);
// $page->setCurrentPageNumber($this->_request->getParam('page'));
// $page->setItemCountPerPage(30);
// $page->setPageRange(10);
// if ($cpage->getTotalItemCount()) {
if (0 != count($res)) {
    $a_id = $res[0]['id'];
    $z_id = $res[count($res)]['id'];
    $title = array();
    $title[] = sprintf('Notes %d through %d', $a_id, $z_id);
    $title[] = sprintf('Page %d of %d', 1, 99);
    $_ENV['title'] = $title;
} else {
    $_ENV['title'] = 'Notes';
    Session::flash('info', 'There are no notes created');
// $this->view->Page = $page;
// echo $this->paginationControl($this->Page,'All','../elements/page-control.phtml');
echo Radix::block('note-list', array('list' => $res, 'page' => 1));
// echo $this->paginationControl($this->Page,'All','../elements/page-control.phtml');
Esempio n. 19
        if ('data:image/jpeg;base64,' == substr($image, 0, 23)) {
            $b64 = substr($image, 22);
            // Radix::dump($b64);
            $jpg_data = base64_decode($b64);
            $dir = sprintf('%s/webroot/img/content/contact/%u', APP_ROOT, $this->Contact['id']);
            if (!is_dir($dir)) {
                mkdir($dir, 0755, true);
            $jpg_file = sprintf('%s/0.jpg', $dir);
            $res = file_put_contents($jpg_file, $jpg_data);
            if (0 == $res) {
                Session::flash('fail', 'Unable to write the snapshot');
        if ('data:image/png;base64,' == substr($image, 0, 22)) {
            $b64 = substr($image, 22);
            $png_data = base64_decode($b64);
            $dir = sprintf('%s/webroot/img/content/contact/%u', APP_ROOT, $this->Contact['id']);
            if (!is_dir($dir)) {
                mkdir($dir, 0755, true);
            $png_file = sprintf('%s/0.png', $dir);
            $res = file_put_contents($png_file, $png_data);
            if (0 == $res) {
                Session::flash('fail', 'Unable to write the snapshot');
        Session::flash('info', 'Capture Saved');
        Radix::redirect('/contact/view?c=' . $this->Contact['id']);
Esempio n. 20

	@brief Views a Note using the note/edit element
namespace Edoceo\Imperium;

use Edoceo\Radix;
use Edoceo\Radix\HTML\Form;
$this->Note = new Base_Note($_GET['id']);
$_ENV['title'] = array('Note', 'Edit', $this->Note['name']);
$note = $this->Note['note'];
if (class_exists('\\Parsedown')) {
    $P = new \Parsedown();
    $note = $P->text($note);
echo '<div class="markdown" style="background:#e0e0e0;border:2px inset #666;padding:8px;">';
echo $note;
echo '</div>';
echo '<form action="' . Radix::link('/note/save') . '" id="note-edit-form" method="post">';
echo '<div class="cmd">';
echo Form::hidden('id', $this->Note['id']);
echo Form::hidden('link', $this->Note['link']);
echo '<input class="exec" name="a" type="submit" value="Edit">';
echo '</div>';
echo '</form>';
Esempio n. 21
echo '</ul>';
echo '</li>';
// Plugins
// @todo Google Link-Up - Plugin Menu/Config?
$list = array();
if (!empty($_ENV['google']['apps_domain'])) {
    // @note Think These should Link Out to Google Services
    $x = $_ENV['google']['apps_domain'];
    $list[] = '<li><a href="' . $x . '" target="_blank">Google Mail</a></li>';
    $list[] = '<li><a href="' . $x . '" target="_blank">Google Calendar</a></li>';
    $list[] = '<li><a href="' . $x . '" target="_blank">Google Documents</a></li>';
    // $list[] = sprintf('<a href="' . $x . '/m" target="_blank"> Tasks</a>',$x);
    $list[] = '<li><a href="' . $x . '/ig" target="_blank">Google Tasks</a></li>';
if (!empty($_ENV['plugin'])) {
    foreach ($_ENV['plugin'] as $k => $v) {
        $list[] = '<li><a href="' . Radix::link('/plugin?p=' . $k) . '">' . $k . '</a></li>';
        // echo '<li><a href="/plugin?p=' . $_ENV[$v]['link'] . '">' . $k . '</a></li>';
if (count($list)) {
    echo '<li><a href="#"><span>' . img('/tango/24x24/categories/preferences-system.png') . ' Plugins</span></a>';
    echo '<ul>' . implode('', $list) . '</ul>';
    echo '</li>';
// Search Form
echo '<li style="float:right;">';
echo '<form action="' . Radix::link('/search') . '" method="get">';
echo '<input id="q" name="q" placeholder="Search" value="" />';
echo '</form></li>';
echo '</ul>';
Esempio n. 22
    $info = $_ENV['data'][$name];
    if (count($info['list']) > 0) {
        // echo "<div style='display: table-cell;'>";
        echo '<div>';
        // style='display: table-cell;'>";
        echo sprintf('<h2>%d %s</h2>', count($info['list']), $name);
        echo Radix::block($info['view'], array('list' => $info['list'], 'opts' => array('head' => true)));
        echo '</div>';
        // Radix::dump($info);
// Show the Events
$sql = 'SELECT contact_event.*, AS contact_name FROM contact_event';
$sql .= ' JOIN contact ON contact_event.contact_id =';
// $sql.= ' WHERE flag = 0';
$sql .= ' ORDER BY contact_event.xts DESC';
$sql .= ' LIMIT 20';
$res = SQL::fetch_all($sql);
foreach ($res as $rec) {
    echo '<p>';
    echo '<a href="' . Radix::link('/contact/view?c=' . $rec['contact_id']) . '">' . html($rec['contact_name']) . '</a>';
    echo ' - ';
    echo html($rec['name']);
    echo ' - ';
    echo html($rec['note']);
    echo '</p>';
    echo '<p>Due: ' . strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', $rec['xts']) . '</p>';
    // Radix::dump($rec);
Esempio n. 23
// Search
// echo '<form action="' . Radix::link('/account/search') . '">';
// echo '<div>';
// echo '<input type="text" name="q" value="">';
// echo '<button value="search">Search</button>';
// echo '</div>';
echo '<p><strong>Cash</strong> basis, reports for money collected when B&amp;O</p>';
echo '<p>Accounts for Period: ' . $this->date_alpha . ' - ' . $this->date_omega . '</p>';
echo '<table>';
foreach ($this->AccountList as $item) {
    if ($x_kind != $item['kind']) {
        echo "<tr><th>Code</th><th>{$item['kind']}</th><th>Balance</th><th colspan='3'>Actions</th></tr>";
    echo '<tr class="rero">';
    $indent = str_repeat('&nbsp;', substr_count($item['full_code'], '/'));
    echo '<td>' . $indent . '<a href="' . Radix::link('/account/ledger?id=' . $item['id']) . '">' . html($item['full_code']) . '</td>';
    echo "<td>{$item['name']}";
    if (strlen($item['account_tax_line_name'])) {
        echo " <span class='s'>({$item['account_tax_line_name']})</span>";
    echo '</td>';
    echo '<td class="r">' . number_format(abs($item['balance']), 2) . '</td>';
    // echo '<td class="r"><a href="' . Radix::link('/account/ledger?id=' . $item['id']) . '">' . $img_al . '</td>';
    echo '<td class="r"><a href="' . Radix::link('/account/journal?id=' . $item['id']) . '"><i class="fa fa-align-left"></i></td>';
    echo '<td class="r"><a href="' . Radix::link('/account/edit?id=' . $item['id']) . '"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"></i></td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    $x_kind = $item['kind'];
echo '</table>';
Esempio n. 24

    @brief Invoice Index View Shows Paginated Results of the Index View
namespace Edoceo\Imperium;

use Edoceo\Radix;
echo Radix::block('page-link', array('cur' => $this->page_cur, 'max' => $this->page_max, 'size' => $_GET['size']));
echo Radix::block('invoice-list', array('list' => $this->list));
echo Radix::block('page-link', array('cur' => $this->page_cur, 'max' => $this->page_max, 'size' => $_GET['size']));
Esempio n. 25

	Render the Invoice as a PDF
namespace Edoceo\Imperium;

use Edoceo\Radix;
Radix::$theme_name = 'pdf';
// $l = Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance();
// $l->setLayout('pdf');
$iv = null;
if (!empty($_GET['i'])) {
    $iv = new Invoice($_GET['i']);
} else {
    $ss = Zend_Registry::get('session');
    if (isset($ss->Invoice)) {
        $iv = $ss->Invoice;
    } else {
        $iv = new Invoice($_GET['i']);
if (empty($iv['id'])) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid Invoice Id', __LINE__);
$pdf = new PDF\Invoice();
// $this->view->file = new stdClass();
// $this->view->file->name = 'Invoice-' . $iv->id . '.pdf';
// $this->view->file->data = $pdf->render();
// $this->view->file->size = strlen($this->view->file->data);
Esempio n. 26
$sql .= ' ORDER BY';
if (preg_match('/[_%]/', $q)) {
    $sql = str_replace('#op#', 'LIKE', $sql);
} elseif (preg_match('/[\\.\\*\\+\\?]/', $q)) {
    $sql = str_replace('#op#', '~*', $sql);
} else {
    $sql = str_replace('#op#', '=', $sql);
// Radix::dump($sql);
// Radix::dump($arg);
$res = SQL::fetch_all($sql, $arg);
// Radix::dump(SQL::lastError());
// Radix::dump($res);
foreach ($res as $rec) {
    echo '<dt><a href="' . Radix::link('/contact/view?c=' . $rec['id']) . '">Contact: ' . $rec['name'] . '</a></dt>';
echo '</dl>';
if ($idx == 0) {
    return 0;
$_ENV['title'] = array('Search', $q, $idx == 1 ? '1 result' : $idx . ' results');
	Draw the Rebuild Button
function _draw_rebuild_prompt()
    echo '<div style="padding:32px;">';
    echo '<form method="post">';
    echo '<button name="a" value="rebuild">Rebuild Index</button>';
Esempio n. 27
            $body = str_replace('$wi_name', $woi['name'], $body);
            $body = str_replace('$wi_note', $woi['note'], $body);
            $body = str_replace('$wi_quantity_est', $woi['e_quantity'], $body);
            $body = str_replace('$wi_rate_est', $woi['e_rate'], $body);
            $body = str_replace('$wi_unit_est', $woi['e_unit'], $body);
            $body = str_replace('$wi_quantity', $woi['a_quantity'], $body);
            $body = str_replace('$wi_rate', $woi['a_rate'], $body);
            $body = str_replace('$wi_unit', $woi['a_unit'], $body);
            $body = str_replace('$wi_cost', sprintf('%0.4f', $woi['a_quantity'] * $woi['a_rate']), $body);
            $body = str_replace('$wi_status', $woi['status'], $body);
            $mail['body'] = $body;
            $_SESSION['mail-compose'] = $mail;
            // Want to Add This History
            $_SESSION['return-path'] = '/workorder/view?w=' . $wo['id'];
        Radix::redirect('/workorder/view?w=' . $wo['id']);
    case 'view':
        $id = intval($_GET['id']);
        $woi = new WorkOrderItem($id);
        if (empty($woi['id'])) {
            Session::flash('fail', sprintf('Cannot find Work Order Item #%d', $id));
        $this->WorkOrder = new WorkOrder($woi['workorder_id']);
        $this->WorkOrderItem = $woi;
Esempio n. 28
// echo '<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">';
echo '<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">';
echo '<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">';
// echo '<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">';
echo '<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">';
echo '<link href="' . Radix::link('/css/base.css') . '" rel="stylesheet">';
echo '<link href="' . Radix::link('/img/imperium-icon.ico') . '" rel="shortcut icon">';
echo '<link href="' . Radix::link('/img/imperium-icon.png') . '" rel="apple-touch-icon">';
echo '<script src="//"></script>';
echo '<script src="//"></script>';
echo '<script src="' . Radix::link('/js/imperium.js') . '"></script>';
echo '<script>Imperium.base = "' . Radix::base(true) . '";</script>';
echo "</head>\n<body>\n";
// Content Header
echo '<header>';
$menu = Radix::block('menu.php');
if (!empty($menu)) {
    echo '<div id="menu">';
    echo $menu;
    echo '</div>';
    // echo ImperiumView::mruDraw();
// if (!empty($this->title_one)) {
//     echo '<h2>' . $this->title_one . '</h2>';
// }
// if (!empty($this->title_two)) {
//     echo $this->title_two;
// }
echo '</header>';
// Menu for Authenticated Users Only
// $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
Esempio n. 29
		var txt = $('#note-' + jei).val();
		var off = $('#account_id-' + jei).val();
		var dr =  $('#je' + jei + 'dr').val();
		var cr =  $('#je' + jei + 'cr').val();

		var arg = {
			a: 'save-one',
			date: dts,
			note: txt,
			offset_account_id: off,
			cr: cr,
			dr: dr

echo Radix::link('/account/reconcile');
', arg, function(res, ret) {
			switch (ret) {
			case 'success':
				// Advance to Next Visible
				$('#journal-entry-index-' + jei).nextAll('.reconcile-show:first').find('.account-name').focus();
				// $('#account_name-' + (jei + 1)).focus();

				// Remove Row
				$('#journal-entry-index-' + jei).remove();

				// Decrement Counter
				var size = parseInt( $('#reconcile-item-size').html() ) || 0;
				if (size > 1) {
Esempio n. 30
echo '</td>';
// Status
echo "<td class='b r'>Status:</td><td><select name='status'>";
foreach (array('', 'New', 'Not Started', 'In Progress', 'Completed', 'Waiting', 'Deferred') as $x) {
    echo "<option " . ($x == $this->Note['status'] ? 'selected ' : null) . " value='{$x}'>{$x}</option>";
echo '</select></td>';
echo '</tr>';
if (!empty($this->Note['link'])) {
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td class="l">Link To:</td>';
    echo '<td>';
    // @todo this is not elegant /djb 20111013
    if (preg_match('/(contact|invoice|workorder):(\\d+)/', $this->Note['link'], $m)) {
        $page = '/' . $m[1] . '/view?' . substr($m[1], 0, 1) . '=' . $m[2];
        echo '<a href="' . Radix::link($page) . '">' . ucfirst($m[1]) . ' #' . $m[2] . '</a>';
    } else {
        echo $this->Note['link'];
    echo '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
// Tags
//$opts = array('class'=>'tb','div'=>false,'label'=>false,'size'=>64);
//echo "<tr><td class='b r'>Tags:</td><td colspan='3'>" . $this->formText('tags',$this->Note->tags,$opts) . "</td></tr>";
// Previous text of Conversation
if ($this->Note['kind'] == 'Conversation') {
    echo '<tr><td colspan="6"><pre>' . $this->Note['note'] . '</pre></td></tr>';
    $this->Note['note'] = null;
echo '</td></tr>';