  * Submission callback for the first step.
 public function stepOneSubmit($form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     // Increment the internal step counter.
     $cached_values = $form_state->getTemporaryValue('wizard');
     $parameters = $this->getNextParameters($cached_values);
     // This is validated in EmbridgeSearchForm::validateForm().
     $result_chosen = $form_state->getUserInput()['result_chosen'];
     $asset = EmbridgeAssetEntity::load($result_chosen);
     $image_element = ['src' => \Drupal::getContainer()->get('embridge.asset_helper')->getAssetConversionUrl($asset, 'emshare', 'thumb'), 'data-entity-uuid' => $asset->uuid(), 'data-entity-type' => 'embridge_asset_entity', 'alt' => '', 'width' => '', 'height' => ''];
     $parameters['image_element'] = $image_element;
     $form_state->setTemporaryValue('wizard', $parameters);
Esempio n. 2
  * Form element validation callback for upload element on file widget.
  * Checks if user has uploaded more files than allowed.
  * This validator is used only when cardinality not set to 1 or unlimited.
  * @param array $element
  *   The element.
  * @param FormStateInterface $form_state
  *   The form state.
  * @param array $form
  *   The form.
 public static function validateMultipleCount($element, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form)
     $parents = $element['#parents'];
     $values = NestedArray::getValue($form_state->getValues(), $parents);
     $current = count(Element::children(NestedArray::getValue($form, $parents))) - 1;
     $field_storage_definitions = \Drupal::entityManager()->getFieldStorageDefinitions($element['#entity_type']);
     $field_storage = $field_storage_definitions[$element['#field_name']];
     $uploaded = count($values['fids']);
     $count = $uploaded + $current;
     if ($count > $field_storage->getCardinality()) {
         $keep = $uploaded - $count + $field_storage->getCardinality();
         $removed_files = array_slice($values['fids'], $keep);
         $removed_names = array();
         foreach ($removed_files as $id) {
             /** @var \Drupal\embridge\EmbridgeAssetEntityInterface $asset */
             $asset = EmbridgeAssetEntity::load($id);
             $removed_names[] = $asset->getFilename();
         $args = array('%field' => $field_storage->getName(), '@max' => $field_storage->getCardinality(), '@count' => $uploaded, '%list' => implode(', ', $removed_names));
         $message = t('Field %field can only hold @max values but there were @count uploaded. The following files have been omitted as a result: %list.', $args);
         drupal_set_message($message, 'warning');
         $values['fids'] = array_slice($values['fids'], 0, $keep);
         NestedArray::setValue($form_state->getValues(), $element['#parents'], $values);
Esempio n. 3
  * Uploads the file to EMDB.
  * @param string $form_field_name
  *   A string that is the associative array key of the upload form element in
  *   the form array.
  * @param string $catalog_id
  *   The catalog id for the catalog we are uploading to.
  * @param array $metadata
  *   Additional properties that can be passed into EMDB and stored as metadata
  *   on the file. These values are not stored locally in Drupal.
  * @param array $validators
  *   An optional, associative array of callback functions used to validate the
  *   file.
  * @param string|bool $destination_dir
  *   A string containing the URI that the file should be copied to. This must
  *   be a stream wrapper URI. If this value is omitted, Drupal's temporary
  *   files scheme will be used ("temporary://").
  * @param int $delta
  *   Delta of the file to save or NULL to save all files. Defaults to NULL.
  * @param int $replace
  *   Replace behavior when the destination file already exists:
  *   - FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE: Replace the existing file.
  *   - FILE_EXISTS_RENAME: Append _{incrementing number} until the filename is
  *     unique.
  *   - FILE_EXISTS_ERROR: Do nothing and return FALSE.
  * @return \Drupal\embridge\EmbridgeAssetEntityInterface[]
  *   Function returns array of files or a single file object if $delta
  *   != NULL. Each file object contains the file information if the
  *   upload succeeded or FALSE in the event of an error. Function
  *   returns NULL if no file was uploaded.
  *   The docs for the "File interface" group, which you can find under
  *   Related topics, or the header at the top of this file, documents the
  *   components of a file entity. In addition to the standard components,
  *   this function adds:
  *   - source: Path to the file before it is moved.
  *   - destination: Path to the file after it is moved (same as 'uri').
 public static function saveUpload($form_field_name, $catalog_id, $metadata = array(), $validators = array(), $destination_dir = FALSE, $delta = NULL, $replace = FILE_EXISTS_RENAME)
     $user = \Drupal::currentUser();
     static $upload_cache;
     $file_upload = \Drupal::request()->files->get("files[{$form_field_name}]", NULL, TRUE);
     // Make sure there's an upload to process.
     if (empty($file_upload)) {
         return NULL;
     // Return cached objects without processing since the file will have
     // already been processed and the paths in $_FILES will be invalid.
     if (isset($upload_cache[$form_field_name])) {
         if (isset($delta)) {
             return $upload_cache[$form_field_name][$delta];
         return $upload_cache[$form_field_name];
     // Prepare uploaded files info. Representation is slightly different
     // for multiple uploads and we fix that here.
     /** @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile[] $uploaded_files */
     $uploaded_files = $file_upload;
     if (!is_array($file_upload)) {
         $uploaded_files = array($file_upload);
     $assets = array();
     foreach ($uploaded_files as $i => $file_info) {
         // Check for file upload errors and return FALSE for this file if a lower
         // level system error occurred. For a complete list of errors:
         // See http://php.net/manual/features.file-upload.errors.php.
         switch ($file_info->getError()) {
             case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
             case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:
                 drupal_set_message(t('The file %file could not be saved because it exceeds %maxsize, the maximum allowed size for uploads.', array('%file' => $file_info->getFilename(), '%maxsize' => format_size(file_upload_max_size()))), 'error');
                 $assets[$i] = FALSE;
             case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL:
             case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:
                 drupal_set_message(t('The file %file could not be saved because the upload did not complete.', array('%file' => $file_info->getFilename())), 'error');
                 $assets[$i] = FALSE;
             case UPLOAD_ERR_OK:
                 // Final check that this is a valid upload, if it isn't, use the
                 // default error handler.
                 if (is_uploaded_file($file_info->getRealPath())) {
                 // Unknown error.
                 drupal_set_message(t('The file %file could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred.', array('%file' => $file_info->getFilename())), 'error');
                 $assets[$i] = FALSE;
         // Begin building file entity.
         $values = array('uid' => $user->id(), 'filename' => $file_info->getClientOriginalName(), 'filesize' => $file_info->getSize(), 'catalog_id' => $catalog_id);
         $values['filemime'] = \Drupal::service('file.mime_type.guesser')->guess($values['filename']);
         // Create our Embridge Entity.
         /** @var \Drupal\embridge\EmbridgeAssetEntityInterface $asset */
         $asset = EmbridgeAssetEntity::create($values);
         $extensions = '';
         if (isset($validators['embridge_asset_validate_file_extensions'])) {
             if (isset($validators['embridge_asset_validate_file_extensions'][0])) {
                 // Build the list of non-munged exts if the caller provided them.
                 $extensions = $validators['embridge_asset_validate_file_extensions'][0];
             } else {
                 // If 'file_validate_extensions' is set and the list is empty then the
                 // caller wants to allow any extension. In this case we have to remove
                 // the validator or else it will reject all extensions.
         } else {
             // No validator was provided, so add one using the default list.
             // Build a default non-munged safe list for file_munge_filename().
             $extensions = 'jpg jpeg gif png txt doc xls pdf ppt pps odt ods odp';
             $validators['embridge_asset_validate_file_extensions'] = array();
             $validators['embridge_asset_validate_file_extensions'][0] = $extensions;
         if (!empty($extensions)) {
             // Munge the filename to protect against possible malicious extension
             // hiding within an unknown file type (ie: filename.html.foo).
             $asset->setFilename(file_munge_filename($asset->getFilename(), $extensions));
         // Rename potentially executable files, to help prevent exploits.
         if (!\Drupal::config('system.file')->get('allow_insecure_uploads') && preg_match('/\\.(php|pl|py|cgi|asp|js)(\\.|$)/i', $asset->getFilename()) && substr($asset->getFilename(), -4) != '.txt') {
             // The destination filename will also later be used to create the URI.
             $asset->setFilename($asset->getFilename() . '.txt');
             // The .txt extension may not be in the allowed list of extensions.
             // We have to add it here or else the file upload will fail.
             if (!empty($extensions)) {
                 $validators['embridge_asset_validate_file_extensions'][0] .= ' txt';
                 drupal_set_message(t('For security reasons, your upload has been renamed to %filename.', array('%filename' => $asset->getFilename())));
         // If the destination is not provided, use the temporary directory.
         if (empty($destination_dir)) {
             $destination_dir = 'temporary://';
         // Assert that the destination contains a valid stream.
         $destination_scheme = file_uri_scheme($destination_dir);
         if (!file_stream_wrapper_valid_scheme($destination_scheme)) {
             drupal_set_message(t('The file could not be uploaded because the destination %destination is invalid.', array('%destination' => $destination_dir)), 'error');
             $assets[$i] = FALSE;
         // A file URI may already have a trailing slash or look like "public://".
         if (substr($destination_dir, -1) != '/') {
             $destination_dir .= '/';
         $asset_destination = file_destination($destination_dir . $asset->getFilename(), $replace);
         // If file_destination() returns FALSE then $replace === FILE_EXISTS_ERROR
         // and there's an existing file so we need to bail.
         if ($asset_destination === FALSE) {
             drupal_set_message(t('The file %source could not be uploaded because a file by that name already exists in the destination %directory.', array('%source' => $form_field_name, '%directory' => $destination_dir)), 'error');
             $assets[$i] = FALSE;
         // Add in our check of the file name length.
         // TODO: Do we need this?
         // $validators['file_validate_name_length'] = array();
         // Call the validation functions specified by this function's caller.
         $errors = embridge_asset_validate($asset, $validators);
         // Check for errors.
         if (!empty($errors)) {
             $message = array('error' => array('#markup' => t('The specified file %name could not be uploaded.', array('%name' => $asset->getFilename()))), 'item_list' => array('#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $errors));
             // @todo Add support for render arrays in drupal_set_message()? See
             // https://www.drupal.org/node/2505497.
             drupal_set_message(\Drupal::service('renderer')->renderPlain($message), 'error');
             $assets[$i] = FALSE;
         // Move uploaded files from PHP's upload_tmp_dir to Drupal's temporary
         // directory. This overcomes open_basedir restrictions for future file
         // operations.
         if (!drupal_move_uploaded_file($file_info->getRealPath(), $asset->getSourcePath())) {
             drupal_set_message(t('File upload error. Could not move uploaded file.'), 'error');
             \Drupal::logger('file')->notice('Upload error. Could not move uploaded file %file to destination %destination.', array('%file' => $asset->getFilename(), '%destination' => $asset->getSourcePath()));
             $assets[$i] = FALSE;
         // Set the permissions on the new file.
         // If we are replacing an existing file re-use its database record.
         // @todo Do not create a new entity in order to update it. See
         // https://www.drupal.org/node/2241865.
         if ($replace == FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE) {
             $existing_files = entity_load_multiple_by_properties('embridge_asset_entity', array('uri' => $asset->getSourcePath()));
             if (count($existing_files)) {
                 $existing = reset($existing_files);
         /** @var \Drupal\embridge\EnterMediaDbClientInterface $embridge_client */
         $embridge_client = \Drupal::getContainer()->get('embridge.client');
         try {
             $embridge_client->upload($asset, $metadata);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $message = $e->getMessage();
             drupal_set_message(t('Uploading the file "%file" to EnterMedia failed with the message "%message".', array('%file' => $asset->getFilename(), '%message' => $message)), 'error');
             $assets[$i] = FALSE;
         // If we made it this far it's safe to record this file in the database.
         $assets[$i] = $asset;
     // Add files to the cache.
     $upload_cache[$form_field_name] = $assets;
     return isset($delta) ? $assets[$delta] : $assets;