protected function getConfigNames($config_type)
     $this->configStorage = $this->getDrupalService('');
     // For a given entity type, load all entities.
     if ($config_type && $config_type !== 'system.simple') {
         $entity_storage = $this->entityManager->getStorage($config_type);
         foreach ($entity_storage->loadMultiple() as $entity) {
             $entity_id = $entity->id();
             $label = $entity->label() ?: $entity_id;
             $names[$entity_id] = $label;
     } else {
         // Gather the config entity prefixes.
         $config_prefixes = array_map(function ($definition) {
             return $definition->getConfigPrefix() . '.';
         }, $this->definitions);
         // Find all config, and then filter our anything matching a config prefix.
         $names = $this->configStorage->listAll();
         $names = array_combine($names, $names);
         foreach ($names as $config_name) {
             foreach ($config_prefixes as $config_prefix) {
                 if (strpos($config_name, $config_prefix) === 0) {
     return $names;
  * Say hello to the world.
  * @return string
  *   Return "Hello world!" string.
 public function helloWorld(EntityViewModeInterface $viewmode)
     $content = ['#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => $this->t('Hello world!')];
     // Second version displaying the opening hours of the library.
     $opening_hours = $this->config('happy_alexandrie.library_config')->get('opening_hours');
     if (!empty($opening_hours)) {
         $content = ['#markup' => $this->t('<p>Greetings dear adventurer!</p><p>Opening hours:<br />@opening_hours</p>', array('@opening_hours' => $opening_hours))];
     // Third version with the query
     // Query against our entities.
     $query = $this->query_factory->get('node')->condition('status', 1)->condition('type', 'alexandrie_book')->condition('changed', REQUEST_TIME, '<')->range(0, 5);
     $nids = $query->execute();
     if ($nids) {
         // Load the storage manager of our entity.
         $storage = $this->entity_manager->getStorage('node');
         // Now we can load the entities.
         $nodes = $storage->loadMultiple($nids);
         list($entity_type, $viewmode_name) = explode('.', $viewmode->getOriginalId());
         // Get the EntityViewBuilder instance.
         $render_controller = $this->entity_manager->getViewBuilder('node');
         $build = $render_controller->viewMultiple($nodes, $viewmode_name);
         $build['#markup'] = $this->t('Happy Query by view mode: @label', array('@label' => $viewmode->label()));
         $content[] = $build;
     } else {
         $content[] = array('#markup' => $this->t('No result'));
     return $content;
  * {inheritdoc}
 protected function getTitles($idList)
     $ret = [];
     foreach ($this->entityManager->getStorage('node')->load($idList) as $node) {
         $ret[$node->nid] = entity_label('node', $node);
     return $ret;
Esempio n. 4
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function build()
     $items = array();
     // When on a node page, the parameter is already upcast as a node.
     $node = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('node');
     if ($node) {
         // Read about entity query at
         // See query API at
         // The static method for using the query service would have been:
         // $query = \Drupal::entityQuery('node');
         // Use injected queryFactory to look for items that are related
         // to the show that matches the input nid.
         $query = $this->entity_query->get('node')->condition('status', 1)->condition('type', 'tv_episode')->sort('field_related_season.entity.field_season_number.value', 'DESC')->sort('field_episode_number', 'DESC')->range(0, 5)->condition('field_related_season.entity.field_related_show.entity.nid', $node->id());
         $nids = $query->execute();
         // Note that entity_load() is deprecated.
         // The static method of loading the entity would have been:
         // \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load();
         // Use the injected entityManager to load the results into an array of node objects.
         $nodes = $this->entity_manager->getStorage('node')->loadMultiple($nids);
         foreach ($nodes as $node) {
             // Create a render array for each title field.
             // Note that field_view_field() is deprecated, use the view method on the field.
             $title = $node->title->view('full');
             // Entities have a handy toLink() method.
             $items[] = $node->toLink($title);
     // Return a render array for a html list.
     return ['#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $items, '#cache' => ['contexts' => ['route']]];
  * Update a field. This is used to process fields when the storage
  * configuration changes.
  * @param $entity_type
  * @param $field_name
  * @param string $op (encrypt / decrypt)
 protected function update_stored_field($entity_type, $field_name, $op = 'encrypt')
      * Before we load entities, we have to disable the encryption setting.
      * Otherwise, the act of loading the entity triggers an improper decryption
      * Which messes up the batch encryption.
     $this->updatingStoredField = $field_name;
      * @var $query \Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryInterface
     $query = $this->queryFactory->get($entity_type);
     // The field is present.
     $entity_ids = $query->execute();
     // Load entities.
      * @var $entity_storage \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityStorageBase
     $entity_storage = $this->entityManager->getStorage($entity_type);
     foreach ($entity_ids as $revision_id => $entity_id) {
          * @var $entity \Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity
         $entity = $entity_storage->loadRevision($revision_id);
          * @var $field \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemList
         $field = $entity->get($field_name);
         $this->process_field($field, $op, TRUE);
         // Save the entity.
  * Gets the currently wrapped account
  * @return AccountInterface
 public function getAccount()
     if (!$this->account) {
         if ($this->originalAccount && $this->originalAccount->uid) {
             // Prey for Drupal being correctly initialized at this point
             $this->account = $this->entityManager->getStorage('user')->load($this->originalAccount->uid);
         } else {
             if ($this->originalAccount) {
                 // User is not logged in, but we do have already a User
                 // instance for anonymous user set
                 $this->account = $this->originalAccount;
     if (!$this->account instanceof AccountInterface) {
         // @todo why do the hell this happens only during unit tests?
         //   seriously god I hate Drupal, and whatever is arround it
         $values = (array) $this->account;
         $this->account = new User();
         foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
             $this->account->{$key} = $value;
     return $this->account;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function build()
     // If the page is not a solution page, return an empty form so that the
     // rendering of this block can be omitted.
     if (empty($this->solution) || $this->solution->bundle() != 'solution') {
         return [];
     // Get news referencing to this solution.
     // @todo EntityManager is deprecated. Use EntityTypeManager instead.
     // @see
     $entities = $this->entityManager->getStorage('node')->loadByProperties([OgGroupAudienceHelperInterface::DEFAULT_FIELD => $this->solution->id()]);
     $items = [];
     foreach ($entities as $entity) {
         $items[] = ['#markup' => $entity->link()];
     // Also retrieve related collections.
     $ids = $this->entityManager->getStorage('rdf_entity')->getQuery()->condition('field_ar_affiliates', $this->solution->id())->execute();
     $entities = Rdf::loadMultiple($ids);
     foreach ($entities as $entity) {
         $items[] = ['#markup' => $entity->link()];
     // Build the array output.
     if ($items) {
         return ['list' => ['#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $items, '#cache' => ['tags' => ['entity:node:news', 'entity:rdf_entity:collection']]]];
     return [];
Esempio n. 8
  * Creates the contact message entity without saving it.
  * @return \Drupal\contact\Entity\Message|null
  *   The contact message entity. NULL if the entity does not exist.
 protected function createContactMessage()
     $contact_message = NULL;
     $contact_form = $this->getContactForm();
     if ($contact_form) {
         $contact_message = $this->entityManager->getStorage('contact_message')->create(['contact_form' => $contact_form->id()]);
     return $contact_message;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function build()
     $node = $this->entity_manager->getStorage('node')->load($this->configuration['block_node_id']);
     if (!$node) {
         return '';
     $view_builder = $this->entity_manager->getViewBuilder('node');
     return $view_builder->view($node, $this->configuration['block_node_view_mode']);
Esempio n. 10
  * Returns the schema for the given table.
  * @param string $table
  *   The table name.
  * @return array|bool
  *   The table field mapping for the given table or FALSE if not available.
 protected function getTableMapping($table, $entity_type_id)
     $storage = $this->entityManager->getStorage($entity_type_id);
     if ($storage instanceof SqlEntityStorageInterface) {
         $mapping = $storage->getTableMapping()->getAllColumns($table);
     } else {
         return FALSE;
     return array_flip($mapping);
Esempio n. 11
  * Returns the schema for the given table.
  * @param string $table
  *   The table name.
  * @return array|bool
  *   The table field mapping for the given table or FALSE if not available.
 protected function getTableMapping($table, $entity_type_id)
     $storage = $this->entityManager->getStorage($entity_type_id);
     if ($storage instanceof SqlEntityStorageInterface) {
         $mapping = $storage->getTableMapping()->getAllColumns($table);
     } else {
         // @todo Stop calling drupal_get_schema() once menu links are converted
         //   to the Entity Field API. See
         $schema = drupal_get_schema($table);
         $mapping = array_keys($schema['fields']);
     return array_flip($mapping);
Esempio n. 12
  * Gets the human-readable labels for the given field storage names.
  * Since not all field storages are required to have a field, we can only
  * provide the field labels on a best-effort basis (e.g. the label of a field
  * storage without any field attached to a bundle will be the field name).
  * @param array $field_names
  *   An array of field names.
  * @return array
  *   An array of field labels keyed by field name.
 protected function getExistingFieldLabels(array $field_names)
     // Get all the fields corresponding to the given field storage names and
     // this entity type.
     $field_ids = $this->queryFactory->get('field_config')->condition('entity_type', $this->entityTypeId)->condition('field_name', $field_names)->execute();
     $fields = $this->entityManager->getStorage('field_config')->loadMultiple($field_ids);
     // Go through all the fields and use the label of the first encounter.
     $labels = array();
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (!isset($labels[$field->getName()])) {
             $labels[$field->getName()] = $field->label();
     // For field storages without any fields attached to a bundle, the default
     // label is the field name.
     $labels += array_combine($field_names, $field_names);
     return $labels;
  * Get entity internal path
  * @param string $type
  *   Entity type
  * @param int|string $id
  *   Entity identifier
  * @return string
  *   The Drupal internal path
 public function getEntityPath($type, $id)
     // In most cases, this will be used for nodes only, so just set the
     // node URL.
     // It will avoid nasty bugs, since the 'text' core module does sanitize
     // (and call check_markup()) during field load if there are any circular
     // links dependencies between two nodes, it triggers an finite loop.
     // This will also make the whole faster.
     // @todo If node does not exists, no error will be triggered.
     if ('node' === $type) {
         return 'node/' . $id;
     $entity = $this->entityManager->getStorage($type)->load($id);
     if (!$entity) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("entity of type %s with identifier %s does not exist", $type, $id));
     if (!$entity instanceof EntityInterface) {
         return $this->getDrupalEntityPath($type, $entity);
     } else {
         return $entity->url();
Esempio n. 14
  * Constructs a new EventManager object.
  * @param EntityManager $entity_manager
  *   The entity manager.
 function __construct(EntityManager $entity_manager)
     $this->eventTypeStorage = $entity_manager->getStorage('event_type');
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getDescription()
     return $this->entityManager->getStorage('taxonomy_term')->load($this->pluginDefinition['metadata']['taxonomy_term_id'])->getDescription();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function build()
     $form = $this->entity_manager->getStorage('contact_message')->create(array('contact_form' => $this->configuration['contact_form']));
     if (!$form) {
         return '';
     $form = $this->entity_form_builder->getForm($form);
     return $form;