Esempio n. 1
  * Resolve and fetch an image for use.
  * @param string $url       The url of the image
  * @param string $protocol  Default protocol if none specified in $url
  * @param string $host      Default host if none specified in $url
  * @param string $base_path Default path if none specified in $url
  * @param Dompdf $dompdf    The Dompdf instance
  * @throws ImageException
  * @return array             An array with two elements: The local path to the image and the image extension
 static function resolve_url($url, $protocol, $host, $base_path, Dompdf $dompdf)
     self::$_dompdf = $dompdf;
     $protocol = mb_strtolower($protocol);
     $parsed_url = Helpers::explode_url($url);
     $message = null;
     $remote = $protocol && $protocol !== "file://" || $parsed_url['protocol'] != "";
     $data_uri = strpos($parsed_url['protocol'], "data:") === 0;
     $full_url = null;
     $enable_remote = $dompdf->get_option("enable_remote");
     try {
         // Remote not allowed and is not DataURI
         if (!$enable_remote && $remote && !$data_uri) {
             throw new ImageException("Remote file access is disabled.", E_WARNING);
         } else {
             if ($enable_remote && $remote || $data_uri) {
                 // Download remote files to a temporary directory
                 $full_url = Helpers::build_url($protocol, $host, $base_path, $url);
                 // From cache
                 if (isset(self::$_cache[$full_url])) {
                     $resolved_url = self::$_cache[$full_url];
                 } else {
                     $tmp_dir = $dompdf->get_option("temp_dir");
                     $resolved_url = tempnam($tmp_dir, "ca_dompdf_img_");
                     $image = "";
                     if ($data_uri) {
                         if ($parsed_data_uri = Helpers::parse_data_uri($url)) {
                             $image = $parsed_data_uri['data'];
                     } else {
                         set_error_handler(array("\\Dompdf\\Helpers", "record_warnings"));
                         $image = file_get_contents($full_url, null, $dompdf->getHttpContext());
                     // Image not found or invalid
                     if (strlen($image) == 0) {
                         $msg = $data_uri ? "Data-URI could not be parsed" : "Image not found";
                         throw new ImageException($msg, E_WARNING);
                     } else {
                         //e.g. fetch.php?media=url.jpg&cache=1
                         //- Image file name might be one of the dynamic parts of the url, don't strip off!
                         //- a remote url does not need to have a file extension at all
                         //- local cached file does not have a matching file extension
                         //Therefore get image type from the content
                         file_put_contents($resolved_url, $image);
             } else {
                 $resolved_url = Helpers::build_url($protocol, $host, $base_path, $url);
         // Check if the local file is readable
         if (!is_readable($resolved_url) || !filesize($resolved_url)) {
             throw new ImageException("Image not readable or empty", E_WARNING);
         } else {
             list($width, $height, $type) = Helpers::dompdf_getimagesize($resolved_url, $dompdf->getHttpContext());
             // Known image type
             if ($width && $height && in_array($type, array("gif", "png", "jpeg", "bmp", "svg"))) {
                 //Don't put replacement image into cache - otherwise it will be deleted on cache cleanup.
                 //Only execute on successful caching of remote image.
                 if ($enable_remote && $remote || $data_uri) {
                     self::$_cache[$full_url] = $resolved_url;
             } else {
                 throw new ImageException("Image type unknown", E_WARNING);
     } catch (ImageException $e) {
         $resolved_url = self::$broken_image;
         $type = "png";
         $message = "Image not found or type unknown";
         Helpers::record_warnings($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage() . " \n {$url}", $e->getFile(), $e->getLine());
     return array($resolved_url, $type, $message);
Esempio n. 2
  * applies all current styles to a particular document tree
  * apply_styles() applies all currently loaded styles to the provided
  * {@link FrameTree}.  Aside from parsing CSS, this is the main purpose
  * of this class.
  * @param \Dompdf\Frame\FrameTree $tree
 function apply_styles(FrameTree $tree)
     // Use XPath to select nodes.  This would be easier if we could attach
     // Frame objects directly to DOMNodes using the setUserData() method, but
     // we can't do that just yet.  Instead, we set a _node attribute_ in
     // Frame->set_id() and use that as a handle on the Frame object via
     // FrameTree::$_registry.
     // We create a scratch array of styles indexed by frame id.  Once all
     // styles have been assigned, we order the cached styles by specificity
     // and create a final style object to assign to the frame.
     // FIXME: this is not particularly robust...
     $styles = array();
     $xp = new DOMXPath($tree->get_dom());
     // Add generated content
     foreach ($this->_styles as $selector => $style) {
         if (strpos($selector, ":before") === false && strpos($selector, ":after") === false) {
         $query = $this->_css_selector_to_xpath($selector, true);
         // Retrieve the nodes, limit to body for generated content
         $nodes = @$xp->query('.' . $query["query"]);
         if ($nodes == null) {
             Helpers::record_warnings(E_USER_WARNING, "The CSS selector '{$selector}' is not valid", __FILE__, __LINE__);
         foreach ($nodes as $node) {
             foreach ($query["pseudo_elements"] as $pos) {
                 // Do not add a new pseudo element if another one already matched
                 if ($node->hasAttribute("dompdf_{$pos}_frame_id")) {
                 if (($src = $this->_image($style->content)) !== "none") {
                     $new_node = $node->ownerDocument->createElement("img_generated");
                     $new_node->setAttribute("src", $src);
                 } else {
                     $new_node = $node->ownerDocument->createElement("dompdf_generated");
                 $new_node->setAttribute($pos, $pos);
                 $new_frame_id = $tree->insert_node($node, $new_node, $pos);
                 $node->setAttribute("dompdf_{$pos}_frame_id", $new_frame_id);
     // Apply all styles in stylesheet
     foreach ($this->_styles as $selector => $style) {
         $query = $this->_css_selector_to_xpath($selector);
         // Retrieve the nodes
         $nodes = @$xp->query($query["query"]);
         if ($nodes == null) {
             Helpers::record_warnings(E_USER_WARNING, "The CSS selector '{$selector}' is not valid", __FILE__, __LINE__);
         foreach ($nodes as $node) {
             // Retrieve the node id
             // Only DOMElements get styles
             if ($node->nodeType != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
             $id = $node->getAttribute("frame_id");
             // Assign the current style to the scratch array
             $spec = $this->_specificity($selector);
             $styles[$id][$spec][] = $style;
     // Now create the styles and assign them to the appropriate frames.  (We
     // iterate over the tree using an implicit FrameTree iterator.)
     $root_flg = false;
     foreach ($tree->get_frames() as $frame) {
         // Helpers::pre_r($frame->get_node()->nodeName . ":");
         if (!$root_flg && $this->_page_styles["base"]) {
             $style = $this->_page_styles["base"];
             $root_flg = true;
         } else {
             $style = $this->create_style();
         // Find nearest DOMElement parent
         $p = $frame;
         while ($p = $p->get_parent()) {
             if ($p->get_node()->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
         // Styles can only be applied directly to DOMElements; anonymous
         // frames inherit from their parent
         if ($frame->get_node()->nodeType != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
             if ($p) {
         $id = $frame->get_id();
         // Handle HTML 4.0 attributes
         if (($str = $frame->get_node()->getAttribute(AttributeTranslator::$_style_attr)) !== "") {
             // Lowest specificity
             $styles[$id][1][] = $this->_parse_properties($str);
         // Locate any additional style attributes
         if (($str = $frame->get_node()->getAttribute("style")) !== "") {
             // Destroy CSS comments
             $str = preg_replace("'/\\*.*?\\*/'si", "", $str);
             $spec = $this->_specificity("!attr");
             $styles[$id][$spec][] = $this->_parse_properties($str);
         // Grab the applicable styles
         if (isset($styles[$id])) {
             $applied_styles = $styles[$frame->get_id()];
             // Sort by specificity
             if ($this->_dompdf->get_option('debugCss')) {
                 $debug_nodename = $frame->get_node()->nodeName;
                 print "<pre>\n[{$debug_nodename}\n";
                 foreach ($applied_styles as $spec => $arr) {
                     printf("specificity: 0x%08x\n", $spec);
                     foreach ($arr as $s) {
                         print "[\n";
                         print "]\n";
             // Merge the new styles with the inherited styles
             foreach ($applied_styles as $arr) {
                 foreach ($arr as $s) {
         // Inherit parent's styles if required
         if ($p) {
             if ($this->_dompdf->get_option('debugCss')) {
                 print "inherit:\n";
                 print "[\n";
                 print "]\n";
         if ($this->_dompdf->get_option('debugCss')) {
             print "DomElementStyle:\n";
             print "[\n";
             print "]\n";
             print "/{$debug_nodename}]\n</pre>";
         /*DEBUGCSS print: see below different print debugging method
           Helpers::pre_r($frame->get_node()->nodeName . ":");
           echo "<pre>";
           echo $style;
           echo "</pre>";*/
     // We're done!  Clean out the registry of all styles since we
     // won't be needing this later.
     foreach (array_keys($this->_styles) as $key) {
         $this->_styles[$key] = null;