getScheduledCollections() public method

INTERNAL: Gets PersistentCollections that are scheduled to update and related to $document
public getScheduledCollections ( object $document ) : array
$document object
return array
 private function getAtomicCollectionUpdateQuery($document)
     $update = array();
     $collections = $this->uow->getScheduledCollections($document);
     $collPersister = $this->uow->getCollectionPersister();
     foreach ($collections as $coll) {
         /* @var $coll PersistentCollection */
         $mapping = $coll->getMapping();
         if ($mapping['strategy'] !== "atomicSet" && $mapping['strategy'] !== "atomicSetArray") {
         if ($this->uow->isCollectionScheduledForUpdate($coll)) {
             $update = array_merge_recursive($update, $collPersister->prepareSetQuery($coll));
             /* TODO:
              * Collection can be set for both deletion and update if
              * PersistentCollection instance was changed. Since we're dealing
              * with collection update in one query we won't need the $unset.
              * Line can be removed once the issue is fixed.
         } elseif ($this->uow->isCollectionScheduledForDeletion($coll)) {
             $update = array_merge_recursive($update, $collPersister->prepareDeleteQuery($coll));
     return $update;
Esempio n. 2
 private function handleCollections($document, $options)
     // Collection deletions (deletions of complete collections)
     foreach ($this->uow->getScheduledCollections($document) as $coll) {
         if ($this->uow->isCollectionScheduledForDeletion($coll)) {
             $this->cp->delete($coll, $options);
     // Collection updates (deleteRows, updateRows, insertRows)
     foreach ($this->uow->getScheduledCollections($document) as $coll) {
         if ($this->uow->isCollectionScheduledForUpdate($coll)) {
             $this->cp->update($coll, $options);
     // Take new snapshots from visited collections
     foreach ($this->uow->getVisitedCollections($document) as $coll) {
  * Prepares the update query to update a given document object in mongodb.
  * @param object $document
  * @return array $updateData
 public function prepareUpdateData($document)
     $class = $this->dm->getClassMetadata(get_class($document));
     $changeset = $this->uow->getDocumentChangeSet($document);
     $updateData = array();
     foreach ($changeset as $fieldName => $change) {
         $mapping = $class->fieldMappings[$fieldName];
         // skip non embedded document identifiers
         if (!$class->isEmbeddedDocument && !empty($mapping['id'])) {
         list($old, $new) = $change;
         // @Inc
         if ($mapping['type'] === 'increment') {
             if ($new === null) {
                 if ($mapping['nullable'] === true) {
                     $updateData['$set'][$mapping['name']] = null;
                 } else {
                     $updateData['$unset'][$mapping['name']] = true;
             } elseif ($new >= $old) {
                 $updateData['$inc'][$mapping['name']] = $new - $old;
             } else {
                 $updateData['$inc'][$mapping['name']] = ($old - $new) * -1;
             // @Field, @String, @Date, etc.
         } elseif (!isset($mapping['association'])) {
             if (isset($new) || $mapping['nullable'] === true) {
                 $updateData['$set'][$mapping['name']] = is_null($new) ? null : Type::getType($mapping['type'])->convertToDatabaseValue($new);
             } else {
                 $updateData['$unset'][$mapping['name']] = true;
             // @EmbedOne
         } elseif (isset($mapping['association']) && $mapping['association'] === ClassMetadata::EMBED_ONE) {
             // If we have a new embedded document then lets set the whole thing
             if ($new && $this->uow->isScheduledForInsert($new)) {
                 $updateData['$set'][$mapping['name']] = $this->prepareEmbeddedDocumentValue($mapping, $new);
                 // If we don't have a new value then lets unset the embedded document
             } elseif (!$new) {
                 $updateData['$unset'][$mapping['name']] = true;
                 // Update existing embedded document
             } else {
                 $update = $this->prepareUpdateData($new);
                 foreach ($update as $cmd => $values) {
                     foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
                         $updateData[$cmd][$mapping['name'] . '.' . $key] = $value;
             // @ReferenceMany, @EmbedMany
         } elseif (isset($mapping['association']) && $mapping['type'] === 'many' && $new) {
             if (CollectionHelper::isAtomic($mapping['strategy']) && $this->uow->isCollectionScheduledForUpdate($new)) {
                 $updateData['$set'][$mapping['name']] = $this->prepareAssociatedCollectionValue($new, true);
             } elseif (CollectionHelper::isAtomic($mapping['strategy']) && $this->uow->isCollectionScheduledForDeletion($new)) {
                 $updateData['$unset'][$mapping['name']] = true;
             } elseif (CollectionHelper::isAtomic($mapping['strategy']) && $this->uow->isCollectionScheduledForDeletion($old)) {
                 $updateData['$unset'][$mapping['name']] = true;
             } elseif ($mapping['association'] === ClassMetadata::EMBED_MANY) {
                 foreach ($new as $key => $embeddedDoc) {
                     if (!$this->uow->isScheduledForInsert($embeddedDoc)) {
                         $update = $this->prepareUpdateData($embeddedDoc);
                         foreach ($update as $cmd => $values) {
                             foreach ($values as $name => $value) {
                                 $updateData[$cmd][$mapping['name'] . '.' . $key . '.' . $name] = $value;
             // @ReferenceOne
         } elseif (isset($mapping['association']) && $mapping['association'] === ClassMetadata::REFERENCE_ONE && $mapping['isOwningSide']) {
             if (isset($new) || $mapping['nullable'] === true) {
                 $updateData['$set'][$mapping['name']] = is_null($new) ? null : $this->prepareReferencedDocumentValue($mapping, $new);
             } else {
                 $updateData['$unset'][$mapping['name']] = true;
     // collections that aren't dirty but could be subject to update are
     // excluded from change set, let's go through them now
     foreach ($this->uow->getScheduledCollections($document) as $coll) {
         $mapping = $coll->getMapping();
         if (CollectionHelper::isAtomic($mapping['strategy']) && $this->uow->isCollectionScheduledForUpdate($coll)) {
             $updateData['$set'][$mapping['name']] = $this->prepareAssociatedCollectionValue($coll, true);
         } elseif (CollectionHelper::isAtomic($mapping['strategy']) && $this->uow->isCollectionScheduledForDeletion($coll)) {
             $updateData['$unset'][$mapping['name']] = true;
         // @ReferenceMany is handled by CollectionPersister
     return $updateData;
Esempio n. 4
 private function getAtomicCollectionUpdateQuery($document)
     $update = array();
     $atomicCollUpdates = array();
     $atomicCollDeletes = array();
     $collPersister = $this->uow->getCollectionPersister();
     /* Collect all atomic collections (top-level and nested) to be included
      * in the update.
     foreach ($this->uow->getScheduledCollections($document) as $coll) {
         /* If this is a top-level, atomic collection, its scheduled update
          * or deletion must be included in the document's update query.
         if ($coll->getOwner() === $document) {
             $mapping = $coll->getMapping();
             if ($mapping['strategy'] !== "atomicSet" && $mapping['strategy'] !== "atomicSetArray") {
             if ($this->uow->isCollectionScheduledForUpdate($coll)) {
                 $atomicCollUpdates[spl_object_hash($coll)] = $coll;
             } elseif ($this->uow->isCollectionScheduledForDeletion($coll)) {
                 $atomicCollDeletes[spl_object_hash($coll)] = $coll;
         /* Otherwise, the collection is nested. Check if its top-most parent
          * is an atomic collection and include it for updating if so. This
          * is necessary because the atomic parent may not have directly
          * changed.
         $parent = $coll->getOwner();
         while (null !== ($parentAssoc = $this->uow->getParentAssociation($parent))) {
             list($mapping, $parent, ) = $parentAssoc;
         if (!isset($mapping['association']) || $mapping['association'] !== ClassMetadata::EMBED_MANY || $mapping['strategy'] !== 'atomicSet' && $mapping['strategy'] !== 'atomicSetArray') {
         $classMetadata = $this->dm->getClassMetadata(get_class($document));
         $parentColl = $classMetadata->getFieldValue($document, $mapping['fieldName']);
         /* It's possible that the atomic parent was independently scheduled
          * for deletion. In that case, updating nested data is unnecessary.
         if (!$this->uow->isCollectionScheduledForDeletion($parentColl)) {
             $atomicCollUpdates[spl_object_hash($parentColl)] = $parentColl;
     foreach ($atomicCollUpdates as $coll) {
         $update = array_merge_recursive($update, $collPersister->prepareSetQuery($coll));
         /* Note: If the collection is only be handled because it's an atomic
          * parent of a scheduled child, the following calls are NOPs.
     foreach ($atomicCollDeletes as $coll) {
         $update = array_merge_recursive($update, $collPersister->prepareDeleteQuery($coll));
         /* Note: We don't need to call unscheduleCollectionUpdate(), because
          * the collection should never have been added to $atomicCollDeletes
          * if it was independently scheduled for update.
     return $update;