Esempio n. 1
 private function createConfigFile(Connection $abConn, $serverName, $binaryData, $dataPath)
     $config = $this->app['']->initialize()->getConfig();
     $config['main']['database']['host'] = $abConn->getHost();
     $config['main']['database']['port'] = $abConn->getPort();
     $config['main']['database']['user'] = $abConn->getUsername();
     $config['main']['database']['password'] = $abConn->getPassword();
     $config['main']['database']['dbname'] = $abConn->getDatabase();
     $config['main']['database']['driver'] = 'pdo_mysql';
     $config['main']['database']['charset'] = 'UTF8';
     $config['main']['binaries'] = $binaryData;
     $config['servername'] = $serverName;
     $config['main']['key'] = $this->app['random.medium']->generateString(16);
     if (null === ($dataPath = realpath($dataPath))) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Path %s does not exist.', $dataPath));
     $config['main']['storage']['subdefs'] = $dataPath;
     $config['main']['storage']['cache'] = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../cache');
     $config['main']['storage']['log'] = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../logs');
     $config['main']['storage']['download'] = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../tmp/download');
     $config['main']['storage']['lazaret'] = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../tmp/lazaret');
     $config['main']['storage']['caption'] = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../tmp/caption');
     $config['registry'] = $this->app['registry.manipulator']->getRegistryData();
Esempio n. 2
 private function getDBConn(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, Connection $abConn, DialogHelper $dialog)
     $dbConn = $template = $info = null;
     if (!$input->getOption('databox')) {
         do {
             $retry = false;
             $dbName = $dialog->ask($output, 'DataBox name, will not be created if empty : ', null);
             if ($dbName) {
                 try {
                     $info = ['host' => $abConn->getHost(), 'port' => $abConn->getPort(), 'user' => $abConn->getUsername(), 'password' => $abConn->getPassword(), 'dbname' => $dbName];
                     $dbConn = $this->container['dbal.provider']($info);
                     $output->writeln("\n\t<info>Data-Box : Connection successful !</info>\n");
                     do {
                         $template = $dialog->ask($output, 'Choose a language template for metadata structure, available are fr (french) and en (english) (en) : ', 'en');
                     } while (!in_array($template, ['en', 'fr']));
                     $output->writeln("\n\tLanguage selected is <info>'{$template}'</info>\n");
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                     $retry = true;
             } else {
                 $output->writeln("\n\tNo databox will be created\n");
         } while ($retry);
     } else {
         $info = ['host' => $input->getOption('db-host'), 'port' => $input->getOption('db-port'), 'user' => $input->getOption('db-user'), 'password' => $input->getOption('db-password'), 'dbname' => $input->getOption('databox')];
         $dbConn = $this->container['dbal.provider']($info);
         $output->writeln("\n\t<info>Data-Box : Connection successful !</info>\n");
         $template = $input->getOption('db-template') ?: 'en';
     // add dbs.option & orm.options services to use orm.em later
     if ($dbConn && $info) {
         $this->container['dbs.options'] = array_merge($this->container['db.options.from_info']($info), $this->container['dbs.options']);
         $this->container['orm.ems.options'] = array_merge($this->container['orm.em.options.from_info']($info), $this->container['orm.ems.options']);
     return [$dbConn, $template];
Esempio n. 3
 public static function create(Application $app, Connection $connection, \SplFileInfo $data_template)
     if (!file_exists($data_template->getRealPath())) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException($data_template->getRealPath() . " does not exist");
     $sql = 'SELECT sbas_id
         FROM sbas
         WHERE host = :host AND port = :port AND dbname = :dbname
           AND user = :user AND pwd = :password';
     $host = $connection->getHost();
     $port = $connection->getPort();
     $dbname = $connection->getDatabase();
     $user = $connection->getUsername();
     $password = $connection->getPassword();
     $params = [':host' => $host, ':port' => $port, ':dbname' => $dbname, ':user' => $user, ':password' => $password];
     $stmt = $app['phraseanet.appbox']->get_connection()->prepare($sql);
     $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     if ($row) {
         return $app['phraseanet.appbox']->get_databox((int) $row['sbas_id']);
     try {
         $sql = 'CREATE DATABASE `' . $dbname . '`
           CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci';
         $stmt = $connection->prepare($sql);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     $sql = 'USE `' . $dbname . '`';
     $stmt = $connection->prepare($sql);
     $sql = 'SELECT MAX(ord) as ord FROM sbas';
     $stmt = $app['phraseanet.appbox']->get_connection()->prepare($sql);
     $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     if ($row) {
         $ord = $row['ord'] + 1;
     $params[':ord'] = $ord;
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO sbas (sbas_id, ord, host, port, dbname, sqlengine, user, pwd)
           VALUES (null, :ord, :host, :port, :dbname, "MYSQL", :user, :password)';
     $stmt = $app['phraseanet.appbox']->get_connection()->prepare($sql);
     $sbas_id = (int) $app['phraseanet.appbox']->get_connection()->lastInsertId();
     $databox = $app['phraseanet.appbox']->get_databox($sbas_id);
     $databox->setNewStructure($data_template, $app['conf']->get(['main', 'storage', 'subdefs']));
     return $databox;