protected function loadAd() { // @deprecated remove if year >= 2015 $deprecatedSlug = $this->propertyOrParam('idParam'); $slug = $this->property('slug', $deprecatedSlug); $arr_slug = preg_split('/-(?=\\d+$)/', $slug); if (count($arr_slug) < 2) { return false; } $slug = $arr_slug[0]; $ad_id = $arr_slug[1]; if ($ad_id == 0) { return false; } $ad = Ad::find($ad_id); if ($ad->user_id == Auth::getUser()->id) { $this->allow_edit = true; } /* * Add a "url" helper attribute for linking to each category */ /*if ($post && $post->categories->count()) { $post->categories->each(function($category){ $category->setUrl($this->categoryPage, $this->controller); }); }*/ return $ad; }
public static function updateCountCategory($id) { if (!$id) { return false; } $count = Ad::where('category_id', '=', (int) $id)->count(); $find = self::find($id); $find->count = $count; $find->save(); return true; }
protected function listAds() { $categories = $this->category ? $this->category->id : null; $ads = Ad::with('category')->listFrontEnd(['page' => $this->propertyOrParam('pageParam'), 'sort' => $this->property('AdOrderAttr'), 'perPage' => $this->property('AdsPerPage'), 'categories' => $categories]); $ads->each(function ($ad) { $ad->setUrl($this->adPage, $this->controller); //$ad->categories->each(function ($category) { // $category->setUrl($this->categoryPage, $this->controller); //}); }); return $ads; }
public function onRun() { //$this->addJs(''); //$this->addJs(CLF_ASSETS . '/js/helper-googlemap.js'); //$this->addJs(CLF_ASSETS . '/js/com-ad-edit.js'); $this->addCss(CLF_ASSETS . '/css/com-ad-edit.css'); $type = $this->property('type', 'quick'); switch ($type) { case 'quick': break; case 'edit': //$asset_script[] = '~/plugins/dlnlab/classified/assets/js/components/ad-edit2.js'; break; case 'edit2': $ad_id = intval($this->param('ad_id')); if (empty($ad_id)) { Redirect::to('/ad/quick'); } $ad = Ad::find($ad_id); $ad_infor = AdInfor::where('ad_id', '=', $ad_id); $ad_tags = Tag::getTagsOfAd($ad_id); $this->page['ad'] = $ad; $this->page['ad_infor'] = $ad_infor; $this->page['ad_tags'] = $ad_tags; break; case 'edit-detail': $kind = HelperCache::getAdKind(); $category = HelperCache::getAdCategory(); $amenity = HelperCache::getAdAmenities(); $bed_rooms = AdInfor::getBedRoomOptions(); $bath_rooms = AdInfor::getBathRoomOptions(); $direction = AdInfor::getDirectionOptions(); $caches = new \stdClass(); $caches->kind = !empty($kind) ? $kind->toJson() : ''; $caches->category = !empty($category) ? $category->toJson() : ''; $caches->amenity = !empty($amenity) ? $amenity->toJson() : ''; $caches->bed = json_encode($bed_rooms); $caches->bath = json_encode($bath_rooms); $caches->direction = json_encode($direction); $this->page['user'] = $this->user(); $this->page['ad'] = !empty($ad) ? $ad : ''; $this->page['ad_json'] = !empty($ad) ? $ad->toJson() : ''; $this->page['dln_caches'] = !empty($caches) ? json_encode($caches) : ''; break; } $this->page['type'] = $type; }
public function onRun() { if (Session::has('disable_cookie')) { return false; } if (!Auth::check()) { return null; } $user = Auth::getUser(); // @deprecated remove if year >= 2015 $deprecatedSlug = $this->propertyOrParam('idParam'); $slug = $this->property('slug', $deprecatedSlug); $item = Ad::isPublished()->where('slug', '=', $slug)->first(); if (empty($item)) { return null; } // Get current ad cookie $cookie_obj = new \stdClass(); $cookie = Cookie::get('dln_ad_cookie'); if ($cookie) { // Check current user has exist in cookie $cookie_obj = json_decode($cookie); $current_time = time(); if (!empty($cookie_obj->{$item->id}) && $cookie_obj->{$item->id}) { if ($current_time >= $cookie_obj->{$item->id} + TIME_DELAY_COUNT_VIEW) { $cookie_obj->{$item->id} = time(); $cookie = json_encode($cookie_obj); Cookie::queue('dln_ad_cookie', $cookie, 1440); AdRead::add_read($item, $user); } } else { $cookie_obj->{$item->id} = time(); $cookie = json_encode($cookie_obj); Cookie::queue('dln_ad_cookie', $cookie, 1440); AdRead::add_read($item, $user); } } else { $cookie_obj->{$item->id} = time(); $cookie = json_encode($cookie_obj); Cookie::queue('dln_ad_cookie', $cookie, 1440); AdRead::add_read($item, $user); } }
public function onRun() { $asset_css = array(); $asset_script = array(); $type = Input::has('type') ? Input::get('type') : ''; switch ($type) { case 'ad-location': $asset_script[] = '~/plugins/dlnlab/classified/assets/js/helpers/helper-googlemap.js'; $asset_script[] = '~/plugins/dlnlab/classified/assets/js/modals/ad-location.js'; break; case 'ad-photo': $asset_script[] = 'assets/vendor/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js'; $asset_script[] = 'assets/vendor/jquery-fileupload/js/vendor/jquery.ui.widget.js'; $asset_script[] = 'assets/vendor/jquery-fileupload/js/jquery.fileupload.js'; $asset_script[] = '~/plugins/dlnlab/classified/assets/js/modals/ad-photo.js'; // Get photos of Ad $ad_id = Input::has('ad_id') ? Input::get('ad_id') : ''; $records = null; if ($ad_id) { $ad = Ad::find($ad_id); $records = $ad->ad_images; } $this->page['photos'] = $records; break; case 'ad-amenity': $asset_script[] = '~/plugins/dlnlab/classified/assets/js/modals/ad-amenity.js'; $arr_selected = Input::has('values') ? explode(',', Input::get('values')) : ''; $this->page['arr_selected'] = $arr_selected; $this->page['amenities'] = HelperCache::getAdAmenities(); break; case 'ad-title': break; } $this->page['type'] = $type; $this->page['asset_css'] = $asset_css; $this->page['asset_script'] = $asset_script; }
public function getAdShareCount() { $records = AdShareCount::whereRaw('status = ? AND crawl = ?', array(1, false))->take(100)->get(); if (!count($records)) { AdShareCount::all()->update(array('crawl' => false)); return Response::json(array('status' => 'error'), 500); } $continue = true; foreach ($records as $record) { if ($record->ad_id) { if ($continue) { $link = Ad::get_ad_link($record->ad_id); if (!isset($obj->Facebook)) { $continue = false; return false; } $obj = AdShareCount::get_obj_share_count($link); $record->share_count = $obj->Facebook->share_count; $record->comment_count = $obj->Facebook->comment_count; $record->like_count = $obj->Facebook->like_count; $record->gp_count = $obj->GooglePlusOne; $record->tw_count = $obj->Twitter; $record->pin_count = $obj->Pinterest; $record->crawl = true; $record->save(); } } } return Response::json(array('status' => 'success'), 200); }
public function getAdAroundState($ad_id) { $data = get(); $default = array('page' => 0, 'state_id' => 0); $merge = array_merge($default, $data); $merge = \DLNLab\Classified\Classes\HelperClassified::trim_value($merge); extract($merge); $records = Ad::getAdAroundState($state_id, $ad_id, $page); return Response::json(array('status' => 'success', 'data' => $records)); }
public static function getNearbyAd($ad_id = '', $page = 0) { if (empty($ad_id)) { return false; } $record = self::find($ad_id); if (empty($record)) { return false; } $lat = $record->lat; $lng = $record->lng; $limit = CLF_LIMIT; $skip = $page * $limit; $records = null; if (empty($lat) || empty($lng)) { // Get by country tag } else { // Get by lat long $records = Ad::where('1', '=', '1')->select('*', "((ACOS(SIN({$lat} * PI() / 180) * SIN(lat * PI() / 180) + COS({$lat} * PI() / 180) * COS(lat * PI() / 180) * COS(({$lng} - lng) * PI() / 180)) * 180 / PI()) * 60 * 1.1515 * 1.609344) as distance")->having('distance ', '<=', CLF_DISTANCE)->orderBy('distance', 'ASC')->skip($skip)->take($limit)->get(); } return $records; }
public static function query($search_id = '', $is_count = false) { if (!$searches) { return null; } $record = self::find($search_id); if (!$record) { return null; } $arr_query = json_decode($record->query); // Build query ads $ad_query = 'null'; $ad_params = array(); foreach ($arr_query as $param => $value) { switch ($param) { case 'price_min': $ad_query .= 'price >= ?'; $ad_params[] = $value; break; case 'price_max': $ad_query .= 'price <= ?'; $ad_params[] = $value; break; case 'area_min': $ad_query .= 'area >= ?'; $ad_params[] = $value; break; case 'area_max': $ad_query .= 'area <= ?'; $ad_params[] = $value; break; case 'user_id': $ad_query .= 'user_id = ?'; $ad_params[] = $value; break; case 'category_id': $ad_query .= 'category_id = ?'; $ad_params[] = $value; break; case 'ad_type_id': $ad_query .= 'ad_type_id = ?'; $ad_params[] = $value; break; } } if (!$is_count) { $results = Ad::whereRaw($ad_query, $ad_params)->paginate(10)->get(); } else { $results = Ad::whereRaw($ad_query, $ad_params)->count(); } return $results; }