public function export_payment($start, $end, $owner) { $daily_service = new DailyStat(); $filters = array('salesman' => $owner); $result = $daily_service->get_daily_stat($start, $end, $filters, null, null, 0, 0); $list = $result['list']; $payments = $this->get_payment_by_owner($start, $end, $owner); foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $list[$key]['ad_app_type'] = $value['ad_app_type'] == ADModel::ANDROID ? 'Android' : 'iOS'; $list[$key]['status'] = $value['status'] == ADModel::ONLINE ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; $list[$key]['channel_type'] = ChannelModel::$TYPE[$value['channel_type']]; $list[$key]['payment_status'] = ''; foreach ($payments[$value['id']] as $payment) { if (!$payment['payment'] || !$payment['rmb']) { $list[$key]['payment_status'] = 'N'; } else { $list[$key]['paid_time'] .= $payment['paid_time'] . ' ' . $payment['payment_person'] . ' '; $list[$key]['invoice_time'] .= $payment['invoice_time'] . ' '; $list[$key]['invoice_rmb'] .= $payment['invoice_rmb'] . ' '; $list[$key]['real_rmb'] .= $payment['real_rmb'] / 100 . ' '; $list[$key]['comment'] .= $payment['comment'] . ' '; } } $list[$key] = Utils::array_pick($list[$key], Payment::$FIELD_PAYMENT_EXPORT); } $title = array('渠道名', '渠道全称', '渠道类型', '广告名', '渠道号', '创建时间', '状态', '平台', '广告类型', '扣分', '排序', '激活支出', '深度任务支出', '收入', '红包锁屏收入', '其他收入', 'CPA', '渠道CPA', '单价', '实际价格', '损益价格', '毛利润', '毛利润率(%)', '结算率(%)', '商务负责人', '商务执行人', '是否回款', '回款时间', '开票时间', '开票金额', '实际回款金额', '备注'); array_unshift($list, $title); $excel_service = new Excel(); $excel_service->export($list, "{$start}至{$end}广告数据分析"); }
public function save(array $attr = null) { $DB = $this->get_write_pdo(); // 取发票ID或者渠道ID $agreement_service = new Agreement(); $agreement = $agreement_service->get_agreement_by_id(array('agreement_id' => $attr['agreement_number'])); $attr = array_merge(array('agreement_id' => $agreement['id']), $attr); unset($attr['agreement_number']); $attr = $attr ? $attr : $this->attributes; $new_attr = $this->judge_status($attr, $attr['comment']); // 关联的广告信息 $invoice_ads = $attr['products']; unset($attr['products']); $incomes = $this->multi_100(Utils::array_pick($attr, self::$INVOICE_INCOMES)); $attr = array_merge($attr, $new_attr, $incomes, array('apply_time' => date('Y-m-d'))); // 插入发票表 $this->save_invoice_info($DB, $attr); // 核减发送通知给相应的运营 if ($attr['income'] != $attr['income_first']) { // 查找商务对应的运营 $admin_service = new Admin(); $operation_id = $admin_service->get_sale_operation($_SESSION['id']); // 记录到通知表 $notice = new Notification(); $notice->send(array('uid' => SQLHelper::$lastInsertId, 'admin_id' => $operation_id, 'alarm_type' => Notification::$NEW_INVOICE, 'create_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); } $invoice_id = SQLHelper::$lastInsertId; $this->attributes = array_merge(array('id' => $invoice_id), $this->attributes); $invoice_ad_arr = array(); if (is_array($invoice_ads)) { $invoice_ad_arr = $this->construct_invoice_ads($invoice_ads, $invoice_id); } // 插入到发票广告关联表 $this->save_invoice_ad_info($DB, $invoice_ad_arr); }
public function update() { $data = $this->get_post_data(); // 有可能通过修改密码popup修改密码 if ($_REQUEST['newpassword']) { $data = Utils::array_pick($_REQUEST, 'oldpassword', 'newpassword', 'repassword'); } // 校验密码 if ($data['newpassword']) { if ($data['newpassword'] != $data['repassword']) { $this->exit_with_error(11, '两次输入的密码不一致,请重新输入。', 403); } if (!preg_match('/[0-9a-zA-Z$!^#_@%&*.]{6,16}/', $data['newpassword'])) { $this->exit_with_error(12, '新的密码不合规则,请重新输入。', 403); } $auth = new Auth(); if (!$auth->validate($_SESSION['email'], $data['oldpassword'], true)) { $this->exit_with_error(13, '旧密码不正确,请重新输入', 403); } $data['password'] = $auth->encrypt($_SESSION['email'], $data['newpassword']); $data = Utils::array_omit($data, 'oldpassword', 'newpassword', 'repassword'); } $service = new User(); $check = $service->update_me($data); if ($check) { $this->output(['code' => 0, 'msg' => '修改成功', $data]); } else { $this->exit_with_error(400, '修改失败', 1); } }
protected function parse_filter(array $filters = null, array $options = array()) { $defaults = ['to_string' => true]; $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); if (isset($filters['start'])) { $filters['stat_date'][] = array('operator' => '>=', 'data' => $filters['start']); unset($filters['start']); } if (isset($filters['end'])) { $filters['stat_date'][] = array('operator' => '<=', 'data' => $filters['end']); unset($filters['end']); } $spec = array('date'); $pick = Utils::array_pick($filters, $spec); $filters = Utils::array_omit($filters, $spec); list($conditions, $params) = parent::parse_filter($filters, ['to_string' => false]); foreach ($pick as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'date': $conditions[] = "DATE(`stat_date`)=:date"; $params[':date'] = $value; break; } } $conditions = $options['to_string'] ? ($options['is_append'] ? ' and ' : '') . implode(' AND ', $conditions) : $options; return array($conditions, $params); }
/** * @param $ad_id * @param $name * @param $desc * @param $step_rmb * @param $type * @param $delta * @param $param * @param $probability */ private function create_task($ad_id, $name, $desc, $step_rmb, $type, $delta, $param, $probability) { $DB = $this->get_write_pdo(); $task_id = Utils::create_id(); $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql = "INSERT INTO `t_task`\n (`id`, `ad_id`, `step_rmb`, `type`, `delta`, `name`, `desc`,\n `create_time`, `status`, `param`, `probability`)\n VALUES (:id, :ad_id, :step_rmb, :type, :delta, :name, :desc,\n '{$now}', :status, :param, :probability)\n ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `status`=:status, `create_time`='{$now}',\n `name`=:name, `desc`=:desc, `probability`=:probability"; $state = $DB->prepare($sql); $check = $state->execute(array(':id' => $task_id, ':ad_id' => $ad_id, ':step_rmb' => $step_rmb, ':type' => $type, ':delta' => $delta, ':name' => $name, ':desc' => $desc, ':status' => self::ON, ':param' => $param, ':probability' => $probability)); if ($check) { $log = new ADOperationLogger($DB); $log->log($ad_id, 'task', 'add', "{$step_rmb}, {$type}, {$delta}, {$name}, {$desc}, {$param}, {$probability} => {$task_id}"); } }
public function update(array $attr = null) { $ad_service = new CompetitorAd(); $me = $_SESSION['id']; if (!$ad_service->check_delivery_ad_owner($this->id, $me)) { throw new Exception('不是您对接的广告,您不能修改', 100); } //拆分不同表的数据 if ($attr['status']) { $attr['status_editor'] = $me; $attr['status_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } $delivery = Utils::array_pick($attr, self::$FIELDS_DELIVERY); //更新广告信息 $DB_write = $this->get_write_pdo(); $check = SQLHelper::insert_update($DB_write, self::$T_DELIVERY, $delivery, array('pack_name' => $this->id)); if (!$check) { throw new Exception('修改失败', 101); } $this->attributes = $attr; return $attr; }
private function validate_cp($email, $password, $no_log = false) { $password = $this->encrypt($email, $password); $pdo = $this->get_read_pdo(); $sql = "SELECT `id`, `balance`, `username`, `corp`, `owner`,\n `last_login_time`, `last_login_ip`\n FROM `t_diy_user`\n WHERE `email`=:email AND `password`=:password AND `status`=0"; $state = $pdo->prepare($sql); $state->execute(array(':email' => $email, ':password' => $password)); $this->user = $user = $state->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($no_log) { return !!$user; } // 记录这次登录 $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $ip = Utils::get_client_ip(); $DB = $this->get_write_pdo(); $success = $user ? 1 : 0; $sql = "INSERT INTO `t_diy_user_login_log`\n (`email`, `ip`, `time`, `success`)\n VALUES (:email, '{$ip}', '{$time}', {$success})"; $state = $DB->prepare($sql); $state->execute(['email' => $email]); if (!$user) { return false; } // 记录最后一次登录 $me = $user['id']; $sql = "UPDATE `t_diy_user`\n SET `last_login_time`='{$time}', `last_login_ip`='{$ip}'\n WHERE `id`='{$me}'"; $DB->exec($sql); // 记录到session session_start(); $_SESSION['email'] = $email; $_SESSION['id'] = $user['id']; $_SESSION['role'] = self::$CP_PERMISSION; $_SESSION['fullname'] = $user['username']; $_SESSION['balance'] = $user['balance']; $_SESSION['last_login'] = array('time' => $user['last_login_time'], 'ip' => $user['last_login_ip']); return true; }
public function check_ad_info_for_sale(array $ad_info) { $me = $_SESSION['admin_id']; $role = $_SESSION['admin_role']; if ($me != Admin::SALE_BOSS) { if (!in_array($ad_info['location'], $_SESSION['admin_location'])) { unset($ad_info['channel']); unset($ad_info['owner_name']); unset($ad_info['url']); unset($ad_info['user']); unset($ad_info['pwd']); unset($ad_info['cid']); } else { if ($me != $ad_info['owner'] && $me != $ad_info['execute_owner'] && !in_array($ad_info['owner'], $_SESSION['admin_associate']) && $role != self::SALE_MANAGER) { unset($ad_info['cid']); } } } $ad_info = Utils::array_pick($ad_info, self::$FIELD_AD_INFO_SALE); return $ad_info; }
/** * @param string $path * * @return array */ private function parse_plist($path) { $plist = new CFPropertyList($path, CFPropertyList::FORMAT_BINARY); $dict = $plist->getValue('CFDictionary'); $form = array('ad_name' => $dict->get('CFBundleDisplayName'), 'ad_lib' => $dict->get('CFBundleShortVersionsString'), 'pack_name' => $dict->get('CFBundleIdentifier'), 'process_name' => $dict->get('CFBundleExecutable')); foreach ($form as $key => $value) { if ($value instanceof CFType) { $form[$key] = $value->getValue(); } if ($key == 'ad_lib' && !$value) { $ad_lib = $dict->get('CFBundleVersion'); $form[$key] = $ad_lib instanceof CFType ? $ad_lib->getValue() : ''; } } $urls = $dict->get('CFBundleURLTypes'); $url_schemes = array(); if ($urls) { $urls = $urls->toArray(); foreach ($urls as $url) { $url_schemes[] = $url['CFBundleURLSchemes']; } } $form['url_type'] = implode(';', Utils::array_flatten($url_schemes)); return $form; }
protected function validate(array $attr) { // 防XSS $attr = Utils::array_strip_tags($attr); if ($attr['id']) { $this->id = $attr['id']; } if (!$attr['id'] && (!$attr['full_name'] || !$attr['alias'])) { $this->error = new Error(20, '缺少关键数据。', 400); } return $attr; }
public function create() { $attr = $this->get_post_data(); $me = $_SESSION['id']; $invoice_service = new Invoice(); $attr = Utils::array_pick($attr, InvoiceModel::$INVOICE_AD_FIELDS); if (isset($attr['start'])) { $attr['start'] = date($attr['start'] . '-01'); } // 获取结算的广告 if (isset($attr['products'])) { $ads = $attr['products']; foreach ($ads as $ad) { $nums = $invoice_service->is_invoice($ad['ad_id'], $ad['quote_start_date'], $ad['quote_end_date']); if ($nums > 0) { $this->exit_with_error(51, '错误操作,禁止给已经开过发票的广告再次申请', 403); } } } $attr = array_merge(array('applicant' => $me), $attr); $invoice = new InvoiceModel($attr); try { $invoice->save($attr); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->exit_with_error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage(), 400); } $this->output(array('code' => 0, 'msg' => 'ok', 'invoice' => $invoice->attributes)); }
public function get_stat($ad_app_type) { $today = date('Y-m-d'); $start = empty($_REQUEST['start']) ? $today : $_REQUEST['start']; $end = empty($_REQUEST['end']) ? $today : $_REQUEST['end']; $pagesize = isset($_REQUEST['pagesize']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['pagesize'] : 10; $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['page'] : 0; $page_start = $page * $pagesize; $order = isset($_REQUEST['order']) ? trim($_REQUEST['order']) : 'create_time'; $seq = isset($_REQUEST['seq']) ? trim($_REQUEST['seq']) : 'DESC'; $im_cp = $_SESSION['role'] == Auth::$CP_PERMISSION; $me = $_SESSION['id']; $ad_app_type = trim($ad_app_type) == "android" ? ADModel::ANDROID : ADModel::IOS; $filters = array('ad_app_type' => $ad_app_type, 'keyword' => $_REQUEST['keyword'], 'ad_name' => $_REQUEST['ad_name'], 'channel' => $_REQUEST['channel'], $im_cp ? 'create_user' : 'salesman' => $me); $filters = Utils::array_pick_effect($filters); $ad_service = new AD(); // 根据广告类型取出所有广告 $ad_ids = $ad_service->get_ad_ids($filters); $result = array('oversea' => false, 'ads' => array()); $total = array('rmb1' => 0, 'device1' => 0, 'native' => 0, 'native_transfer' => 0, 'task_num' => 0, 'task_rmb' => 0, 'task_ready' => 0, 'cpa' => 0, 'click' => 0, 'install' => 0, 'callback' => 0); $ids = array(); $redis = $this->get_redis(); $daily_service = new DailyStat(); for ($date = $start; $date <= $end;) { list($ymd, $monthly, $date) = $daily_service->judge_date($date, $end); $key = 'diy_stat_ad_install_' . $ymd; $value = $redis->get($key); if ($value) { $redis->setTimeout($key, 86400 * 30); } else { $value = $daily_service->ad_stat_by_date($ymd, $monthly); $value = json_encode($value); if ($value && ($monthly || strtotime($ymd) < time() - 3600 * 30)) { $redis->setex($key, 86400 * 30, $value); } } $stat = json_decode($value, true); foreach ($stat as $ad_stat) { $ad_id = $ad_stat['id']; if (!in_array($ad_id, $ad_ids)) { continue; } $ids = array_unique(array_merge($ids, array($ad_id))); foreach ($total as $key => $value) { $result['ads'][$ad_id][$key] += $ad_stat[$key]; $total[$key] += $ad_stat[$key]; } } } $adinfos = $ad_service->get_all_ad_info($filters); foreach ($ids as $ad_id) { if ($adinfos[$ad_id]['oversea']) { continue; } if (!array_key_exists($ad_id, $adinfos)) { continue; } $comments = $ad_service->get_ad_comments_by_id($ad_id); $result['ads'][$ad_id] = array_merge($result['ads'][$ad_id], array('id' => $ad_id, 'channel_id' => $adinfos[$ad_id]['cid'], 'channel' => $adinfos[$ad_id]['channel'], 'agreement' => $adinfos[$ad_id]['agreement'], 'ad_name' => $adinfos[$ad_id]['ad_name'], 'comments' => $comments, 'ctime' => date('m-d', strtotime($adinfos[$ad_id]['create_time'])), 'others' => isset($adinfos[$ad_id]['others']) ? $adinfos[$ad_id]['others'] : '添加注释', 'sdk_type' => $adinfos[$ad_id]['ad_sdk_type'] == 7 ? 'promotions' : ($adinfos[$ad_id]['ad_sdk_type'] == 2 ? 'push' : ($adinfos[$ad_id]['ad_sdk_type'] == 4 ? 'wap' : 'ad_list not_promotions')), 'native_type' => $adinfos[$ad_id]['banner_url'] ? 'native' : '', 'ratio' => $result['ads'][$ad_id]['click'] ? round($result['ads'][$ad_id]['device1'] / $result['ads'][$ad_id]['click'] * 100, 2) : 0, 'click_ratio' => $result['ads'][$ad_id]['click'] ? round($result['ads'][$ad_id]['cpa'] / $result['ads'][$ad_id]['click'] * 100, 2) : 0, 'task_ratio' => $result['ads'][$ad_id]['task_ready'] ? round($result['ads'][$ad_id]['task_num'] / $result['ads'][$ad_id]['task_ready'] * 100, 2) : 0)); } // 总计 $total['ratio'] = $total['click'] ? round($total['transfer'] / $total['click'] * 100, 2) : 0; $total['click_ratio'] = $total['click'] ? round($total['cpa'] / $total['click'] * 100, 2) : 0; $total['task_ratio'] = $total['task_ready'] ? round($total['task_num'] / $total['task_ready'] * 100, 2) : 0; $result['total'] = array_merge(array('id' => 'amount', 'is_amount' => true), $total); $list = array_values($result['ads']); $total = count($list); // 排序 $list = $this->get_order_list($list, $order, $seq); //分页 $list = array_slice($list, $page_start, $pagesize); if (count($list) > 0) { array_push($list, $result['total']); } $is_android = $ad_app_type == 1 ? true : false; $this->output(array('code' => 0, 'msg' => 'get', 'list' => $list, 'total' => $total, 'options' => array('is_android' => $is_android))); }
public static function insert_update_multi(PDO $DB, $table, $attr, $return_row_count = true) { $sql = self::create_insert_update_multi_sql($table, array_keys($attr[0]), count($attr)); $params = Utils::array_flatten($attr); $state = $DB->prepare($sql); $result = $state->execute($params); self::$info = $state->errorInfo(); return $result && $return_row_count ? $state->rowCount() : $result; }
public function get_list($output = true) { $query = trim($_REQUEST['keyword']); if (!$query) { $this->output(array('code' => 0, 'msg' => '没有关键词')); } // 取广告,100个基本等于不限 $season = date('Y-m-d', time() - 86400 * 90); $today = date('Y-m-d'); $yesterday = date('Y-m-d', time() - 86400); $service = new AD(); $transfer = new Transfer(); $ads = $service->get_ad_info(array('keyword' => $query, 'status' => array(0, 1), 'oversea' => 0, 'ad_app_type' => 1), 0, 100); $ad_ids = array_keys($ads); // 取广告运行状态 $rmb_out = $transfer->get_ad_transfer(array('ad_id' => $ad_ids, 'start' => $season, 'end' => $today), 'ad_id'); // 取下线申请 $apply_service = new Apply(); $applies = $apply_service->get_offline_apply(array('adid' => $ad_ids)); // 取广告结算状态 $payment_service = new Payment(); $quote_service = new Quote(); $payments = $payment_service->get_payment($ad_ids, $season, $today); $quotes = $quote_service->get_quote($ad_ids, $season, $today); foreach ($payments as $payment) { $ad_id = $payment['id']; $month = substr($payment['month'], 0, 7); $ads[$ad_id]['payment'] += (int) $payment['rmb']; $ads[$ad_id]['quote'] += (int) $quotes[$ad_id][$month]; } // 取饱和度 $job = new Job(); $yesterday_job = $job->get_log(array('ad_id' => $ad_ids, 'start' => $yesterday, 'end' => $today)); $yesterday = $transfer->get_ad_transfer(array('ad_id' => $ad_ids, 'date' => $yesterday), 'ad_id'); $delivery = array(); foreach ($ad_ids as $ad_id) { $pack_name = $ads[$ad_id]['pack_name']; $delivery[$pack_name] = $this->parse_history($ad_id, $ads[$ad_id], $yesterday_job[$ad_id], $yesterday[$ad_id], $delivery[$pack_name]); } // 取点评记录 $pack_info = array(); foreach ($ads as $ad) { $pack_info[$ad['pack_name']] = $ad['ad_name']; } $pack_names = array_unique(array_filter(array_keys($pack_info))); $comments_by_pack_name = array(); if ($pack_names) { $comments = $service->get_comments(array('pack_name' => $pack_names)); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $pack_name = $comment['pack_name']; $array = $comments_by_pack_name[$pack_name]; $array = is_array($array) ? $array : array('ad_name' => $pack_info[$pack_name], 'pack_name' => $pack_name, 'comments' => array()); $array['comments'][] = $comment; $comments_by_pack_name[$pack_name] = $array; } } $result = array(); foreach ($ads as $key => $ad) { $item = Utils::array_pick($ad, 'ad_name', 'others', 'create_time', 'quote_rmb', 'payment', 'quote'); $item['transfer'] = (int) $rmb_out[$key]; $item['payment_percent'] = $item['quote'] != 0 ? round($item['payment'] / $item['quote'] * 100, 2) : 0; $item['id'] = $key; $item['offline_msg'] = $applies[$key]; $item['feedback'] = $ad['feedback']; $item['is_full'] = $this->check_is_full($delivery[$ad['pack_name']]); if (!$item['is_full']) { $item['fullness'] = $this->get_fullness($delivery[$ad['pack_name']]); } $result[] = $item; } // 按照回款率第一,下线请求,有无备注,有无推广的优先级进行排序 usort($result, function ($a, $b) { if ($a['payment_percent'] != $b['payment_percent']) { return $a['payment_percent'] < $b['payment_percent'] ? 1 : -1; } if ($a['offline_msg'] && !$b['offline_msg'] || !$a['offline_msg'] && $b['offline_msg']) { return $a['offline_msg'] ? -1 : 1; } if ($a['others'] && !$b['others'] || !$a['others'] && $b['others']) { return $a['others'] ? -1 : 1; } if ($a['transfer'] != $b['transfer']) { return $b['transfer'] - $a['transfer']; } return strcmp($a['create_time'], $b['create_time']); }); $result = ['code' => 0, 'msg' => 'fetch', 'list' => array_slice($result, 0, 20), 'ad_comments' => array_values($comments_by_pack_name)]; if ($output) { $this->output($result); } return $result; }
protected function parse_admin_filter(array $filters = null, array $options = array()) { $defaults = ['to_string' => true]; $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); $spec = array('keyword', 'salesman', 'channel', 'follow'); if (isset($filters['ad_name'])) { $filters['a.ad_name'] = $filters['ad_name']; unset($filters['ad_name']); } if (isset($filters['start'])) { $filters['create_time'][] = array('operator' => '>=', 'data' => $filters['start']); unset($filters['start']); } if (isset($filters['end'])) { $filters['create_time'][] = array('operator' => '<=', 'data' => $filters['start']); unset($filters['end']); } if (isset($filters['owner'])) { $filters['b.owner'] = $filters['owner']; unset($filters['owner']); } $pick = Utils::array_pick($filters, $spec); $filters = Utils::array_omit($filters, $spec); list($conditions, $params) = parent::parse_filter($filters, array('to_string' => false)); foreach ($pick as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'keyword': $conditions[] = " (a.`ad_name` LIKE :keyword OR ifnull(h.company_short,ifnull(c.alias, LIKE :keyword)"; $params[':keyword'] = '%' . $value . '%'; break; case 'salesman': $conditions[] = " (b.`owner`=:salesman OR `execute_owner`=:salesman)"; $params[':salesman'] = $value; break; case 'channel': $conditions[] = " ifnull(h.company_short,ifnull(c.alias,"; $params[':channel'] = $value; break; case 'follow': $conditions[] = ' b.owner!=execute_owner'; break; } } $conditions = $options['to_string'] ? ($options['is_append'] ? ' and ' : '') . implode(' AND ', $conditions) : $options; return array($conditions, $params); }
/** * @param array $filters * @param array $options * * @return array */ protected function parse_filter(array $filters = null, array $options = array()) { $defaults = ['to_string' => true]; $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); $spec = array('keyword', 'today'); $pick = Utils::array_pick($filters, $spec); $filters = Utils::array_omit($filters, $spec); list($conditions, $params) = parent::parse_filter($filters, array('to_string' => false)); foreach ($pick as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'keyword': if ($value) { $conditions[] = "(`company` LIKE :keyword OR `company_short` LIKE :keyword OR a.`agreement_id` LIKE\n :keyword)"; $params[':keyword'] = '%' . $value . '%'; } break; case 'today': $value = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($value) - 86400 * 60); $conditions[] = '(`doc_date`>=:protection_begin OR c.`status`=' . ADModel::ONLINE . ' OR (c.`status`=' . ADModel::OFFLINE . ' AND `status_time`>=:protection_begin))'; $params[':protection_begin'] = $value; break; } } $conditions = $options['to_string'] ? ($options['is_append'] ? ' and ' : '') . implode(' AND ', $conditions) : $conditions; return array($conditions, $params); }
/** * 全部广告数据分析 */ public function get_daily_stat() { $start = $_REQUEST['start']; $end = $_REQUEST['end']; $order = $_REQUEST['order']; $seq = $_REQUEST['seq'] ? $_REQUEST['seq'] : 'asc'; $page = (int) $_REQUEST['page']; $page_size = $_REQUEST['pagesize'] ? $_REQUEST['pagesize'] : 20; $filters = array('salesman' => $_SESSION['id'], 'ad_app_type' => $_REQUEST['ad_app_type'], 'channel' => $_REQUEST['channel'], 'ad_name' => $_REQUEST['ad_name'], 'keyword' => $_REQUEST['keyword']); $filters = Utils::array_pick_effect($filters); $daily_service = new DailyStat(); $result = $daily_service->get_daily_stat($start, $end, $filters, $order, $seq, $page, $page_size); $result['list'] = $this->is_invoice($result['list'], $start, $end); $result['code'] = 0; $result['msg'] = 'ok'; $this->output($result); }
/** * 创建新广告 * @author Meathill * @since 0.1.0 * @param string $key */ public function create($key) { if ($key != 'init') { $this->exit_with_error(10, '请求错误', 400); } $CM = $this->get_cm(); $im_cp = $_SESSION['role'] == Auth::$CP_PERMISSION; $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $attr = $this->get_post_data(); $id = $attr['id'] = $attr['id'] ? $attr['id'] : Utils::create_id(); $user = $im_cp ? new User() : null; $left = 0; // 校验CP用户 if ($im_cp && !$user->has_enough_money($attr)) { $this->exit_with_error(1, '您的余额不足', 402); } $ad = new ADModel($attr); if ($ad->error) { $this->exit_with_error($ad->error); } try { if ($im_cp) { // 扣费 $left = $user->lock_money_for_ad($attr['quote_rmb'], $attr['total_num']); } $ad->save(); } catch (ADException $e) { $this->exit_with_error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage(), 400, SQLHelper::$info); } $client_email = $attr['file-email']; $replace_id = $ad->replace; // 给运营发新广告通知 $notice = new Notification(); $notice_status = $notice->send(array('ad_id' => $id, 'alarm_type' => Notification::$NEW_AD, 'create_time' => $now)); // 给运营发邮件 $mail = new Mailer(); $subject = ($im_cp ? '广告主' : '商务') . '[' . $_SESSION['fullname'] . ']创建新广告:' . $attr['channel'] . ' ' . $attr['ad_name']; $mail->send(OP_MAIL, $subject, $mail->create('ad-new', $attr, array('owner' => $_SESSION['fullname'], 'cate' => $CM->ad_cate[$attr['cate']]))); if (!$im_cp) { // 给广告主发送报备邮件 if ($client_email) { $this->baobei($client_email, $attr); } // 给运营发修改申请 if ($replace_id) { $this->send_apply($id, array('replace_id' => $replace_id, 'message' => $attr['others'])); return; } } // log it $log = new ADOperationLogger(); $log->log($id, 'ad', 'add', $attr['others'], 0); $result = array('code' => 0, 'msg' => '创建广告成功。相关通知' . ($notice_status ? '已发' : '失败'), 'notice' => $notice_status ? '通知已发' : '通知失败', 'ad' => array('id' => $id)); if ($im_cp) { $result['me'] = ['balance' => $left]; } $this->output($result); }
protected function parse_filter(array $filters = null, array $options = array()) { $defaults = ['to_string' => true]; $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); if (isset($filters['salesman'])) { $filters['applicant'] = $filters['salesman']; unset($filters['salesman']); } if (isset($filters['start'])) { $filters['apply_time'][] = array('operator' => '>=', 'data' => $filters['start']); unset($filters['start']); } if (isset($filters['end'])) { $filters['apply_time'][] = array('operator' => '<=', 'data' => $filters['end']); unset($filters['end']); } if (isset($filters['pass_status'])) { $filters['a.status'][] = array('operator' => '>=', 'data' => $filters['pass_status']); unset($filters['pass_status']); } $spec = array('keyword'); $pick = Utils::array_pick($filters, $spec); $filters = Utils::array_omit($filters, $spec); list($conditions, $params) = parent::parse_filter($filters, array('to_string' => false)); foreach ($pick as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'keyword': if ($value) { $conditions[] = "(`express_number` LIKE :keyword OR `full_name` LIKE :keyword OR `company` LIKE :keyword)"; $params[':keyword'] = "%{$value}%"; } break; } } $conditions = $options['to_string'] ? ($options['is_append'] ? ' and ' : '') . implode(' AND ', $conditions) : $options; return array($conditions, $params); }
private function split_attr(array $attr = null, $only_split = false) { $attr = $attr ? $attr : $this->attributes; $callback = Utils::array_pick($attr, self::$FIELDS_CALLBACK); $ios = Utils::array_pick($attr, self::$FIELDS_IOS); $channel = Utils::array_pick($attr, self::$FIELDS_CHANNEL); $diy = Utils::array_pick($attr, self::$FIELDS_DIY); $permissions = $attr['permission']; $provinces = $attr['provinces'] ? $attr['provinces'] : $attr['put_provinces']; if (!$only_split) { $me = $_SESSION['id']; $im_cp = $_SESSION['role'] == Auth::$CP_PERMISSION; $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $callback['ad_id'] = $channel['id'] = $ios['ad_id'] = $diy['id'] = $this->id; $attr['status'] = 2; // 新建,待审核 $attr['ad_sdk_type'] = 1; // 只允许广告墙 $attr['create_user'] = $me; $attr['create_time'] = $now; if ($im_cp) { $channel['feedback'] = 7; $channel['cycle'] = 1; $attr['ad_app_type'] = 2; $attr['cate'] = 1; } else { $admin = new Admin(); $channel = array_merge($channel, $admin->get_owner($attr, $me)); } if ($attr['replace']) { $this->replace = $attr['replace-with']; $attr['status'] = 3; // 欲替换之前的广告 $attr['status_time'] = $attr['replace-time']; } } $attr = Utils::array_omit($attr, self::$FIELDS_CALLBACK, self::$FIELDS_CHANNEL, self::$FIELDS_IOS, self::$FIELDS_DIY, self::$FIELDS_OMIT); if ($only_split) { unset($attr['id']); } return [$callback, $ios, $channel, $diy, $attr, $permissions, $provinces]; }
/** * @param array $filters * @param array $options * * @return array */ protected function parse_filter(array $filters = null, array $options = array()) { $defaults = ['to_string' => true]; $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); $spec = array('keyword', 'salesman'); $pick = Utils::array_pick($filters, $spec); $filters = Utils::array_omit($filters, $spec); list($conditions, $params) = parent::parse_filter($filters, array('to_string' => false)); foreach ($pick as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'keyword': if ($value) { $conditions[] = "(`alias` LIKE :keyword OR `full_name` LIKE :keyword)"; $params[':keyword'] = "%{$value}%"; } break; case 'salesman': if ($value) { $conditions[] = "(b.`owner`=:salesman OR b.`execute_owner`=:salesman)"; $params[':salesman'] = $value; } break; } } $conditions = $options['to_string'] ? ($options['is_append'] ? ' and ' : '') . implode(' AND ', $conditions) : $options; return array($conditions, $params); }