public function __invoke($request) { $url = $this->view->basePath(); $bbcode = new Decoda($request); $bbcode->defaults(); $bbcode->addHook(new EmoticonHook(array('path' => $url . '/images/emoticons/'))); return $bbcode->parse(); }
/** * Set up Decoda. */ protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $decoda = new Decoda(); $decoda->addFilter(new EmailFilter(array('encrypt' => false))); $decoda->addFilter(new UrlFilter()); $this->object = new ClickableHook(); $this->object->setParser($decoda); }
/** * Process bbcode inside a string * @since Version 3.10.0 * @param string|DOMDocument $string The HTML or text block to process * @return DOMDocument */ public static function Process($string, $doBbcode = true) { if (!$doBbcode) { return $string; } $timer = Debug::getTimer(); /** * Pre-process the string before we send it through the BBCode parser */ $string = self::preProcessBBCodeUIDs($string); $parser = new Decoda($string); $parser->addPath(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'BbcodeEtc' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $emoticonConfig = ['path' => '//', 'extension' => 'gif']; $engine = new DecodaPhpEngine(); $engine->addPath(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'BbcodeEtc' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $parser->setEngine($engine); $parser->defaults(); $parser->setStrict(false); $parser->setLineBreaks(false); $parser->removeHook('Emoticon'); $parser->addFilter(new RailpageImageFilter()); $string = $parser->parse(); $string = html_entity_decode($string); // Fix: if I set escapeHtml in the Decoda options, it fails to auto linkify links //$string = wpautop($string); Debug::LogEvent(__METHOD__, $timer); return $string; }
public function textToBBcode($text) { $whitelist = explode(",", Settings::get('whitelist_tags')); $code = new Decoda\Decoda($text, array('xhtmlOutput' => true, 'strictMode' => false, 'escapeHtml' => false)); $code->addFilter(new \Decoda\Filter\ImageFilter()); $code->addHook(new \Decoda\Hook\EmoticonHook(array('path' => URL::to('plugins/shahiemseymor/bbcode/emoticons') . '/'))); $code->whitelist($whitelist)->addFilter(new \Decoda\Filter\DefaultFilter()); if (trim(Settings::get('language')) != '') { $code->setLocale(Settings::get('language')); } if (Settings::get('shorthand') == TRUE) { $code->addFilter(new \Decoda\Filter\EmailFilter())->addFilter(new \Decoda\Filter\UrlFilter())->setShorthand($text); } $code->defaults(); return $code->parse(); }
public function Parse($string) { $code = new Decoda($string); $code->defaults(); $code->addFilter(new \Decoda\Filter\CodeFilter()); $code->addHook(new \Decoda\Hook\EmoticonHook()); $code->addHook(new \Decoda\Hook\CensorHook()); return $code->parse(); }
/** * Validate the Decoda markup. * * @param string $model * @param string $field * @return bool */ public function validateDecoda($model, $field = 'content') { if (!isset($this->data[$model][$field])) { return true; } $decoda = new Decoda($this->data[$model][$field]); $decoda->defaults()->parse(); $errors = $decoda->getErrors(); if (!$errors) { return true; } $nesting = array(); $closing = array(); $scope = array(); foreach ($errors as $error) { switch ($error['type']) { case Decoda::ERROR_NESTING: $nesting[] = $error['tag']; break; case Decoda::ERROR_CLOSING: $closing[] = $error['tag']; break; case Decoda::ERROR_SCOPE: $scope[] = $error['child'] . ' -> ' . $error['parent']; break; } } if ($nesting) { return $this->invalid('content', 'The following tags have been nested in the wrong order: %s', implode(', ', $nesting)); } if ($closing) { return $this->invalid('content', 'The following tags have no closing tag: %s', implode(', ', $closing)); } if ($scope) { return $this->invalid('content', 'The following tags can not be placed within a specific tag: %s', implode(', ', $scope)); } return true; }
/** * Instantiate the class and apply settings. * * @param View $view * @param array $settings */ public function __construct(View $view, $settings = array()) { parent::__construct($view, $settings); $settings = $settings + Configure::read('Decoda.config'); $locale = Configure::read('Config.language') ?: $settings['locale']; $localeMap = Configure::read('Decoda.locales'); unset($settings['locale']); $decoda = new Decoda('', $settings); $decoda->whitelist($settings['whitelist'])->blacklist($settings['blacklist']); if ($paths = $settings['paths']) { foreach ((array) $paths as $path) { $decoda->addPath($path); } } if ($messages = $settings['messages']) { $decoda->addMessages(new \Decoda\Loader\DataLoader($messages)); } // Set locale if (isset($localeMap[$locale])) { $decoda->setLocale($localeMap[$locale]); } else { if (in_array($locale, $localeMap)) { $decoda->setLocale($locale); } } // Apply hooks and filters if (empty($settings['filters']) && empty($settings['hooks'])) { $decoda->defaults(); } else { if ($filters = $settings['filters']) { foreach ((array) $filters as $filter) { $filter = sprintf('\\Decoda\\Filter\\%sFilter', $filter); $decoda->addFilter(new $filter()); } } if ($hooks = $settings['hooks']) { foreach ((array) $hooks as $hook) { $hook = sprintf('\\Decoda\\Hook\\%sHook', $hook); $decoda->addHook(new $hook()); } } } // Custom config $decoda->addHook(new \Decoda\Hook\EmoticonHook(array('path' => '/utility/img/emoticon/'))); $decoda->setEngine(new CakeEngine($settings['helpers'])); $this->_decoda = $decoda; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function _extractChunks($string) { if (isset($this->_filters['list'])) { $this->_filters['List'] = true; } $nodes = parent::_extractChunks($string); unset($this->_filters['List']); return $nodes; }
/** * @expectedException \Decoda\Exception\MissingLocaleException */ public function testCustomConfigPath() { $decoda = new Decoda('', array('configPath' => '/some/fake/path')); $this->assertEquals('Spoiler', $decoda->message('spoiler')); }
/** * Add any hook dependencies. * * @param \Decoda\Decoda $decoda * @return \Decoda\Filter\CodeFilter */ public function setupHooks(Decoda $decoda) { $decoda->addHook(new CodeHook()); return $this; }