  * Execute the command.
  * @param ContentType $contentType
  * @param ContentTypeTaxonomy $contentTypeTaxonomy
  * @param Validator $validator
  * @param Dispatcher $dispatcher
  * @return CommandResult
 public function handle(ContentType $contentType, ContentTypeTaxonomy $contentTypeTaxonomy, Validator $validator, Dispatcher $dispatcher)
     // in order to determine what permissions are needed to create
     // a taxonomy terms, we will get first what taxonomy the term is for
     // after we can get the taxonomy, we will then get what type the taxonomy
     // belong so we can verify if the user has permission for that type
     try {
         $taxonomy = $contentTypeTaxonomy->findOrFail($this->contentTypeTaxonomyId);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return new CommandResult(false, "Invalid Taxonomy.", null, 400);
     try {
         $type = $contentType->findOrFail($taxonomy->content_type_id);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return new CommandResult(false, "Invalid Content Type.", null, 400);
     // build the permissions needed
     $canManageOnThisType = $type->type . '.manage';
     // check if user has permission
     if (!$this->disablePermissionChecking) {
         if (!$this->user->hasAnyPermission([$canManageOnThisType])) {
             return new CommandResult(false, "Not enough permission.", null, 403);
     // validate data
     $validationResult = $validator->make(array('term' => $this->term, 'slug' => $this->slug, 'content_type_taxonomy_id' => $this->contentTypeTaxonomyId), ContentTypeTaxonomyTerm::$rules);
     if ($validationResult->fails()) {
         return new CommandResult(false, $validationResult->getMessageBag()->first(), null, 400);
     // prepare term to be created
     $termToBeCreated = array('term' => $this->term, 'slug' => $this->slug, 'content_type_taxonomy_id' => $this->contentTypeTaxonomyId);
     // fire creating event
     $dispatcher->fire('contentTypeTaxonomyTerm.creating', array($termToBeCreated));
     // store
     $createdTerm = $taxonomy->terms()->create($termToBeCreated);
     // fire creating event
     $dispatcher->fire('contentTypeTaxonomyTerm.created', array($createdTerm));
     // all good
     return new CommandResult(true, "Taxonomy term successfully created.", $createdTerm, 201);
  * @param ContentType $contentType
  * @param ContentTypeTaxonomy $contentTypeTaxonomy
  * @param ContentTypeTaxonomyTerm $contentTypeTaxonomyTerm
  * @param Dispatcher $dispatcher
  * @return CommandResult
 public function handle(ContentType $contentType, ContentTypeTaxonomy $contentTypeTaxonomy, ContentTypeTaxonomyTerm $contentTypeTaxonomyTerm, Dispatcher $dispatcher)
     // in order to determine what permissions are needed to create
     // a taxonomy terms, we will get first what taxonomy the term is for
     // after we can get the taxonomy, we will then get what type the taxonomy
     // belong so we can verify if the user has permission for that type
     try {
         $taxonomy = $contentTypeTaxonomy->findOrFail($this->taxonomyId);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return new CommandResult(false, "Invalid Taxonomy.", null, 400);
     try {
         $type = $contentType->findOrFail($taxonomy->content_type_id);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return new CommandResult(false, "Invalid Content Type.", null, 400);
     try {
         $term = $contentTypeTaxonomyTerm->findOrFail($this->termId);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return new CommandResult(false, "Invalid Taxonomy Term.", null, 400);
     // build the permissions needed
     $canManageOnThisType = $type->type . '.manage';
     // check if user has permission
     if (!$this->disablePermissionChecking) {
         if (!$this->user->hasAnyPermission([$canManageOnThisType])) {
             return new CommandResult(false, "Not enough permission.", null, 403);
     // fire creating event
     $dispatcher->fire('taxonomyTerm.deleting', array($this->args));
     // detach all posts type related to this term first
     // fire creating event
     $dispatcher->fire('taxonomyTerm.deleted', array($taxonomy));
     // all good
     return new CommandResult(true, "Taxonomy Term successfully deleted.", null, 200);
  * @param Content $content
  * @param ContentType $contentType
  * @param Dispatcher $dispatcher
  * @return CommandResult
 public function handle(Content $content, ContentType $contentType, Dispatcher $dispatcher)
     // get content available permissions
     try {
         $cType = $contentType->findOrFail($this->contentTypeId);
         $cTypeManage = $cType->type . '.manage';
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return new CommandResult(false, "Invalid Content Type.", null, 400);
     // check if user has permission
     if (!$this->disablePermissionChecking) {
         if (!$this->user->hasAnyPermission([$cTypeManage])) {
             return new CommandResult(false, "Not enough permission.", null, 403);
     if (!($c = $content->find($this->id))) {
         return new CommandResult(false, "Content not found.", null, 404);
     // fire event updating
     $dispatcher->fire($cType->type . '.updating', array($c, $this->args));
     // hold the current content so we can use it later if revisions is enabled
     $oldBody = $c->body;
     $c->title = $this->title ? $this->title : $c->title;
     $c->body = $this->body ? $this->body : $c->body;
     $c->slug = $this->slug ? $this->slug : $c->slug;
     $c->status = $this->status ? $this->status : $c->status;
     $c->permission_requirements = $this->permissionRequirements ? $this->permissionRequirements : $c->permission_requirements;
     $c->misc_data = $this->miscData ? $this->miscData : $c->misc_data;
     // taxonomy
     if ($this->taxonomies) {
         // detach all taxonomies first
         foreach ($this->taxonomies as $termId => $value) {
             if ($value == true) {
                 $c->terms()->attach(array('content_type_taxonomy_term_id' => $termId));
     // meta data
     if ($this->metaData) {
         // clear all meta data first
         foreach ($this->metaData as $formGroup => $formGroupData) {
             foreach ($formGroupData as $metaKey => $metaValue) {
                 $c->metaData()->create(array('key' => $metaKey, 'value' => $metaValue, 'form_group_name' => $formGroup));
     // save
     // check if revisions is enabled so we can deal with it
     if ($cType->enable_revisions == ContentType::REVISIONS_ENABLED) {
         if ($oldBody != $c->body) {
             $c->revisions()->create(array('old_content' => $oldBody, 'new_content' => $c->body, 'author_id' => $this->user->id));
     // fire event updated
     $dispatcher->fire($cType->type . '.updated', array($c));
     // return response
     return new CommandResult(true, "Content successfully updated.", $c, 200);
  * Execute the command.
  * @param Content $content
  * @param Factory $validator
  * @param ContentType $contentType
  * @param Dispatcher $dispatcher
  * @param Repository $config
  * @return CommandResult
 public function handle(Content $content, Factory $validator, ContentType $contentType, Dispatcher $dispatcher, Repository $config)
     $content = $this->createContentModel($content, $config);
     // get content available permissions
     try {
         $cType = $contentType->findOrFail($this->contentTypeId);
         $cTypeManage = $cType->type . '.manage';
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return new CommandResult(false, "Invalid Content Type.", null, 400);
     // check if user has permission
     if (!$this->disablePermissionChecking) {
         if (!$this->user->hasAnyPermission([$cTypeManage])) {
             return new CommandResult(false, "Not enough permission.", null, 403);
     // validate data
     $validationResult = $validator->make(array('title' => $this->title, 'body' => $this->body, 'slug' => $this->slug, 'author_id' => $this->authorId, 'content_type_id' => $this->contentTypeId), $content::$rules);
     if ($validationResult->fails()) {
         return new CommandResult(false, $validationResult->getMessageBag()->first(), null, 400);
     // prepare data to be store
     $contentToBeCreated = array('title' => $this->title, 'body' => $this->body, 'slug' => $this->slug, 'status' => Helpers::issetAndHasValueOrAssignDefault($this->status, Content::CONTENT_PUBLISHED), 'author_id' => $this->authorId, 'content_type_id' => $this->contentTypeId, 'meta' => $this->metaData, 'misc_data' => $this->miscData, 'taxonomies' => $this->taxonomies);
     // fire event creating
     $dispatcher->fire($cType->type . '.creating', array($contentToBeCreated));
     $createdContent = $content->create($contentToBeCreated);
     // taxonomy
     foreach ($contentToBeCreated['taxonomies'] as $termId => $value) {
         if ($value == true) {
             $createdContent->terms()->attach(array('content_type_taxonomy_term_id' => $termId));
     // meta
     foreach ($contentToBeCreated['meta'] as $formGroup => $formGroupData) {
         foreach ($formGroupData as $metaKey => $metaValue) {
             $createdContent->metaData()->create(array('key' => $metaKey, 'value' => $metaValue, 'form_group_name' => $formGroup));
     // fire event created
     $dispatcher->fire($cType->type . '.created', array($createdContent));
     // return response
     return new CommandResult(true, "Content successfully created.", $createdContent, 201);