Esempio n. 1
use Dapphp\TorUtils\ControlClient;
use Dapphp\TorUtils\ProtocolError;
$tc = new ControlClient();
// Uncomment line below to enable debug output showing client<->controller communication
try {
    // connect to
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
    echo "Failed to create Tor control connection: " . $ex->getMessage() . "\n";
try {
    // send arbitrary command; use GETINFO command with 'entry-guards' parameter
    $tc->sendData('GETINFO entry-guards');
    // read and parse controller response into a ProtocolReply object
    $reply = $tc->readReply();
    // show the status code of the command, and output the raw response
    printf("Reply status: %d\n", $reply->getStatusCode());
    echo $reply . "\n\n";
    // invokes __toString() to return the server reply
    // get an array of response lines
    $lines = $reply->getReplyLines();
    echo "Entry Guard(s):\n";
    for ($i = 1; $i < sizeof($lines); ++$i) {
        // iterate over each line skipping the first line which was the status
        // match the fingerprint, nickname, and router status of the entry guards
        if (preg_match('/\\$?([\\w\\d]{40})(~|=)([\\w\\d]{1,19}) ([\\w-]+)/', $lines[$i], $match)) {
            echo "  Nickname = '{$match[3]}' / Fingerprint = '{$match[1]}' / Status = '{$match[4]}'\n";
        } else {