protected function _configure() { $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog'); $output = $this->_output; $input = $this->_input; $prompt = function ($key, $text, $default = null, $error = null) use($dialog, $output, $input) { $result = $input->getOption($key); if (empty($result) && !$input->getOption('no-interaction')) { if (!empty($default)) { $text .= '(default: ' . $default . ') '; } while (strlen($result = $dialog->ask($output, '<info>' . $text . '</info>', $default)) == 0) { } } elseif (empty($result)) { $result = $default; if (empty($result)) { $output->writeLn('<error>' . $error . '</error>'); exit(1); } } return $result; }; $config = new Config(WWW_ROOT); $info = $config->getDatabaseInfo(); $config->setDatabaseInfo(array('name' => $prompt('database-name', 'Enter the name of the database? ', @$info['name'], 'Please enter the database name'), 'user' => $prompt('database-user', 'Enter the database user? ', @$info['user'], 'Please enter the database user'), 'password' => $prompt('database-password', 'Enter the database password? ', @$info['password'], 'Please enter the database password'), 'host' => $prompt('database-host', 'Enter the database host address? ', '', @$info['host']), 'port' => $prompt('database-port', 'Enter the database port? ', '3306', @$info['port']), 'prefix' => $prompt('database-prefix', 'Enter a prefix for the tables in the database? ', 'jos_', @$info['prefix']))); define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); define('_JEXEC', 1); define('JPATH_BASE', WWW_ROOT); define('JPATH_ROOT', JPATH_BASE); define('JPATH_SITE', JPATH_ROOT); define('JPATH_CONFIGURATION', JPATH_ROOT); define('JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR', JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator'); define('JPATH_XMLRPC', JPATH_ROOT . '/xmlrpc'); define('JPATH_LIBRARIES', JPATH_ROOT . '/libraries'); define('JPATH_PLUGINS', JPATH_ROOT . '/plugins'); define('JPATH_INSTALLATION', JPATH_ROOT . '/installation'); define('JPATH_THEMES', JPATH_BASE . '/templates'); define('JPATH_CACHE', JPATH_BASE . '/cache'); include_once JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/joomla/import.php'; require_once 'Console/Installer/Helper.php'; $output->writeLn('<info>connecting to database...</info>'); $errors = array(); $database = $config->getDatabaseInfo(); $db = \JInstallationHelper::getDBO('mysqli', $database['host'] . ':' . $database['port'], $database['user'], $database['password'], $database['name'], $database['prefix'], false); if ($db instanceof \JException) { $output->writeLn('<error>' . $db->toString() . '</error>'); exit(1); } $db_exists = \JInstallationHelper::databaseExists($db, $database['name']); $dump_file = null; if ($input->getOption('database-dump')) { $dump_file = realpath($input->getOption('database-dump')); } if ($db_exists && $input->getOption('drop-database')) { $output->writeLn('<fg=red>Dropping existing database...</fg=red>'); \JInstallationHelper::deleteDatabase($db, $database['name'], $database['prefix'], $errors); $db_exists = false; } if (!$db_exists) { $output->writeLn('<info>Creating new database...</info>'); \JInstallationHelper::createDatabase($db, $database['name'], true); $db->select($database['name']); $sql_files = $dump_file ? array($dump_file) : array_map(function ($file) { return $file = ANAHITA_ROOT . "/vendor/joomla/installation/sql/{$file}"; }, array("schema.sql", "data.sql")); $output->writeLn('<info>Populating database...</info>'); array_walk($sql_files, function ($file) use($db) { \JInstallationHelper::populateDatabase($db, $file, $errors); }); } jimport('joomla.user.helper'); $config->secret = \JUserHelper::genRandomPassword(32); //exec("rm -rf ".JPATH_ROOT."/installation"); $config->save(); $output->writeLn("<info>Congratulations you're done.</info>"); if (!$db_exists && !$dump_file) { $output->writeLn("<info>The first person who registers for an account becomes the Super Administrator. Point your browser to http://yoursite/people/signup and create a new account.</info>"); } }
$cmd .= " | sed -e 's/`{$config->prefix}/`#__/'"; } if ($file) { @mkdir(dirname($file), 0755, true); system("{$cmd} > {$file}"); } else { passthru($cmd); } }); } $console->register('db:load')->setDescription('Load data from a sql file into the database')->setDefinition(array(new InputArgument('file', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The output file')))->setCode(function (InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) use($console) { $file = realpath($input->getArgument('file')); if (!file_exists($file)) { throw new \Exception("File '{$file}' doesn't exists"); } require_once 'Console/Installer/Helper.php'; $console->loadFramework(); $config = new Config(WWW_ROOT); $database = $config->getDatabaseInfo(); $errors = array(); $db = \JInstallationHelper::getDBO('mysqli', $database['host'] . ':' . $database['port'], $database['user'], $database['password'], $database['name'], $database['prefix'], true); if ($db instanceof \JException) { $output->writeLn('<error>' . $db->toString() . '</error>'); exit(1); } if ($input->getOption('drop-tables')) { \JInstallationHelper::deleteDatabase($db, $database['name'], $database['prefix'], $errors); } $output->writeLn('<info>Loading data. This may take a while...</info>'); \JInstallationHelper::populateDatabase($db, $file, $errors); });