public function process(Version $version) { $fr = $version->getFileResource(); $image = \Image::load($fr->read()); $fr = $version->getFileResource(); $width = $this->getMaxWidth(); $height = $this->getMaxHeight(); $mode = $this->getConstraintMode(); $thumbnail = $image->thumbnail(new Box($width, $height), $mode); $mimetype = $fr->getMimeType(); $thumbnailOptions = array(); switch ($mimetype) { case 'image/jpeg': $thumbnailType = 'jpeg'; $thumbnailOptions = array('jpeg_quality' => \Config::get('concrete.misc.default_jpeg_image_compression')); break; case 'image/png': $thumbnailType = 'png'; break; case 'image/gif': $thumbnailType = 'gif'; break; case 'image/xbm': $thumbnailType = 'xbm'; break; case 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp': $thumbnailType = 'wbmp'; break; default: $thumbnailType = 'png'; break; } $version->updateContents($thumbnail->get($thumbnailType, $thumbnailOptions)); }
public function inspect(Version $fv) { $fr = $fv->getFileResource(); $image = Image::load($fr->read()); $data = $image->getSize(); // sets an attribute - these file attribute keys should be added // by the system and "reserved" $at1 = FileAttributeKey::getByHandle('width'); $at2 = FileAttributeKey::getByHandle('height'); $fv->setAttribute($at1, $data->getWidth()); $fv->setAttribute($at2, $data->getHeight()); }
public function process(Version $version) { switch ($this->getFormat()) { case self::FORMAT_JPEG: $extension = 'jpg'; default: $extension = 'jpg'; break; } if ($extension) { $fr = $version->getFileResource(); $image = \Image::load($fr->read()); $filename = $version->getFileName(); $service = \Core::make('helper/file'); $newFilename = $service->replaceExtension($filename, $extension); $version->updateContents($image->get($extension)); $version->rename($newFilename); } }
public function inspect(Version $fv) { $fr = $fv->getFileResource(); $imagine = Core::make(Image::getFacadeAccessor()); if (\Config::get('concrete.file_manager.images.use_exim_data_to_rotate_images')) { try { $imagine->setMetadataReader(new ExifMetadataReader()); } catch (NotSupportedException $e) { } } $image = $imagine->load($fr->read()); $data = $image->getSize(); // sets an attribute - these file attribute keys should be added // by the system and "reserved" $at1 = FileAttributeKey::getByHandle('width'); $at2 = FileAttributeKey::getByHandle('height'); $fv->setAttribute($at1, $data->getWidth()); $fv->setAttribute($at2, $data->getHeight()); // Set image aspect ratio if we can. \Log::info('Image Inspector'); if (\Config::get('concrete.file_manager.images.use_exim_data_to_rotate_images')) { $metadata = $image->metadata(); \Log::info('Checking EXIF Metadata'); if (isset($metadata['ifd0.Orientation'])) { \Log::info('EXIF data found: ' . $metadata['ifd0.Orientation']); switch ($metadata['ifd0.Orientation']) { case 3: $image->rotate(180); $fv->updateContents($image->get($fv->getExtension())); break; case 6: $image->rotate(90); $fv->updateContents($image->get($fv->getExtension())); break; case 8: $image->rotate(-90); $fv->updateContents($image->get($fv->getExtension())); break; } } } }
public function inspect(Version $fv) { $at1 = FileAttributeKey::getByHandle('duration'); $at2 = FileAttributeKey::getByHandle('width'); $at3 = FileAttributeKey::getByHandle('height'); // we killed $path here because the file might be hosted remotely. // @TODO add in support for streams through the $filesystem object. $cf = Core::make('helper/concrete/file'); $fs = $fv->getFile()->getFileStorageLocationObject()->getFileSystemObject(); $fp = $fs->readStream($cf->prefix($fv->getPrefix(), $fv->getFileName())); @fseek($fp, 27); $onMetaData = fread($fp, 10); //if ($onMetaData != 'onMetaData') exit('No meta data available in this file! Fix it using this tool:'); @fseek($fp, 16, SEEK_CUR); $duration = array_shift(unpack('d', strrev(fread($fp, 8)))); @fseek($fp, 8, SEEK_CUR); $width = array_shift(unpack('d', strrev(fread($fp, 8)))); @fseek($fp, 9, SEEK_CUR); $height = array_shift(unpack('d', strrev(fread($fp, 8)))); $fv->setAttribute($at1, $duration); $fv->setAttribute($at2, $width); $fv->setAttribute($at3, $height); }
public static function add($filename, $prefix, $data = array(), $fsl = false) { $db = Loader::db(); $dh = Loader::helper('date'); $date = $dh->getOverridableNow(); if (!is_object($fsl)) { $fsl = StorageLocation::getDefault(); } $uID = 0; $u = new User(); if (isset($data['uID'])) { $uID = $data['uID']; } else { if ($u->isRegistered()) { $uID = $u->getUserID(); } } $f = new self(); $f->uID = $uID; $f->storageLocation = $fsl; $f->fDateAdded = new Carbon($date); $em = \ORM::entityManager('core'); $em->persist($f); $em->flush(); $fv = Version::add($f, $filename, $prefix, $data); $f->versions->add($fv); $fve = new \Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileVersion($fv); Events::dispatch('on_file_add', $fve); $entities = $u->getUserAccessEntityObjects(); $hasUploader = false; foreach ($entities as $obj) { if ($obj instanceof FileUploaderPermissionAccessEntity) { $hasUploader = true; } } if (!$hasUploader) { $u->refreshUserGroups(); } return $fv; }
public function getFilePath(FileVersion $fv) { $prefix = $fv->getPrefix(); $filename = $fv->getFileName(); $hi = Core::make('helper/file'); $ii = Core::make('helper/concrete/file'); $f1 = REL_DIR_FILES_THUMBNAILS . '/' . $this->getDirectoryName() . $ii->prefix($prefix, $filename); $f2 = REL_DIR_FILES_THUMBNAILS . '/' . $this->getDirectoryName() . $ii->prefix($prefix, $hi->replaceExtension($filename, 'jpg')); // 5.7.4 keeps extension; older sets it to .jpg $filesystem = $fv->getFile()->getFileStorageLocationObject()->getFileSystemObject(); if ($filesystem->has($f1)) { return $f1; } //fallback return $f2; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getListingThumbnailImage() { $this->__initializer__ && $this->__initializer__->__invoke($this, 'getListingThumbnailImage', array()); return parent::getListingThumbnailImage(); }
public static function add(\Concrete\Core\File\File $file, $filename, $prefix, $data = array()) { $u = new User(); $uID = isset($data['uID']) && $data['uID'] > 0 ? $data['uID'] : $u->getUserID(); if ($uID < 1) { $uID = 0; } $fvTitle = isset($data['fvTitle']) ? $data['fvTitle'] : ''; $fvDescription = isset($data['fvDescription']) ? $data['fvDescription'] : ''; $fvTags = isset($data['fvTags']) ? Version::cleanTags($data['fvTags']) : ''; $fvIsApproved = isset($data['fvIsApproved']) ? $data['fvIsApproved'] : '1'; $db = Database::get(); $dh = Core::make('helper/date'); $date = new Carbon($dh->getOverridableNow()); $fv = new static(); $fv->fvFilename = $filename; $fv->fvPrefix = $prefix; $fv->fvDateAdded = $date; $fv->fvIsApproved = (bool) $fvIsApproved; $fv->fvApproverUID = $uID; $fv->fvAuthorUID = $uID; $fv->fvActivateDateTime = $date; $fv->fvTitle = $fvTitle; $fv->fvDescription = $fvDescription; $fv->fvTags = $fvTags; $fv->file = $file; $fv->fvID = 1; $em = \ORM::entityManager('core'); $em->persist($fv); $em->flush(); $fve = new \Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileVersion($fv); Events::dispatch('on_file_version_add', $fve); return $fv; }
public function getFilePath(FileVersion $fv) { $prefix = $fv->getPrefix(); $filename = $fv->getFileName(); $hi = Core::make('helper/file'); $ii = Core::make('helper/concrete/file'); $filename = $hi->replaceExtension($filename, 'jpg'); return REL_DIR_FILES_THUMBNAILS . '/' . $this->getDirectoryName() . $ii->prefix($prefix, $filename); }
/** * Get the main image path ignoring the thumbnail requirements * * @param \Concrete\Core\File\Version $file_version * @param \Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type\Version $thumbnail * @return string */ protected function getDefaultPath(Version $file_version, ThumbnailVersion $thumbnail, StorageLocation $storage, ConfigurationInterface $configuration) { $cf = $this->app->make('helper/concrete/file'); if ($configuration->hasPublicURL()) { $file = $cf->prefix($file_version->getPrefix(), $file_version->getFileName()); if ($configuration instanceof DeferredConfigurationInterface) { return $file; } return $configuration->getPublicURLToFile($file); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getJSONObject() { $this->__initializer__ && $this->__initializer__->__invoke($this, 'getJSONObject', array()); return parent::getJSONObject(); }
public function process(Version $version) { $fr = $version->getFileResource(); $image = \Image::load($fr->read()); $version->updateContents($image->get('jpg', array('jpeg_quality' => $this->getQuality()))); }
public function getListingThumbnailImage() { return parent::getListingThumbnailImage(); }