Esempio n. 1
  * @return string
 protected static function getCoreHooksPath()
     foreach (static::$event->getArguments() as $arg) {
         if (strpos($arg, '--') !== 0) {
             return $arg;
     /** @var \Composer\Package\Package $root_package */
     $root_package = static::$event->getComposer()->getPackage();
     $extra = $root_package->getExtra();
     if (!empty($extra[static::$selfPackage['name']]['core.hooksPath'])) {
         return $extra[static::$selfPackage['name']]['core.hooksPath'];
     if (is_dir(static::$defaultCoreHooksPath)) {
         return static::$defaultCoreHooksPath;
     /** @var \Composer\Config $config */
     $config = static::$event->getComposer()->getConfig();
     $chg_path_abs = $config->get('vendor-dir') . '/' . static::$selfPackage['name'];
     $cwd = getcwd();
     $cgh_path_rel = preg_replace('@^' . preg_quote("{$cwd}/", '@') . '@', '', "{$chg_path_abs}/");
     $cgh_path_rel = rtrim($cgh_path_rel, '/');
     if (!$cgh_path_rel) {
         $cgh_path_rel = '.';
     if (is_dir("{$cgh_path_rel}/" . static::$defaultCoreHooksPath)) {
         return "{$cgh_path_rel}/" . static::$defaultCoreHooksPath;
     if ($root_package->getName() === static::$selfPackage['name']) {
         return static::$defaultCoreHooksPath;
     return realpath(__DIR__ . '/..') . '/' . static::$defaultCoreHooksPath;
 public static function postCreateProject(Event $event)
     $args = $event->getArguments();
     /** @var \Composer\IO\IOInterface $io */
     $io = $event->getIO();
     $projectIdentifier = isset($args['directory']) ? $args['directory'] : 'my-project';
     $projectIdentifier = $io->ask('Enter the project identifier [<comment>' . $projectIdentifier . '</comment>]: ', $projectIdentifier);
     $projectName = ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', $projectIdentifier));
     $projectName = $io->ask('Enter the project name [<comment>' . $projectName . '</comment>]: ', $projectName);
     self::replace(__DIR__ . '/.gitignore', $projectName, $projectIdentifier);
     self::replace(__DIR__ . '/composer.json.template', $projectName, $projectIdentifier);
     self::replace(__DIR__ . '/Gruntfile.js', $projectName, $projectIdentifier);
     self::replace(__DIR__ . '/package.json', $projectName, $projectIdentifier);
     self::replace(__DIR__ . '/webpack.config.js', $projectName, $projectIdentifier);
     self::replace(__DIR__ . '/', $projectName, $projectIdentifier);
     self::replaceDir(__DIR__ . '/web/wp-content/themes/wordpress-boilerplate', $projectName, $projectIdentifier);
     rename(__DIR__ . '/web/wp-content/themes/wordpress-boilerplate', __DIR__ . '/web/wp-content/themes/' . $projectIdentifier);
     unlink(__DIR__ . '/');
     rename(__DIR__ . '/', __DIR__ . '/');
     unlink(__DIR__ . '/composer.json');
     rename(__DIR__ . '/composer.json.template', __DIR__ . '/composer.json');
     unlink(__DIR__ . '/composer.lock');
     self::removeDir(__DIR__ . '/vendor');
     unlink(__DIR__ . '/ComposerScripts.php');
Esempio n. 3
 public static function migrateDatabase(Event $event = null, $testing = false)
     if ($event) {
         // Use the event's IO
         $io = $event->getIO();
         $arguments = $event->getArguments();
         $testingArguments = array('testing', '--testing', '-t');
         $testing = count(array_intersect($arguments, $testingArguments)) > 0;
     } else {
         // Create our own IO
         $input = new ArrayInput(array());
         $output = new ConsoleOutput();
         $helperSet = new HelperSet(array(new QuestionHelper()));
         $io = new ConsoleIO($input, $output, $helperSet);
     try {
         $config = self::getDatabaseConfig($testing);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $io->write("<bg=red>\n\n [WARNING] " . $e->getMessage() . ", the database won't be updated\n</>");
     // If the database doesn't exist, ask the user to create it and perform
     // the necessary migrations (unless the user didn't agree to
     // create the database)
     if (self::createDatabase($io, $config['host'], $config['username'], $config['password'], $config['database'])) {
         // newline
         $arguments = array('migrate', '-e' => $testing ? 'test' : 'main');
         $app = new PhinxApplication();
         $app->doRun(new ArrayInput($arguments), new ConsoleOutput());
  * Run with composer validate-masonry
  * @param Event $event
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.StaticAccess)
 public static function validate(Event $event)
     $configFile = '';
     $localYaml = getcwd() . '/masonry.yaml';
     if (is_file($localYaml)) {
         $configFile = $localYaml;
     if (array_key_exists(0, $event->getArguments())) {
         $configFile = $event->getArguments()[0];
         if (!is_file($configFile)) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException("'{$configFile}' is not a Module configuration file");
     // Validate
     $event->getIO()->write("Module file '{$configFile}' is valid");
 public static function buildResource(Event $event)
     $io = $event->getIO();
     $args = ScriptToolkit::processArguments($event->getArguments());
     $target = isset($args['target']) ? ' -target ' . $args['target'] : '';
     $target = isset($args['all']) ? ' -target all' : $target;
     $process = ScriptToolkit::createProcess('bin/cli honeybee.core.trellis.generate_code -quiet' . $target, ScriptToolkit::getProjectPath($event));
     $process->run(function ($type, $buffer) use($io) {
         $io->write($buffer, false);
 public static function importFixture(Event $event)
     $args = ScriptToolkit::processArguments($event->getArguments());
     $target = isset($args['target']) ? ' -target ' . $args['target'] : '';
     $fixture = isset($args['fixture']) ? ' -fixture ' . $args['fixture'] : '';
     $io = $event->getIO();
     $process = ScriptToolkit::createProcess('bin/cli honeybee.core.fixture.import' . $target . $fixture, ScriptToolkit::getProjectPath($event));
     $process->run(function ($type, $buffer) use($io) {
         $io->write($buffer, false);
Esempio n. 7
 public static function run(Event $event)
     $args = $event->getArguments();
     define('BASEPATH', 'foobar');
     /* for old school file protector */
     define('ROOTPATH', realpath('.'));
     define('DEBUG', $_SERVER['SERVER_DEBUG']);
     require __DIR__ . '/includes/compat.php';
     require __DIR__ . '/includes/functions.php';
     require __DIR__ . '/includes/output.php';
     $output = new \output(true);
     $func = new \func();
     $methods = get_class_methods($func);
     if (!isset($args[0])) {
         $methods[] = 'cli +{any codeigniter cli command}';
         $actions = '';
         foreach ($methods as $m) {
             if ($m[0] != '_') {
                 $actions .= str_replace('_', ' ', $m) . chr(10);
         $output->e('<blue>Please provide action:<off>' . chr(10) . trim($actions), true);
     if ($args[0] == 'cli') {
         /* shift off cli */
         /* call codeigniter cli script passthru */
         passthru('cd ' . ROOTPATH . '/public;php index.php ' . implode(' ', $args));
     /* is the command there? */
     $command = implode('_', $args);
     if (!in_array($command, $methods)) {
         $output->e('<red>Unknown Command: ' . $command, true);
     /* load setup json */
     $setup_file = __DIR__ . '/setup.json';
     $output->e('<yellow>Setup File ' . $setup_file);
     if (!file_exists($setup_file)) {
         $output->e('<red>Setup File Missing?', true);
     $setup = json_decode(file_get_contents($setup_file), true);
     /* start the party */
     $output->e('<green>Start ' . $args[0]);
     $func->_process($command, $setup, $output);
 protected static function _getApiKey(Event $event)
     //Check if api key got passed as argument
     $arguments = $event->getArguments();
     if (isset($arguments[0])) {
         return $arguments[0];
     //Check for `.apikey` file in the working directory
     $composer = $event->getComposer();
     $apiKeyFile = realpath(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [__DIR__, '..', '..', '..', '.apikey']));
     if (is_readable($apiKeyFile)) {
         return trim(file_get_contents($apiKeyFile));
     //No api key found, throw Exception
     throw new \Exception('Please provide a valid api key. Pass it as argument or put it in the `.apikey` file.');
 public static function call(Event $event)
     $io = $event->getIO();
     $args = ScriptToolkit::processArguments($event->getArguments());
     if (!isset($args['route'])) {
         throw new Exception('"route" argument is required');
     $cmd_line = ['bin/cli', $args['route']];
     foreach ($args as $arg => $val) {
         $cmd_line[] = '-' . $arg;
         $cmd_line[] = $val;
     $process = ScriptToolkit::createProcess(implode(' ', $cmd_line), ScriptToolkit::getProjectPath($event));
     $process->run(function ($type, $buffer) use($io) {
         $io->write($buffer, false);
Esempio n. 10
  * This method will be invoked by composer after a successful installation and creates
  * the application server configuration file under etc/appserver/appserver.xml.
  * @param \Composer\Script\Event $event The event that invokes this method
  * @return void
 public static function postInstall(Event $event)
     // initialize the installation directory
     $override = false;
     $installDir = getcwd();
     // check the arguments for an installation directory
     foreach ($event->getArguments() as $arg) {
         // extract arguments
         list($key, ) = explode('=', $arg);
         // query we want to override files
         if ($key === SetupKeys::ARG_OVERRIDE) {
             $override = true;
         // query for a custom installation directory
         if ($key === SetupKeys::ARG_INSTALL_DIR) {
             $installDir = str_replace("{$key}=", '', $arg);
     Setup::prepareContext($installDir, $event);
     // process and move the configuration files their target directory
     Setup::processTemplate('etc/appserver/appserver.xml', $override);
     // write a message to the console
     $event->getIo()->write(sprintf('%s<info>Successfully invoked Composer post-install-cmd script ...</info>', Setup::$logo));
Esempio n. 11
  * Instantiate an AbstractTask object.
  * @since 0.1.0
  * @param ConfigInterface $config Configuration settings.
  * @param Event           $event  The Composer Event that is being handled.
  * @throws FailedToProcessConfigException If the configuration could not be processed.
 public function __construct(ConfigInterface $config, Event $event)
     $this->event = $event;
     $this->name = $event->getName();
     $this->arguments = $event->getArguments();
     $this->flags = $event->getFlags();
     $this->composer = $event->getComposer();
     $this->io = $event->getIO();
Esempio n. 12
  * event listener is named this way, as it listens for events leading to changed code files
  * @param Event $event
 public function onNewCodeEvent(Event $event)
     $packageTypeToMatch = static::PACKAGE_TYPE;
     $magentoModules = array_filter($this->composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository()->getPackages(), function (PackageInterface $package) use($packageTypeToMatch) {
         if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) {
             return false;
         return $package->getType() === $packageTypeToMatch;
     $vendorDir = rtrim($this->composer->getConfig()->get(self::VENDOR_DIR_KEY), '/');
     Helper::initMagentoRootDir($this->config, $this->io, $this->filesystem, $vendorDir);
     if (in_array('--redeploy', $event->getArguments())) {
         $this->writeDebug('remove all deployed modules');
     $this->writeDebug('start magento module deploy via moduleManager');
     $patcher = Bootstrap::fromConfig($this->config);
     try {
     } catch (\DomainException $e) {
         $this->io->write('<comment>' . $e->getMessage() . '</comment>');