Esempio n. 1
  * Default view function
  * @return void
 public function displayTask()
     $filters = Filters::getFilters("{$this->_option}.{$this->_controller}");
     $records = Record::all();
     // Take filters and apply them to the tasks
     if ($filters['search']) {
         foreach ($filters['search'] as $term) {
             $records->where('description', 'LIKE', "%{$term}%", 'and', 1);
             $records->orWhereRelatedHas('task', function ($task) use($term) {
                 $task->where('name', 'LIKE', "%{$term}%");
             }, 1);
     if ($filters['q']) {
         foreach ($filters['q'] as $q) {
             if ($q['o'] == '=' && $q['column'] == 'date') {
                 $q['o'] = 'LIKE';
                 $q['value'] .= '%';
             if ($q['o'] == '!=' && $q['column'] == 'date') {
                 $q['o'] = 'NOT LIKE';
                 $q['value'] .= '%';
             $records->where($q['column'], $q['o'], $q['value']);
     // Display
     $this->view->filters = $filters;
     $this->view->records = $records->paginated()->ordered()->including('task', 'user', 'task.hub');
Esempio n. 2
  * Lists all time records constrained by given constraints
  * @return void
 public function index()
     $limit = $this->arguments->getOpt('limit', 20);
     foreach (Record::all()->limit($limit) as $record) {
         $line = '(' . $record->user->name . ') ' . $record->task->name . ': ' . $record->description;
Esempio n. 3
  * Get summary of time for each person on each day of the week
  * @return  void
 public static function getTimeForWeeklyBar()
     $records = Record::all();
     $records->select('user_id')->select('SUM(time)', 'time')->select('DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(date, "+00:00", "' . Config::get('offset', '+00:00') . '"), "%Y-%m-%d")', 'day')->group('user_id')->group('day');
     $users = [User::get('id')];
     // Add extra users for proxies
     foreach (Proxy::whereEquals('proxy_id', User::get('id')) as $proxy) {
         $users[] = $proxy->user_id;
     $records->whereIn('user_id', $users);
     // Get the day of the week
     $today = Date::of(Request::getVar('week', time()));
     $dateofToday = $today->format('Y-m-d');
     $dayOfWeek = $today->format('N') - 1;
     $records->having('day', '>=', Date::of(strtotime("{$dateofToday} - {$dayOfWeek}days"))->toLocal('Y-m-d'))->having('day', '<', Date::of(strtotime("{$dateofToday} + " . (7 - $dayOfWeek) . 'days'))->toLocal('Y-m-d'));
     $rows = $records->including('user')->rows();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $row->set('user_name', $row->user->name);
     echo json_encode($rows->toArray());
Esempio n. 4
  * Get time of each task
  * @return void
 public static function getTimePerTask()
     $permissions = new Permissions('com_time');
     $hub_id = Request::getInt('hub_id', null);
     $task_id = Request::getInt('task_id', null);
     $start = Request::getCmd('start_date', Date::of(strtotime('today - 1 month'))->format('Y-m-d'));
     $end = Request::getCmd('end_date', Date::format('Y-m-d'));
     $tasks = Task::blank();
     $records = Record::all();
     $records = $records->select('SUM(time)', 'hours')->select($records->getQualifiedFieldName('id'))->select('task_id')->select($tasks->getQualifiedFieldName('name'))->join($tasks->getTableName(), 'task_id', $tasks->getQualifiedFieldName('id'))->where('date', '>=', Date::of($start . ' 00:00:00', Config::get('offset'))->toSql())->where('date', '<=', Date::of($end . ' 23:59:59', Config::get('offset'))->toSql())->order('hours', 'asc')->group('task_id');
     if (isset($task_id) && $task_id > 0) {
         $records->whereEquals('task_id', $task_id);
     } else {
         if (isset($hub_id) && $hub_id > 0) {
             $records->whereRelatedHas('task', function ($task) use($hub_id) {
                 $task->whereEquals('hub_id', $hub_id);
     $summary = array();
     // Loop through and check permissions and grab raw object from rows
     foreach ($records->including('task') as $record) {
         if ($permissions->can('', 'hubs', $record->task->hub_id)) {
             $summary[] = $record->toObject();
     echo json_encode($summary);
Esempio n. 5
  * Download CSV
  * @return void
 public static function download()
     // Load language
     Lang::load('plg_time_csv', __DIR__);
     $hub_id = Request::getInt('hub_id', null);
     $start = Request::getCmd('start_date', Date::of(strtotime('today - 1 month'))->format('Y-m-d'));
     $end = Request::getCmd('end_date', Date::format('Y-m-d'));
     $records = Record::all()->where('date', '>=', $start)->where('date', '<=', Date::of(strtotime($end . ' + 1 day'))->format('Y-m-d'))->order('date', 'asc');
     if (isset($hub_id) && $hub_id > 0) {
         // @FIXME: is there a better way to do this?
         $records->whereIn('task_id', Task::select('id')->whereEquals('hub_id', $hub_id)->rows()->fieldsByKey('id'));
         $hubname = Hub::oneOrFail($hub_id)->name_normalized;
     $all = true;
     foreach (Request::query() as $key => $value) {
         if (strpos($key, 'fields-') !== false) {
             $all = false;
     $filename = 'time_report';
     $filename .= isset($hubname) ? '_' . $hubname : '';
     $filename .= '_' . Date::of($start)->format('Ymd');
     $filename .= '-' . Date::of($end)->format('Ymd');
     $filename .= '.csv';
     // Set content type headers
     header("Content-type: application/csv");
     header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$filename}");
     header("Pragma: no-cache");
     header("Expires: 0");
     $row = array();
     if ($hub = Request::getInt('fields-hub', $all)) {
         $row[] = Lang::txt('PLG_TIME_CSV_HUB');
     if ($task = Request::getInt('fields-task', $all)) {
         $row[] = Lang::txt('PLG_TIME_CSV_TASK');
     if ($user = Request::getInt('fields-user', $all)) {
         $row[] = Lang::txt('PLG_TIME_CSV_USER');
     if ($date = Request::getInt('fields-date', $all)) {
         $row[] = Lang::txt('PLG_TIME_CSV_DATE');
     if ($time = Request::getInt('fields-time', $all)) {
         $row[] = Lang::txt('PLG_TIME_CSV_TIME');
     if ($description = Request::getInt('fields-description', $all)) {
         $row[] = Lang::txt('PLG_TIME_CSV_DESCRIPTION');
     echo implode(',', $row) . "\n";
     $permissions = new Permissions('com_time');
     foreach ($records->including('task.hub', 'user') as $record) {
         if ($permissions->can('', 'hub', $record->task->hub_id)) {
             $output = fopen('php://output', 'w');
             $row = array();
             if ($hub) {
                 $row[] = $record->task->hub->name;
             if ($task) {
                 $row[] = $record->task->name;
             if ($user) {
                 $row[] = $record->user->name;
             if ($date) {
                 $row[] = Date::of($record->date)->toLocal();
             if ($time) {
                 $row[] = $record->time;
             if ($description) {
                 $row[] = $record->description;
             fputcsv($output, $row);
Esempio n. 6
  * Lists all applicable time records
  * @apiMethod GET
  * @apiUri    /time/indexRecords
  * @apiParameter {
  * 		"name":        "tid",
  * 		"description": "Task id by which to limit records",
  * 		"type":        "integer",
  * 		"required":    false,
  * 		"default":     null
  * }
  * @apiParameter {
  * 		"name":        "startdate",
  * 		"description": "Beginning date threshold",
  * 		"type":        "string",
  * 		"required":    false,
  * 		"default":     null
  * }
  * @apiParameter {
  * 		"name":        "enddate",
  * 		"description": "Ending date threshold",
  * 		"type":        "string",
  * 		"required":    false,
  * 		"default":     null
  * }
  * @apiParameter {
  * 		"name":        "limit",
  * 		"description": "Maximim number of records to return",
  * 		"type":        "integer",
  * 		"required":    false,
  * 		"default":     1000
  * }
  * @apiParameter {
  * 		"name":        "start",
  * 		"description": "Record index to start at (for pagination)",
  * 		"type":        "integer",
  * 		"required":    false,
  * 		"default":     0
  * }
  * @apiParameter {
  * 		"name":        "orderby",
  * 		"description": "Field by which to order results",
  * 		"type":        "string",
  * 		"required":    false,
  * 		"default":     "id"
  * }
  * @apiParameter {
  * 		"name":        "orderdir",
  * 		"description": "Direction by which to order results",
  * 		"type":        "string",
  * 		"required":    false,
  * 		"default":     "asc"
  * }
  * @return  void
 public function indexRecordsTask()
     // Require authentication and authorization
     $record = Record::all();
     if ($task_id = Request::getInt('tid', false)) {
         $record->whereEquals('task_id', $task_id);
     if ($start_date = Request::getVar('startdate', false)) {
         $record->where('date', '>=', $start_date);
     if ($end_date = Request::getVar('enddate', false)) {
         $record->where('date', '<=', $end_date);
     if ($limit = Request::getInt('limit', 1000)) {
     if ($start = Request::getInt('start', 0)) {
     if (($orderby = Request::getCmd('orderby', 'id')) && ($orderdir = Request::getCmd('orderdir', 'asc'))) {
         $record->order($orderby, $orderdir);
     // Create object with records property
     $response = new stdClass();
     $response->records = $record->rows()->toObject();
     // Return object