Esempio n. 1
  * Forward Tracker
  * @return 	void
 private function forwardTrackingTask()
     //get reqest vars
     $token = Request::getVar('t', '');
     //parse mailing token
     $recipient = Helper::parseMailingToken($token);
     //if we found an object lets track it
     if (is_object($recipient) && $recipient->id) {
         //new mailing recipient action objec
         $newsletterMailingRecipientAction = new MailingRecipientAction($this->database);
         //create object holding our vars to store action
         $action = new stdClass();
         $action->mailingid = $recipient->mid;
         $action->action = 'forward';
         $action->action_vars = null;
         $action->email = $recipient->email;
         $action->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
         $action->user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
         $action->date = \Date::toSql();
         //save action
Esempio n. 2
  * Get Opens and Return as JSON
  * @param  [type] $mailingId [description]
  * @return [type]            [description]
 public function getOpensGeoTask($mailingId = null)
     //are we getting through ajax
     $no_html = Request::getInt('no_html', 0);
     //get the mailing id
     if (is_null($mailingId)) {
         $mailingId = Request::getVar('mailingid', 0);
     $states = array("alabama" => 'al', "alaska" => 'ak', "arizona" => 'az', "arkansas" => 'ar', "california" => 'ca', "colorado" => 'co', "connecticut" => 'ct', "delaware" => 'de', "florida" => 'fl', "georgia" => 'ga', "hawaii" => 'hi', "idaho" => 'id', "illinois" => 'il', "indiana" => 'in', "iowa" => 'ia', "kansas" => 'ks', "kentucky" => 'ky', "louisiana" => 'la', "maine" => 'me', "maryland" => 'md', "massachusetts" => ' ma', "michigan" => 'mi', "minnesota" => 'mn', "mississippi" => 'ms', "missouri" => 'mo', "montana" => 'mt', "nebraska" => 'ne', "nevada" => 'nv', "new hampshire" => 'nh', "new jersey" => 'nj', "new mexico" => 'nm', "new york" => 'ny', "north carolina" => 'nc', "north dakota" => 'nd', "ohio" => 'oh', "oklahoma" => 'ok', "oregon" => 'or', "pennsylvania" => 'pa', "rhode island" => 'ri', "south carolina" => 'sc', "south dakota" => 'sd', "tennessee" => 'tn', "texas" => 'tx', "utah" => 'ut', "vermont" => 'vt', "virginia" => 'va', "washington" => 'wa', "west virginia" => 'wv', "wisconsin" => 'wi', "wyoming" => 'wy');
     //new mailing recipient action object
     $newsletterMailingRecipientAction = new MailingRecipientAction($this->database);
     //get opens
     $opens = $newsletterMailingRecipientAction->getMailingActions($mailingId, 'open');
     //get country and state data
     $countryGeo = array();
     $statesGeo = array();
     foreach ($opens as $open) {
         $country = $open->countrySHORT ? strtolower($open->countrySHORT) : 'undetermined';
         $state = $open->ipREGION ? 'us-' . strtolower($states[strtolower($open->ipREGION)]) : 'undetermined';
         $countryGeo[$country] = isset($countryGeo[$country]) ? $countryGeo[$country] + 1 : 1;
         $statesGeo[$state] = isset($statesGeo[$state]) ? $statesGeo[$state] + 1 : 1;
     //build return object
     $geo = array('country' => $countryGeo, 'state' => $statesGeo);
     if ($no_html) {
         echo json_encode($geo);
     } else {
         return $geo;