Esempio n. 1
 function open($path, $name)
     if (Config::getInstance()->is_debug()) {
         $message = sprintf("session_open : path=%s name %s", $path, $name);
     $this->dbh = PDOWrapper::getHandle();
     return TRUE;
Esempio n. 2
File: Facebook.php Progetto: rjha/sc
  * function to create a facebook user data in our system. we populate the following tables
  * sc_login
  * sc_facebook
  * sc_denorm_user (via a trigger)
  * The data manipulated via our web forms is always stored in sc_denorm_table
  * sc_facebook is for first time creation only. We could have removed the columns from
  * sc_facebook that are already present in sc_denorm_user. However for lookup or other
  * purposes (e.g., common columns are a necessary evil. We should never
  * update sc_facebook and other user base tables (sc_twitter, sc_user etc.) via our web forms.
 static function create($facebookId, $name, $firstName, $lastName, $link, $gender, $email, $provider, $access_token, $expires, $remoteIp)
     $dbh = NULL;
     try {
         $sql1 = "insert into sc_login (provider,name,created_on,access_token,expire_on,ip_address) ";
         $sql1 .= " values(:provider,:name,now(),:access_token, %s, :ip_address) ";
         $dbh = PDOWrapper::getHandle();
         //Tx start
         $expiresOn = "(now() + interval " . $expires . " second)";
         $sql1 = sprintf($sql1, $expiresOn);
         $stmt1 = $dbh->prepare($sql1);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":name", $name);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":provider", $provider);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":access_token", $access_token);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":ip_address", $remoteIp);
         $stmt1 = NULL;
         $loginId = $dbh->lastInsertId();
         settype($loginId, "integer");
         $sql2 = " insert into sc_facebook(facebook_id,name,first_name,last_name,link,gender,";
         $sql2 .= " email,login_id,ip_address,created_on) ";
         $sql2 .= " values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,now()) ";
         $stmt2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2);
         $stmt2->bindParam(1, $facebookId);
         $stmt2->bindParam(2, $name);
         $stmt2->bindParam(3, $firstName);
         $stmt2->bindParam(4, $lastName);
         $stmt2->bindParam(5, $link);
         $stmt2->bindParam(6, $gender);
         $stmt2->bindParam(7, $email);
         $stmt2->bindParam(8, $loginId);
         $stmt2->bindParam(9, $remoteIp);
         $stmt2 = NULL;
         //Tx end
         $dbh = null;
         return $loginId;
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         $dbh = null;
         throw new DBException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $dbh = null;
         $message = $ex->getMessage();
         throw new DBException($message);
Esempio n. 3
File: Comment.php Progetto: rjha/sc
 static function create($loginId, $name, $ownerId, $postId, $title, $comment)
     $dbh = NULL;
     try {
         // insert into sc_comment, adjust counters via trigger
         $sql1 = " insert into sc_comment(post_id,description,login_id, created_on) ";
         $sql1 .= " values(:post_id,:comment,:login_id,now()) ";
         $dbh = PDOWrapper::getHandle();
         //Tx start
         $stmt1 = $dbh->prepare($sql1);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":post_id", $postId);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":comment", $comment);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":login_id", $loginId);
         $stmt1 = NULL;
         $sql2 = " insert into sc_activity(owner_id,subject_id,subject,object_id, ";
         $sql2 .= " object,verb, verb_name, op_bit, content,created_on) ";
         $sql2 .= " values(:owner_id, :subject_id, :subject, :object_id, ";
         $sql2 .= " :object, :verb, :verb_name, :op_bit, :content,now()) ";
         $verb = AppConstants::COMMENT_VERB;
         $op_bit = 0;
         $verbName = AppConstants::STR_COMMENT;
         $content = Util::abbreviate($comment, 100);
         $stmt2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":owner_id", $ownerId);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":subject_id", $loginId);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":object_id", $postId);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":subject", $name);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":object", $title);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":verb", $verb);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":verb_name", $verbName);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":op_bit", $op_bit);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":content", $content);
         $stmt2 = NULL;
         //Tx end
         $dbh = null;
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         $dbh = null;
         throw new DBException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $dbh = null;
         $message = $ex->getMessage();
         throw new DBException($message);
Esempio n. 4
File: Google.php Progetto: rjha/sc
  * function to create a google user data in our system. we populate the following tables
  * sc_login
  * sc_google_user
  * sc_denorm_user (via a trigger)
  * The data manipulated via our web forms is always stored in sc_denorm_table
  * sc_google_user is for first time creation only.
  * We should never update sc_google_user via our web forms.
 static function create($googleId, $email, $name, $firstName, $lastName, $photo, $provider, $remoteIp)
     $dbh = NULL;
     try {
         $sql1 = "insert into sc_login(provider,name,ip_address,created_on) ";
         $sql1 .= " values(:provider,:name, :ip_address,now()) ";
         $dbh = PDOWrapper::getHandle();
         //Tx start
         $stmt1 = $dbh->prepare($sql1);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":name", $name);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":provider", $provider);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":ip_address", $remoteIp);
         $stmt1 = NULL;
         $loginId = $dbh->lastInsertId();
         settype($loginId, "integer");
         $sql2 = " insert into sc_google_user(google_id,email,name,first_name,last_name,";
         $sql2 .= " photo,login_id,ip_address,created_on) ";
         $sql2 .= " values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,now()) ";
         $stmt2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2);
         $stmt2->bindParam(1, $googleId);
         $stmt2->bindParam(2, $email);
         $stmt2->bindParam(3, $name);
         $stmt2->bindParam(4, $firstName);
         $stmt2->bindParam(5, $lastName);
         $stmt2->bindParam(6, $photo);
         $stmt2->bindParam(7, $loginId);
         $stmt2->bindParam(8, $remoteIp);
         $stmt2 = NULL;
         //Tx end
         $dbh = null;
         return $loginId;
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         $dbh = null;
         throw new DBException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $dbh = null;
         $message = $ex->getMessage();
         throw new DBException($message);
Esempio n. 5
File: Login.php Progetto: rjha/sc
  * function to create a 3mik user. we populate following tables
  * sc_login
  * sc_user
  * sc_denorm_user (via a trigger)
 static function create($provider, $userName, $firstName, $lastName, $email, $password, $remoteIp)
     $dbh = NULL;
     try {
         //canonical form of email
         $email = strtolower(trim($email));
         $password = trim($password);
         $sql1 = "insert into sc_login (provider,name,ip_address,created_on) ";
         $sql1 .= " values(:provider,:name, :ip_address,now()) ";
         $dbh = PDOWrapper::getHandle();
         //Tx start
         $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql1);
         $stmt->bindParam(":name", $userName);
         $stmt->bindParam(":provider", $provider);
         $stmt->bindParam(":ip_address", $remoteIp);
         $stmt = NULL;
         $loginId = $dbh->lastInsertId();
         settype($loginId, "integer");
         //@throws DBException
         \com\indigloo\auth\User::create('sc_user', $firstName, $lastName, $userName, $email, $password, $loginId, $remoteIp);
         //Tx end
         $dbh = null;
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         $dbh = null;
         throw new DBException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $dbh = null;
         $message = $ex->getMessage();
         throw new DBException($message);
Esempio n. 6
 static function removeFollower($followerId, $followingId)
     $dbh = NULL;
     try {
         $sql1 = " delete from sc_follow where follower_id = :follower_id ";
         $sql1 .= " and following_id = :following_id ";
         $dbh = PDOWrapper::getHandle();
         //Tx start
         $stmt1 = $dbh->prepare($sql1);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":follower_id", $followerId);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":following_id", $followingId);
         $stmt1 = NULL;
         $sql2 = " insert into sc_activity(owner_id,subject_id,subject,object_id, ";
         $sql2 .= " object,verb, verb_name, op_bit, created_on) ";
         $sql2 .= " values(:owner_id, :subject_id, :subject, :object_id, ";
         $sql2 .= " :object, :verb, :verb_name, :op_bit, now()) ";
         $verb = AppConstants::UNFOLLOW_VERB;
         $op_bit = 0;
         $verbName = AppConstants::STR_UNFOLLOW;
         $ownerId = -1;
         $subject = "_NA_";
         $object = "_NA_";
         $stmt2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":owner_id", $ownerId);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":subject_id", $followerId);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":object_id", $followingId);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":subject", $subject);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":object", $object);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":verb", $verb);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":verb_name", $verbName);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":op_bit", $op_bit);
         $stmt2 = NULL;
         //Tx end
         $dbh = null;
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         $dbh = null;
         throw new DBException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $dbh = null;
         $message = $ex->getMessage();
         throw new DBException($message);
Esempio n. 7
File: User.php Progetto: rjha/sc
 static function set_bu_bit($loginId, $value, $sessionId)
     $dbh = NULL;
     try {
         $sql1 = "update sc_denorm_user set updated_on = now(), bu_bit = :value ";
         $sql1 .= " where login_id = :login_id";
         $dbh = PDOWrapper::getHandle();
         //Tx start
         $stmt1 = $dbh->prepare($sql1);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":login_id", $loginId);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":value", $value);
         $stmt1 = NULL;
         if (!empty($sessionId)) {
             //clear banned user session immediately!
             $sql2 = "delete from sc_php_session where session_id = :session_id ";
             $stmt2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2);
             $stmt2->bindParam(":session_id", $sessionId);
             $stmt2 = NULL;
         //Tx end
         $dbh = null;
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         $dbh = null;
         throw new DBException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $dbh = null;
         $message = $ex->getMessage();
         throw new DBException($message);
Esempio n. 8
File: Activity.php Progetto: rjha/sc
 static function addRow($ownerId, $subjectId, $objectId, $subject, $object, $verb, $content)
     $dbh = NULL;
     try {
         $dbh = PDOWrapper::getHandle();
         //Tx start
         $sql = " insert into sc_activity(owner_id,subject_id,subject,object_id, ";
         $sql .= " object,verb, verb_name, op_bit, content, created_on) ";
         $sql .= " values(:owner_id, :subject_id, :subject, :object_id, ";
         $sql .= " :object, :verb, :verb_name, :op_bit, :content, now()) ";
         $op_bit = 0;
         $verbName = NULL;
         switch ($verb) {
             case AppConstants::LIKE_VERB:
                 $verbName = AppConstants::STR_LIKE;
             case AppConstants::SAVE_VERB:
                 $verbName = AppConstants::STR_SAVE;
             case AppConstants::COMMENT_VERB:
                 $verbName = AppConstants::STR_COMMENT;
             case AppConstants::FOLLOW_VERB:
                 $verbName = AppConstants::STR_FOLLOW;
             case AppConstants::UNFOLLOW_VERB:
                 $verbName = AppConstants::STR_UNFOLLOW;
             case AppConstants::POST_VERB:
                 $verbName = AppConstants::STR_POST;
                 $message = "Unknown activity verb : aborting! ";
                 trigger_error($message, E_USER_ERROR);
         $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql);
         $stmt->bindParam(":owner_id", $ownerId);
         $stmt->bindParam(":subject_id", $subjectId);
         $stmt->bindParam(":object_id", $objectId);
         $stmt->bindParam(":subject", $subject);
         $stmt->bindParam(":object", $object);
         $stmt->bindParam(":verb", $verb);
         $stmt->bindParam(":verb_name", $verbName);
         $stmt->bindParam(":op_bit", $op_bit);
         $stmt->bindParam(":content", $content);
         $stmt = NULL;
         //Tx end
         $dbh = null;
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         $dbh = null;
         throw new DBException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $dbh = null;
         $message = $ex->getMessage();
         throw new DBException($message);
Esempio n. 9
File: Bookmark.php Progetto: rjha/sc
 static function add($ownerId, $subjectId, $subject, $objectId, $objectType, $title, $verb)
     $dbh = NULL;
     try {
         //@todo column object should be renamed to object_type
         //@todo column object_title should be renamed to object
         // insert into sc_bookmark, adjust counters via trigger
         $sql1 = " insert into sc_bookmark(owner_id,subject_id,subject,object_id, ";
         $sql1 .= " object, object_title, verb,created_on) ";
         $sql1 .= " values(:owner_id, :subject_id, :subject, :object_id, :object_type, ";
         $sql1 .= " :object, :verb, now()) ";
         $dbh = PDOWrapper::getHandle();
         //Tx start
         $stmt1 = $dbh->prepare($sql1);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":owner_id", $ownerId);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":subject_id", $subjectId);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":object_id", $objectId);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":subject", $subject);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":object", $title);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":object_type", $objectType);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":verb", $verb);
         $stmt1 = NULL;
         $sql2 = " insert into sc_activity(owner_id,subject_id,subject,object_id, ";
         $sql2 .= " object,verb, verb_name, op_bit, created_on) ";
         $sql2 .= " values(:owner_id, :subject_id, :subject, :object_id, ";
         $sql2 .= " :object, :verb, :verb_name, :op_bit, now()) ";
         $verb = AppConstants::LIKE_VERB;
         $op_bit = 0;
         $verbName = AppConstants::STR_LIKE;
         $stmt2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":owner_id", $ownerId);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":subject_id", $subjectId);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":object_id", $objectId);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":subject", $subject);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":object", $title);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":verb", $verb);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":verb_name", $verbName);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":op_bit", $op_bit);
         $stmt2 = NULL;
         //Tx end
         $dbh = null;
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         $dbh = null;
         throw new DBException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $dbh = null;
         $message = $ex->getMessage();
         throw new DBException($message);
Esempio n. 10
File: Lists.php Progetto: rjha/sc
 static function deleteItems($loginId, $listId, $itemIds)
     settype($loginId, "integer");
     settype($listId, "integer");
     if (empty($itemIds)) {
     try {
         $dbh = PDOWrapper::getHandle();
         // *** Tx start ***
         // #1 : delete items
         $sqlt = " delete from sc_list_item where list_id = %d and item_id = %d ";
         foreach ($itemIds as $itemId) {
             settype($itemId, "integer");
             $sql = sprintf($sqlt, $listId, $itemId);
             //fire SQL statement
         // #2: get items_json within this Tx
         $sql2 = " select, post.images_json from sc_post post, sc_list_item li ";
         $sql2 .= " where li.item_id =  and li.list_id = %d  limit 4 ";
         $sql2 = sprintf($sql2, $listId);
         $stmt2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2);
         $rows = $stmt2->fetchAll();
         $stmt2 = NULL;
         $bucket = array();
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $itemId = $row["id"];
             $json = $row["images_json"];
             $images = json_decode($json);
             if (!empty($images) && sizeof($images) > 0) {
                 $image = $images[0];
                 $imgv = \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::convertImageJsonObj($image);
                 $view = new \stdClass();
                 $view->id = $row["id"];
                 $view->thumbnail = $imgv["thumbnail"];
                 array_push($bucket, $view);
         $items_json = json_encode($bucket);
         if ($items_json === FALSE || $items_json == NULL) {
             $items_json = '[]';
             $errorMsg = sprintf(" json encode error : list delete : id :: %d", $listId);
         // #3 : update and
         $sql3 = " update sc_list set items_json = :items_json, ";
         $sql3 .= " item_count = (select count(id) from sc_list_item where list_id = :list_id)";
         $sql3 .= " where id = :list_id ";
         $stmt3 = $dbh->prepare($sql3);
         $stmt3->bindParam(":list_id", $listId);
         $stmt3->bindParam(":items_json", $items_json);
         $stmt3 = NULL;
         // **** Tx end ****
         $dbh = null;
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         $dbh = null;
         throw new DBException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $dbh = null;
         throw new DBException($ex->getMessage(), $ex->getCode());
Esempio n. 11
File: Group.php Progetto: rjha/sc
 static function process($postId, $loginId, $version, $catCode, $group_slug)
     //sanitize input
     settype($postId, "integer");
     settype($loginId, "integer");
     settype($version, "integer");
     $sqlm1 = "insert ignore into sc_group_master(token,name,cat_code,created_on) values('%s','%s','%s',now()) ";
     $sqlm2 = "insert ignore into sc_user_group(login_id,token,name,created_on) values('%d','%s', '%s', now()) ";
     $sqlm3 = "update sc_site_tracker set group_flag = 1 where post_id = %d and version = %d ";
     $dbh = NULL;
     try {
         $dbh = PDOWrapper::getHandle();
         //Tx start
         $slugs = explode(Constants::SPACE, $group_slug);
         foreach ($slugs as $slug) {
             if (Util::tryEmpty($slug)) {
             //do processing
             $name = \com\indigloo\util\StringUtil::convertKeyToName($slug);
             $sql = sprintf($sqlm1, $slug, $name, $catCode);
             $sql = sprintf($sqlm2, $loginId, $slug, $name);
         //All group slugs for post processed
         $sql = sprintf($sqlm3, $postId, $version);
         //Tx end
         $dbh = null;
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         $dbh = null;
         throw new DBException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $dbh = null;
         $message = $ex->getMessage();
         throw new DBException($message);
Esempio n. 12
File: Post.php Progetto: rjha/sc
 static function create($title, $description, $loginId, $name, $linksJson, $imagesJson, $groupSlug, $categoryCode)
     $dbh = NULL;
     try {
         $sql1 = " insert into sc_post(title,description,login_id,links_json, ";
         $sql1 .= " images_json,group_slug,cat_code, pseudo_id,created_on) ";
         $sql1 .= " values (:title,:description,:login_id,:links_json,:images_json, ";
         $sql1 .= " :group_slug, :cat_code, :pseudo_id, now()) ";
         $dbh = PDOWrapper::getHandle();
         //Tx start
         //insert into sc_post, change counters via trigger
         $stmt1 = $dbh->prepare($sql1);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":title", $title);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":description", $description);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":login_id", $loginId);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":links_json", $linksJson);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":images_json", $imagesJson);
         $stmt1->bindParam(":group_slug", $groupSlug);
         $stmt1->bindParam("cat_code", $categoryCode);
         // @see
         // pseudo_id is part of a UNIQUE index and mysql has to lock
         // the index attached to pseudo_id if we do not insert anything
         // NULL not being comparable to anything, it doesn't participate
         // in uniqueness constraints and MySQL doesn't have to lock the index.
         // $pseudoId = NULL ;
         // $stmt1->bindParam(":pseudo_id", $pseudoId);
         $stmt1->bindValue(":pseudo_id", null, \PDO::PARAM_STR);
         $stmt1 = NULL;
         $postId = $dbh->lastInsertId();
         settype($postId, "integer");
         $itemId = PseudoId::encode($postId);
         if (strlen($itemId) > 32) {
             throw new DBException("exceeds pseudo_id column size of 32");
         $sql2 = "update sc_post set pseudo_id = :item_id where id = :post_id ";
         $stmt2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":item_id", $itemId);
         $stmt2->bindParam(":post_id", $postId);
         $stmt2 = NULL;
         $sql3 = " insert into sc_activity(owner_id,subject_id,subject,object_id, ";
         $sql3 .= " object,verb, verb_name, op_bit, created_on) ";
         $sql3 .= " values(:owner_id, :subject_id, :subject, :object_id, ";
         $sql3 .= " :object, :verb, :verb_name, :op_bit, now()) ";
         $verb = AppConstants::POST_VERB;
         $op_bit = 0;
         $verbName = AppConstants::STR_POST;
         $stmt3 = $dbh->prepare($sql3);
         $stmt3->bindParam(":owner_id", $loginId);
         $stmt3->bindParam(":subject_id", $loginId);
         $stmt3->bindParam(":object_id", $itemId);
         $stmt3->bindParam(":subject", $name);
         $stmt3->bindParam(":object", $title);
         $stmt3->bindParam(":verb", $verb);
         $stmt3->bindParam(":verb_name", $verbName);
         $stmt3->bindParam(":op_bit", $op_bit);
         $stmt3 = NULL;
         //Tx end
         $dbh = null;
         return $itemId;
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         $dbh = null;
         throw new DBException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $dbh = null;
         throw new DBException($ex->getMessage());