public function get_topics($catid, $page) { $topic = new \CODOF\Forum\Topic($this->db); $topics = array(); $cid = (int) $catid; $num_pages = 'not_passed'; if (isset($_GET['get_page_count']) && $_GET['get_page_count'] == 'yes') { $num_pages = 'calc_count'; } $new_topics = array(); $new_replies = array(); if (isset($_GET['str']) && $_GET['str'] != "") { $user = \CODOF\User\User::get(); if (!$user->can('use search')) { exit('permission denied'); } $search = new \CODOF\Search\Search(); $search->str = $_GET['str']; $search->num_results = \CODOF\Util::get_opt("num_posts_cat_topics"); $search->from = ($page - 1) * $search->num_results; if ($num_pages == 'calc_count') { $search->count_rows = true; } $cats = (int) $_GET['catid']; $search->cats = $cats; $search->match_titles = $_GET['match_titles']; $search->order = $_GET['order']; $search->sort = $_GET['sort']; $search->time_within = $_GET['search_within']; $res = $search->search(); if ($num_pages == 'calc_count') { $num_pages = $search->get_total_count(); } $_topics = $topic->gen_topic_arr_all_topics($res, $search); $tids = array(); foreach ($topics as $_topic) { $tids[] = $_topic['topic_id']; } //var_dump($topics); } else { //$num_pages = $topic->get_num_pages( // $topic->get_num_topics($cid), \CODOF\Util::get_opt("num_posts_cat_topics") //); $num_pages = 'not_passed'; $topics = $topic->get_topics($cid, $page); $tids = array(); foreach ($topics as $_topic) { $tids[] = $_topic['topic_id']; } if (\CODOF\User\CurrentUser\CurrentUser::loggedIn()) { $tracker = new \CODOF\Forum\Tracker($this->db); $topic->new_topic_ids = $tracker->get_new_topic_ids($cid, $tids); $topic->new_replies = $tracker->get_new_reply_counts($tids); } $topic->tags = $topic->getAllTags($tids); $_topics = $topic->gen_topic_arr($topics, $cid); } return array("topics" => $_topics, "new_topics" => $topic->new_topic_ids, "page_no" => $page, "num_pages" => $num_pages); }
public function getCategoriesWhereUserCanCreateTopic() { $user = \CODOF\User\User::get(); $rids = implode(",", $user->rids); $qry = 'SELECT cat_id, cat_pid, cat_name, cat_alias, no_topics, cat_img' . ' FROM ' . PREFIX . 'codo_categories' . ' INNER JOIN ' . PREFIX . 'codo_permissions ON cid=cat_id ' . ' WHERE permission=\'create new topic\'' . ' AND granted=1 ' . ' AND rid IN (' . $rids . ')' . ' ORDER BY cat_order'; $ans = $this->db->query($qry); if ($ans) { $cats = $ans->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS); } $cats = \CODOF\Hook::call('on_get_categories_for_create_topic', $cats); return $cats; }
public function resend_mail() { $user = \CODOF\User\User::get(); if ($user->loggedIn()) { $details = $user->getInfo(); $errors = array(); $reg = new \CODOF\User\Register($this->db); $reg->add_signup_attempt($details); $reg->send_mail($details, $errors); if (empty($errors)) { echo 'success'; } else { echo $errors[0]; } } }
public function req_pass() { $errors = array(); $token = uniqid() . '&' . (time() + 3600); $mail = new \CODOF\Forum\Notification\Mail(); //update the user's password with the generated password $user = \CODOF\User\User::getByMailOrUsername($_GET['ident'], $_GET['ident']); $gen = false; if (!$user) { $errors[] = _t("User does not exist with the given username/mail"); } else { $old_token = $user->token; if ($old_token != null) { $parts = explode("&", $old_token); $expiry = (int) $parts[1]; if ($expiry > time()) { $gen = true; } } else { $gen = true; } } if (empty($errors) && $gen) { \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_users')->where('id', $user->id)->update(array('token' => $token)); $body = \CODOF\Util::get_opt('password_reset_message'); $sub = \CODOF\Util::get_opt('password_reset_subject'); $mail->user = array("token" => $token, "link" => RURI . 'user/reset'); $message = $mail->replace_tokens($body); $subject = $mail->replace_tokens($sub); $mail->to = $user->mail; $mail->subject = $subject; $mail->message = $message; $mail->send_mail(); if (!$mail->sent) { $errors[] = $mail->error; } } $resp = array("status" => "success", "msg" => _t("E-mail sent successfully")); if (!empty($errors)) { $resp = array("status" => "fail", "msg" => $errors); } echo json_encode($resp); }
public function move($tids, $dest) { $user = \CODOF\User\User::get(); if (!$user->can('move topics')) { exit('access denied'); } $counts = \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_topics AS c')->select('cat_id', \DB::raw('COUNT(topic_id) AS count'))->whereIn('topic_id', $tids)->groupBy('cat_id')->get(); foreach ($counts as $count) { \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_categories')->where('cat_id', $count['cat_id'])->decrement('no_topics', $count['count']); } \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_topics')->whereIn('topic_id', $tids)->update(array('cat_id' => $dest)); $counts = \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_topics AS c')->select('cat_id', \DB::raw('COUNT(topic_id) AS count'))->whereIn('topic_id', $tids)->groupBy('cat_id')->get(); foreach ($counts as $count) { \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_categories')->where('cat_id', $count['cat_id'])->increment('no_topics', $count['count']); } }
/** * Checks if particular topic can be viewed by current user or not * @param int $tuid topic creator's userid * @param int $cid * @param int $tid */ public function canDeleteTopic($tuid, $cid, $tid) { $user = \CODOF\User\User::get(); return $tuid == $user->id && $user->canAny(array('delete my topics', 'delete all topics'), $cid, $tid) || $tuid != $user->id && $user->can('delete all topics', $cid, $tid); //can i reply to others' topic ? }
/** private functions --------------------------------------------------------- */ public function gen_posts_arr($posts, $search = false) { $_posts = array(); $user = \CODOF\User\User::get(); $uid = $user->id; $i = 0; foreach ($posts as $post) { $message = \CODOF\Format::message($post['message']); if ($search) { $message = $search->get_matching_str($message); } $_posts[$i] = array("id" => $post['id'], "avatar" => \CODOF\Util::get_avatar_path($post['avatar'], $post['id']), "name" => $post['name'], "post_created" => \CODOF\Time::get_pretty_time($post['post_created']), "post_modified" => \CODOF\Time::get_pretty_time($post['post_modified']), "post_id" => $post['post_id'], "message" => $message, "imessage" => $post['imessage'], "reputation" => $post['reputation'], "role" => \CODOF\User\User::getRoleName($post['rid']), "no_posts" => \CODOF\Util::abbrev_no($post['no_posts'], 1), "signature" => $post['signature']); $_posts[$i]['tid'] = $this->tid; $_posts[$i]['page'] = $this->from + 1; $_posts[$i]['safe_title'] = $this->safe_title; if ($this->topic_post_id == $post['post_id']) { //is a topic $_posts[$i]['is_topic'] = true; if ($post['id'] == $uid) { //this topic belongs to current user $_posts[$i]['can_edit_topic'] = $user->can(array('edit my topics', 'edit all topics'), $this->cat_id); $_posts[$i]['can_delete_topic'] = $user->can(array('delete my topics', 'delete all topics'), $this->cat_id); } else { $_posts[$i]['can_edit_topic'] = $user->can('edit all topics', $this->cat_id); $_posts[$i]['can_delete_topic'] = $user->can('delete all topics', $this->cat_id); } $_posts[$i]['can_manage_topic'] = $_posts[$i]['can_edit_topic'] || $_posts[$i]['can_delete_topic']; } else { $_posts[$i]['is_topic'] = false; if ($post['id'] == $uid) { //this topic belongs to current user $_posts[$i]['can_edit_post'] = $user->can(array('edit my posts', 'edit all posts'), $this->cat_id); $_posts[$i]['can_delete_post'] = $user->can(array('delete my posts', 'delete all posts'), $this->cat_id); } else { $_posts[$i]['can_edit_post'] = $user->can('edit all posts', $this->cat_id); $_posts[$i]['can_delete_post'] = $user->can('delete all posts', $this->cat_id); } $_posts[$i]['can_manage_post'] = $_posts[$i]['can_edit_post'] || $_posts[$i]['can_delete_post']; } $_posts[$i]['can_see_history'] = $user->can('see history', $this->cat_id); if ($this->tuid == $uid) { //if my topic $_posts[$i]['can_reply'] = true; //i can reply to my own topic } else { $_posts[$i]['can_reply'] = $user->can('reply to all topics', $this->cat_id, $this->tid); } if ($search) { $_posts[$i]['in_search'] = true; } $i++; } return $_posts; }
public function get_user() { return \CODOF\User\User::get(); }
/** * * @param type $events * @return array * * array( * * //mentions of topics/categories, i am not following * //[User] mentioned you in [title] * "rawMentions" => array ( * * array ( * * "title" //topic title * "tid" //topic id * "pid" //post id * "uid" //user id * "avatar" //absolute url * "username" * ) * ) * * //replies, mentions of my topics * "myTopics" = array ( * * * "$tid" => array ( * * "meta" => array ( * * "new_topic_pid" => $pid //point to post id of new topic * //other info * ), * * "$pid" => array( * * "mention" => true * ...other info * ) * ) * * //replies, mentions of topics of topics/categories i follow * "following" = array ( * * //similar to [myTopics] * ) * * * * ) * * //if event is of type "new_reply", it means either i have created that * //topic or i am following that topic * //if event is of type "new_topic", it means either i have created that * //topic or i am following that category * //if event is of type "mention" AND there is no corresponding "new_reply" * //or "new_topic", it means it is a rawMention * //so to segregate rawMentions i have to store topic ids of "new_reply" * //& "new_topic" and then isset() to check is all that will be left */ protected function sort($events) { $_events = array("rawMentions" => array(), "myTopics" => array(), "following" => array()); $tids = array(); //topic ids array $mentions = array(); // $user = \CODOF\User\User::get(); foreach ($events as $event) { $data = json_decode($event['data'], true); if ($event['type'] == 'new_reply' || $event['type'] == 'new_topic') { $tids[$data['tid']] = 1; //to use isset instead of in_array $type = $data['tuid'] == $user->id ? 'myTopics' : 'following'; //store topic meta once to avoid redundant data if (!isset($_events[$type][$data['tid']])) { $_events[$type][$data['tid']] = array("meta" => $this->getMetaInfo($data)); $_events[$type][$data['tid']]["replies"] = array(); } //tell this topic is new if ($event['type'] == 'new_topic') { $_events[$type][$data['tid']]['meta']['new_topic_pid'] = $data['pid']; $this->newTopics++; } else { $this->newPosts++; } $date = date('M-d-h-i-A', $event['created']); list($month, $day, $hour, $minute, $meridiem) = explode("-", $date); $time = array("month" => $month, "day" => $day, "hour" => $hour, "minute" => $minute, "meridiem" => $meridiem); $_events[$type][$data['tid']]["replies"][$data['pid']] = array("actor" => $data['actor'], "pid" => $data['pid'], "time" => $time, "message" => $data['message']); } if ($event['type'] == 'mention') { $mentions[] = $event; } } //now merge $mentions with $_events foreach ($mentions as $mention) { $data = json_decode($mention['data'], true); //if this mention exists in "new_reply" or "new_topic" if (isset($tids[$data['tid']])) { if ($data['tuid'] == $user->id) { $_events['myTopics'][$data['tid']]['replies'][$data['pid']]['mention'] = true; } else { $_events['following'][$data['tid']]['replies'][$data['pid']]['mention'] = true; } } else { $date = date('M-d-h-i-A', $mention['created']); list($month, $day, $hour, $minute, $meridiem) = explode("-", $date); $data['time'] = array("month" => $month, "day" => $day, "hour" => $hour, "minute" => $minute, "meridiem" => $meridiem); $_events['rawMentions'][] = $data; } } return $_events; }
/** * Saves permissions of all roles from the database */ private static function getPermissions() { $db = \DB::getPDO(); $user = \CODOF\User\User::get(); $uid = $user->id; $rids = $user->rids; $qry = 'SELECT * FROM codo_permissions WHERE rid IN (' . implode(",", $rids) . ')'; $obj = $db->query($qry); $result = $obj->fetchAll(); $permissions = self::$permissions; foreach ($result as $res) { if (isset($permissions[$uid][$res['permission']][$res['cid']][$res['tid']])) { if ($res['granted'] == '1') { //change only if higher priority i.e Granted $permissions[$uid][$res['permission']][$res['cid']][$res['tid']] = 1; } } else { $permissions[$uid][$res['permission']][$res['cid']][$res['tid']] = (int) $res['granted']; } } self::$permissions = $permissions; }
/** * * Marks entire forum as read */ public function mark_forum_as_read() { $me = \CODOF\User\User::get(); if ($me->loggedIn()) { $uid = $me->id; //set the user last read time as current time $me->set(array("read_time" => time())); $del_cats = "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "codo_unread_categories WHERE uid={$uid}"; $this->db->query($del_cats); $del_topics = "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "codo_unread_topics WHERE uid={$uid}"; $this->db->query($del_topics); } }
$secret = CODOF\Util::get_opt('sso_secret'); if (!empty($user)) { unset($user['token']); $sso_token = md5(urlencode(json_encode($user)) . $secret . $_POST['timestamp']); } $username = $user['name']; $mail = $user['mail']; if ($sso_token != $posted_token) { echo 'error'; exit; } $db = DB::getPDO(); if (!CODOF\User\User::mailExists($mail)) { //this user does not have an account in codoforum $reg = new \CODOF\User\Register($db); if (\CODOF\User\User::usernameExists($username)) { $username .= time(); } $reg->username = $username; $reg->name = $username; $reg->mail = $mail; $reg->user_status = 1; $ret = $reg->register_user(); $reg->login(); if (!empty($ret)) { echo "error"; } } else { CODOF\User\User::loginByMail($mail); } }
return $mentioner->find($q, $cid, $tid); }); dispatch_get('Ajax/cron/run/:name', function ($name) { $user = CODOF\User\User::get(); if (Request::valid($_GET['token']) && $user->hasRoleId(ROLE_ADMIN)) { $cron = new \CODOF\Cron\Cron(); if (!$cron->run($name)) { echo 'Unable to run cron ' . $name . ' because another cron is already running'; } } //exit; }); //-------------PAGES-------------------------- dispatch_get('/page/:id/:url', function ($id, $url) { $pid = (int) $id; $user = \CODOF\User\User::get(); $qry = 'SELECT title, content FROM ' . PREFIX . 'codo_pages p ' . ' LEFT JOIN ' . PREFIX . 'codo_page_roles r ON ' . ' WHERE (r.rid IS NULL OR (r.rid IS NOT NULL AND r.rid IN (' . implode($user->rids) . ')))' . ' AND' . $pid; $res = \DB::getPDO()->query($qry); $row = $res->fetch(); if ($row) { $title = $row['title']; $content = $row['content']; $smarty = CODOF\Smarty\Single::get_instance(); $smarty->assign('contents', $content); \CODOF\Store::set('sub_title', $title); \CODOF\Smarty\Layout::load('page'); \CODOF\Hook::call('on_page_load', array($id)); } else { $page = \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_pages')->where('id', $id)->first(); if ($page == null) { \CODOF\Smarty\Layout::not_found();
public function can_down($pid, $to_id) { $user = \CODOF\User\User::get(); $res = \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_daily_rep_log')->select('rep_count', 'start_rep_time')->where('uid', '=', $user->id)->first(); if (!$res) { $res['rep_count'] = 0; $res['start_rep_time'] = time(); \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_daily_rep_log')->insert(array("uid" => $user->id, "rep_count" => 0, "start_rep_time" => time())); } $max_rep_allowed = \CODOF\Util::get_opt('max_rep_per_day'); //RULE 1: User can give max X rep per day $one_day = 24 * 60 * 60; $within_one_day = time() - $res['start_rep_time'] < $one_day; $this->max_rep_count_reached = $res['rep_count'] == $max_rep_allowed; $this->rule1 = !($this->max_rep_count_reached && $within_one_day); //RULE 2: User must have X reputation points or Y posts to increment reputation $rep_to_inc = \CODOF\Util::get_opt('rep_req_to_dec'); $posts_to_inc = \CODOF\Util::get_opt('posts_req_to_dec'); $this->rule2 = $user->reputation >= $rep_to_inc && $user->no_posts >= $posts_to_inc; //RULE 3: Reputation cannot be given/taken to same user more N times // until X hours have passed $rep_times_same_user = \CODOF\Util::get_opt('rep_times_same_user'); $rep_hours_same_user = \CODOF\Util::get_opt('rep_hours_same_user'); $rep_seconds_same_user = $rep_hours_same_user * 60; $rows = \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_reputation')->where('from_id', '=', $user->id)->where('to_id', '=', $to_id)->where('post_id', '=', $pid)->where('rep_time', '>', time() - $rep_seconds_same_user)->select('points')->get(); $numbers_of_reps = count($rows); $this->rule3 = $numbers_of_reps < $rep_times_same_user; //RULE 4: User cannot give reputation to the same post more than once $has_rep = \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_reputation')->where('from_id', '=', $user->id)->where('post_id', '=', $pid)->where('points', '=', 1)->get(); $this->rule4 = !$has_rep; $this->rule5 = $user->id != $to_id; return $this->rule1 && $this->rule2 && $this->rule3 && $this->rule4 && $this->rule5 && $user->can('rep up'); }
/** * * @param array $data * @return bool */ public function queueNotify($type, $data) { if (!isset($data['actor'])) { $user = \CODOF\User\User::get(); $data["actor"] = array("username" => $user->username, "id" => $user->id, "role" => \CODOF\User\User::getRoleName($user->rid), "avatar" => $user->rawAvatar); } //Insert notification data JSON encoded $nid = \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_notify_text')->insertGetId(array("data" => json_encode($data))); //queue notification $qry = "INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "codo_notify_queue (type, nid) " . " VALUES(:type, :nid)"; $stmt = $this->db->prepare($qry); $created = $stmt->execute(array("type" => $type, "nid" => $nid)); $cron = new \CODOF\Cron\Cron(); $cron->setOnce('notify', 0); return $created; }
public function deleteReply($_tid) { $db = \DB::getPDO(); $pid = (int) $_tid; $qry = 'SELECT p.post_status, p.cat_id, p.topic_id,p.uid, p.imessage FROM ' . PREFIX . 'codo_posts AS p' . ' WHERE p.post_id=' . $pid; $res = $db->query($qry); if ($res) { $row = $res->fetch(); $status = $row['post_status']; $cid = $row['cat_id']; $text = $row['imessage']; $user = \CODOF\User\User::get(); if ($user->can('moderate posts', $cid)) { $qry = 'UPDATE ' . PREFIX . 'codo_posts SET post_status=' . \CODOF\Forum\Forum::DELETED . ' WHERE post_id=' . $pid; $db->query($qry); if ($status == \CODOF\Forum\Forum::PRE_MODERATION) { $filter = new \CODOF\SpamFilter(); $filter->spam($text); } } } }
public function topic($tid, $page) { $topic = new \CODOF\Forum\Topic($this->db); $post = new \CODOF\Forum\Post($this->db); $topic_info = $topic->get_topic_info($tid); if ($topic_info['topic_status'] == \CODOF\Forum\Forum::MERGED_REDIRECT_ONLY) { $tid = $topic_info['redirect_to']; $topic_info = $topic->get_topic_info($tid); } if ($topic_info['topic_status'] == \CODOF\Forum\Forum::MODERATION_BY_FILTER) { $topic_is_spam = true; } else { $topic_is_spam = false; } $this->smarty->assign('topic_is_spam', $topic_is_spam); $user = \CODOF\User\User::get(); if ($topic_is_spam) { if (!($user->can('moderate topics') || $user->id == $topic_info['uid'])) { $this->view = 'access_denied'; return false; } } if (!$topic->canViewTopic($topic_info['uid'], $topic_info['cat_id'], $topic_info['topic_id'])) { //\CODOF\Hook::call('page not found', array('type' => 'topic', 'id' => $tid)); \CODOF\Store::set('sub_title', _t('Access denied')); $this->view = 'access_denied'; return; } $tracker = new \CODOF\Forum\Tracker($this->db); $tracker->mark_topic_as_read($topic_info['cat_id'], $tid); if (!$topic_info) { $this->view = 'not_found'; } else { $posts_per_page = \CODOF\Util::get_opt("num_posts_per_topic"); if (strpos($page, "post-") !== FALSE) { $pid = (int) str_replace("post-", "", $page); $prev_posts = $post->get_num_prev_posts($tid, $pid); $from = floor($prev_posts / $posts_per_page); } else { $from = (int) $page - 1; } $topic_info['no_replies'] = $topic_info['no_posts'] - 1; $name = \CODOF\Filter::URL_safe($topic_info['title']); $subscriber = new \CODOF\Forum\Notification\Subscriber(); $this->smarty->assign('no_followers', $subscriber->followersOfTopic($topic_info['topic_id'])); if (\CODOF\User\CurrentUser\CurrentUser::loggedIn()) { $this->smarty->assign('my_subscription_type', $subscriber->levelForTopic($topic_info['topic_id'])); } $this->smarty->assign('tags', $topic->getTags($topic_info['topic_id'])); $api = new Ajax\forum\topic(); $posts_data = $api->get_posts($tid, $from, $topic_info); $num_pages = $posts_data['num_pages']; $posts = $posts_data['posts']; $posts_tpl = \CODOF\HB\Render::tpl('forum/topic', $posts_data); $this->smarty->assign('posts', $posts_tpl); $this->smarty->assign('topic_info', $topic_info); $this->smarty->assign('title', htmlentities($topic_info['title'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8")); $search_data = array(); if (isset($_GET['str'])) { $search_data = array('str' => strip_tags($_GET['str'])); } $this->smarty->assign('search_data', json_encode($search_data)); $url = 'topic/' . $topic_info['topic_id'] . '/' . $name . '/'; $this->smarty->assign('pagination', $post->paginate($num_pages, $from + 1, $url, false, $search_data)); if (ceil(($topic_info['no_posts'] + 1) / $posts_per_page) > $num_pages) { //next reply will go to next page $this->smarty->assign('new_page', 'yes'); } else { $this->smarty->assign('new_page', 'nope'); } $cat = new \CODOF\Forum\Category($this->db); $cats = $cat->get_categories(); $cid = $topic_info['cat_id']; $parents = $cat->find_parents($cats, $cid); array_push($parents, array("name" => $topic_info['cat_name'], "alias" => $topic_info['cat_alias'])); $this->smarty->assign('can_search', $user->can('use search')); $this->smarty->assign('parents', $parents); $this->smarty->assign('num_pages', $num_pages); $this->smarty->assign('curr_page', $from + 1); //starts from 1 $this->smarty->assign('url', RURI . $url); $this->assign_editor_vars(); $tuid = $topic_info['uid']; $this->assign_admin_vars($tuid); $this->css_files = array('topic', 'editor', 'jquery.textcomplete'); $arr = array(array('topic/topic.js', array('type' => 'defer')), array('modal.js', array('type' => 'defer')), array('bootstrap-slider.js', array('type' => 'defer'))); $this->js_files = array_merge($arr, $post->get_js_editor_files()); \CODOF\Hook::call('on_topic_view', array($topic_info)); $this->view = 'forum/topic'; \CODOF\Store::set('sub_title', $topic_info['title']); \CODOF\Store::set('og:type', 'article'); \CODOF\Store::set('og:title', $topic_info['title']); \CODOF\Store::set('og:url', RURI . $url); $mesg = $posts[0]['imessage']; \CODOF\Store::set('og:desc', strlen($mesg) > 200 ? substr($mesg, 0, 197) . "..." : $mesg); if ($from > 0) { //previous page exists \CODOF\Store::set('rel:prev', RURI . $url . $from); } $curr_page = $from + 1; if ($curr_page < $num_pages) { //next page exists \CODOF\Store::set('rel:next', RURI . $url . ($curr_page + 1)); } \CODOF\Store::set('article:published', date('c', $topic_info['topic_created'])); if ($topic_info['topic_updated'] > 0) { \CODOF\Store::set('article:modified', date('c', $topic_info['topic_updated'])); } } }
public function confirm() { $this->view = 'user/confirm'; $action = array(); if (empty($_GET['user']) || empty($_GET['token'])) { $action['result'] = 'VAR_NOT_PASSED'; //$action['text'] = 'We are missing variables. Please double check your email.'; } else { //cleanup the variables $username = $_GET['user']; $token = $_GET['token']; //check if the key is in the database $qry = "SELECT username FROM " . PREFIX . "codo_signups WHERE username=:username AND token=:token LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0"; $stmt = $this->db->prepare($qry); $result = $stmt->execute(array("username" => $username, "token" => $token)); if ($result) { //get the confirm info $res = $stmt->fetch(); $reg_req_admin = \CODOF\Util::get_opt('reg_req_admin'); $user_status = 1; if ($reg_req_admin == 'yes') { $user_status = 2; } //confirm the email and update the users database $qry = "UPDATE " . PREFIX . "codo_users SET user_status={$user_status} WHERE username=:username"; $stmt = $this->db->prepare($qry); $stmt->execute(array("username" => $username)); if ($reg_req_admin == 'no') { $user = \CODOF\User\User::getByUsername($username); $qry = "UPDATE " . PREFIX . "codo_user_roles SET rid=:rid WHERE uid=" . $user->id; $stmt = $this->db->prepare($qry); $stmt->execute(array("rid" => ROLE_USER)); } //delete the signup rows associated with the selected username $qry = "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "codo_signups WHERE username = '******'username'] . "'"; $this->db->query($qry); $action['result'] = 'SUCCESS'; } else { $action['result'] = 'VAR_NOT_FOUND'; } } \CODOF\Store::set('sub_title', _t('Confirm user')); $this->smarty->assign('result', $action['result']); }
public function reset_admin_account($admin_mail) { $admin = $_SESSION['backup_admin_account']; //we need to preserve the imported user id, the no of posts and //profile views unset($admin['id'], $admin['no_posts'], $admin['profile_views'], $admin['signature'], $admin['rawAvatar'], $admin['rid'], $admin['rids']); \DB::table('codo_user_roles')->where('uid', $_SESSION['new_admin_uid'])->update(array('rid' => ROLE_ADMIN)); $me = \CODOF\User\User::getByMail($admin_mail); //update user with $admin where mail=$admin_mail $me->set($admin); //reset admin userid $_SESSION[UID . 'USER']['id'] = $_SESSION['new_admin_uid']; }
/** * * Ajax/topics/get_topics/:page/filter=[str=:str,]/sort=[title,created] * */ public function get_topics($from, $search = false) { $from = (int) $from; $num_pages = 0; $num_posts = \CODOF\Util::get_opt('num_posts_all_topics'); /* if(!$from) { $from = \CODOF\Util::get_opt('num_posts_all_topics'); } */ $topic = new \CODOF\Forum\Topic($this->db); $topic->ajax = true; $topics = array(); if ($search) { $user = \CODOF\User\User::get(); if (!$user->can('use search')) { exit('permission denied'); } $search = new \CODOF\Search\Search(); $search->str = $_GET['str']; $search->from = $from; $search->num_results = $num_posts; $search->count_rows = true; //include sub categories ? /* if ($_GET['search_subcats'] == 'Yes') { $cat = new \CODOF\Forum\Category($this->db); //get sub categories of all selected categories $tree = $cat->generate_tree($cat->get_categories()); foreach ($tree as $branch) { $this->get_children($branch, $_GET['cats']); } } */ //$cat_ids = array_merge($this->ids, $_GET['cats']); //$cats = implode(",", $cat_ids); $search->cats = null; $search->match_titles = $_GET['match_titles']; $search->order = $_GET['order']; $search->sort = $_GET['sort']; $search->time_within = $_GET['search_within']; $res = $search->search($from); $num_pages = $search->get_total_count(); $topics = $topic->gen_topic_arr_all_topics($res, $search); //var_dump($topics); } else { $_topics = $topic->get_all_topics($from); $tids = array(); foreach ($_topics as $one_topic) { $tids[] = $one_topic['topic_id']; } if (\CODOF\User\CurrentUser\CurrentUser::loggedIn()) { $tracker = new \CODOF\Forum\Tracker($this->db); //0.76 = 3 queries $topic->new_topic_ids = $tracker->get_all_new_topic_ids($tids); $topic->new_replies = $tracker->get_new_reply_counts($tids); } $topic->tags = $topic->getAllTags($tids); $topics = $topic->gen_topic_arr_all_topics($_topics); } return array("topics" => $topics, "page_no" => $from ? $from / $num_posts : 1, "num_posts" => $num_posts, "num_pages" => $num_pages); }
public static function load($tpl, $css_files = array(), $js_files = array()) { \CODOF\Util::inc_global_views(); //This sets all variables which will be used by the theme require CURR_THEME_PATH . 'theme.php'; $page = array(); \CODOF\Hook::call('before_site_head'); \CODOF\Hook::call('tpl_before_' . str_replace("/", "_", $tpl)); $asset = new \CODOF\Asset\Stream(); $page["head"]["css"] = $asset->dumpCSS(); //\CODOF\Theme\Js::sort_js(); $page["head"]["js"] = $asset->dumpJS('head'); $page["body"]["js"] = $asset->dumpJS('body'); $page["defer"] = json_encode($asset->deferred()); //after all modification its time for smarty to display the mod data $smarty = Single::get_instance(); $site_title = \CODOF\Util::get_opt('site_title'); $sub_title = \CODOF\Store::get('sub_title'); $smarty->assign('site_title', $site_title); $smarty->assign('sub_title', $sub_title); $smarty->assign('home_title', \CODOF\Store::get('home_title', _t('All topics'))); $smarty->assign('site_url', \CODOF\Util::get_opt('site_url')); $smarty->assign('logged_in', \CODOF\User\CurrentUser\CurrentUser::loggedIn()); $smarty->assign('login_url', \CODOF\User\User::getLoginUrl()); $smarty->assign('logout_url', \CODOF\User\User::getLogoutUrl()); $smarty->assign('register_url', \CODOF\User\User::getRegisterUrl()); $smarty->assign('profile_url', \CODOF\User\User::getProfileUrl()); $smarty->assign('page', $page); $smarty->assign('CSRF_token', \CODOF\Access\CSRF::get_token()); $smarty->assign('php_time_now', time()); $category = new \CODOF\Forum\Category(); $canCreateTopicInAtleastOneCategory = $category->canCreateTopicInAtleastOne(); $smarty->assign('canCreateTopicInAtleastOneCategory', $canCreateTopicInAtleastOneCategory); $page = \CODOF\Store::get('rel:canonical_page', isset($_GET['u']) ? $_GET['u'] : ''); $smarty->assign('canonical', rtrim(RURI, '/') . strip_tags($page)); if (\CODOF\Store::has('rel:prev')) { $smarty->assign('rel_prev', \CODOF\Store::get('rel:prev')); } if (\CODOF\Store::has('rel:next')) { $smarty->assign('rel_next', \CODOF\Store::get('rel:next')); } if (\CODOF\Store::has('meta:robots')) { $smarty->assign('meta_robots', \CODOF\Store::get('meta:robots')); } $og = array("type" => \CODOF\Store::get('og:type', 'website'), "title" => \CODOF\Store::get('og:title', $sub_title . ' | ' . $site_title)); if (\CODOF\Store::has('og:url')) { $og['url'] = \CODOF\Store::get('og:url'); } if (\CODOF\Store::has('og:desc')) { $og['desc'] = \CODOF\Store::get('og:desc'); } else { $og['desc'] = \CODOF\Util::get_opt('site_description'); } if (\CODOF\Store::has('og:image')) { $og['image'] = \CODOF\Store::get('og:image'); } $smarty->assign('og', $og); if (\CODOF\Store::has('article:published')) { $smarty->assign('article_published', \CODOF\Store::get('article:published')); } if (\CODOF\Store::has('article:modified')) { $smarty->assign('article_modified', \CODOF\Store::get('article:modified')); } $I = \CODOF\User\User::get(); //current user details $smarty->assign('I', $I); $smarty->assign('can_moderate_posts', $I->can('moderate posts')); if (\CODOF\User\CurrentUser\CurrentUser::loggedIn()) { $notifier = new \CODOF\Forum\Notification\Notifier(); $smarty->assign('unread_notifications', $notifier->getNoOfUnread()); } $html = $smarty->fetch("{$tpl}.tpl"); require_once SYSPATH . 'Ext/simplehtmldom/simple_html_dom.php'; $dom = new \simple_html_dom(); $dom->load($html, true, false); //let plugins modify html \CODOF\Hook::call('tpl_after_' . str_replace("/", "_", $tpl), $dom); \CODOF\Hook::call('after_site_head', $dom); echo $dom->save(); }
public function mail($mail) { $errors = array(); if (!filter_var($mail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $errors[] = _t("email address not formatted correctly"); } if (\CODOF\User\User::mailExists($mail)) { $errors[] = _t("email address is already registered"); } $this->errors = array_merge($errors, $this->errors); if (empty($errors)) { \CODOF\Hook::call('on_mail_ok'); return TRUE; //passed } \CODOF\Hook::call('on_mail_fail'); return FALSE; //Fail }
public function makeContentAnonymous() { $user = User::getByMail("anonymous@localhost"); \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_topics')->where('uid', $this->user->id)->update(array('uid' => $user->id)); \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_posts')->where('uid', $this->user->id)->update(array('uid' => $user->id)); //delete unwanted records \DB::table(PREFIX . "codo_user_roles")->where('uid', '=', $this->user->id)->delete(); \DB::table(PREFIX . "codo_user_preferences")->where('uid', '=', $this->user->id)->delete(); \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_unread_topics')->where('uid', $this->user->id)->delete(); \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_unread_categories')->where('uid', $this->user->id)->delete(); \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_notify_subscribers')->where('uid', $this->user->id)->delete(); }
/** * Conditionns of SQL query that restrict users to view topics * based on user roles/groups assigned to them */ protected function getPermissionConditions($permission, $alias = 't') { $user = \CODOF\User\User::get(); $rids = implode(",", $user->rids); /** * * 0 0 view all topics 0 * 0 0 view my topics 1 * 3 0 view all topics 1 * 3 0 view my topics 0 * * */ //NOTE: 'view my topics' & 'view all topics' are mutuall exclusive // so they both cannot be set as granted at once. //TODO: Is topic level permission really required ? $conditions = ' ' . 'EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM codo_permissions AS permission ' . ' WHERE permission.rid IN (' . $rids . ') ' . ' AND ' . ' (' . ' (' . ' permission.cid = ' . $alias . '.cat_id' . ' AND permission.tid=0 ' . ' )' . ' OR ' . ' permission.tid=' . $alias . '.topic_id' . ' ) ' . ' AND permission.granted=1 ' . ' AND ' . ' (' . ' permission.permission=\'' . $permission . '\' OR ' . ' (permission.permission=\'' . $permission . '\' AND ' . $alias . '.uid=' . $user->id . ') ' . ' ) ' . ' )'; return $conditions; }