Esempio n. 1
 public function handle(Document $document)
     $this->buttons = new Collection();
     // Merge project and document level config
     $this->config->customMerge($document->attr('buttons', []));
     $html = call_user_func([$this, 'handle' . ucfirst($this->config['type']) . 'Type']);
     $document->setContent($html . $document->getContent());
Esempio n. 2
 public static function processorNotFound($msg = '', Document $document = null)
     $msg = '[Processor Not Found] ' . $msg;
     if ($document) {
         $msg .= " for project: [{$document->getProject()->getName()}]";
     return new static($msg);
Esempio n. 3
 public function handle(Document $document)
     $content = $document->getContent();
     $total = preg_match_all($this->config['regex'], $content, $matches);
     //         create root
     //         for each header
     //         create node
     //         if header nr is same as previous, assign to same parent as previous
     //         if header nr is lower then previous, check parent header nr, if header nr lower then parent nr, check parent, etc
     //         if header nr is higher then previous, assign as previous child
     // Generate TOC Tree from HTML
     $prevSize = 0;
     $prevNode = $rootNode = $this->createHeaderNode(0, 'root');
     for ($h = 0; $h < $total; $h++) {
         $original = $matches[0][$h];
         $size = (int) $matches[1][$h];
         $text = $matches[2][$h];
         if (in_array($size, $this->config['disable'], true)) {
         $node = $this->createHeaderNode($size, $text);
         if ($size === $prevSize) {
         } elseif ($size < $prevSize) {
             $parentNode = $prevNode->getParent();
             while (true) {
                 if ($size === $parentNode->getValue()->getSize()) {
                 if ($parentNode === $rootNode) {
                 $parentNode = $parentNode->getParent();
         } elseif ($size > $prevSize) {
         $node->getValue()->setSlug($slug = $this->makeSlug($text));
         $link = '';
         if ($this->config['header_link_show'] === true) {
             $link = "<p><a name=\"{$slug}\" class=\"{$this->config['header_link_class']}\"></a></p>";
         $replacement = "{$link}<h{$size}>{$text}</h{$size}>";
         $content = str_replace($original, $replacement, $content);
         $prevSize = $size;
         $prevNode = $node;
     $view = $this->codex->view($this->config['view']);
     $toc = $this->view->make($view, $this->config)->with('items', $rootNode->getChildren())->render();
     if (count($this->nodes) >= (int) $this->config['minimum_nodes']) {
         $document->setContent("<ul class=\"{$this->config['list_class']}\">{$toc}</ul>" . $content);
Esempio n. 4
 public function handle(Document $document)
     /** @var ParserInterface $parser */
     $parser = app()->build($this->config['parser']);
     $parserName = $parser->getName();
     $parserConfig = $this->config->get($parserName, []);
Esempio n. 5
  * @{inheritDoc}
 public function collect()
     $this->codex = $codex = codex();
     $project = $codex->projects->getActive();
     return ['version' => $codex->getVersion(), 'project' => $project ? $project->getName() : '', 'ref' => $project ? $project->getRef() : '', 'document' => $this->document ? $this->document->getPath() : '', 'data' => $this->data->transform(function ($item) {
         if (!is_string($item)) {
             $item = $this->getDataFormatter()->formatVar($item);
         return $item;
Esempio n. 6
 public function handle(Document $document)
     $this->theme = $this->codex->theme;
     foreach ($this->config['plugins'] as $plugin) {
     $dom = $document->getDom();
     $dom->find('//pre/code')->each(function (Element $el) {
         $cls = $el->getAttribute('class');
         $a = 'a';
Esempio n. 7
 protected function process(Document $document)
     $content = $document->getContent();
     $pattern = $this->getTagsPattern();
     if (preg_match($pattern, $content, $matches) === 1) {
         // not really required when using html doc tags. But in case it's frontmatter, it should be removed
         if ($this->config['remove_tags'] === true) {
             $content = preg_replace($pattern, '', $content);
         $data = Yaml::parse($matches[1]);
         if (is_array($data)) {
             $attributes = array_replace_recursive($document->getAttributes(), $data);
     if ($this->config['remove_tags'] === true) {
     return $this;
Esempio n. 8
 public function run($name, Document $document)
     /** @var Processor $annotation */
     $this->currentDocument = $document;
     $project = $document->getProject();
     $processor = $this->get($name);
     if ($processor->plugin && false === $this->addons->plugins->canRunPlugin($processor->plugin)) {
         throw CodexException::because("Cannot run processor [{$name}] belonging to plugin [{$processor->plugin}] because the plugin can not run. Ensure the plugin is installed and enabled");
     // hook point before can prevent the processor from running
     if (false === $this->hookPoint('addons:processor:before', [$name])) {
         return $processor;
     $instance = $this->getInstance($name);
     $annotation = $processor['annotation'];
     if ($annotation->config !== false) {
         // get default config
         if (!property_exists($instance, $annotation->config)) {
             throw CodexException::because('Config not found for ' . $processor['class']);
         $config = $instance->{$annotation->config};
         $config = array_replace_recursive($config, $project->config('processors.' . $name, []), $document->attr('processors.' . $name, []));
         $instance->{$annotation->config} = new Collection($config);
     if (property_exists($instance, 'codex')) {
         $instance->codex = $document->getCodex();
     if (property_exists($instance, 'project')) {
         $instance->project = $document->getProject();
     if (property_exists($instance, 'document')) {
         $instance->document = $document;
     // hook point after can prevent the processor from running
     if (false === $this->hookPoint('addons:processor:after', [$name, $annotation, $instance])) {
         return $processor;
     $this->app->call([$instance, $annotation->method], compact('document'));
     return $processor;
Esempio n. 9
 public function run()
     if ($this->canRun()) {
         $content = $this->document->getContent();
         $arguments = array_merge([$this->isClosing()], $this->arguments);
         $result = call_user_func_array($this->getCallable(), $arguments);
         $content = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($this->raw, '/') . '/', $result, $content, 1);
     } else {
         throw CodexException::because("Macro [{$this->cleaned}] cannot call because some properties havent been set. Prevent the Macro from running by using the canRun() method.");
Esempio n. 10
  * This will get the configured macros. It merges (if defined) the global config, project config and document attributes.
  * Project macros will overide global macros with the same name.
  * Document macros will overide project macros with the same name.
  * Other then that, everything will be merged/inherited.
  * @return array The collected macros as id(used for regex) > handler(the class string name with @ method callsign)
 protected function getAllMacroDefinitions()
     $tags = $this->codex->config('processors.macros', []);
     $tags = array_merge($tags, $this->project->config('processors.macros', []));
     return array_merge($tags, $this->document->attr('processors.macros', []));
Esempio n. 11
  * @{inheritDoc}
 public function getWidgets()
     $applied = $this->document->getProcessed();
     return ['codex' => ['icon' => 'lock', 'widget' => 'PhpDebugBar.Widgets.CodexWidget', 'map' => 'codex', 'default' => '{}'], 'codex-document' => ['icon' => 'file-text', 'tooltip' => 'Document Name', 'map' => 'codex.Document Name', 'default' => ''], 'codex-project-version' => ['icon' => 'code-fork', 'tooltip' => 'Codex Project Version', 'map' => 'codex.Project Version', 'default' => ''], 'codex-project' => ['icon' => 'book', 'tooltip' => $this->format('Codex Project \\n Filters: ' . $applied->implode(', ')), 'map' => 'codex.Project Name', 'default' => '']];
Esempio n. 12
 public function getLinkActions()
     $definitions = $this->codex->config('processors.links', []);
     $definitions = array_merge($definitions, $this->config['links']);
     return array_merge($definitions, $this->document->attr('processors.links', []));
Esempio n. 13
 protected function remove(Document $d)
     if ($d->attr('title', false) !== false) {
         $d->setContent(preg_replace($this->config['remove_regex'], '', $d->getContent(), 1));
Esempio n. 14
  * handle method
  * @param \Codex\Documents\Document $document
 public function handle(Document $document)
     # $this->markdown->setConfig($settings);
Esempio n. 15
 public function printValue($isCloser = false, $key, $default = null)
     return $this->document->attr($key, $default);