private function ScanAndInsertFolioItems(BoxEntity $oBoxEntity, FolioEntity $oMappedFolioEntity)
     $sBoxPrefix = $this->sBoxPrefix;
     $sBoxNumber = $oBoxEntity->getBoxNumber();
     $sFolioNumber = $oMappedFolioEntity->getFolioNumber();
     $aScannedItemNumbers = $this->aScannedFileNames[$sBoxNumber][$sFolioNumber];
     if ($aScannedItemNumbers < 1) {
         throw new ImporterException('ScanAndInsertFolioItems() could not find the meta data items: box number ' . $sBoxNumber . ' and folio number ' . $sFolioNumber . ' in the scanned files for box number ' . $sBoxPrefix . $sBoxNumber);
     $oItemEntity = $this->oItemEntity;
     foreach ($aScannedItemNumbers as $sItemNumber) {
         $iFolioId = $oMappedFolioEntity->getId();
         $oItemEntity = $this->oItemDb->Insert($oItemEntity);
         /* Already exists so updated and not inserted */
         $sItemUpdated = $oItemEntity->getUpdated();
         if ($sItemUpdated !== null) {
             $this->oLogger->Log('Item ' . $sItemNumber . ' already exists');
         $this->oLogger->Log('Inserted Item ' . $sItemNumber);
     /* Remove the item from the array so reduce the size */
     // If we have reached this point then flag this folio as completed
     $this->oFolioDb->UpdateProcessStatus($iFolioId, 'import', 'completed');
 protected function ProcessItems(BoxEntity $oBoxEntity, FolioEntity $oFolioEntity)
     $iFolioId = $oFolioEntity->getId();
     $rItems = $this->GetItems($iFolioId);
     if ($rItems->count() < 0) {
         $this->oLogger->Log('ProcessItems(): No items could be found with ' . $this->sPreviousProcess . ' completed');
     /* @var $oItemEntity ItemEntity */
     while ($oItemEntity = $rItems->getResource()->fetchObject('Classes\\Entities\\Item')) {
         $iItemId = $oItemEntity->getId();
         $this->oItemDb->UpdateProcessStatus($iItemId, $this->sProcess, 'started');
         try {
             $sItemTitle = $this->ConstructPath($oBoxEntity, $oFolioEntity, $oItemEntity);
             // During development Comment this out to skip actual slicing
         } catch (ImporterException $oException) {
             $this->HandleError($oException, $oItemEntity);
         $this->oItemDb->UpdateProcessStatus($iItemId, $this->sProcess, 'completed');