  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function createPayload()
     $payload = new ChatPostMessagePayload();
     $payload->setText('Hello World!');
     $fakeAttachmentField = new AttachmentField();
     $fakeAttachmentField->setTitle('the title');
     $fakeAttachmentField->setValue('the value');
     $fakeAttachment = new Attachment();
     $fakeAttachment->setTitle('the title');
     $fakeAttachment->setColor('the color');
     $fakeAttachment->setFallback('the fallback');
     $fakeAttachment->setImageUrl('the image url');
     $fakeAttachment->setPreText('this is...');
     $fakeAttachment->setText('my attachment');
     $fakeAttachment->setAuthorName('the author');
     return $payload;
Esempio n. 2
 public function notify(DojoCreatedEvent $event)
     $attachment = new Attachment();
     $attachment->setFallback(sprintf('Er is een nieuwe dojo toegevoegd! %s (Website: $s)', $event->getName(), $event->getWebsite()));
     $attachment->setText('Er is een nieuwe dojo toegevoegd, welkom! Is dit jouw dojo? Claim hem op coderdojo.nl');
     $nameField = new AttachmentField();
     $cityField = new AttachmentField();
     $emailField = new AttachmentField();
     $websiteField = new AttachmentField();
     $this->slackService->sendToChannel('#website-nl', '', [$attachment]);
Esempio n. 3
 protected function notifySlack($message, $project, $env, $user, $resolverArray, $color = "#FFCC00", $update = false)
     if ($update) {
         $payload = new ChatDeletePayload();
         $response = $this->slackApiClient->send($payload);
         if ($response->isOk()) {
             if ($response instanceof ChatPostMessagePayloadResponse) {
                 /** @var ChatPostMessagePayloadResponse $response */
                 $this->ts = $response->getSlackTimestamp();
         } else {
             // something went wrong, but what?
             // simple error (Slack's error message)
             echo $response->getError();
             // explained error (Slack's explanation of the error, according to the documentation)
             echo $response->getErrorExplanation();
     $payload = new ChatPostMessagePayload();
     $payload->setChannel("#" . getenv("slack_channel"));
     $payload->setUsername("Master Jenkins");
     $attachment = new Attachment();
     $attachment->setFallback("[" . $project . "#" . getenv("BUILD_NUMBER") . " - branch *" . getenv("GIT_BRANCH") . "* to *" . $env . "* by _" . $user . "_] " . $message);
     $attachment->setText("[" . $project . "#" . getenv("BUILD_NUMBER") . " - branch *" . getenv("GIT_BRANCH") . "* to *" . $env . "* by _" . $user . "_] " . $message . "\n<" . getenv("BUILD_URL") . "console|Jenkins Console> - <" . getenv("BUILD_URL") . "changes|Changes>" . (isset($resolverArray["shared_package_target"]) && file_exists($resolverArray["shared_package_target"]) ? " - <" . $resolverArray["shared_package_url"] . "|Download>" : ""));
     $response = $this->slackApiClient->send($payload);
     if ($response->isOk()) {
         if ($response instanceof ChatPostMessagePayloadResponse) {
             /** @var ChatPostMessagePayloadResponse $response */
             $this->ts = $response->getSlackTimestamp();
             $this->channel = $response->getChannelId();
     } else {
         // something went wrong, but what?
         // simple error (Slack's error message)
         echo $response->getError();
         // explained error (Slack's explanation of the error, according to the documentation)
         echo $response->getErrorExplanation();
 public function run(OutputInterface $output)
     $output->writeln('Starting sync for Events');
     $progressbar = $this->newProgressBar($output);
     $zenIds = $this->doctrine->getRepository('CoderDojoWebsiteBundle:Dojo')->getZenIds();
     $externalEvents = $this->zen->getEvents($zenIds);
     $progressbar->setMessage('Iterating Events...');
     $countNew = 0;
     $countUpdated = 0;
     $countNoMatch = 0;
     foreach ($externalEvents as $externalEvent) {
         $progressbar->setMessage('Handling ' . $externalEvent->getName());
         $internalEvent = $this->doctrine->getRepository('CoderDojoWebsiteBundle:DojoEvent')->findOneBy(['zenId' => $externalEvent->getZenId()]);
         /** @var Dojo $dojo */
         $internalDojo = $this->doctrine->getRepository('CoderDojoWebsiteBundle:Dojo')->findOneBy(['zenId' => $externalEvent->getZenDojoId()]);
         if (null === $internalDojo) {
             $progressbar->setMessage('No internal dojo found!');
         if (null === $internalEvent) {
             $progressbar->setMessage('No internal event found');
             $command = new CreateEventCommand($internalDojo->getId(), $externalEvent->getName(), $externalEvent->getStartTime(), $internalDojo->getZenUrl(), $externalEvent->getZenId(), DojoEvent::TYPE_ZEN);
         } else {
             $progressbar->setMessage('Internal event found');
     $progressbar->setMessage('Finished syncing Events!');
     $output->writeln($countNew . ' New events added');
     $output->writeln($countUpdated . ' Existing events updated');
     $output->writeln($countNoMatch . ' events could not be matched with a dojo');
     $message = "Zen synchronizer just handled events.";
     $attachments = [];
     $attachment = new Attachment();
     $attachment->setFallback($countNew . " events added.");
     $attachment->setText($countNew . " events added.");
     $attachments[] = $attachment;
     $attachment = new Attachment();
     $attachment->setFallback($countUpdated . " events updated.");
     $attachment->setText($countUpdated . " events updated.");
     $attachments[] = $attachment;
     $attachment = new Attachment();
     $attachment->setFallback($countNoMatch . " events not matched.");
     $attachment->setText($countNoMatch . " events not matched.");
     $attachments[] = $attachment;
     $this->slackService->sendToChannel('#website-nl', $message, $attachments);
  * Created notification for slack to keep us up to date on the sync process
 private function notifySlack()
     $message = "Zen synchronizer just handled dojo's.";
     $attachments = [];
     $attachment = new Attachment();
     $attachment->setFallback($this->countNew . " dojo's added.");
     $attachment->setText($this->countNew . " dojo's added.");
     $attachments[] = $attachment;
     $attachment = new Attachment();
     $attachment->setFallback($this->countUpdated . " dojo's updated.");
     $attachment->setText($this->countUpdated . " dojo's updated.");
     $attachments[] = $attachment;
     $attachment = new Attachment();
     $attachment->setFallback($this->countRemoved . " dojo's removed.");
     $attachment->setText($this->countRemoved . " dojo's removed.");
     $attachments[] = $attachment;
     $this->slackService->sendToChannel('#website-nl', $message, $attachments);
     foreach ($this->unmatched as $unmatched) {
         $attachment = new Attachment();
         $attachment->setFallback(sprintf('This dojo resulted in multiple internal possibilities: %s (zen: $s)', $unmatched->getName(), $unmatched->getZenId()));
         $attachment->setText('A dojo resulted in multiple internal possibilities');
         $nameField = new AttachmentField();
         $cityField = new AttachmentField();
         $zenIdField = new AttachmentField();
         $zenIdField->setTitle('Zen ID');
         $zenUrlField = new AttachmentField();
         $zenUrlField->setTitle('Zen Url');
         $this->slackService->sendToChannel('#website-nl', 'We couldn\'t match this dojo internally.', [$attachment]);