  * @param string  $sku
  * @param Request $request
  * @throws \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function putProductCategory(string $sku, Request $request)
     /** @var Product $product */
     $product = $this->product->where('sku', '=', $sku)->firstOrFail();
     $category = $this->category->findOrFail($request->get('category-id'));
     $this->webUi->successMessage("Set category for `{$product->sku}` to `{$category->name}`.");
     return $this->webUi->redirect('products.show', [$product->sku]);
Esempio n. 2
  * @param Urlset  $urlSet
  * @param Product $product
 private function addProduct(Urlset $urlSet, Product $product)
     $url = new Url(htmlspecialchars($product->url()));
     foreach ($product->images as $image) {
         $url->addSubElement(new Image($image->sizeUrl()));
  * @param Product $product
 private function addProductOption(Product $product)
     $productOption = new ProductOption(['label' => ucfirst($this->faker()->unique()->word)]);
     // Add stock items for the product option.
     $this->repeat(function () use($productOption) {
         $productOption->stockItems()->save(new StockItem());
     }, random_int(5, 10));
     $imagesIDs = [];
     foreach ($this->makeImages() as $image) {
         $imagesIDs[] = $image->id;
Esempio n. 4
  * @return Collection|Product[]
 private function products() : Collection
     if ($this->products === null) {
         $this->products = Product::all();
     return $this->products;
  * @return Collection
 private function productResourceWillLoadCollection()
     /** @var Collection $collection */
     $collection = new Collection();
     return $collection;
  * Create a variant for each product that does not have any.
 public function initialiseProductOptions()
     /** @var Product $product */
     foreach (Product::has('options', '<', 1)->get() as $product) {
         echo "Creating option for product {$product->id}\n";
         $product->options()->save(new ProductOption(['label' => 'Standard']));
  * Pressing the delete button should delete the product.
 public function testDeleteButtonDeletesProduct()
     $product = $this->createProduct();
     $this->actingAs($this->staffUser())->visit(route('products.show', ['SKU' => $product->sku]))->press('Delete')->seePageIs(route('products.index'));
     /** @var Product $deletedProduct */
     $deletedProduct = Product::onlyTrashed()->where('id', '=', $product->id)->first();
     $this->assertEquals($product->id, $deletedProduct->id);
Esempio n. 8
  * @param string $sku
  * @param int    $units
  * @param int    $subunits
  * @return bool
 public function setPriceBySku(string $sku, int $units, int $subunits)
     /** @var Product $product */
     $product = $this->productResource->where('sku', $sku)->with('prices')->limit(1)->first();
     $price = $product->prices()->firstOrNew([]);
     $price->setAttribute('units', $units);
     $price->setAttribute('subunits', $subunits);
     $price->setAttribute('currency', 'GBP');
     return $price->save();
Esempio n. 9
  * Should be able to set a product's tags from its view page.
 public function testCanSetTagsForProductFromProductView()
     $tag = $this->createTag();
     $product = $this->createProduct();
     $productView = route('products.show', ['sku' => $product->sku]);
     $this->actingAs($this->staffUser())->visit($productView)->seePageIs($productView)->select($tag->id, 'tag-ids')->press('Save tags')->see('Tags updated');
     $tagOption = $this->crawler()->filter("#tag-option-{$tag->id}");
     $this->assertEquals($tagOption->attr('selected'), 'selected');
     $product = Product::where('id', '=', $product->id)->with('tags')->first();
     $this->assertContains($tag->id, $product->tags->pluck('id'));
Esempio n. 10
  * Should be able to build and access a valid XML sitemap.
  * @slowThreshold 10000
 public function testSiteMap()
     $siteMapContent = $this->getSiteMap();
     $xml = new DOMDocument();
     $errors = libxml_get_errors();
     $this->assertEmpty($errors, print_r($errors, true));
     foreach (Product::all() as $product) {
         $this->assertContains($product->url(), $siteMapContent, 'Sitemap should contain all product URLs.');
Esempio n. 11
  * @param int    $offerId
  * @param string $slug
  * @throws ModelNotFoundException
  * @return View|RedirectResponse
 public function view(int $offerId, string $slug)
     /** @var Offer $offer */
     $offer = Offer::findOrFail($offerId);
     if ($offer->slug() !== $slug) {
         return $this->webUi->redirect('offer.show', [$offerId, $offer->slug()]);
     $products = Product::whereHas('offers', function ($query) use($offer) {
         /* @var Builder $query */
         $query->where('id', '=', $offer->id);
     return $this->webUi->view('sales::offer.view', compact('offer', 'products'));
Esempio n. 12
  * @param int    $id
  * @param string $slug
  * @throws \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException
  * @return View|RedirectResponse
 public function viewCategory(int $id, string $slug)
     /** @var Category $category */
     $category = $this->category->findOrFail(Category::privateId($id));
     if ($category->slug() !== $slug) {
         return $this->webUi->redirect('categories.view', [$category->id, $category->slug()]);
     $tree = $category->getDescendantsAndSelf()->load(['products' => function ($query) {
         /* @var Product $query */
     return $this->webUi->view('customer.category.view', compact('category', 'tree'));
Esempio n. 13
  * @param FileBag|UploadedFile[] $images
  * @param Product                $product
  * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Exception\FileException
 public function attachUploadedImagesToProduct($images, Product $product)
     $product->attachImages(array_map(function (UploadedFile $image) {
         return $this->imageRepository->storeUploadedImage($image)->id;
     }, $images instanceof FileBag ? $images->all() : (array) $images));
Esempio n. 14
  * isStored should return true when id is set.
 public function testIsStoredIsTrueWhenIdIsPresent()
     $this->product->id = abs($this->generator()->anyInteger()) + 1;
Esempio n. 15
  * @param Product $product
  * @return Price
 protected function createPriceForProduct(Product $product) : Price
     $price = Price::fromSplit(random_int(1, 99), random_int(0, 99));
     return $price;
Esempio n. 16
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @return string
 public function twitterShareUrl() : string
     return 'https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?' . http_build_query(['url' => $this->wrappedObject->url(), 'text' => $this->name(), 'via' => 'ChingShopCom']);
Esempio n. 17
  * @param Request $request
  * @param string  $sku
  * @throws \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function putProductOffers(Request $request, string $sku)
     $product = Product::where('sku', '=', $sku)->firstOrFail();
     $product->offers()->sync((array) $request->get('offer-ids'));
     $this->webUi->successMessage("Set offers for product `{$product->sku}`.");
     return $this->webUi->redirect('products.show', ['sku' => $sku]);
  * @param $units
  * @param $subUnits
 private function mockProductPrice(int $units, int $subUnits)
     $price = new Price(['units' => $units, 'subunits' => $subUnits]);
     $prices = new Collection([$price]);
  * @param Product $product
  * @param string  $label
  * @return ProductOption
 public function addOptionForProduct(Product $product, string $label)
     $productOption = new ProductOption(['label' => $label]);
     return $product->options()->save($productOption);
Esempio n. 20
  * @param Product $product
  * @param array   $tagIds
 public function syncProductTagIds(Product $product, array $tagIds)
Esempio n. 21
  * @param Product $product
  * @return Image
 protected function attachImageToProduct(Product $product) : Image
     $image = Image::create(['alt_text' => str_random(), 'url' => $this->generator()->anySlug()]);
     return $image;
Esempio n. 22
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     factory(Offer::class)->times(7)->create()->each(function (Offer $offer) {
Esempio n. 23
  * @param SearchRequest $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View
 public function searchAction(SearchRequest $request)
     return $this->webUi->view('customer.product.search', ['query' => $request->searchQuery(), 'products' => $this->productResource->search($request->searchQuery())->paginate(self::PAGE_SIZE)]);
Esempio n. 24
  * @param Product $product
  * @throws \BadMethodCallException
  * @return string
 public function productMeta(Product $product) : string
     $key = "product.{$product->id}.meta";
     if ($this->cacheHas($key)) {
         return (string) $this->cacheGet($key);
     $content = $this->viewFactory->make('customer.product.meta', compact('product'))->render();
     $this->cachePut($key, $content, Carbon::now()->addDays(7));
     return $content;
  * Bootstrap the application events.
  * Here you may register any additional middleware provided with your
  * module with the following addMiddleware() method. You may pass in
  * either an array or a string.
  * @return void
 public function boot()