Esempio n. 1
 public function handleGet($get, $post, $files, $cookies)
     // todo, get PREV and NEXT links from photo and use meta prev/next in HTML theme header
     $view = new Views\BackgroundBlurView();
     $view->imageURL = $this->model->getMediaURL('thumbnail');
     $view = new Views\PhotoView();
     $view->photo = $this->model;
     $view->currentUser = Models\User::currentUser($cookies);
     $view->openGraphObject = $this;
     if (isset($get['referrer'])) {
         $view->referrer = $get['referrer'];
     } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
         $view->referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
     if ($this->model->get('status') != 0) {
         if (Models\User::currentUser($cookies)->authorizationLevel < 5) {
             throw new \Exception('This file has been flagged or marked private');
     $this->model->set('hits', $this->model->get('hits') + 1);
     $context = $this->model->getFolder();
     $view->contextUrl = FolderController::getUrlForID($context->id);
     $photoNext = $this->model->getNext();
     $photoPrev = $this->model->getPrevious();
     $context = $this->model->getFolder();
     /* Render footer */
     $this->footerJavascript = "\noutUrl = '" . FolderController::getUrlForID($context->id) . "'\nfunction goOut() {\n\t\$('#mainPic').animate({\n      opacity: 'hide'\n    }, 'medium', 'easeOutQuad', function() {\n      \$('#mainPic').remove();\n      window.location.href = outUrl\n    });\n}\t\t\t\n\n\$(document).keyup(function(e) {\n\tif (e.which == 27) goOut();\n});\n\nvar hammertime = new Hammer(\$('#mainPic')[0]);\n\$.easing.easeInQuad = function (x, t, b, c, d) {\n        return c*(t/=d)*t + b;\n    };\n\$.easing.easeOutQuad = function (x, t, b, c, d) {\n        return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b;\n};\n\t\t\nnextUrl = '" . ($photoNext ? self::getUrlForID($photoNext->id) : '') . "'\nfunction goNext() {\n\tif (nextUrl) {\t\t\n\t\t\$('#mainPic').animate({\n\t      opacity: 'hide',\n\t      left: '-200px'\n\t    }, 'medium', 'easeOutQuad', function() {\n\t      \$('#mainPic').remove();\n\t      window.location.href = nextUrl\n\t    });\n\t} else {\n\t\t\$('#mainPic').animate({\n\t      left: '-200px'\n\t    }, 'fast', 'easeOutQuad', function() {\n\t\t\t\$('#mainPic').animate({\n\t\t      left: '0'\n\t\t    }, 'fast', 'easeInQuad');\n\t    });\t\t\n\t}\n}\t\t\t\nhammertime.on('swipeleft', goNext);\n\$(document).keyup(function(e) {\n\tif (e.which == 39) goNext();\n});\n\t\t\nprevUrl = '" . ($photoPrev ? self::getUrlForID($photoPrev->id) : '') . "'\nfunction goPrev() {\n\tif (prevUrl) {\t\t\n\t\t\$('#mainPic').animate({\n\t      opacity: 'hide',\n\t      left: '200px'\n\t    }, 'medium', 'easeOutQuad', function() {\n\t      \$('#mainPic').remove();\n\t      window.location.href = prevUrl\n\t    });\n\t} else {\n\t\t\$('#mainPic').animate({\n\t      left: '200px'\n\t    }, 'fast', 'easeOutQuad', function() {\n\t\t\t\$('#mainPic').animate({\n\t\t      left: '0'\n\t\t    }, 'fast', 'easeInQuad');\n\t    });\t\t\n\t}\n}\t\t\t\nhammertime.on('swiperight', goPrev);\n\$(document).keyup(function(e) {\n\tif (e.which == 37) goPrev();\n});\n\t    ";
Esempio n. 2
 public function handleGet($get, $post, $files, $cookies)
     $start = isset($get['start']) ? $get['start'] : 0;
     $section = isset($get['section']) ? $get['section'] : null;
     $photoCount = $this->model->getPhotoCount();
     $folderCount = $this->model->getFolderCount();
     $gridObjects = array();
     if (!$photoCount || $section == 'folders') {
         foreach ($this->model->getFolders() as $folder) {
             $gridObjects[] = new FolderController($folder->id);
     } else {
         foreach ($this->model->getPhotos() as $photo) {
             $gridObjects[] = new PhotoController($photo->id);
     $photos = $this->model->getPhotos();
     $firstPhoto = NULL;
     if (count($photos) > 0) {
         $firstPhoto = $photos[0];
     /* Set up common page parts */
     if ($firstPhoto) {
         $view = new Views\BackgroundBlurView();
         $view->imageURL = $firstPhoto->getMediaURL('thumbnail');
     /* Set up breadcrumbs */
     $breadcrumbs = new Views\BreadcrumbView();
     foreach ($this->model->getAncestors() as $ancestor) {
         $openGraph = new FolderController($ancestor->path);
         $openGraph->title = basename($openGraph->title);
         $breadcrumbs->openGraphObjects[] = $openGraph;
     $openGraph = clone $this;
     $openGraph->title = basename($openGraph->title);
     $breadcrumbs->openGraphObjects[] = $openGraph;
     $breadcrumbs->openGraphObjects[0]->title = '(All photos)';
     /* Set up tabs */
     $tabs = new Views\TabView();
     if ($photoCount && $folderCount) {
         $tabs->openGraphObjects[0] = clone $this;
         $tabs->openGraphObjects[0]->title = "{$photoCount} photos";
         $tabs->openGraphObjects[1] = clone $this;
         $tabs->openGraphObjects[1]->title = "{$folderCount} folders";
     /* Set up grid */
     $grid = new Views\GridView();
     $grid->openGraphObjects = $gridObjects;
     /* Set up page selector */
     $pageSelector = new Views\PageSelectorView();
     $pageSelector->start = $start;
     $pageSelector->total = $photoCount;
     $pageSelector->url = $this->url;
     /* Render footer */