associations() public method

Get the associations collection for this table.
public associations ( ) : Cake\ORM\AssociationCollection
return Cake\ORM\AssociationCollection The collection of association objects.
Esempio n. 1
  * Get the array of junction aliases for all the BelongsToMany associations
  * @param Table $table Table
  * @return array junction aliases of all the BelongsToMany associations
 public function belongsToManyJunctionAliases(Table $table)
     $extractor = function ($val) {
         return $val->junction()->alias();
     return array_map($extractor, $table->associations()->type('BelongsToMany'));
Esempio n. 2
  * Extract the aliases for associations
  * @param \Cake\ORM\Table $table object to find associations on
  * @param string $assoc association to extract
  * @return array
 public function aliasExtractor($table, $assoc)
     $extractor = function ($val) {
         return $val->target()->alias();
     return array_map($extractor, $table->associations()->type($assoc));
  * @param \Cake\Event\Event $event
  * @param \Cake\ORM\Query $query
  * @param \ArrayObject $options
  * @param bool $primary
  * @return void
 public function beforeFind(Event $event, Query $query, ArrayObject $options, $primary)
     if (!$primary && !$this->_config['recursive']) {
     $field = $this->_config['field'];
     if (!$field) {
     $idField = $this->_primaryKey;
     if ($primary && $field === $idField) {
         $query->traverseExpressions(function ($expression) {
             if (method_exists($expression, 'getField') && ($expression->getField() === $this->_primaryKey || $expression->getField() === $this->_table->alias() . '.' . $this->_primaryKey)) {
             return $expression;
     if (!$this->_config['recursive']) {
     foreach ($this->_table->associations() as $association) {
         if ($association->target()->hasBehavior('Hashid') && $association->finder() === 'all') {
  * Get instance of FileStorage association.
  * @return void
 protected function _getFileStorageAssociationInstance()
     foreach ($this->_table->associations() as $association) {
         if ($association->className() == self::FILES_STORAGE_NAME) {
             $this->_fileStorageAssociation = $association;
  * Returns association object for all versions or single field version.
  * @param string|null $field Field name for per-field association.
  * @param array $options Association options.
  * @return \Cake\ORM\Association
 public function versionAssociation($field = null, $options = [])
     $name = $this->_associationName($field);
     if (!$this->_table->associations()->has($name)) {
         $model = $this->_config['referenceName'];
         if ($field) {
             $this->_table->hasOne($name, $options + ['className' => $this->_config['versionTable'], 'foreignKey' => $this->_config['foreignKey'], 'joinType' => 'LEFT', 'conditions' => [$name . '.model' => $model, $name . '.field' => $field], 'propertyName' => $field . '_version']);
         } else {
             $this->_table->hasMany($name, $options + ['className' => $this->_config['versionTable'], 'foreignKey' => $this->_config['foreignKey'], 'strategy' => 'subquery', 'conditions' => ["{$name}.model" => $model], 'propertyName' => '__version', 'dependent' => true]);
     return $this->_table->association($name);
  * @param \ArrayObject $data
  * @param \Cake\ORM\Table $table
  * @return \ArrayObject
 protected function _process($data, Table $table)
     $associations = [];
     /* @var \Cake\ORM\Association $association */
     foreach ($table->associations() as $association) {
         $associations[$association->property()] = $association->name();
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         if (array_key_exists($key, $associations)) {
             $data[$key] = $this->_process($data[$key], $table->association($associations[$key])->target());
         $nullable = Hash::get((array) $table->schema()->column($key), 'null');
         if ($nullable !== true) {
         if ($value !== '') {
         $default = Hash::get((array) $table->schema()->column($key), 'default');
         $data[$key] = $default;
     return $data;
  * Get parent model association's foreign key.
  * @param  \Cake\ORM\Table $table     Table instance
  * @param  string          $modelName Model name
  * @return string
 protected function _getForeignKey(Table $table, $modelName)
     $result = null;
     foreach ($table->associations() as $association) {
         if ($modelName === $association->className()) {
             $result = $association->foreignKey();
     return $result;
Esempio n. 8
  * Extract the aliases for associations, filters hasMany associations already extracted as
  * belongsToMany
  * @param \Cake\ORM\Table $table object to find associations on
  * @param string $assoc association to extract
  * @return array
 public function aliasExtractor($table, $assoc)
     $extractor = function ($val) {
         return $val->target()->alias();
     $aliases = array_map($extractor, $table->associations()->type($assoc));
     if ($assoc === 'HasMany') {
         return $this->_filterHasManyAssociationsAliases($table, $aliases);
     return $aliases;
Esempio n. 9
  * Returns an entity property "schema".
  * The schema is an associative array, using the property names
  * as keys, and information about the property as the value.
  * The value part consists of at least two keys:
  * - `kind`: The kind of property, either `column`, which indicates
  * that the property stems from a database column, or `association`,
  * which identifies a property that is generated for an associated
  * table.
  * - `type`: The type of the property value. For the `column` kind
  * this is the database type associated with the column, and for the
  * `association` type it's the FQN of the entity class for the
  * associated table.
  * For `association` properties an additional key will be available
  * - `association`: Holds an instance of the corresponding association
  * class.
  * @param \Cake\ORM\Table $model The model to introspect.
  * @return array The property schema
 public function getEntityPropertySchema(Table $model)
     $properties = [];
     $schema = $model->schema();
     foreach ($schema->columns() as $column) {
         $properties[$column] = ['kind' => 'column', 'type' => $schema->columnType($column)];
     foreach ($model->associations() as $association) {
         $entityClass = '\\' . ltrim($association->target()->entityClass(), '\\');
         if ($entityClass === '\\Cake\\ORM\\Entity') {
             $namespace = Configure::read('App.namespace');
             list($plugin, ) = pluginSplit($association->target()->registryAlias());
             if ($plugin !== null) {
                 $namespace = $plugin;
             $namespace = str_replace('/', '\\', trim($namespace, '\\'));
             $entityClass = $this->_entityName($association->target()->alias());
             $entityClass = '\\' . $namespace . '\\Model\\Entity\\' . $entityClass;
         $properties[$association->property()] = ['kind' => 'association', 'association' => $association, 'type' => $entityClass];
     return $properties;
Esempio n. 10
  * Test addAssociations()
  * @return void
 public function testAddAssociations()
     $params = ['belongsTo' => ['users' => ['foreignKey' => 'fake_id', 'conditions' => ['a' => 'b']]], 'hasOne' => ['profiles'], 'hasMany' => ['authors'], 'belongsToMany' => ['tags' => ['joinTable' => 'things_tags']]];
     $table = new Table(['table' => 'dates']);
     $associations = $table->associations();
     $belongsTo = $associations->get('users');
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Cake\\ORM\\Association\\BelongsTo', $belongsTo);
     $this->assertEquals('users', $belongsTo->name());
     $this->assertEquals('fake_id', $belongsTo->foreignKey());
     $this->assertEquals(['a' => 'b'], $belongsTo->conditions());
     $this->assertSame($table, $belongsTo->source());
     $hasOne = $associations->get('profiles');
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Cake\\ORM\\Association\\HasOne', $hasOne);
     $this->assertEquals('profiles', $hasOne->name());
     $hasMany = $associations->get('authors');
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Cake\\ORM\\Association\\hasMany', $hasMany);
     $this->assertEquals('authors', $hasMany->name());
     $belongsToMany = $associations->get('tags');
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Cake\\ORM\\Association\\BelongsToMany', $belongsToMany);
     $this->assertEquals('tags', $belongsToMany->name());
     $this->assertSame('things_tags', $belongsToMany->junction()->table());
Esempio n. 11
  * Returns a map of property names where the association results should be injected
  * in the top level entities.
  * @param Cake\ORM\Table $source The table having the top level associations
  * @param array $associations The name of the top level associations
  * @return array
 protected function _getPropertyMap($source, $associations)
     $map = [];
     $container = $source->associations();
     foreach ($associations as $assoc) {
         $map[$assoc] = $container->get($assoc)->property();
     return $map;
Esempio n. 12
  * Returns associations for controllers models.
  * @param Table $model The model to build associations for.
  * @return array associations
 protected function _associations(Table $model)
     $keys = ['BelongsTo', 'HasOne', 'HasMany', 'BelongsToMany'];
     $associations = [];
     foreach ($keys as $type) {
         foreach ($model->associations()->type($type) as $assoc) {
             $target = $assoc->target();
             $assocName = $assoc->name();
             $alias = $target->alias();
             $targetClass = get_class($target);
             list(, $className) = namespaceSplit($targetClass);
             $modelClass = get_class($model);
             if ($modelClass !== 'Cake\\ORM\\Table' && $targetClass === $modelClass) {
             $className = preg_replace('/(.*)Table$/', '\\1', $className);
             if ($className === '') {
                 $className = $alias;
             $associations[$type][$assocName] = ['property' => $assoc->property(), 'variable' => Inflector::variable($assocName), 'primaryKey' => (array) $target->primaryKey(), 'displayField' => $target->displayField(), 'foreignKey' => $assoc->foreignKey(), 'alias' => $alias, 'controller' => $className, 'fields' => $target->schema()->columns()];
     return $associations;
  * Method that retrieves and returns Table's assignation fields. These are fields
  * that dictate assigment, usually foreign key associated with a Users tables. (example: assigned_to)
  * @param  \Cake\ORM\Table $table Table instance
  * @return array
 protected function _getTableAssignationFields(Table $table)
     $fields = [];
     foreach ($table->associations() as $association) {
         // skip non-assignation models
         if (!in_array($association->className(), $this->_assignationModels)) {
         $fields[] = $association->foreignKey();
     return $fields;
  * getAssignedAssociations
  * gets all Entities associated with the record
  * @param \Cake\ORM\Table $table of the record
  * @param \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity extra options
  * @param array $fields Attendees fields
  * @return array $entities
 public function getAssignedAssociations(Table $table, EntityInterface $entity, array $fields)
     $entities = [];
     foreach ($table->associations() as $association) {
         if (!in_array($association->foreignKey(), $fields)) {
         $query = $association->target()->find('all', ['conditions' => [$association->primaryKey() => $entity->{$association->foreignKey()}]]);
         $result = $query->first();
         if ($result) {
             $entities[] = $result;
     return $entities;
Esempio n. 15
  * Checks if an association exists.
  * @throws \RuntimeException If no such association exists for the given table.
  * @param \Cake\ORM\Table $table Table object.
  * @param string $association Association name.
  * @return void
 protected function _checkAssociation(Table $table, $association)
     if (!$table->associations()->has($association)) {
         throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Table `%s` is not associated with `%s`', get_class($table), $association));
Esempio n. 16
  * Returns associations for controllers models.
  * @param Table $model
  * @return array associations
 protected function _associations(Table $model)
     $keys = ['BelongsTo', 'HasOne', 'HasMany', 'BelongsToMany'];
     $associations = [];
     foreach ($keys as $type) {
         foreach ($model->associations()->type($type) as $assoc) {
             $target = $assoc->target();
             $assocName = $assoc->name();
             $alias = $target->alias();
             $associations[$type][$assocName] = ['property' => $assoc->property(), 'variable' => Inflector::variable($assocName), 'primaryKey' => (array) $target->primaryKey(), 'displayField' => $target->displayField(), 'foreignKey' => $assoc->foreignKey(), 'controller' => Inflector::underscore($alias), 'fields' => $target->schema()->columns()];
     return $associations;