Esempio n. 1
 public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context)
     //         debug($data);
     //         debug($this->_templates);
     $date_data = ['type' => 'text', 'name' => $data['name'] . '__date__', 'id' => $this->get_dom_id($data['name'] . '-date'), 'language' => $data['language'], 'datepicker_format' => $data['datepicker_format'], 'upper_datepicker_id' => isset($data['upper_datepicker_name']) ? $this->get_dom_id($data['upper_datepicker_name'] . '-date') : null, 'upper_datepicker_name' => isset($data['upper_datepicker_name']) ? $data['upper_datepicker_name'] : null, 'format_on_blur' => $data['format_on_blur'], 'alaxos_js_format' => $data['alaxos_js_format'], 'class' => 'form-control inputDate'];
     //         debug($date_data);
     $time_data = ['type' => 'text', 'name' => $data['name'] . '__time__', 'id' => $this->get_dom_id($data['name'] . '-time'), 'class' => 'form-control inputTime'];
     $hidden_data = ['type' => 'hidden', 'name' => $data['name'], 'id' => $this->get_dom_id($data['name'] . '-hidden')];
     $display_timezone = null;
     if (Configure::check('display_timezone')) {
         $display_timezone = Configure::read('display_timezone');
     } elseif (Configure::check('default_display_timezone')) {
         $display_timezone = Configure::read('default_display_timezone');
      * Case of posted data
     if (isset($data['val']) && !empty($data['val']) && is_string($data['val'])) {
         $data['val'] = Time::parse($data['val'], $display_timezone);
     if (isset($data['val']) && (is_a($data['val'], 'Cake\\I18n\\Time') || is_a($data['val'], 'Cake\\I18n\\FrozenTime'))) {
         if (isset($display_timezone)) {
             //it doesn't change the timezone internally, but it changes the tz used for display
         $datetime = $data['val'];
         $date_data['value'] = $datetime->format($data['php_date_format']);
         $time_data['value'] = $datetime->format('H:i');
         $hidden_data['value'] = $date_data['value'] . ' ' . $time_data['value'];
     $input = $this->get_html_code($date_data, $time_data, $hidden_data);
     $input .= $this->get_js_code($date_data, $time_data, $hidden_data);
     return $input;
 public function navbar()
     $ongoing_events = $this->Events->find()->select(['id', 'eventname'])->where(['enddate <=' => Time::parse('now'), 'startdate >=' => Time::parse('now')])->order(['startdate' => 'DESC'])->toArray();
     $coming_events = $this->Events->find()->select(['id', 'eventname'])->where(['enddate >' => Time::parse('now')])->order(['startdate' => 'DESC'])->toArray();
     $past_events = $this->Events->find()->select(['id', 'eventname'])->where(['enddate <' => Time::parse('now')])->order(['startdate' => 'DESC'])->toArray();
     $this->set(['ongoing_events' => $ongoing_events, 'coming_events' => $coming_events, 'past_events' => $past_events]);
 public function findUnresolved()
     $this->currentTime = Time::parse('now');
     $query = $this->find()->contain(['Submissions.Users' => function ($q) {
         return $q->select(['id']);
     }])->where(['winner_id IS' => null]);
     $query->matching('Hunts', function ($q) {
         return $q->where(['Hunts.voting_end_date <=' => $this->currentTime]);
     return $query;
Esempio n. 4
 public function next_run($original, $last, $period)
     $real_offset = date('Z');
     $now = Time::parse($real_offset . " seconds");
     if ($last->lt($original)) {
         return $original->i18nFormat(null, 'UTC');
     $breaker = true;
     while ($breaker) {
         $counter = $original;
         $counter->modify('+' . $period . "days");
         if ($counter->gte($now)) {
             $breaker = false;
     return $counter->i18nFormat(null, 'UTC');
  * main() method.
  * @return void
 public function main()
     $timeAgo = '-' . Configure::read('Authentication.login_lock_duration');
     $timeLock = Time::parse($timeAgo);
     $lockedUsers = $this->Users->find()->where(['Users.failed_login_count >=' => Configure::read('Authentication.max_login_retries'), 'Users.failed_login_timestamp <' => $timeLock])->toArray();
     if (!empty($lockedUsers)) {
         $this->out('found ' . count($lockedUsers) . ' locked user to unlock');
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($lockedUsers as $user) {
             $user->login_retries = 0;
             $user->failed_login_timestamp = null;
             if ($this->Users->save($user)) {
         $this->out('Unlocked ' . $i . ' user');
     } else {
         $this->out('found no locked user to unlock');
 public function getStatus($id)
     // Only called on a single entity, rather than a map/reduce on a whole table.
     // Can't tell which one is more 'useful', in the context of this app, though...
     $now = Time::parse('now');
     $query = $this->find()->where(['' => $id])->first();
     if ($query['start_date'] <= $now && $query['end_date'] >= $now) {
         $status['subs'] = "open";
     } else {
         $status['subs'] = "closed";
     if ($query['voting_start_date'] <= $now && $query['voting_end_date'] >= $now) {
         $status['vote'] = "open";
     } else {
         $status['vote'] = "closed";
     return $status;
 public function testGetBatch()
     $identifier = 'test_email_notification_custom';
     $data = ['locale' => 'eng', 'recipient_user_id' => 'f9df9eab-a6a3-4c89-9579-3eaeeb47e25f', 'transport' => 'email', 'config' => ['placeholder1' => 'PL1', 'placeholder2' => 'PL2']];
     $notification1 = $this->NotificationQueue->createNotification($identifier, $data);
     $res1 = $this->NotificationQueue->enqueue($notification1);
     $notification2 = $this->NotificationQueue->createNotification($identifier, $data);
     $notification2->created = Time::createFromTimestamp(strtotime('+5hour'));
     // this is critical, as we're ordering by created when getting a batch
     $res2 = $this->NotificationQueue->enqueue($notification2);
     $batch = $this->NotificationQueue->getBatch(1);
     $this->assertEquals(count($batch), 1);
     $firstNotification = $this->NotificationQueue->get($notification1->id);
     $secondNotification = $this->NotificationQueue->get($notification2->id);
     $this->assertEquals($batch[0]->id, $firstNotification->id);
     // notification1 must not be in the batch, as it is locked by the first batch
     $batch2 = $this->NotificationQueue->getBatch();
     $this->assertEquals(count($batch2), 1);
     $this->assertEquals($batch2[0]->id, $secondNotification->id);
     // make sure sent notifications are not added to the batch
     $batch2 = $this->NotificationQueue->getBatch();
     $this->assertEquals(count($batch2), 1);
     $this->assertEquals($batch2[0]->id, $secondNotification->id);
     $notification1->sent = false;
     // make sure notifications which have reached the max send tries are not in the batch
     $notification2->send_tries = $this->NotificationQueue->getMaxSendTries();
     $batch3 = $this->NotificationQueue->getBatch();
     $this->assertEquals(count($batch3), 1);
     $this->assertEquals($batch3[0]->id, $firstNotification->id);
     // notification to be sent in the future shouldn't be in the batch
     $data['send_after'] = Time::parse('+2 hours');
     $notification3 = $this->NotificationQueue->createNotification($identifier, $data);
     $batch4 = $this->NotificationQueue->getBatch();
Esempio n. 8
 protected function _chartjs_statistics()
     $wld_template = ['labels' => ['Win', 'Loss', 'Draw'], 'datasets' => [['label' => 'result', 'data' => [0, 0, 0]]]];
     $games = $this->Games->find('all');
     $games = $this->_restrictToCurrentUser($games);
     //        $games->groupBy('')
     $unique_pairs = [];
     $games = $games->toArray();
     $loc = ['1' => 0, '-1' => 1, '0' => 2];
     foreach ($games as $key => $game) {
         $array_key = $game->opponent_id . '-' . $game->game_type_id;
         if (!array_key_exists(strval($game->result), $loc)) {
         if (!array_key_exists($array_key, $unique_pairs)) {
             $unique_pairs[$array_key]['chart'] = $wld_template;
             $unique_pairs[$array_key]['key'] = $array_key;
             $unique_pairs[$array_key]['opponent_id'] = $game->opponent_id;
             $unique_pairs[$array_key]['opponent_type'] = $game->opponent_type;
             $unique_pairs[$array_key]['opponent_image'] = $game->opponent_image;
             $unique_pairs[$array_key]['game_count'] = 0;
             $unique_pairs[$array_key]['game_type_id'] = $game->game_type_id;
             $unique_pairs[$array_key]['title'] = $game->opponent_display . ' in ' . $game->game_type_name;
             $unique_pairs[$array_key]['date'] = '';
         if ($game->result == 0 and !isset($unique_pairs[$array_key]['chart']['datasets'][0][2])) {
             $unique_pairs[$array_key]['chart']['datasets'][0]['data'][2] = 0;
             $unique_pairs[$array_key]['chart']['labels'][2] = 'Draw';
         if (strtotime($game->created) > strtotime($unique_pairs[$array_key]['date'])) {
             $unique_pairs[$array_key]['date'] = $game->created;
             $unique_pairs[$array_key]['date_display'] = 'Last Game: ' . Time::parse($game->created)->nice('America/New_York');
     usort($unique_pairs, function ($a, $b) {
         return strtotime($b['date']) - strtotime($a['date']);
     //$stats['chart_data']['datasets'][0]['data'] = $unique_pairs;
     $this->set(['_serialize' => true, 'success' => true, 'data' => ['chart_data' => $unique_pairs]]);
 public function findByDate()
     $currentTime = Time::parse('now');
     $now = $currentTime->i18nFormat('YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
     $query = $this->find()->contain(['Marks.Hunts', 'PictureComments.Users'])->where(['Hunts.voting_end_date <=' => $now])->order(['Pictures.timestamp' => 'DESC']);
     return $query;
Esempio n. 10
  * Returns hash with lines found in /var/log/cakephp/cakebox.cli.log
  * @return string Array Containing all log entries
 public function getCakeboxCliLog()
     $lines = file($this->cakeboxMeta['cli_log']);
     $result = [];
     // extract timestamp, level and message from Monolog logstash format
     foreach ($lines as $line) {
         preg_match('/\\"@timestamp\\":\\"(.+)\\",\\"@source.+\\"level\\":(\\d{3}).+\\"@message\\":\\"(.+)\\",\\"@tags".+/', $line, $matches);
         // parse timestamp so we can split into human readable date and time
         $time = Time::parse($matches[1]);
         // add Monolog/RFC 5424 level names
         // Should ideally be moved into testable logic or... ask Monolog lib.
         $level = $matches[2];
         switch ($level) {
             case 100:
                 $levelName = 'debug';
             case 200:
                 $levelName = 'info';
             case 250:
                 $levelName = 'notice';
             case 300:
                 $levelName = 'warning';
             case 400:
                 $levelName = 'error';
             case 500:
                 $levelName = 'critical';
             case 550:
                 $levelName = 'alert';
             case 600:
                 $levelName = 'emergency';
                 $levelName = $level;
         // store as rich formatted hash entry
         $result[] = ['date' => $time->i18nFormat('YYYY-MM-dd'), 'time' => $time->i18nFormat('HH:mm:ss'), 'level' => $level, 'level_name' => $levelName, 'message' => $matches[3]];
     return $result;
Esempio n. 11
 public function cron()
     $all = $this->Schedules->find('all');
     $real_offset = date('Z');
     $now = Time::parse($real_offset . " seconds");
     $this->verbose("Runtime: " . $now);
     foreach ($all as $task) {
         $this->verbose("Task #" . $task->id . " Period: " . $task->period . " Original: " . $task->start_time . " Last: " . $task->last_run);
         $do_this_task = false;
         if ($task->last_run->lt($task->start_time)) {
             $this->verbose(' Has never run');
             if ($task->start_time->lte($now)) {
                 $do_this_task = true;
                 $this->verbose(' Should run now, overdue');
             } else {
                 $this->verbose(' SKIPPING');
         } else {
             $this->verbose(' Has run');
             $counter = $task->start_time;
             $breaker = true;
             while ($breaker) {
                 $counter->modify("+" . $task->period . "days");
                 if ($counter->gt($task->last_run)) {
                     $breaker = false;
                     $this->verbose(' Found next run: ' . $counter);
             if ($counter->lte($now)) {
                 $this->verbose(' Should run now!');
                 $do_this_task = true;
             } else {
                 $this->verbose(' SKIPPING');
         if ($do_this_task) {
             $this->verbose(' Running task type: ' . $task->jobtype);
             switch ($task->jobtype) {
                 case "unpaid":
                 case "remind":
                 case "tasks":
                     $this->sendtask($task->sendto, $task->show_id);
                 case "budget":
                     $this->sendbudget($task->sendto, $task->show_id);
                 case "today":
                     $this->sendcal($task->sendto, $task->show_id);
             $task->last_run = $now;
             $this->verbose(' Updated last run');
Esempio n. 12
 public function _getModifiedDate()
     $modified = Time::parse($this->modified);
     return $modified->nice('Europe/Paris', 'fr-FR');
Esempio n. 13
 protected function _addDatetimeCondition(Query $query, $fieldName, $value, array $options = array())
     $default_timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
     $display_timezone = $default_timezone;
     if (isset($this->_config['display_timezone'])) {
         $display_timezone = $this->_config['display_timezone'];
     } elseif (Configure::check('display_timezone')) {
         $display_timezone = Configure::read('display_timezone');
     } elseif (Configure::check('default_display_timezone')) {
         $display_timezone = Configure::read('default_display_timezone');
     //         $default_timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
     //         $display_timezone = !empty($display_timezone) ? $display_timezone : $default_timezone;
     $date1 = null;
     $date2 = null;
     if (is_array($value)) {
          * FROM - TO filter
         if (isset($value['__start__']) && !empty($value['__start__'])) {
             try {
                 $date1 = Time::parse($value['__start__'], $display_timezone);
             } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         if (isset($value['__end__']) && !empty($value['__end__'])) {
             try {
                 $date2 = Time::parse($value['__end__'], $display_timezone);
             } catch (\Exception $ex) {
     } elseif (is_string($value) && !empty($value)) {
          * ONE field filter
         try {
             $date1 = Time::parse($value, $display_timezone);
         } catch (\Exception $ex) {
     if (isset($date2)) {
         if (stripos($value['__end__'], ' ') === false) {
              * No time is given -> we should search *including* the end date
              * -> add one day to searched value
     if (isset($date1) && isset($date2)) {
          * search BETWEEN both dates
         $query->where(function ($exp) use($fieldName, $date1, $date2) {
             return $exp->gte($fieldName, $date1->toDateTimeString())->lte($fieldName, $date2->toDateTimeString());
     } elseif (isset($date1)) {
          * search AT first date
         if (stripos($value['__start__'], ' ') === false) {
              * Not time is given -> the search is made on the whole day, from midnight to midnight
             $fake_date2 = $date1->copy();
             $query->where(function ($exp) use($fieldName, $date1, $fake_date2) {
                 return $exp->gte($fieldName, $date1->toDateTimeString())->lt($fieldName, $fake_date2->toDateTimeString());
         } else {
             $query->where([$fieldName => $date1->toDateTimeString()]);
     } elseif (isset($date2)) {
          * search UNTIL second date
         $query->where(function ($exp) use($fieldName, $date2) {
             return $exp->lte($fieldName, $date2->toDateTimeString());
 public function term()
     $settings = TableRegistry::get('Settings');
     $users = TableRegistry::get('Users');
     $session = $this->request->session();
     $user = $users->get($this->Auth->user('id'));
     $now = Time::now();
     $apiId = $settings->get('10')->text;
     $apiToken = $settings->get('11')->text;
     $apiBase = $settings->get('12')->text;
     if (is_null($user->osm_secret) || !$session->check('OSM.Secret')) {
         $this->Flash->error(__('Please link your account first'));
         return $this->redirect(['action' => 'link']);
     } elseif (is_null($user->osm_section_id)) {
         $this->Flash->error(__('Please set your section first'));
         return $this->redirect(['action' => 'section']);
     } else {
         $userOsmId = $user->osm_user_id;
         $userOsmSecret = $user->osm_secret . $session->read('OSM.Secret');
         $userOsmSection = $user->osm_section_id;
     $http = new Client(['host' => $apiBase, 'scheme' => 'https']);
     $url = '/api.php?action=getTerms';
     $response = $http->post($url, ['userid' => $userOsmId, 'secret' => $userOsmSecret, 'token' => $apiToken, 'apiid' => $apiId]);
     if ($response->isOk()) {
         $preBody = $response->json;
         // Debugger::dump($preBody);
         $body = Hash::get($preBody, $user->osm_section_id);
         // Debugger::dump($body);
         $terms = Hash::combine($body, '{n}.termid', '{n}', '{n}.past');
         // Debugger::dump($terms);
         $term = Hash::get($terms, 1);
         //$term_end = $term->enddate;
         foreach ($term as $term) {
             $startdate = Hash::get($term, 'startdate');
             $start = Time::parse($startdate);
             $enddate = Hash::get($term, 'enddate');
             $end = Time::parse($enddate);
             $count = 0;
             if ($start < $now && $end > $now) {
                 $count = $count + 1;
                 $termSel = $term;
         if ($count == 1) {
             $termId = Hash::get($termSel, 'termid');
             $termEndDate = Hash::get($termSel, 'enddate');
             $termEnd = Time::parse($termEndDate);
             $usrData = ['osm_current_term' => $termId, 'osm_term_end' => $termEnd, 'osm_linked' => 3];
             $users->patchEntity($user, $usrData);
             if ($users->save($user)) {
                 $this->Flash->success(__('Your OSM Term has been set.'));
                 return $this->redirect(['action' => 'home']);
             } else {
                 $this->Flash->error(__('The user could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
                 return $this->redirect(['action' => 'home']);
         } else {
             $this->Flash->error(__('More than 1 Term Applies.'));
     } else {
         $this->Flash->error(__('There was a request error, please try again.'));
         return $this->redirect(['action' => 'home']);
 public function getValues()
     return [['2017-07-06 14:20:00', '2017-07-06 14:20:00', 'Date time string'], ['2017-07-06', '2017-07-06', 'Date string'], ['14:20:00', '14:20:00', 'Time string'], ['foobar', 'foobar', 'Non-date string'], [15, 15, 'Non-date integer'], [Time::parse('2017-07-06 14:20:00'), '14:20', 'Time from object']];
Esempio n. 16
  * Operate over workers by sending a PCNTL signal.
  * Note: The workers status is conveniently stored by ResqueStatus.
  * @param string $title Action title
  * @param array $workers List of workers
  * @param string $noWorkersMessage Message when there is not workers
  * @param string $listTitle Title of the list of workers
  * @param string $allActionMessage Message for executing the action on all workers
  * @param string $promptMessage Prompt message
  * @param string $schedulerWorkerActionMessage Message for executing the action on the scheduler worker
  * @param string $workerActionMessage Mesage for executing the action on a regular worker
  * @param function $formatListItem Function used to format each list item
  * @param function $successCallback Action executed on success
  * @param string $signal Signal to send to the worker process
  * @param function $schedulerWorkerAction Action to execute on the scheduled worker
  * @return void
  * @see ResqueStatus\ResqueStatus::isSchedulerWorker()
 protected function _sendSignal($title, $workers, $noWorkersMessage, $listTitle, $allActionMessage, $promptMessage, $schedulerWorkerActionMessage, $workerActionMessage, $formatListItem, $successCallback, $signal, $schedulerWorkerAction = null)
     if (!function_exists('pcntl_signal')) {
         return $this->out('<error>' . __d('cake_resque', "This function requires the PCNTL extension") . '</error>');
     $ResqueStatus = $this->ResqueStatus;
     if ($formatListItem === null) {
         $formatListItem = function ($worker, $i) use($ResqueStatus) {
             $now = Time::parse(CakeResque::getWorkerStartDate($worker));
             return sprintf("    [%3d] - %s, started %s", $i, $ResqueStatus->isSchedulerWorker($worker) ? '<comment>**Scheduler Worker**</comment>' : $worker, $now->timeAgoInWords());
     $this->out('<info>' . $title . '</info>');
     if (empty($workers)) {
         $this->out('   ' . $noWorkersMessage);
     } else {
         $workerIndex = [];
         if (!$this->params['all'] && count($workers) > 1) {
             $this->out($listTitle . ':');
             $i = 1;
             foreach ($workers as $worker) {
                 $this->out($formatListItem($worker, $i++));
             $options = range(1, $i - 1);
             if ($i > 2) {
                 $this->out('    [all] - ' . $allActionMessage);
                 $options[] = 'all';
             $in = $this->in($promptMessage . ': ', $options);
             if ($in == 'all') {
                 $workerIndex = range(1, count($workers));
             } else {
                 $workerIndex[] = $in;
         } else {
             $workerIndex = range(1, count($workers));
         foreach ($workerIndex as $index) {
             $worker = $workers[$index - 1];
             list($hostname, $pid, $queue) = explode(':', (string) $worker);
             if (Configure::read('CakeResque.Scheduler.enabled') === true && $ResqueStatus->isSchedulerWorker($worker)) {
                 if ($schedulerWorkerAction !== null) {
                 $this->out($schedulerWorkerActionMessage, 0);
             } else {
                 $this->out($workerActionMessage($pid), 0);
             $killResponse = $this->_kill($signal, $pid);
             if ($killResponse['code'] === 0) {
                 $this->out('<success>' . __d('cake_resque', 'Done') . '</success>');
             } else {
                 $this->out('<error>' . $killResponse['message'] . '</error>');
  * This function is the post request handler for exam registration/retake/defer. DO NOT TOUCH THIS METHOD....
  * @param string $iemail
  * @return void|Ambigous <void, \Cake\Network\Response>
 private function examRegistrationPostRequestHandler($iemail = null)
     // If the user hit the cancel button take him back to the dashboard
     if (isset($this->request->data['cancel'])) {
         return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'dashboard'));
     // write these keys into the session so re-entrancy is maintained
     // payment code should be selectively deleted since it is not mandatory the user will always select paycode as an option
     if ($this->Auth->session->check('paymentCode')) {
     $this->Auth->session->write('disabled', 'No');
     $this->Auth->session->write('satadmission', 'No');
     $this->Auth->session->write('releaseInfo', 'No');
     // Looks like the candidate is trying to register for the exam
     $selectedExamLocation = $_POST['locations'];
     $selectedExamId = $_POST['exam'];
     $examRegOptions = $_POST['examregoptions' . $selectedExamId];
     // this holds the option that was selected for payment
     $paymentMethod = $_POST['payment'];
     // will hold the payment code if paycode was the option selected
     $paymentCode = $_POST['paycodeinput' . $selectedExamId];
     if (strcmp($paymentMethod, 'paycode') == 0) {
         if (empty($paymentCode)) {
             $this->Flash->error('Payment Code is a mandatory field');
         } else {
             // payment code has been entered and payment option chosen is paycode
             $this->Auth->session->write('paymentCode', $paymentCode);
     $this->Auth->session->write('paymentMethod', $paymentMethod);
     // switch over the exam registration option keys and set options as selected
     if (!empty($examRegOptions)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($examRegOptions); $i++) {
             switch ($examRegOptions[$i]) {
                 case 'disabled':
                     $this->Auth->session->write('disabled', 'Yes');
                 case 'satadmission':
                     $this->Auth->session->write('satadmission', 'Yes');
                 case 'releaseInfo':
                     $this->Auth->session->write('releaseInfo', 'Yes');
     $examModel = $this->ExaminationT;
     $dbConn = $this->getDBConnector();
     $fee = $examModel->getExamFee($dbConn, $selectedExamId, $selectedExamLocation, $this->Auth->session->read('retest'), $this->Auth->session->read('deferexam'), $this->Auth->user('Individual_ID'));
     $examDateNLvl = $examModel->getExamDate($dbConn, $selectedExamId);
     $this->Auth->session->write('date', Time::parse($examDateNLvl[0]->Exam_Date)->format('m/d/Y'));
     $this->Auth->session->write('level', $examDateNLvl[0]->Exam_Level);
     // This action will be called only for fresh registrations.
     $this->Auth->session->write("fee", $fee);
     $this->Auth->session->write("selectedExamLocation", $selectedExamLocation);
     $this->Auth->session->write("selectedExamId", $selectedExamId);
     $this->Auth->session->write('randomhash', md5($selectedExamId));
     return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'selectmailaddress'));